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How to break Wall Street. And what to understand about GME and the markets.

Hey apes,
tl;dr Please read this whole post. This is how we can win and why Wall Street is so scared of us.
I've still got these diamond hands and I like GameStop even more. Why? Because our favorite company has received the biggest injection of consumer capital a brand has likely ever received. Our favorite company is literally the storefront battle line where the little guy is taking on Wall Street, won but got cheated out of victory, and has codified memes like "diamond hands" into a modern version of David vs Goliath. And we still just want to go to the moon. The rest of this post is going to explore 2 certainties: 1) we can go to the moon with GME, and would have already except for blatant market manipulation and fraud, so we have to recognize that this is a war and we have to innovate to get to the moon, and 2) it's actually really easy to go to the moon and we figured out the legal cheat code to get there.
Why do we know we can go to the moon with GME? Because Wall Street cheated to crash our rocket ship. But the important thing to recognize is that they crashed our rocket ship to the GME moon by shutting off consumer demand then colluding to flood supply and use short ladder attacks to impose a downward stock trend. But media pundits (who are paid by Wall Street interests) are saying "fundamentals" and presenting talk of "Reddit guys are the bad market influence video game players because they don't know what they're doing, like we do, the experts." No. Supply and demand. That's how the market functions at its most basic parts. We had them in a squeeze and they turned off demand because they have advance data that showed them how fucked they were if they didn't turn off our ability to buy more GME.
How do we know that supply and demand drives stock price? Let's assess recent trends that don't concern GME. Here are two examples off the top of my head:
  1. Signal Advance. One tweet from Elon Musk about using the Signal App drove people into a company not related to the Signal App. A small cap company that trades on the OTC (remember that for later - it's important for winning a war against short sellers while playing within the legality of market rules). A sudden demand for just 2 million shares of Signal Advance spiked the share price 5,643%... yes, demand of a small cap stock pushed a price up 5,643%. Demand. The thing Wall Street shut off when we were buying GME. Here's an article about Signal Advance. I think this moment is incredible information for us and it's worth a read to solidify the idea that supply and demand drives price.
2) Dogecoin. Again, Elon is providing us incredible information here. The exposure of and resulting demand for Dogecoin, even though the market cap is huuuuuuge and the cryptocurrency was actually intended as a joke, is driving the price through the roof. The last time I checked my dogecoins they went from fractions of a cent per coin to about 8 cents per coin. That is a huge gain based solely on consumer demand and psychological willingness to join into a meme attached to the perception of potentially life changing financial gains.
So what does this tell us about GME?
The squeeze isn't squoze, apes... here's some high level confirmation of this fact in an interview that u/rekoms12 alerted me to that is actually an attempt to say the squeeze already happened. This video is an interview with Ihor Dusaniwsky, the head guy at S3, the agency that has been blasting reports that short interests in GME covered, uses a statistical model that doesn't account for naked shorting as a possibility (he actually gives the game away by explaining how short selling is supposed to work considered with data of a GME short interest above 100%), and is paid by hedge funds for market data. Keep all of those things in mind.
Here's the link:
As u/Rekoms12 observed, Ihor contradicts himself in the interview at a critical juncture. He says the upward movement of GME was retail demand, not a short squeeze. Supply and demand... But then he says that the squeeze happened at around $300, and then the price corrected. So was it a squeeze or not? And what's very telling to me is that Ihor and the interviewer don't talk about Robinhood and other brokerages artificially turning off consumer demand at the same time hedge funds turned up supply, the point when the price starts to dip.
What else do we know that's critical to understanding that the squeeze isn't squeeze?
We're getting gaslit with a mass media narrative that says GME is a bad investment. Because fundamentals... but let's dissect that:
  1. again, GameStop is literally the face and rallying point where we occupied and fucked with Wall Street in a real and serious way. So seriously that they cheated markets in broad view of the world. That is an injection of consumer capital and potential loyalty spending that has unfathomable value. The fact that none of the GME hit pieces mention the demand side market manipulation as the catalyst for a price drop or offer honest consideration of GameStop's new WORLD profile as the face of small consumers resisting rich assholes fucking us and our wives as a value add to the fundamentals definitely shows that they're lying.
  2. I've read reports that the real short report scheduled for February 9th will now be delayed until Feb 25th. Hmm. What that tells me is that they haven't settled their short positions at all. The greedy fucks actually, most likely, increased their short positions while they were cheating us. So why the delay? Simple. Their only out from the short squeeze is to turn market sentiment against GME, against us, and wait us out. It's a delay tactic. They think they can win a game of patience with us where they have an options deadline they're trapped in. They need us to let them out of the trap. But I'm no Portnoy because I have diamond hands.
  3. here's how bullshitty these pricks are actually being when they say their superior understanding of "fundamentals" justify them not letting us do what we want. This article is from Bloomberg. It is literally called "Is the Key to Beating the Market Written in the Stars?", stars by saying "Henry Weingarten invests his clients’ money by charting the movement of heavenly bodies," and includes line like:
By grounding astrology in the less mystical-sounding business cycle, Williams inspired a new generation of financial astrologers. The most decorated is Arch Crawford, 77. Mark Hulbert, a ranker of financial newsletters, has rated Crawford the country’s top stock market timer a number of times. One of his biggest wins came in 2008, when he essentially called the crash. Crawford, a veteran of Merrill Lynch & Co., nails his CNBC soundbites and comes off as only mildly eccentric when discussing his craft. “I have the moon on the midheaven in Capricorn, which means I gain the attention of people without trying,” he tells me. “I have been written up in all the best places.”
And the article gets deeper:
Here's the article; PLEASE READ IT to understand the truth of HOW FUCKING MANY (even places like Merril-Lynch!!!) HEDGE FUNDS INVEST AND JUDGE COMPANY FUNDAMENTALS BASED ON ASTROLOGY!!! And they're chastising retail traders ABOUT FUNDAMENTALS!!!
Would you trust an astrologer to tell you what to do with your hedge fund and call it sound fundamentals. Please take the time to google how widespread "financial astrology" is on Wall Street. It really tells us how full of shit they are about GME fundamentals... I wish this was a joke. It's not. And, again, my hands are fucking diamond.
How do we win?
It's the Age of Aquarius, baby. I learned that on MarketWatch, though this isn't an official MarketWatch article, like the official Bloomberg article above:
And how does that help? It helps because of something we learned, the real thing Wall Street is so terrified of us figuring out because it breaks their short selling game: pump and dumps are illegal, but our diamond hands pump and pump strategy isn't regulated, and it's legal (and fyi, I trust diamond hands with my money way more than Tina, my wife's boyfriend's tarot card reademarket astrologer). How do we know pump and hold is legal? Two things:
  1. Here's the definition of Pump and Dump from Investopedia:
Pump-and-dump is a scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false, misleading, or greatly exaggerated statements. The perpetrators of this scheme already have an established position in the company's stock and sell their positions after the hype has led to a higher share price. This practice is illegal based on securities law and can lead to heavy fines.
But what if you just say "I just like the stock. Want to like it with me and hold onto it with me because you have diamond fucking hands, you beautiful ape baby." Or what if you say, "I'm into this stock for the memes instead of the Wall Street star chart fundamentals." Or just "I don't care what you say about it. I like it and I want it and I'm keeping it." And what if you have that market perspective about a stock and identify some legitimate underlying potential in a stock like u/deepfuckingvalue saw in our favorite stock, GME, that now has a ride or die consumer base motivated by decades of getting fucked over because we finally figured out how to say, "Apes angry. Apes together strong. Game stop."
2) And to reconfirm that our Pump and Hold Diamond Hands (PHD-H) ape market strategy is legal, I got this Wall Street Journal article on Robinhood titled "GameStop frenzy is tough call for regulators focused on transparency"; here's the link:
The key takeaway for me in this article is when a very important Wall Street astrologer says: “You can sell garbage to the public as long as you say to the public, ‘This is garbage and you’d be an idiot to buy it, but would you like to buy it?’” The Wall Street astrologer who said that is Harvey Pitt, a former SEC chairman. An SEC chairman told us that... WE FIGURED OUT THE CHEAT CODE APES. THE WAR WE'RE IN IS LITERALLY MARKET ASTROLOGY vs DIAMOND HANDS. AND WE HAVE THE ADVANTAGE BECAUSE WE CAN DO DIAMOND HANDED MEME PUMPS LEGALLY WHICH DISADVANTAGES HEDGE FUNDS IN SHORT POSITIONS. AND WE HAVE THEM TRAPPED IN SHORT POSITIONS!!!
They literally told us how to beat them at the market game.
How do we beat and humiliate Wall Street?
Let's fuk these fuckers who have humiliated and shamed us for not being educated like them over their GME manipulation while they're investing billions of dollars (maybe trillions) based on star charts.
As MarketWatch told us, it's the Age of Aquarius. And we're currently under Aquarius Zodiac sign. Something else I found out while researching for this post is that the Aquarius Zodiac is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. So let's ride a rocket together. Let's say/protest market cheating as a community and tell Wall Street: "it's Aquarius (which you know better than us because you're about fundies, not tendies), so we decided to ride a diamond hands rocket past Saturn and straight to Uranus."
Here's the small cap stock we can do this with:
Aquarius AI INC
As SEC chairman Harvey Pitt told us to do, I'm pretty sure this stock is complete garbage. I bought some because I'm an idiot. I literally bought this stock because I want to tell Wall Street "I rode an Aquarius rocket to Uranus, I fucked, then I rode the rocket back to earth.
That's the main reason I like the stock. Why else, though:
  1. Aquarius AI has AI in their name. This is definitely a stupid reason to like and buy this stock, but I made a few grand on Dogecoin stalking Papa Elon's Twitter, and he's so into AI that I think he's a robot. So this is for Elon.
  2. Aquarius AI is involved in E-Sports Betting. Here's an article about it:
So this is definitely stupid because Wall Street told me liking GME with diamond hands is a dumb ape strategy (which it says in their star charts), but DraftKings made huge Super Bowl money, E-Sports is getting bigger and bigger, and Aquarius AI being involved in E-Sports Betting means it fits with my love (and future consumer spending habits) that are fixated on GameStop. Also, I'm on Reddit and play video games and Wall Street mocked me for that. In fact, I didn't even know I could bet on E-Sports!!! Fuck buying my wife's boyfriend more stamina crackers. I'm betting on Starcraft. So this is for elite video game players and GameStop.
3) Aquarius AI trades on the OTC. Why is that important? Because it's very uncommon for an OTC stock to get shorted, so it's largely outside the schemes Wall Street conspired with to cheat us out of GME tendies.
4) The CEO of Aquarius AI has crazy eyes. That's probably a stupider reason to invest than Trump's horoscope like that hedge fund manager in the Bloomberg article, right?
5) Aquarius AI trades for $0.07 right now, there are only 22.3M outstanding shares, and the market cap is only $1.5M. That's way easier to rocket with a PHD-H community investment strategy than Signal did after Elon's tweet. WAY EASIER!!! And this is also a totally stupid reason to invest in this garbage stock, but that makes it easier to ride an Aquarius rocket to Uranus, then back to Earth. And that sounds fun.
6) Also, I have diamond hands. I want to see how much I lose after the Aquarius AI peak so we can extrapolate real market research about the impact of turning of demand side for GME to halt price momentum. That's such a stupid idea it isn't even regulated because no one smart enough to regulate the markets has ever been stupid enough to want to do that. So... is it stupid to invest in a garbage stock to get less stupid? Definitely. You'd be stupid to invest. Are you stupid? I am.
7) Also, I just like the stock.
Apes, let's rocket the fuck out of Aquarius AI INC and mock these hedge fund cheaters. It's legal. And it's a legitimate protest. And I want us to be able to look back at this moment and say, "Diamond hands, Wall Street. You fucked us on GME. But we rode an Aquarius AI Rocket straight to Uranus, then we rode it back home, you astrology fundamental fucks."
Who's with me? I'm in. I'm staying in. Diamond Hands. It won't take many of us.
p.s. I know some of you apes will go full paper hands and jump off the Aquarius AI rocket at Mars, or wherever. But whatever. I'madvocating you be stupid enough to not profit from this Pump and Hold strategy about this garbage stock I like that I'm not selling. But if you're less stupid than that, I implore you to be so stupid that you reinvest you're Aquarius AI rocket tendies back in GME, for totally stupid reasons, like you just want to.
submitted by JessasaurusJames to DiamondHandsSociety [link] [comments]

++>>Super Bowl++>>: Chiefs vs Buccaneers Live On Reddit

++Super Bowl++: Chiefs vs Buccaneers Live On Reddit
Buccaneers vs Chiefs Live Stream Reddit ANYWHERE
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Kansas City Chiefs vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers Live Super Bowl LV will be broadcast on CBS, the second time in three seasons the network will host the Super Bowl. You can watch the game FOR FREE on TV Channel
Live: Super Bowl
How to watch Super Bowl LV
When: Sunday, February 7, 2021
Kickoff time: 6:30 p.m. ET (3:30 p.m. PT)
Where: Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida
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Super Bowl Sunday 2021 is right around the corner and the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers are set to play in football’s biggest game. NBC Sports has you covered with the TV channel information and every live streaming option on Roku, Apple TV and more for Super Bowl LV. Plus, find out where to watch the game for free and options for anyone without cable.
Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes and the 14-2 Kansas City Chiefs are looking to repeat as Super Bowl champions after last year’s victory over the San Francisco 49ers. Mahomes threw for 286 yards and two touchdowns with two interceptions, while Travis Kelce scored one touchdown on six receptions. This year, Mahomes will go up against Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. According to PointsBet, the Buccaneers are favorites over the Chiefs. Click here to bet on the game. Follow ProFootballTalk for more on the 2021 NFL Playoffs as well as game previews, recaps, news, rumors and more leading up to Super Bowl 2021.
The moment has finally come: Super Bowl LV is here. It'll be the Tampa Bay Buccaneers playing a rare home game as they take on the defending champion Kansas City Chiefs with the winner hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. For the Buccaneers, they find themselves back at Raymond James Stadium after winning three road playoff games in a row, including a victory in the NFC title game against MVP candidate Aaron Rodgers and his Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field. As for the Chiefs, they took down arguably the hottest team in football in the Buffalo Bills in the AFC Championship Game and are now looking to become the first team since the 2003-04 Patriots to win back-to-back titles.
submitted by pkkhapaca30 to Music [link] [comments]

Ten Reasons the Browns will Defeat the Kansas City Chiefs

I have plenty to do today, but it can wait. I have a lot on my mind. I have no plan for this and I assure you if you read a stat, it was made up. But here they are: the top ten reasons the Browns will win on Sunday.
1.People Think the Chiefs Have Been Playing with Their Food by Playing Close Games, When Really They are Just Not as in Control As Everyone Thinks
Two years ago, when Mahomes first made his appearance in the league, the Chiefs were blowing people out of the water. Teams didn't know what was hitting them. He won the MVP handily and, if not for Dee Ford placing his hand two inches in the wrong direction, might have won a Super Bowl.
After losing Mahomes in the middle of last year, the team lost its stability, and the defense became a liability. When Mahomes led some heroic comebacks in the playoffs, people were wowed by his superhuman abilities and thought, like a superhero who fishes himself out of deep trouble 2/3rds of the way through the movie, "that was the plan the whole time!"
For specific reasons, the Chiefs are good at stretch-the-field, come-from-behind scenarios. But it's not the plan. The fact is, it's something of an open secret that the Chiefs lack a true identity, but win despite this major shortcoming.
  1. The Chiefs Have Been Pretending to Have a Run Game For Two Years
Andy Reid has had 4 good running backs in his career: Duce Staley, Brian Westbrook, LeSean McCoy, and Kareem Hunt. (He also got Jamaal Charles for 1 year.)
Ever since the departure of Kareem Hunt, Reid has been scrambling to find someone to replace him. He certainly has a type: shifty, elusive backs who are good in open space. Since losing Kareem Hunt it has been: Darrel Williams, Damien Williams, Darwin Thompson, and an aged LeSean McCoy. None of them are what he wants. He carouseled through them last year as they got injured, grew fumbling problems, or he just was tired of seeing their faces. At some point he resigned himself to the fact that he didn't have a run game, and he only needed to pretend to have one.
Enter the drafting of Clyde Edwards-Helaire and the signing of Le'Veon Bell. Edwards-Helaire has been serviceable, but he is awful between the tackles, and his elusiveness hasn't been reliable. Aside from that, he has an ankle injury and did not practice today. Le'Veon Bell has been pretending to play football as most plays he begins with a hesitation, as though he is trying to remember something he knew in 2017 that he has since forgotten.
The fact is that the Chiefs have limited dimensions as an offense. They depend on the bowling-ballness of Kelce and the speed of their receivers to get open, despite the fact teams mostly do not have to worry about the run game at all.
  1. The Chiefs Have Two Plays and the Rest is Seeing How Long They Can Hold Their Breath Underwater
If you watch Chiefs highlights, they are very different from Browns highlights. One play you'll see is Hill or Hardman on a jet sweep, and the other is a slant or post to Kelce. Those are the only plays they run on time. Because there is so much coverage down the field, Reid ends each playcall into Mahomes' headset saying, "...and if that doesn't work, I'm sure you'll think of something."
Which is what happens 75% of the time, according to my own feelings and beliefs. Mahomes is the best scrambler in the league and each play lasts about as long as a Youtube ad you can't skip. This is where the Chiefs make their money. Mahomes has such vision, scrambling ability, and unique-kind-of-pass ability, he usually figures something out. And Hill, Hardman, and Kelce each have unique advantages that they usually outrun the coverage.
But this also means that the Chiefs offense is built on tightrope walking. We are so often impressed with Mahomes because of the ravine on either side of the play; there are so many ways things could go wrong. You can say "But it's Mahomes! It never does go wrong!" This isn't true, he just usually makes up for his mistakes. He took an awful sack vs Miami, the longest in a billion years in the NFL, and threw what should have been a game-ending dropped pick vs Atlanta in his last action of the season. While you're still a hero, everyone only remembers the hits.
  1. Their Defense Is Nothing To Write Home About
And that's why I'm not going to write you about it. Their defense only won them 2 games this year, their first game vs. Justin Herbert, and the game vs. Atlanta. Their defense is quite similar to ours, except that their rushers have been underachieving. Given their offense, their defense has been good enough.
  1. They Are Super Bowl Hungover And Have Nothing to Play For In Their Hearts
In a documentary on his coaching career Bill Belichick said many people aim to scale the mountain; the tough thing, though, is once you have scaled it to stay at the top. It's a very rare accomplishment.
So are the Chiefs going to stay on top of the mountain? So far people have assumed that the Chiefs have been "playing with their food" and waiting to be really good until the playoffs.
But many people have also noted that the Chiefs often play "bored." They have coasted on their elite talent - their speed, Kelce's biceps, and Mahomes rain dance scrambling drills. It's like how I know how to make a really good sweet potato curry. Once I nailed that recipe, I just figured "why not do this every time? It's fun." Now I look like a sweet potato curry addict.
Not to get political, but I heard one (conservative) analyst say that this year that the incumbent lost because, "The first rule of elections is you never run the same campaign twice." Right now, the Chiefs are doing just that. The Titans just ran the same campaign twice, and they found out what happens. The Chiefs bear an eerily similar feeling to the 2011 Packers, 15-1 the season after their Super Bowl win, who came out and nose dived in the divisional round to the Giants. The Chiefs will not look as bad as the Packers did that game, but there is a real question of who will have the fire in this game.
  1. People Were Busy Monitoring their Ebay Bidding Wars and Failed to Notice That Baker Mayfield Has Arrived
Football is so much a week-by-week thing, and our culture is so oriented toward hot takes and short videos, that people have completely missed the big picture arc of Baker Mayfield. While he still has flaws to clean up, they currently act only as a smokescreen to cover the fact that Baker Mayfield is now a force.
Mayfield's hyper-energetic playstyle and laser-zip passes earned him the Heisman trophy in 2017. By 2018, he showed this playstyle can work the exact same way in the NFL, as he gunned the ball wherever he wanted in 2018. A glimpse of what was to come.
In 2019, the wheels fell off the bus because, for the first time in his life, Baker didn't have an adequate structure around him. People fell into the delusion of thinking he was the magician, that his Heisman-ness and 2018 machismo could overcome the force of hyper-attentive defensive planning. It was a total disaster.
Because 2019 was gleefully received by people who rooted for Baker's downfall, associating him with the jocks they had hated in high school, the narrative of him being a bust reached escape velocity. From Browns' fans perspective, their 2018 hope was quickly enveloped by their long-tenured cynicism about the organization. In the off-season, his name was left on the back porch like a crate of used milk bottles to be picked up.
Then something happened. What Browns fans discovered, and the rest of Baker's bitter audience was displeased to remember, is there are about half a dozen young offensive minds who have emerged from Shanahan/Kubiak coaching tree who are a blink ahead of everyone on offensive scheming. With one of these directing Baker, he has adapted his raw college skills into a precision passing game that can take a game over. Because the first half of the year we were primarily a run team while Baker learned the system, and then we hit a spate of bad weather, people have missed this emerging phenomenon: the Browns are now a team that flows through Baker Mayfield, who has a scheme which he wields with growing dexterity by the week.
The numbers are there, from PFF grades to point totals, and people are wondering if it's real. But if you pay attention to the big picture, you know it's real. This is the real Baker Mayfield, and he's rolling into Kansas City on Sunday afternoon.
  1. Batman and Superman
Where on the Chiefs team there is a gaping vacuum, the Browns have situated their best playmakers. While the Chiefs have the better overall receiving corps, the Browns' backfield packs the punch and versatility that Andy Reid can only dream of having. This gives the Browns' offense a naturally balancing aspect to it that the Chiefs offense lacks. Because the Browns' run threat is so real, it can never truly be ignored by a defense. When Stefanski gets what he wants early in a game, he is able to play defenses like a fiddle between the run and the pass.
  1. The Browns Offensive Line
Billy Callahan is back on the sidelines, and the starters to the best offensive line in football are right on time. While they can so often be invisible, this game might truly come down to the differences between the offensive lines. If the run game gets going, and Baker has time to pick his target, while on the other hand KC has its hands full of Myles Garrett, the story of the game might be written right there.
It fits in well with this that the Browns are playing with heads full of steam, and I'm betting on our blockers in this game to set the tone early and often.
  1. Kevin Stefanski, in a State of Ultimate Zen, Used Watching the Game On Sunday to Realize 486 New Things That He Could Use on Offense This Week
Much ink has been spilled about Andy Reid's record after a bye, which we can only presume comes because he looks at his play sheet and draws a squiggle in a new direction. Excellent work, Andy. While Andy was using his time in a theoretical head space, Stefanski was gifted an opportunity to self-scout and reach offensive enlightenment from the comfort of his own basement.
The truth is that, as Browns fans, we know that Stefanski has been switching things up each week. The best teams evolve throughout the season, and his usage of his players has been varied and dynamic depending on what the game calls for. While Reid has a proven track record, Stefanski is the wild card. While I am somewhat afraid he may overthink things, I think he retains the edge in playing his best saved tricks. With Callahan and AVP getting the ole band back together, they will be able to take their absolute best shot to upset the defending champs.
  1. The New Browns Have Arrived, They are Angry, and They Are Playing with Nothing to Lose
"Just the 'Same Old Browns'! Just the 'Same Old Browns'!"
At the beginning of the season I wrote about the start of a Browns Way, that secret ingredient that touches each player and personnel member as they enter an organization, one that plants the seeds of success in them from the very start. While I saw various things pointing to the start of a Browns Way early in the season, I could never have dreamed to see it erupt into being like we did this past week in Pittsburgh, within a storm of events that not even the worst Browns' cynic could have foreseen.
The real evidence of the Browns Way for this season has been not a presence, but a silence. People across the nation woke up Monday quite surprised to find the Browns were in the 2nd round of the playoffs, and that's for a very specific reason: no one has been talking about us this year. Comparing this to last year, what this indicates is a lack of chaos. Every week last year - and for the last 20 years - it's been "this guy did this, this guy said that" and a maelstrom of drama would be created just to fill the headlines for a week. It emotionally exhausts the fans, and it definitely exhausts the players. Jeff Garcia said we were the most negative media culture he had ever been a part of.
You could definitely tell the change in Baker's interviews. Last year they were extremely tense, and a headline would usually be born of them. This year his entire composure changed; his focus was inward, on the team, and he wasn't going to go in for the shenanigans again this year. He was now protective of his team in a whole new way.
The focus that Stefanski has instilled in his team on the task at hand, while invisible to most eyes all year, has now been confirmed in the most dramatic of ways. With almost no change in his demeanor at all, he announced to the team he would not be able to coach them in the biggest game of the year. Suddenly, every player faced a choice, a reflection point: "Do I really believe in what we've been doing? Do I really believe in this team?"
We know the results. With their backs against the wall, outmanned, and understaffed, the Browns played the most physical, impassioned game they had all year. What we were happy to see on Sunday was not just that the Browns were winning, but also how they were winning. We knew this team was playing with confidence, determination, and moxie - and that they were doing it for each other. In a mysterious way, I think we witnessed the real life presence of the Browns Way, a focus and determination that doesn't change based on the circumstances.
Everyone who paid any attention could see: these were not the same old Browns.
I think Kansas City is going to need some luck this Sunday, if they are to stand a chance.
submitted by lasym21 to Browns [link] [comments]

USA Today article

'Looking down their nose at you': GameStop frenzy showed a fresh contempt for hedge funds. Why do Americans hate them? Updated 2:25 pm EST Feb. 11, 2021 In the middle of a pandemic and slow economic recovery, Americans think they’ve identified their Wall Street villain: hedge funds. Their nemesis is summed up in a few searing images: a hedge fund manager who makes millions betting that the subprime mortgage market will collapse, without warning them. Or another relaxing on a yacht as the economy tanks. Years of anger culminated late last month when a group of angry small-time investors on Reddit took on a few of those firms in the GameStop “short squeeze” frenzy. That spurred millions of others to join in, as their effort to drive up the price of a stock perceived as undervalued soon shifted to a campaign to “Stick it to Wall Street." They used the "squeeze" to rally the share price and make profits for themselves while forcing the hedge funds who had bet it would fall to buy it to prevent greater losses. What are these funds, and where does this resentment come from? Hedge funds, known for using higher risk investing strategies, are private investment vehicles that typically wealthy individuals use to get higher returns. They control more than $3 trillion in assets globally. They've angered many Americans by gutting companies such as former American retail icon Sears, causing layoffs and engaging in questionable financial practices that contributed to the near collapse of the U.S. financial system in 2008, experts say. 'This is life changing': Meet the Redditors behind the GameStop saga “Most people see it as guys in suits looking down their nose at you,” says Adam Bixler, 28, an active user on the WallStreetBets Reddit forum, whose members led the charge against the funds. “How I feel is probably how a lot of people feel when thinking about the financial crisis and the massive wealth inequality that exists in this country.” Radio Shack, Toys ‘R’ Us and Payless ShoeSource, along with mall-based retailers such as the Limited, Wet Seal, Claire’s and Aeropostale faced further financial woes after hedge funds and private equity firms loaded them up with debt. A fight is raging in the stock market: Should you worry about your 401(k)? Where to get vaccines: CVS, Walgreens to begin delivering COVID-19 vaccines on Friday “The idea that you can crack open a hedge fund like a piñata and redistribute all this money to people in the form of a short squeeze is very appealing,” says Bixler, who lives in Boonton, New Jersey, and works as a product manager for a company that makes software and tools for the advertising industry. “These are the stimulus checks that everyone wanted.” Proponents of hedge funds say the firms identify and support distressed industries such as retailers and newspapers. These funds are owned by groups of big investors pooling the savings of millions of unionized workers, such as teachers and firefighters, who count on hedge funds to grow and protect their nest eggs. Even so, hedge funds are viewed as vultures by many Americans. Kaysha Apodaca, an emergency room nurse in Dallas, was furious last summer when she lost thousands of dollars after CytoDyn, a biotechnology company she owns, was hammered following a negative report from a “short selling” research firm, about one of CytroDyn's drugs in clinical trials. The post with the research was later pulled. This year, Apodaca thought she missed the opportunity to jump in and buy GameStop or AMC, so she supported the Reddit campaign against hedge funds by investing a few thousand dollars into shares of Nokia, another beaten-down stock discussed on the forum. “I hate hedge funds. Even if this goes to zero, I’m OK with it. I’m not selling, just to prove a point,” Apodaca said. “Hedge funds have unfairly made money off retail investors for years. Now they’re getting a taste of their own medicine.” For Iris Findlay of Orlando, Florida, joining the movement was a way for Americans to show their strength in numbers. “I’m definitely not OK that there are so many billionaires hoarding their wealth while people are struggling, especially during the pandemic,” said Findlay, 31, who is disabled and retired from the Air Force. A large portion of hedge-fund assets are owned by institutional investors, such as pension funds and endowments. Hedge fund research has been critical in exposing an array of accounting fraud scandals in recent decades, including the one involving energy firm Enron. “Hedge funds do play a very important role in the financial ecosystem, but at the same time, they have a PR problem,” says Andrew Lo, a finance professor at MIT Sloan School of Management. They are an easy target, experts say, because some high-profile managers' massive wealth offends Americans who struggle to make ends meet. Michael Burry, founder of Scion Asset Management, is an investor whose billion-dollar bet against the housing market was chronicled in Michael Lewis' book "The Big Short." He personally collected $100 million and made $750 million in profits for his investors. These managers “are seen as multibillionaires that really don’t care about the public good and are focused on enriching themselves and their investors,” Lo says. “But I think that’s a caricature, especially given that hedge funds now have become much more institutionalized as pension funds and endowments are investing in these financial vehicles.” Who do Americans blame? When asked who was the “most in the wrong” in the trading mania that set off one of the biggest short squeezes in history, nearly half of Americans polled said it was either hedge funds (27%) or online brokerage Robinhood (22%), according to a Harris Poll survey conducted Jan 29-31 that was given to USA TODAY exclusively. Just 8% said it was the Reddit retail investors on the WallStreetBets forum, who angered hedge funds that had bet GameStop's stock would remain low. The small-time investors used the forum to help drive up the prices for shares such as GameStop, theater chain AMC Entertainment and several other companies. Many respondents were angry that hedge funds were shorting stocks – betting that the share prices would fall – of companies that average people use and love, according to John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll. “This wasn’t just an attack on a few weak companies,” Gerzema says. “These are companies that are a part of middle-class America and ordinary people’s lives.” How did these funds begin, and how did they grow into such big villains in the minds of so many? What are hedge funds? Hedge funds are financial partnerships between a professional fund manager and investors who pool their money into the fund to earn active returns. Hedge funds can be traced back to the 1940s when Alfred Winslow Jones, an investor, sociologist and former Fortune magazine writer, created a "hedge" by “shorting" stocks he thought were poised to fall. The "hedge" was meant to reduce risk and protect against market fluctuations. It was unconventional at the time but remains the basic strategy for these funds. Hedge fund strategies today are more diverse and run the gamut of extremely risky to fairly conservative. There's another theory about the origin of hedge funds, and this one is connected to a more beloved figure. Some people credit the founding of hedge funds to Benjamin Graham, a mentor to Warren Buffett and the author of "The Intelligent Investor" – the bible of everyone who loves Buffett's method of investing. Buffett, one of the world's richest people and a folksy inspiration to small-time investors, argued that Graham managed a fund with a "hedge"-like strategy in the 1920s. So you made a bundle on GameStop: Get ready to pay the taxes How did hedge funds evolve? Hedge funds have gained in popularity over the past two decades after many of them delivered hefty outsize returns in either up or down markets, an attractive selling point for savvy investors. Some of the world's largest hedge funds include Bridgewater Associates, founded by billionaire Ray Dalio; Renaissance Technologies, founded by billionaire Jim Simons; and Pershing Square, run by Wall Street billionaire Bill Ackman. They have historically charged much higher fees than mutual funds, which are professionally managed funds that invest in stocks, bonds or money market instruments. Since hedge fund managers are nearly always paid a performance fee, or percentage of the gains they create, they have a strong incentive to make money for their investors. For the hedge fund managers to earn performance fees, their investors have to make money first. Hedge funds charge an expense ratio and a performance fee. The common fee structure is known as two and twenty – a 2% asset management fee and a 20% cut of generated gains. How did they become villains? While many Americans lost money during the depths of the financial crisis, some big-time investors did astonishingly well, including those who predicted and profited from the buildup and collapse of the housing and credit bubble in 2007 and 2008. For those Americans who had their livelihoods upended in the financial crisis, it left a bad taste in their mouths, experts say. “They’re associated with ruthless financial institutions that are out there to make money and not care where it’s coming from,” says Itay Goldstein, a professor of finance and economics at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. A big winner from that time is billionaire investor John Paulson, a hedge fund manager who netted $20 billion in profits when he bet against subprime mortgages at the peak of the credit bubble in 2007. In general, short sellers keep stock prices in check by voicing their opinion on where they believe a stock is valued, says Dennis Dick, head of markets structure and a proprietary trader at Bright Trading in Las Vegas. “I’m concerned with this public image that ‘evil short sellers are betting against America’ and that it’s ‘un-American to short stocks,’” Dick says. “It’s not like every short seller is making bets against America. They’re making calls on whether a stock is overvalued or not.” GameStop: Reddit ran a 5-second Super Bowl ad in honor of WallStreetBets, GameStop stock volatility The hedge fund industry has faced a rough stretch in recent years and underperformed the broader stock market but produced its best return in a decade at 11.6% in 2020, according to data provider Hedge Fund Research. Some received a boost from shares of technology firms and companies that focused on goods that people used when stuck at home during the pandemic. Americans who don’t invest directly in hedge funds still receive a benefit from the returns that hedge funds generate, according to Daniel Smith, a partner at ACA Compliance Group, an advisory firm for financial services. Of the $4.5 trillion in state and local pension plans, about 6.9% is allocated to hedge funds, according to data published by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, the Center for State and Local Government Excellence and the National Association of State Retirement Administrators. ”Hedge funds help secure the retirement of more than 26 million teachers, firefighters and other public employees by helping pensions navigate all market conditions and meet long-term financial obligations,” says Bryan Corbett, president and CEO at Managed Funds Association, a hedge fund lobby group. GameStop and questions of power The rollercoaster involving GameStop, Reddit and Robinhood has prompted Capitol Hill’s harshest criticisms of Wall Street in years. Several prominent lawmakers on Capitol Hill have warned of such moments, cautioning that companies and hedge funds have too much power. One of these lawmakers, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who is well known for her disapproval of Wall Street, called on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to address the dramatic swings surrounding these companies. Warren wrote in a letter that it is “long beyond time for the SEC to act” and asked it to investigate the rallies in GameStop, AMC Entertainment and others that “have seen huge shifts in their share price driven by similar internet reading schemes.” "These wild fluctuations are just the latest indication that many private equity firms, hedge funds, and other investors, big and small, are treating the stock market like a casino, giving little consideration to the companies, communities, workers, and consumers that may be affected by these risky bets," she wrote. The House Financial Services Committee will hold a virtual hearing Feb. 18 regarding “recent market volatility” involving GameStop and the other companies. According to Politico, the CEO of Robinhood, Vlad Tenev, is likely to testify. GameStop-Robinhood stock revolution: Not a secure retirement plan Does the movement have legs? Questions have been raised as to whether the populist movement threatening to disrupt the financial system will be sustained. It’s too early to tell, experts say. “It has the potential to gather momentum. It depends on whether we see other related episodes in the next few weeks that show the same kind of patterns in the financial markets," Goldstein says. "We live in a period of so many unusual things going on that it will probably take the edge off this event." Hedge funds such as Melvin Capital Management took the brunt of losses from soaring stock prices of GameStop and other heavily shorted stocks. Others made a ton of money on the rally, including Senvest Management, which had a profit of nearly $700 million, The Wall Street Journal reported. “Is it sticking it to Wall Street? Only temporarily, but in the long term probably not,” Goldstein says. “At the end of the day, the sophisticated financial institutions will find ways to recuperate and make money out of this.” Lo of MIT agrees. “This incident highlights the growing dissatisfaction, distrust and dislocation that many people feel with respect to the financial sector,” Lo says. “It suggests that people are sick and tired of being disenfranchised and being pushed around by large financial institutions.” Contributing: Savannah Behrmann
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‘We just annihilated them’: Revisiting the 2000 Giants’ NFC title game rout - The Athletic

Ernie Accorsi is a wreck during games. The long-time football executive, best known for his tenure as general manager of the New York Giants from 1998 to 2007, can barely stand to watch the action on Sundays. “You’re helpless up there,” he says of watching games from the press box. “You’re totally helpless.”
Typically, during his most nervous moments, Accorsi would head down to the ground level of a stadium and walk the corridors, periodically peering in through the tunnels to check what was happening on the field — determining the rest by crowd noise.
Twenty years ago, Accorsi had the most relaxing fourth quarter of his life as an executive. During the NFC Championship Game at Giants Stadium, he ditched the sterile press box, headed down to field level and, instead of pacing, stood proudly in the tunnel taking in the scene. The Giants, underdogs that day, were leading the visiting Vikings, 41-0.
“Standing there in the tunnel, just feeling the electricity in the crowd because they knew it, they were chanting ‘Super Bowl,’” Accorsi remembers, “that was one of the great feelings I’ve ever had in my life.”
Entering the 2000 season, the Giants were nobody’s idea of an NFC contender. They had missed the playoffs the previous two seasons and five of the previous six. They hadn’t won a playoff game since Phil Simms and Lawrence Taylor wore blue, and head coach Jim Fassel was coaching for his job in his fourth season.
That tension reached its zenith the week of Thanksgiving. A promising start had crashed in back-to-back home blowout losses, first to the frontrunning Rams and then to the mediocre Lions. The morning before Thanksgiving, New York was 7-4, in third in the NFC East, and thanks to tiebreakers on the outside of the NFC playoff picture.
John Fox, defensive coordinator: The team was pretty low after that game with Detroit … I can remember at the team prayer after that game thinking, “God, we’re not very good.”
Fassel: Every team has ups and downs. It’s the way you handle it as a coach. You’ve got to have a, I don’t know, a belief to each other about what we’re going to do. I believed in those guys. I believed that we had that. I told the coaches that we’re going to remain positive.
In his Wednesday gathering with the media, Fassel expressed that belief memorably.
“If you’ve got the laser, put it right on my chest, I’ll take full responsibility. I’m raising the stakes right now,” he said. “If this is a poker game, I’m shoving my chips to the middle of the table. I’m raising the ante. Anybody who wants in can get in, anybody who wants out can get out: This team is going to the playoffs.”
The New York Times called it “a passionate, unsolicited and wholly uncharacteristic speech” from “the Mister Rogers of football.”
Bob Papa, radio broadcaster: Everybody viewed it as a little shocking, which gave it more credence. That’s something that (Bill) Parcells would do, or a coach with a different disposition would do. It was out of character for Fassel, and that helped it carry more weight and resonate with everybody inside the building.
Fassel: It’s our job (as coaches) to make the adjustments. That’s our job. So I put it on the coaches, and the players knew that I put it on the coaches. And I included myself, you know?
Accorsi: He put himself on the line. In a situation like we were in, I never worried about if somebody stirs something up. If everything’s going smoothly and we’re 9-1, don’t disturb the waters. But in that kind of situation, throw caution to the wind. I’m not saying that was the reason, but it turned out that it helped us because it got us stimulated. It caught everybody’s interest.
Fox: Our team did respond. It was like, “OK, our leader has said he’s all-in, so we better be all-in.”
Keith Hamilton, defensive tackle: He didn’t mess around. Him coming out saying that meant a lot to the team, it uplifted everybody. I remember practice was upbeat, and we took care of business.
Papa: I thought it was a stroke of genius by Fassel to do it as they were getting ready to play the Cardinals, who weren’t a very good team. It was the perfect game to give the team confidence. He pressed the exact right button at the right time.
The Giants beat backup quarterback Dave Brown in Arizona, 31-7, that weekend, then upset Washington on the road 9-7 the following week when Eddie Murray missed a late field goal.
Accorsi: If Murray makes that kick, I don’t think we make the playoffs.
The Giants stretched their winning streak to five to close out the season with victories over the Steelers, Cowboys and Jaguars. Thanks to second-half swoons by St. Louis and Minnesota, the Week 17 win over Jacksonville clinched home-field advantage for New York. The Giants dispatched the division-rival Eagles for a third time that season in the Divisional Playoff, setting up an NFC Championship Game against the Vikings. Although the road team, Minnesota was favored by two points.
“(The Giants) surprised me, I think they’ve surprised everybody,” John Madden said pregame on the Fox broadcast. “The keyword is they’ve done it as a team … Today they’ve got to do more than that.”
Jessie Armstead, linebacker: Going into that game, they were saying nobody could stop that offense.
The Vikings had a 1,500-yard rusher in Robert Smith, two 1,000-yard receivers in Randy Moss and Cris Carter and a Pro Bowl quarterback in Daunte Culpepper.
Fassel: I thought we could beat them. I thought it was going to be a close game.
Accorsi: If you look at that offensive lineup, I kidded John Fox: “The Vikings score 400 touchdowns between midnight and 8 in the morning when I try to sleep.” Fox turned to me and said, “We might shut them out.”
Fox: We matched up pretty good. Our defensive front was very good, so I thought we could handle the run game pretty well. They had two big wideouts, we had two big corners.
They had a little bit of a tendency where when they were in shotgun it would be a pass and when the quarterback was under it was run. So we had a couple of automatics in the game based on that backfield set that would permit us to play an extra guy in the box. That was pretty advantageous to us as well.
Fassel: I really thought in my head, these guys think they’re coming in here to kick our ass, and that ain’t gonna happen. I did stuff to jab our team. I wanted to make sure my team understood this is the highest scoring team in the league and everybody’s betting on them. To use that kind of thing. They’re betting on them, they’re gonna kick our ass. And had fun with it.
Hamilton: We knew they couldn’t beat us. The coaching staff knew they could not beat us. We were confident.
That confidence existed on the other side of the ball, as well. While the media posited that a characteristically cold and windy day at Giants Stadium would behoove the home team, offensive coordinator Sean Payton was praying for better weather. When he saw a mild forecast, he confidently told his offense it could hang a hundred on Minnesota’s defense. He dubbed it “Air Force week,” building a game plan around quarterback Kerry Collins’ arm rather than the team’s traditional running game.
📷Amani Toomer finished the game with six catches for 88 yards and a touchdown. (Stan Honda / AFP via Getty Images)
Papa: He thought the Giants could pass all over the Vikings. We started to get a sense they were licking their chops. Talking to the players, they couldn’t wait.
Fassel: I could see it; I knew we were good the way we warmed up, the way we talked. And it was good we could play at our place.
Giants Stadium was packed with fans waving white towels well before the 12:30 p.m. kickoff, riled up by honorary captains Lawrence Taylor, Harry Carson and Ottis Anderson — who spent the rest of the day on the sidelines with the team.
Accorsi: It was electric in there. It really was.
Fox: A lot of people don’t realize that’s way more electric than the Super Bowl. It doesn’t have the meaning of the Super Bowl, but as far as the stadium atmosphere with real fans, it’s pretty wild.
Armstead: You had all the legends. You realize you weren’t just playing for yourself. When you go to the sidelines, those guys were out on the field and you had to perform.
Hamilton: Looking at Lawrence Taylor and looking at Harry Carson, you can’t even make that up. They’re on the sidelines; that’s a dream come true. That’s everything. I don’t know how to put that into words.
It was the offense that set the tone, though. Winning the toss and electing to receive, the Giants marched 74 yards on four plays, culminating in Collins’ 46-yard vertical seam touchdown strike to Ike Hilliard. The Vikings fumbled the ensuing kickoff, New York defensive back Lyle West recovered, and Collins hit fullback Greg Comella on a wheel route for another touchdown on the next play. In 143 seconds, the Giants were up 14-0.
Hamilton: That gave us a jolt. We weren’t used to the offense doing too much.
Armstead: Our thing was, if our offense scores 17 points, we’ll win the football game.
Papa: Everything they talked about during the week was starting to unfold. But you were still incredulous because you kept waiting for the Vikings to get their mojo going, and it never happened.
Fox: It was 14-0 and I’m not sure anybody had broken a sweat yet.
“I don’t think in their wildest dreams could they have dreamt this,” said Madden on the broadcast.
The onslaught did not stop there. The Giants hounded Culpepper into quick throws and frustrated Moss and Carter with physical coverage. And the “Air Force” approach continued on offense, as Collins meticulously picked apart the Minnesota defense in a first half for the ages.
He hit Joe Jurevicius in the back of the end zone to make it 24-0 early in the second quarter. “This is unbelievable!” said Madden. Pat Summerall added, “I thought the Giants had a chance, but wow!”
📷Joe Jurevicius had just two catches for 15 yards but one went for a touchdown. (Ezra O. Shaw / Allsport)
With the seconds ticking down in the first half, Collins found Hilliard for a second time in the end zone for a 34-0 lead.
Collins finished the half 23-of-34 for 338 yards and four touchdowns — already a franchise record for passing yards in a playoff game (and 101 more yards, incidentally, than Collins combined for in New York’s two other playoff games that season). On Fox, Terry Bradshaw called it “the most impressive half of football by a quarterback and an offense I’ve ever seen.”
It was a validating performance for Collins — and for the team that signed him at his low point. He had been the fifth overall pick in the 1995 draft by Carolina, leading the Panthers to the NFC Championship Game in his second season. But by the time he was a free agent, he’d been waived by Carolina, had played poorly in a cameo with New Orleans, had battled alcoholism and been accused of racism.
Fassel got emotional talking about Collins’ performance that day.
Fassel: It was fabulous. I’ll tell you this: Some of this stuff coming back to me really means a lot. Kerry was out. People cut him, we picked him up, and nobody really thought Kerry Collins was going to be a great quarterback. He was just amazing. He came in and he was a leader. He played so confidently, like “This is my game, guys, I’ve got them.” And that carried to the whole team.
The 34-point halftime lead remains the largest in the history of the NFC Championship Game.
Hamilton: That was amazing. I couldn’t have been prouder of the preparation that went into the game, the things (the offense) did, and they excelled. They just took off.
Fox: Payton had said (before the game), “How many you gonna need?” I told him 31. Well it was 34-0 and we were running in and he said, “Is that enough?” I said, “Hell no!”
Fassel: I told Fox (at halftime), “If they score 35 points, you’re fired!”
Armstead: Nobody’s going to come back on our defense at 34-0. That’s impossible. There was no way with the guys we had on that defense that we’d tolerate 14 points, nevertheless 34.
Culpepper fumbled on the first play of the second half, with Collins throwing a fifth TD pass moments later, this time to Amani Toomer. “The Viking defense looks like it’s chairs,” said Madden. Later, he added, “The Giants have broken the Minnesota Vikings’ will.”
Hamilton: There’s no question. You’ve been fighting a man all day for a couple hours, the look in their eyes is a different look. Ain’t no colorful words for it. They know when it’s time to go home.
📷The Giants sacked Culpepper four times and intercepted him three times. (Ezra Shaw / Allsport)
Collins was replaced by backup Jason Garrett with 12:53 remaining in the fourth quarter; the Giants proceeded on a 19-play drive to run out the clock. It’s tied for the seventh-largest margin of victory in an NFL playoff game in the Super Bowl era. An underdog has never won by more.
Armstead: We were mad at Coach Fassel. We were like, “Hey, let’s get 50!”
Fassel: I don’t think I’ve ever been in a game like that … We just annihilated them. It wasn’t luck, it wasn’t like at the last minute. We just kicked their butt right from the beginning.
Armstead: You know how hard it is to win a ballgame in the National Football League, to be in the playoffs against a team that was predicted to be in the Super Bowl — to beat them 41-0 was the most amazing thing about it.
Papa: I’ll say to this day, it’s the greatest win and the greatest performance by a Giants team in the history of that stadium.
Fox: Watching them construct that stage at the end of the game, I can remember looking at my three sons saying, “We’re going to the freakin’ Super Bowl!” Everybody in the league — whether you’re a coach, scout, an administrator, an owner, a player — that’s your goal: to go to the Super Bowl.
Hamilton: Just to be a part of that, in that atmosphere, the fans were happy because they came to the game to watch a winner. I was happier for them than for me.
Armstead: We were on a real high. I wish we could have played that following week against Baltimore.
The high, of course, didn’t last. Two weeks later in the Super Bowl, Collins was intercepted four times and the Giants didn’t score an offensive point against the record-setting Ravens defense. They lost Super Bowl XXXV, 34-7.
Accorsi: As a franchise that has won four Super Bowls, that’s why that team doesn’t have a great legacy.
But for one day, they were as good as the Giants had ever been.
Fassel: One thing, as a coach, when the guys go out and play so good, you do have to think to yourself: I guess I handled them pretty good this week.
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Biggest Over and Underperformers of the 2020 NFL Season

Overperformer: Miami Dolphins (O/U 6 wins, actual 10-5)

The Dolphins are the story of the season, having essentially put a rebuild in motion in record time. Miami, which was projected to go winless just last season, finished its 2019 campaign strong by denying New England a first round bye, took a quarterback in Tua, then handed him the reins in Week 8. Flores's no name defense is one of the top units in the league, with Xavien Howard leading the league in interceptions, and they control their own playoff destiny -- Win at Buffalo and they're in. It's a lot earlier than anyone expected them to be in contention, even if they have the lowest ceiling of the AFC's five ten-win teams entering Week 17.

Underperformer: Dallas Cowboys (O/U 9.5 wins, actual 6-9)

You can't totally blame Dallas for their woes given Dak Prescott's season-ending injury. The team has taken its sweet time finding its groove under Andy Dalton, looking totally lost without Dak putting up record numbers on offense in the first several weeks. Mike McCarthy has also made some puzzling decisions, such as the fake punt against Washington where a receiver ran twenty yards behind the line of scrimmage on a 4th and long deep within their own territory. Despite all that, they still have a chance to win a historically terrible NFC East with a win vs the Giants and a Philadelphia win against a quarterback-challenged Washington Football Team.

Overperformer: Justin Herbert (Chargers O/U 7.5 wins, actual 6-9)

Don't get me wrong. The Chargers' season is terrible and Anthony Lynn deserves to be fired. But Herbert was been the biggest surprise of the 2020 NFL draft, being third off the board, and he is the reason this team has six wins. He was outplaying first overall pick Joe Burrow even before the latter's season-ending injury, passing Andrew Luck's total touchdown record, and looks damn comfortable doing it. He was thrown right into the fire, without first team reps in Week 2, and took the defending champion Chiefs to overtime. Outside of a 45-0 dismantling by the Patriots on special teams, Herbert and his Chargers have only lost one game by more than 1 score. Denver and Las Vegas better watch out - there are two incredible signal callers in the AFC West now.

Underperformer: New England Patriots (O/U 9.5 wins, actual 6-9)

New England lost its star quarterback of twenty years this season and it looked like its offense regressed by forty. Former MVP Cam Newton has twice as many picks as he does passing touchdowns and he only has ten interceptions. It's not unusual to tune in to a Patriots game and see a statline of less than 75 yards passing. It's a testament that Bill Belichick has dragged this roster to a 6-9 record, but the Patriots' reign of terror in the AFC East - 19 consecutive winning seasons, 11 consecutive division titles, 8 consecutive AFC championship appearances - is over, and a 38-9 pantsing by Josh Allen and crew on Monday confirmed it.

Overperformer: The Texans' draft picks (Houston O/U 8 wins, actual 4-11)

The Dolphins are in playoff contention and may walk into the off-season with the third overall pick in the NFL draft. How? Bill O'Brien, that's how. The former Texan dictator sent Miami two first round picks for the rights to sign Laremy Tunsil to a back-breaking deal, before he was fired after starting 0-4. Houston is 4-11, worse than all of the NFC East, JJ Watt is ripping into his teammates for not playing hard enough, and unlike every other team, their fans have no high draft picks for consolation. Thanks BoB.

Underperformer: Drew Lock (Denver O/U 7.5 wins, actual 5-10)

Lock had much hype going into the off-season by going 4-1 as a starter on a team that finished 7-9 last year, but he hasn't proven that he is the QB1 Elway is looking for. Yes, Denver had that terrible game where a practice squad WR started at QB, and Brett Rypien did come in relief of Lock early in the season, but in a division where Patrick Mahomes and Justin Herbert are some of the league's best signal callers, and Derek Carr is a plenty serviceable quarterback, there isn't much hope this Denver offense can come anywhere close to the heights it reached with Manning under center.

Overperformer: Aaron Rodgers (Green Bay O/U 9 wins, actual 12-3)

Aaron Rodgers is back in MVP form and the Packers are looking like Super Bowl favorites. Rodgers rediscovered the fun in football during the off-season, one in which his front office traded up to select his potential replacement. He has 44 touchdowns to just 5 picks, and Green Bay looks to be in position to make sure the road to the Super Bowl in the NFC will run through snowy Lambeau Field. And why is that so important? In a crucial test of their defense against Tennessee, who have a snowplow named Derrick Henry at running back, the Packers dismantled the Titans at home, holding the league's previously top ranked offense to 14 points, all while Rodgers locked up his case for league MVP by throwing for four touchdowns.

Underperformer: Bruce Arians (Tampa O/U 9.5 wins, actual 10-5)

Even if the Bucs lose to the Falcons this week, Bruce Arians and Tom Brady will still surpass their betting odds and return this franchise to the postseason for the first time since 2007. But Arians and Brady have constantly squabbled over the course of the season, and it's clear Arians is no Belichick. The Tampa OL cannot give the 43 year old Brady the time he needs to execute all the dropbacks in Arians's vertical scheme, and it's limited this Buccaneers offense against blitz heavy teams like the Saints and Giants. When it's working, it's beautiful, like this week's 47-7 spanking of the Lions, but Arians needs to adjust his game plan against better teams, as proven in back to back losses against the Rams and Chiefs.

Overperformer: Kyle Shanahan (SF O/U 10.5, actual 6-9)

The Niners are out of the playoffs following a Super Bowl run. How is Shanahan overperforming? He has his squad competing despite a historical bout of injury luck, losing QB Jimmy Garoppolo, D Linemen Nick Bosa and Solomon Thomas to season ending injuries, and RB Raheem Mostert and TE George Kittle were out significant playing time throughout the season. On top of that, COVID regulations made the Niners homeless, sending them to Arizona to close the regular season. But the Niners are competitive week in and week out, having embarrassed Kyler Murray and the Cardinals at their own home despite Robbie Gould missing three field goals.

Underperformer: Jared Goff (Rams O/U 8.5 wins, actual 9-6)

The Rams' running game is having a rebound year after cutting Todd Gurley, with breakout stars Cam Akers and Darrell Henderson. Sean McVay's new D coordinator has the Rams defense rolling as a top 10 unit. But Jared Goff has now lost two straight, leads the league in turnovers since the 2019 season, and they would probably be out of the playoffs if they hadn't been scheduled to play the NFC East this year and swept them. Goff looked especially poor in a 23-20 loss to the previously winless Jets, and actual human beings are now debating whether John Wolford, a man without any NFL starts to his name and is the backup on the depth chart for a reason, might be the better quarterback anyway after Goff broke his thumb in a demoralizing loss to the Seahawks that threatens to knock them out of the postseason entirely.

Overperformer: Josh Allen (Buffalo O/U 9 wins, actual 12-3)

The Bills are division champions for the first time in 25 years, and Allen has emerged as a dark horse MVP candidate in his third year. He has legitimately matured as a signal caller, having been drafted with all the talent in the world locked behind some raw mechanics. Credit to the Buffalo staff, who have managed to perform the rare feat of fixing a quarterback's accuracy longer after most deemed feasible, and have surrounded him with the weapons he needs to succeed. Stefon Diggs was a plug-and-play fit into OC Brian Daboll's offense, while Cole Beasley is quietly having a monster year. If they can give him a true running game, this Buffalo team will be an AFC playoff contender for years to come.

Underperformer: Adam Gase (Jets O/U 6.5 wins, actual 2-13)

Adam Gase has been bailed out from being remembered as part of an exclusive group of coaches who led a winless campaign, but he remains a terrible head coach who no team should ever want. The Jets squad he fielded had Sam Darnold regressing in his third year, and he steadfastly refused to make adjustments to make his team's life easier. And he had the audacity to make his fans suffer thirteen straight losses without even giving them the number one overall pick, which would have gifted them one of the most talented quarterbacks to ever come out of college.

Overperformer: Cleveland Browns (O/U 8.5 wins, actual 10-5)

While the Browns have technically not clinched a playoff berth yet in a historically deep AFC wild card scramble, Kevin Stefanski has his Browns rolling and playing spectacular ball, including in a game-of-the-year candidate 47-42 loss at Baltimore, and they are in control of their own playoff destiny. Their loss to the Jets last week was demoralizing, but Baker Mayfield also had no receivers after they were ruled out because of contract tracing protocols. This weekend, the Browns are in a win-and-in scenario against a Steelers team with nothing to play for, so barring another COVID-related debacle or a very Browns-esque collapse, they are playoff-bound for the first time since 2002.

Underperformer: Nick Foles (Chicago O/U 8 wins, actual 8-7)

Chicago remains in control of their playoff destiny with a win-and-in scenario at Soldier Field this weekend, but it's tough to argue Nick Foles hasn't underperformed this season. He was brought in to light a fire under Trubisky's bum, which, while it has certainly happened the last few weeks and has brought rumors of a contract extension for the latter, might also have been come from Mitch playing against some terrible defenses. More concerningly for Foles, he was named starter and led the Bears to the cusp of playoff elimination after losing six straight amidst a 5-1 start, playing such poor ball that head coach Matt Nagy surrendered playcalling duties to his offensive coordinator. He twice threw for no touchdowns in a six-week span before he lost his job to Trubisky after an injury.
submitted by Winstonp00 to nfl [link] [comments]

Because of methadone, I had an amazing Super Bowl...

So this will sound braggy and I suppose it is, but I'm seriously so freaking excited I can't see straight. Obviously, I am awake at 4:15 after going to sleep at 11:00pm just five hours ago.
Let me preface all of this by starting at the beginning. My wife, who's mostly working from home and has been since March, works for a global logistics company moving big yellow earth-moving machines. One of her co-workers, who's attempting to adopt a child, decided to run a SB squares pool virtually since they wouldn't be doing their normal party. The buy-in was $25.00 per square. The pool was a 50/50, with the prizes being $250.00, $250.00, $250.00, and $500.00 for the first, second, third quarters, and final score.
My wife asked me if I wanted to get in on it, told me what the money was going for, etc etc and I said heck yeah! It's for a good cause. Let's do it. We can afford $25.00! We ended up getting 7/3 Bucs/Chiefs as our random square. I thought to myself, damn, that's a really good first quarter square. Even though TB12 had never thrown a first quarter Super Bowl touchdown, I just felt really good about this.
Friday afternoon hits, her co-worker sends out the email with the filled out grid. He was able to sell 98 of the 100 squares. My wife told me there were two left, and she told me the numbers. If we bought one more, we could pick which of the two we wanted. I immediately picked the first, not even thinking about scores and possibilities. I then continued thinking. As my wife was typing the email out to let him know we wanted 2/5, I yelled "WAIT! I want the other one!"
The other one was 9/1, Chiefs/Bucs.
We watched the game, we won the first quarter. We spent $50 and won $250. We were both ecstatic! We watched the rest of the game more intently than we had probably ever watched any game. We've never gambled before and this made it fun!
Then the third quarter. The Bucs scored 10. They had 31. Then the Chiefs kicked another field goal. They had 9. We started clock watching harder than ever. Ding ding. Third quarter over. We won another $250.00.
Five minutes into the final frame, I look at my wife. "You know that if no one scores, we won the final frame, right?"
"I was trying not to say it out loud. You just jinxed it." My wife was more into this than I was.
The quarter was back and forth with a lot of good defense. When the game was all but wrapped up, with the Chiefs in the red zone, with garbage time plays on both sides of the ball, I resign myself to "only" winning $500.00. Then the interception in the end zone happened.
I looked at my wife. "What just happened? Did we win $1000.00?"
We both jumped up and down screaming.
So yeah, we spent ,$50 and won $1000.00. we've decided to let her co-worker keep another $100 towards adoption costs, so we won $900. After initial buy-in, we won $850.00. Either way, it's just amazing. First, if I had t been on methadone, and still actively using, I never would've had the money to bet on something fun like this to begin with. Because of methadone, even though I am far from well off, I was happy to support a good cause and would ultimately survive for two weeks after losing $50.00.
If I somehow would've had $25 and did bet, if I would've won in my addiction, I would've been over at her co-workers house at 10pm last night saying, hey, where are my winnings. Fortunately, I can wait until tomorrow.
I know this was long, and I hope it's not too full of myself, but I'm really super excited. My wife and I have both overcome addiction and for us to win something like this and not a penny of it will go to heroin, it's almost a miracle to me. Methadone saved my life, Suboxone saved her life. We've saved each other.
And now we have $1000.00 to spend on an awesome Valentine's Day weekend.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by DishSoapIsFun to Methadone [link] [comments]

Game Preview Week 15 Philadelphia Eagles (4-8-1) @ Arizona Cardinals (7-6)

Philadelphia Eagles (4-8-1) vs Arizona Cardinals (7-6)
The Jalen Hurts era started in Philly with a bang as the Eagles knocked off the number 1 seed Saints being a strong rushing attack led by Hurts and Miles Sanders. The defense was the real winner in this game as they completely shut down the Saints offense for most of the game. But the win came at a cost, Rodney McLeod tore his MCL and will be out for the season and a number of other defenders left the game and will be questionable going into the game this week. The Eagles also lost starting RT Jack Driscoll for the remainder of the season to a MCL sprain.The Eagles with their rookie QB at the helm will travel to Arizona this week to take on the Arizona Cardinals who need a win to stay close in the playoff hunt. The loss of McLeod will be felt as the Cardinals come in with an impressive passing attack led by Kylar Murray and WRs DeAndre Hopkins and Christian Kirk. Jim Schwartz will need to come up with a game plan to shutdown the Cardinals big time WRs with a banged up secondary. At the same time they will need to slow down the Cardinals running game where Murray is also dangerous, but Kenyon Drake is the real threat. The Eagles will also unfortunately still be fighting for a playoff spot by winning the NFCE shitpile, but will be eliminated this week with a Washington win and an Eagles loss. Here is to an injury free game.
General Information
Posting Rules and Guidelines
Remember to Join us on Discord during the game!
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Score Prediction Contest
Sunday December 20th, 2020
Game Time Game Location
4:05 PM - Eastern State Farm Stadium
3:05 PM - Central 1 Cardinals Drive
2:05 PM - Mountain Glendale, AZ 85305
1:05 PM - Pacific Wikipedia - Map
Weather Forecast
Stadium Type: Open Air
Surface: Grass
Temperature: 61°F
Feels Like: 61°F
Forecast: Clear. Clear throughout the day.
Chance of Precipitation: 0%
Cloud Coverage: 0%
Wind: 3mi East MPH
Betting Odds
Oddsshark Information
Favorite/Opening Line: Arizona -6.5
OveUnder: 49
Record VS. Spread: Eagles 5-8, Cardinals 6-7
Where to Watch on TV
FOX will broadcast Monday’s game to a national audience. Brandon Gaudin will handle play-by-play duties and Aqib Talib will provide analysis.
Week 15 TV Map
Radio Streams
List of Eagles Radio network member stations with internet broadcast availability 94.1 Desktop Streaming
Listen to Merrill Reese and Mike Quick
Calling the game on 94WIP and the Eagles Radio Network will be Merrill Reese, the NFL’s longest-tenured play-by-play announcer (44th season). Joining Reese in the radio booth will be former Eagles All-Pro wide receiver Mike Quick, while Howard Eskin will report from the sidelines.
Location Station Frequency
Philadelphia, PA WIP-FM 94.1 FM and 610 AM
Allentown, PA WCTO-FM 96.1 FM
Atlantic City/South Jersey WENJ-FM 97.3 FM
Levittown, PA WBCB-AM 1490 AM
Northumberland, PA WEGH-FM 107.3 FM
Pottsville, PA WPPA-AM 1360 AM
Reading, PA WEEU-AM 830 AM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WAFL-FM 97.7 FM
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA WEJL-FM 96.1 FM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WAFL-FM 97.7 FM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WEJL-AM 630 AM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WBAX-AM 1240 AM
Williamsport, PA WBZD-FM 93.3 FM
Wilmington, DE WDEL-FM/AM 101.7 FM
York/LancasteHarrisburg, PA WSOX-FM 96.1 FM
Philadelphia Spanish Radio
Rickie Ricardo and Bill Kulik will handle the broadcast in Spanish on Mega 105.7 FM in Philadelphia and the Eagles Spanish Radio Network.
Location Station Frequency
Philadelphia, PA LA MEGA 105.7 FM
Allentown, PA WSAN 1470 AM
Atlantic City, NJ WIBG 1020 AM; 101.3 FM
Cardinals Radio
Arizona Sports (98.7 FM) is the flagship station of the Cardinals Radio Network.Dave Pasch handles the play-by-play duties, Cardinals FB Ron Wolfley provides color commentary for the Cardinals.
National Radio
Satellite Radio
Station Eagles Channel Cardinals Channel
Sirius Radio SIRI 138(Streaming 825) SIRI 81(Streaming 800)
XM Radio XM 381 (Streaming 825) (XM 226 (Streaming 800)
Sirus XM Radio SXM 381 (Streaming 825) SXM 226(Streaming 800)
Eagles Social Media Cardinals Social Media
Website [Website](
Facebook Facebook
Twitter Twitter
Instagram Instagram
Snapchat: Eagles Snapchat: SnapAZCardinals
NFC East Standings
NFC EAST Record PCT Home Road Div Conf PF PA Net Pts Streak
Football Team 6-7 .462 3-3 3-4 3-2 4-5 287 275 12 4W
Giants 5-8 .385 2-4 3-4 3-2 4-6 238 291 -53 1L
Eagles 4-8-1 .346 3-3-1 1-5 2-2 4-5 277 328 -51 1W
Cowboys 4-8 .308 2-4 2-5 1-3 3-6 298 400 -102 1W
Series Information
The Arizona/St.Louis/Chicago Cardinals lead the Philadelphia Eagles (59-57-5)
Series History
Head to Head Box Scores
First Game Played
November 10, 1935 at Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL. Chicago Cardinals 12 - Philadelphia Eagles 3
Points Leader
The Philadelphia Eagles lead the Arizona/St.Louis/Chicago Cardinals (719-680)
Coaches Record
Doug Pederson: 1-0 vs. the Cardinals
Kliff Kingsbury: 0-0 vs. the Eagles
Coaches Head to Head
Pederson vs Kingsbury: First Meeting of the coaches.
Quarterback Record
Jalen Hurts: Against Cardinals 0-0
Kylar Murrayl: Against Eagles: 0-0
Quarterbacks Head to Head
Jalen Hurts vs Kylar Murray: This will be the first matchup between the QBs in the NFL
Records per Stadium
Record @ Lincoln Financial Field: Eagles lead: 3-2
Record @ State Farm Stadium: Cardinals leads series: 3-0
Rankings and Last Meeting Information
AP Pro 32 Ranking
Eagles No. 23 - Cardinals No. 14
2020 Record
Eagles: 4-8-1
Cardinals 7-6
Last Meeting
Sunday, October 8th, 2017
Eagles 34 - Cardinals 7
The Eagles scored early and often in this game, for their first blowout win of the season against the Arizona Cardinals. Carson Wentz found tight ends Trey Burton and Zach Ertz for early touchdowns, and later connected with wide receiver Torrey Smith for a 59-yard touchdown to finish the first quarter. Following Smith's touchdown, the Eagles unveiled their baseball home run celebration for the first time all season. The closest the Cardinals came was in the second quarter when they trailed 21–7 following a John Brown 13-yard touchdown. In the mid third quarter, on 3rd and 19, Wentz found wide receiver Nelson Agholor for a 72-yard touchdown pass, on which Agholor juked rookie safety Budda Baker and finished the play with the Nestea Plunge. The final score was 34–7, and Wentz threw for four touchdowns, including three first quarter touchdown passes.
Click here to view the Video Recap
Click here for box score
Last 10 Meetings
Date Winner Loser Score
10/08/17 Eagles Cardinals 34-17
12/20/15 Cardinals Eagles 40-17
10/26/14 Cardinals Eagles 24-20
12/01/13 Eagles Cardinals 24-21
09/23/12 Cardinals Eagles 27-6
11/13/11 Cardinals Eagles 21-17
01/18/09 Cardinals Eagles 32-25
11/27/08 Eagles Cardinals 48-20
12/24/05 Cardinals Eagles 27-21
11/17/02 Eagles Cardinals 38-14
Injury Reports Depth Charts
Eagles Eagles
Cardinals Cardinals
2020 “Expert” Picks
Week 15 - "Expert" Picks
2020 Team Stats
Eagles Season Stats
Cardinals Season Stats
2020 Stats (Starters/Leaders)
Wentz 251 437 57.4% 2620 16 15 72.8
Hurts 25 45 55.6% 309 2 1 82.5
Murray 309 461 67.0% 3231 23 10 94.7
Sanders 132 746 74.6 5.7 5
Drake 201 848 70.7 4.2 9
Fulgham 33 467 46.7 14.2 4
Hopkins 94 1155 88.8 12.3 5
Name Sacks Team Total
Graham 7.0 43
Reddick 10 37
Name Total Solo Assist Sacks
Singleton 87 55 32 1.0
Hicks 101 67 34 0.0
Name Ints Team Total
Singleton/McLeod/Mills/Riley 1 4
Peterson/Kirkpatrick 3 10
Johnston 58 2794 66 48.2 42.5 20 4 0
Lee 45 1979 58 44.0 38.7 16 2 0
Elliot 18 13 72.2% 54 18/20
Gonzalez 22 16 72.7% 56 38/39
Nuggent 4 4 100.0% 56 2/2
Kick Returns
Scott 20 438 21.9 46 0
Edmonds 18 417 23.2 54 0
Punt Returns
Ward 17 116 6.8 22 0 15
Kirk 20 132 6.6 24 0 6
League Rankings 2020
Offense Rankings
Category Eagles Stat Eagles Rank Cardinals Stat Cardinals Rank
Total Offense 326.1 26th 389.5 4th
Rush Offense 126.2 9th 151.2 4th
Pass Offense 199.8 28th 238.2 18th
Points Per Game 21.3 26th(t) 27.5 10th
3rd-Down Offense 37.4% 28th 42.5% 14th
4th-Down Offense 37.0% 28th 70.6% 6th
Red Zone Offense (TD%) 61.1% 13th 68.8% 7th
Defense Rankings
Category Eagles Stat Eagles Rank Cardinals Stat Cardinals Rank
Total Defence 347.9 14th 344.5 12th
Rush Defence 127.3 24th 119.5 18th
Pass Defence 220.6 9th 224.9 11th
Points Per Game 25.2 19th 23.3 13th
3rd-Down Defence 37.6% 9th 41.3% 16th
4th-Down Defence 37.5% 4th 62.5% 23rd(t)
Red Zone Defence(TD%) 66.7% 26th(t) 53.3% 6th
Category Eagles Stat Eagles Rank Cardinals Stat Cardinals Rank
Turnover Diff. -10 29th(t) +3 12th(t)
Penalty Per Game 6.2 21st(t) 7.2 32nd
Penalty Yards Per Game 48.3 16th 55.9 24th
Cardinals MLB Jordan Hicks was drafted in the 3rd round in 2015 NFL Draft and played 4 seasons with the Eagles.
Cardinals LB Hassan Reddick is from Camden NJ, and attended college at Temple in Philadelphia.
Cardinals RB James Saxon played one season for the Eagles in 1995.
Cardinals LB Coach Billy Davis served as defensive coordinator of the Eagles from 2013-2015.
Eagles S Rudy Ford played two seasons with the Cardinals from 2017-2018.
2020 Pro Bowlers
Eagles Cardinals
DT Fletcher Cox (Starter) WR DeAndre Hopkins(Starter)
OG Brandon Brooks (Starter) OLB Chandler Jones (Starter)
TE Zach Ertz FS Budda Baker (Starter)
C Jason Kelce (Starter)
LS Rick Lavato (Starter)
Referee: Craig Wrolstad
Jalen Hurts started his first career game in Week 14 vs. New Or-leans, leading the Eagles to a 24-21 victory over the 10-2 Saints. Hurts, the Eagles’ youngest starting QB since Jack Concannon in 1964, became the second QB in NFL history to beat a team on a 9+ game winning streak in their starting debut, joining Ron Jawor-ski (12/20/75 vs. Pittsburgh with L.A. Rams - snapped Steelers’ 11-game streak). He also became the first NFL QB since 1950 to throw a TD pass and rush for 100+ yards in their first start.
Miles Sanders (746 rushing yards, 5 TDs), ranks 2nd among NFL RBs in rushing average (5.7), behind Nick Chubb (5.9) (min. 125 attempts). In Week 14 vs. New Orleans, Sanders recorded an 82-yard rushing TD, marking the 4th-longest rushing play in Eagles history. He is the first NFL RB with 3 rushes of 70+ yards in the same season since 2012, when Jamaal Charles, Chris Johnson and Adrian Peterson each accomplished the feat.
Philadelphia’s defense ranks 2nd in the NFL with 43.0 sacks, trail-ing only Pittsburgh (45.0). Since Week 10, Fletcher Cox ranks 1st among NFL DTs with 4.0 sacks, while Javon Hargrave is tied for 2nd with Aaron Donald and Leonard Williams with 3.5 sacks.
Dallas Goedert is one of three NFL TEs with 250+ receiving yards (261) and 2+ TDs (2) since Week 11, joining Travis Kelce (481 yards, 3 TDs) and Darren Waller (386 yards, 3 TDs).
Draft Picks
Eagles Cardinals
WR Jalen Raegor OLB Isiah Simmons
QB Jalen Hurts OT Josh Jones
LB Davion Taylor DT Leki Fotu
S K’Von Wallace LB Kamal Martin
OT Jack Driscoll DT Rashard Lawrence
WR John Hightower LB Evan Weaver
LB Shaun Bradley RB Eno Benjamin
WR Quez Watkins
OT Prince Tega Wanogho
LB/DE Casey Toohill
Notable Off-season Additions
Eagles Cardinals
DT Javon Hargrave WR DeAndre Hopkins
CB Nickell Robey-Coleman DT Jordan Phillips
CB Darius Slay LB Devon Kennard
LB De’Vondre Campbell
DT Trevon Coley
Notable Off-season Departures
Eagles Cardinals
S Malcom Jenkins RB David Johnson
CB Ronald Darby DE Rodney Gunter
RB Jordan Howard DT Cassius Marsh
WR Nelson Agholor DT Zach Kerr
OL Halapoulivaati Vaitai DT Cararun Reid
LB Kamu Grugler-Hill CB Bradon Williams
RB Darren Sproles WR Pharoh Cooper
DT Timmy Jernigan WR Damiere Byrd
LB Nigel Bradham LB Joe Walker
OT William Sweat
Eagles DE Vinny Curry (29) needs 1 sacks to move up to 18th on the Eagles all-time sack list passing DT Jerome Brown
Eagles TE Zach Ertz needs 40 yards for 6000 career receiving yards.
Food for Thought
The 1948 Philadelphia Eagles-Chicago Cardinals Championship Bout
Eagles fans recall Super Bowl LII with wonder and relish in it. These days, that date seems so very long ago, but there was another magical Championship game I’d like to remind you of, as the Eagles and Cardinals face off (and the Northeast just got a snow dump), the Eagles’ first championship. Sure, this team the Eagles will face is not the Chicago Cardinals or the St. Louis Cardinals or the Phoenix Cardinals, but it’s the same franchise of course.
As far as snowy games, fans typically recall the Eagles’ fun snow game of 2013 against the Lions in which players made snow angels in the endzone, but there was an even more memorable one, one which Eagles RB Steve Van Buren didn’t even think was going to take place. With a blizzard harrowing Philadelphia: “I was sure they wouldn’t be able to play and went back to bed,” Van Buren told [Joe Jonas]. “Then, ‘Greasy’ (coach Earle Neale) called and told me the game was on and to get a move on. I had to take a trolley, then the El, and then a second trolley. When that trolley bogged down in the snow, I had to walk down Lehigh Avenue through the drifts about two miles to the park. I got there just a couple of minutes before the kickoff.” source. Van Buren and the Eagles proceeded to run amok all over the Cardinals that fateful day.
Where the Cardinals managed 34 rushes for 96 yards, Van Buren led the Eagles to a 57 for 225 line day (let’s disregard Eagles QB Tommy Thompson stumbling toward a 0.0 passer rating: 2/12 for 7 yards and 2 INTs). Despite the Eagles controlling the game--in fact, the Eagles scored on the 1st play of the game, but it was called back for Offsides--it wasn’t until a minute left in the 4th that either team scored, a 5 yard rush by Van Buren. In victory, the Eagles exacted revenge on the Cardinals for losing the championship matchup the year prior 28-21.
Matchups to Watch
Arizona rushing attack vs the Eagles front seven
The Eagles have repeatedly struggled this season with teams who have mobile quarterbacks, who are able to escape the pocket. They did well last week against Taysom Hill, however this week they will take on Kylar Murray who is a lot closer to Lamar Jackson than Taysom Hill. The Eagles gave up 100 yards and a TD when they faced Jackson this season.again Like Jackson, Kylar Murray has the ability to break off big runs, as he is second to Jackson in rushing yards by a QB this season. Murray has over 700 rushing yards and a league leading 10 rushing TDs by a QB this season. Pair that with the impressive running attack of Kenyon Drake and the Eagles front seven will have their hands full on Sunday. With a talented receiving corp of the Cardinals the Eagles will not be able to stack the box and it will be on the front seven to keep contain and stay in the lanes to keep Murray and Drake in check. If they don’t and allow the Cardinals to establish the run look for the Cardinals to pound the run and look for a big play off play-action to one of their talented WRs.
Eagles banged up secondary vs the talented receiving corp of the Cardinals
In their win over the Saints, the Eagles lost their two best players in the secondary in safety Rodney McLeod and CB Darius Slay. McLeod unfortunately tore his MCL and will miss the remainder of the season and Slay suffered a concussion and while he has progressed through the protocol he has not been cleared as of the time of this writing. If Slay misses the game the Eagles will most likely lean on Avonte Maddox to cover All-Pro WR DeAndre Hopkins which is not good news for the Eagles. Last time the Maddox was asked to cover an All-Pro he was absolutely torched by Davante Adams. Hopkins is also questionable for the game, but is trending towards playing.Eagles DC Jim Schwartz will need to get creative with his coverages and hope his front four can continue to wreak havoc like they did last week where Hill was under constant pressure. If given time, Murray will cut up this secondary and have some big plays against the Eagles backups.
Jalen Hurts and Doug Pederson vs Vance Joseph
Cardinals’ defensive coordinator Vance Joseph will have the job of stopping the Eagles rookie QB who ran all over the Saints number one ranked defense last week. Doug Pederson said earlier this week that the Eagles simply shot themselves in the foot in the second half against the Saints, but rewatching the game it looks like the Saints made some adjustments at halftime that were effective in slowing down and confusing the rookie QB. Unlike the Saints, Joseph will have a full game tape to review and prepare for Hurts. Of course, Pederson and Eagles know what they put out on film too and will have to adjust to how they played in the second half against the Saints. It’ll be up to them to have a counterpunch ready to go depending on how the Cardinals play the rookie quarterback. Hurts was far more effective with his legs than his arm against the Saints, so I would not be surprised to see Joseph put a spy on Hurts to limit his ability to run. If the Cardinals do spy him, it will most likely go to former Eagles Jordan Hicks who is extremely athletic for an LB and should be able to match Hurts speed and athleticism. With the spy that’s one less player in coverage, which should open some up some things in the passing game if Hurts can take advantage of it. The Eagles have a lot of offensive coaches on the staff and it is their job to put him in the best position to be successful, but that is something they have failed to do with a number of guys on the offense this year, so it remains to see if they can do it with Hurts when the other team is gameplanning for him. If they can and that is a big IF Hurts will still need to execute and continue to show the same poise he did last weekend.
Special thanks to abenyishay for their help in creating this Game Preview.
submitted by Rsubs33 to eagles [link] [comments]

[CBSSports-4k] Super Bowl 2021:Buccaneers vs Chiefs Free REddit

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Kansas City Chiefs vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers Live Super Bowl LV will be broadcast on CBS, the second time in three seasons the network will host the Super Bowl. You can watch the game FOR FREE on TV Channel
Live: Super Bowl
How to watch Super Bowl LV
When: Sunday, February 7, 2021
Kickoff time: 6:30 p.m. ET (3:30 p.m. PT)
Where: Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida
Follow along with ProFootballTalk and NBC Sports for Super Bowl news, updates, scores, injuries and more
Get betting tools, DFS, season-long fantasy help, live odds and more for Super Bowl 2021 with Rotoworld Premium
Super Bowl Sunday 2021 is right around the corner and the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers are set to play in football’s biggest game. NBC Sports has you covered with the TV channel information and every live streaming option on Roku, Apple TV and more for Super Bowl LV. Plus, find out where to watch the game for free and options for anyone without cable.
Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes and the 14-2 Kansas City Chiefs are looking to repeat as Super Bowl champions after last year’s victory over the San Francisco 49ers. Mahomes threw for 286 yards and two touchdowns with two interceptions, while Travis Kelce scored one touchdown on six receptions. This year, Mahomes will go up against Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. According to PointsBet, the Buccaneers are favorites over the Chiefs. Click here to bet on the game. Follow ProFootballTalk for more on the 2021 NFL Playoffs as well as game previews, recaps, news, rumors and more leading up to Super Bowl 2021.
The moment has finally come: Super Bowl LV is here. It'll be the Tampa Bay Buccaneers playing a rare home game as they take on the defending champion Kansas City Chiefs with the winner hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. For the Buccaneers, they find themselves back at Raymond James Stadium after winning three road playoff games in a row, including a victory in the NFC title game against MVP candidate Aaron Rodgers and his Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field. As for the Chiefs, they took down arguably the hottest team in football in the Buffalo Bills in the AFC Championship Game and are now looking to become the first team since the 2003-04 Patriots to win back-to-back titles.
submitted by Wide_Material to NFLRoundTable [link] [comments]

[Game Preview] Week 14 - Philadelphia Eagles(3-8-1) vs New Orleans Saints (10-2)

Philadelphia Eagles (3-8-1) vs New Orleans Saints (10-2)
After another abysmal performance by the offense the Eagles are making a change at QB throwing rookie Jalen Hurts into the fire against the New Orleans Saints who have the number 1 defense in the league. While a change at QB may limit the turnovers from Wentz trying to play hero ball, it won’t fix the fundamental problems in the offense which are related to scheme and play calling. Some of those issues may be resolved if Doug does what was stated in his press conference which is something he has failed to do this entire season which is establish the run early to help his quarterback. If playcalling improves Hurts may have a chance, but if it does not he will be put in the same difficult position Wentz was in all season with the only advantage is that Hurts legs may buy him some time and get him out of the pocket to avoid sacks. If the Saints play their game they will most likely win their 3rd straight win against the Eagles dropping Pederson to 0-3 against them. Here’s to another Sunday filled with beers and sorrow. Go Birds!
General Information
Posting Rules and Guidelines
Remember to Join us on Discord during the game!
New to the Eagles? Take a look at our New Fan Page!
Score Prediction Contest
Sunday December 13th, 2020
Game Time Game Location
4:25 PM - Eastern Lincoln Financial Field
3:25 PM - Central 1020 Pattison Ave
2:25 PM - Mountain Philadelphia, PA 19148
1:25 PM - Pacific Wikipedia - Map
Weather Forecast
Stadium Type: Open Air
Surface: Grass
Temperature: 56°F
Feels Like: 56°F
Forecast: Partly Cloudy. Partly cloudy throughout the day.
Chance of Precipitation: 0%
Cloud Coverage: 56%
Wind: Northwest 10 MPH
Betting Odds
Oddsshark Information
Favorite/Opening Line: New Orleans -6.5
OveUnder: 44
Record VS. Spread: Eagles 4-8, Saints 7-5
Where to Watch on TV
FOX will broadcast Monday’s game to a national audience. Kevin Burkhardt will handle play-by-play duties and Daryl Johnston will provide analysis.
Week 14 TV Map
Radio Streams
List of Eagles Radio network member stations with internet broadcast availability 94.1 Desktop Streaming
Listen to Merrill Reese and Mike Quick
Calling the game on 94WIP and the Eagles Radio Network will be Merrill Reese, the NFL’s longest-tenured play-by-play announcer (44th season). Joining Reese in the radio booth will be former Eagles All-Pro wide receiver Mike Quick, while Howard Eskin will report from the sidelines.
Location Station Frequency
Philadelphia, PA WIP-FM 94.1 FM and 610 AM
Allentown, PA WCTO-FM 96.1 FM
Atlantic City/South Jersey WENJ-FM 97.3 FM
Levittown, PA WBCB-AM 1490 AM
Northumberland, PA WEGH-FM 107.3 FM
Pottsville, PA WPPA-AM 1360 AM
Reading, PA WEEU-AM 830 AM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WAFL-FM 97.7 FM
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA WEJL-FM 96.1 FM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WAFL-FM 97.7 FM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WEJL-AM 630 AM
Salisbury/Ocean City, MD WBAX-AM 1240 AM
Williamsport, PA WBZD-FM 93.3 FM
Wilmington, DE WDEL-FM/AM 101.7 FM
York/LancasteHarrisburg, PA WSOX-FM 96.1 FM
Philadelphia Spanish Radio
Rickie Ricardo and Bill Kulik will handle the broadcast in Spanish on Mega 105.7 FM in Philadelphia and the Eagles Spanish Radio Network.
Location Station Frequency
Philadelphia, PA LA MEGA 105.7 FM
Allentown, PA WSAN 1470 AM
Atlantic City, NJ WIBG 1020 AM; 101.3 FM
Saints Radio
WWL (870AM/105.3FM) is the flagship station of the Saints Radio Network. Former Saints offensive tackle Zach Strief handles the play-by-play duties, former Saints running back Deuce McAllister provides color commentary and Steve Geller is on the New Orleans sideline for all the contests.
National Radio
Compass Radio will carry the game nationally with Chris Carrino (play-by-play) and Brian Baldinger(analyst).
Satellite Radio
Station Eagles Channel SaintsChannel
Sirius Radio SIRI 1383(Streaming 825) SIRI 83(Streaming 822)
XM Radio XM 226 (Streaming 825) (XM 380 (Streaming 822)
Sirus XM Radio SXM 228 (Streaming 825) SXM 380(Streaming 822)
Eagles Social Media Saints Social Media
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter Twitter
Instagram Instagram
Snapchat: Eagles Snapchat: Saints
NFC East Standings
NFC EAST Record PCT Home Road Div Conf PF PA Net Pts Streak
Giants 3-7 .364 2-3 2-4 3-2 3-6 214 253 -39 3W
Football Team 4-7 .364 3-3 1-4 3-2 3-5 241 243 -2 2W
Eagles 3-6-1 .318 2-3-1 1-4 2-2 3-4 237 277 -40 2L
Cowboys 3-8 .273 2-4 1-4 1-3 3-6 251 359 -108 1L
Series Information
Philadelphia Eagles lead the New Orleans Saints, (17-15)
Series History
Head to Head Box Scores
First Game Played
November 6, 1967 at Tulane Stadium, New Orleans, LA. New Orleans Saints 31 - Philadelphia Eagles 24
Points Leader
The Philadelphia Eagles lead the New Orleans Saints (719-680)
Coaches Record
Doug Pederson: 0-2 vs. the Saints
Sean Payton: 7-2 vs. the Eagles
Coaches Head to Head
Pederon vs Payton: Payton leads 2-0.
Quarterback Record
Jalen Hurts: Against Saints 0-0
Taysom Hill: Against Eagles: 0-0
Quarterbacks Head to Head
Jalen Hurts vs Taysom Hill: This will be the first matchup between the QBs
Records per Stadium
Record @ Lincoln Financial Field: Saints lead: 3-2
Record @ Mercedes Benz SuperDome: Saints leads series: 9-5
Rankings and Last Meeting Information
AP Pro 32 Ranking
Eagles No. 27 - Saints No. 3
2020 Record
Eagles: 3-9-1
Saints 10-2
Last Meeting
Sunday, January 13th, 2019
Saints 20 - Eagles 14
The Eagles traveled to New Orleans to face the Saints in a rematch of the Week 11 game which ended in a 48–7 rout in the Saints' favor. Despite jumping out to an early 14–0 first-quarter lead over the top-seeded Saints on touchdowns by Jordan Matthews and Nick Foles, the Eagles could not keep up the pace. New Orleans responded with 20 unanswered points over the final three quarters, including the eventual game-winning third-quarter touchdown pass from Drew Brees to Michael Thomas, to defeat the Eagles 20–14 and end Philadelphia's reign as Super Bowl Champions. The loss was just the second career postseason loss for Foles, the other being a 26–24 loss in the 2013 season, also to the Saints. New Orleans' victory over Philadelphia meant that, for the 14th straight season, a new Super Bowl champion would be crowned.
Click here to view the Video Recap
Click here for box score
Last 10 Meetings
Date Winner Loser Score
01/13/19 Saints Eagles 20-14
11/18/18 Saints Eagles 48-7
10/11/15 Eagles Saints 39-17
01/04/14 Saints Eagles 26-24
11/05/12 Saints Eagles 28-13
09/20/09 Saints Eagles 48-22
12/23/07 Eagles Saints 38-23
01/13/07 Saints Eagles 27-24
10/15/06 Saints Eagles 27-24
11/23/03 Eagles Saints 33-20
09/24/00 Eagles Saints 21-7
10/01/95 Eagles Saints 15-10
Injury Reports Depth Charts
Eagles Eagles
Saints Saints
2020 “Expert” Picks
Week 14- "Expert" Picks
2020 Team Stats
Eagles Season Stats
Saints Season Stats
2020 Stats (Starters/Leaders)
Wentz 251 437 57.4% 2620 16 15 72.8
Hurts 8 15 53.3% 142 1 1 80.4
Brees 219 298 73.5% 2196 18 3 110.0
Hill 58 81 71.6% 629 2 1 97.2
Sanders 118 631 70.1 5.3 3
Kamara 143 673 56.1 4.7 9
Fulgham 33 467 51.9 14.2 4
Kamara 70 655 54.6 9.4 4
Name Sacks Team Total
Graham 7.0 38
Hendrickson 10.5 36
Name Total Solo Assist Sacks
Singleton 76 47 29 1.0
Davis 85 56 29
Name Ints Team Total
Singleton/McLeod/Mills 1 3
Williams/Jenkins 2 13
Johnston 50 2443 66 48.9 42.4 16 4 0
Morstead 45 1876 57 41.7 40.3 20 1 0
Elliot 15 11 73.3% 54 14/15
Lutz 23 20 87% 53 41/41
Kick Returns
Scott 20 438 21.9 46 0
Harris 16 436 27.3 75 0
Punt Returns
Ward 15 107 7.1 22 0 15
Harris 17 207 12.2 42 0 5
League Rankings 2020
Offense Rankings
Category Eagles Stat Eagles Rank Saints Stat Saints Rank
Total Offense 318.8 29th 370.8 12th
Rush Offense 116.3 14th 140.8 7th
Pass Offense 202.6 28th 230.1 21st
Points Per Game 21.1 26th 28.9 5th
3rd-Down Offense 38.0% 27th 46.9% 5th
4th-Down Offense 34.8% 27th 66.7% 9th(t)
Red Zone Offense (TD%) 60.6% 14th 67.3% 8th
Defense Rankings
Category Eagles Stat Eagles Rank Saints Stat Saints Rank
Total Defence 347.1 13th 288.8 1st
Rush Defence 129.9 25th 76.1 2nd
Pass Defence 217.2 6th 212.8 4th
Points Per Game 25.6 19th 20.1 4th
3rd-Down Defence 37.3% 7th 39.2% 13th
4th-Down Defence 40.0% 5th 55.5% 17th
Red Zone Defence(TD%) 65.8% 21st(t) 66.7% 23rd
Category Eagles Stat Eagles Rank Saints Stat Saints Rank
Turnover Diff. -11 30th +7 4th(t)
Penalty Per Game 6.0 22nd(t) 6.20 20th(t)
Penalty Yards Per Game 50.1 16th 65.9 32nd
Saints HC Sean Payton worked as the QB Coach for the Eagles from 1997-1998 seasons.
Saints starting safety Malcom Jenkins played 6 seasons for the Eagles from 2014-2019 and won a Super Bowl with them in 2017.
Saints CB Patrick Robonsin played one season with the Eagles in 2017 and was a member of the Super Bowl Team.
Saints Senior Defensive Assistant Peter Giunta worked as the Eagles DB coach from 1991-1994.
Saints Assistant Special Teams coach Phil Gailano is originally from Philadelphia, PA and went to Norristown HS.
Eagles Personnel Consultant Darren Sproles played 3 seasons for the Saints from 2011-2013.
Eagles LB Coach Ken Fajole worked as the Saints DB coach in 2012.
2020 Pro Bowlers
Eagles Saints
DT Fletcher Cox (Starter) QB Drew Brees
OG Brandon Brooks (Starter) RB Alvin Kamara (1st Alt)
TE Zach Ertz Wr Michael Thomas(Starter)
C Jason Kelce (Starter) Te Jared Cook(1st Alt)
LS Rick Lavato (Starter) OT Terron Armstead
G Andrus Peat (2nd Alt)
G Larry Warford (3rd Alt)
DE Cameron Jordan (Starter)
CB Marshon Lattimore (Starter)
K Will Lutz (Starter)
RS Deonte Harris (Starter)
Referee: Jerome Boger
Brandon Graham will appear in his 156th career regular-season game, surpassing Trent Cole (155, 2005-14) for the most games played by a defensive lineman in franchise history. Graham leads the Eagles in both sacks (7.0) and TFLs (12) this season.
Miles Sanders ranks 2nd among NFL RBs in rushing average (5.4), behind Nick Chubb (6.0) (min. 100 attempts).
Dallas Goedert is one of only three NFL TEs with 200+ receiving yards (218) and 2+ TDs (2) since Week 11, joining Travis Kelce (345 yards, 2 TDs) and Darren Waller (311 yards, 3 TDs).
Fletcher Cox (53.5) is 1.0 sack shy of tying Hugh Douglas (54.5, 1998-2002, ‘04) for the 5th-most sacks in team history.
Javon Hargrave has recorded 15 tackles, 8 combined QB pres-sures and hits, 2 TFLs and 1.5 sacks dating back to Week 10.
In Week 13 at Green Bay, Jalen Reagor returned a punt 73 yards for a TD, marking the 3rd-longest punt return TD by an Eagles rookie, behind Damaris Johnson (98 yards, 12/2/12 at Dallas) and Ernie Steele (80 yards, lateral, 10/25/42 at Chicago).
Draft Picks
Eagles Saints
WR Jalen Raegor QB Jordan Love
QB Jalen Hurts RB AJ Dillion
LB Davion Taylor TE Josiah Deguara
S K’Von Wallace LB Kamal Martin
OT Jack Driscoll G Jon Runyan Jr.
WR John Hightower C Jake Hanson
LB Shaun Bradley G Simon Stepanick
WR Quez Watkins FS Vernon Scott
OT Prince Tega Wanogho DE Jonathan Garvin
LB/DE Casey Toohill
Notable Off-season Additions
Eagles Saints
DT Javon Hargrave S Malcom Jenkins
CB Nickell Robey-Coleman WR Emmanuel Sanders
CB Darius Slay FB Michael Burton
DB Deatrick Nichols
QB Jameis Winston
RB Ty Montgomery
T James Hurst
Notable Off-season Departures
Eagles Saints
S Malcom Jenkins LB Kiko Alonso
CB Ronald Darby FB Zach Line
RB Jordan Howard CB Eli Apple
WR Nelson Agholor ILB Stephone Anthony
OL Halapoulivaati Vaitai CB Vonn Bell
LB Kamu Grugler-Hill QB Teddy Bridgewater
RB Darren Sproles WR Tedd Ginn Jr.
DT Timmy Jernigan LB AJ Klein
LB Nigel Bradham LB Manti Te’o
Eagles DT Fletcher Cox (53.5) needs 1 sacks to move up to 5th on the Eagles all-time sack list tying DE Hugh Douglas
Eagles DE Vinny Curry (29) needs 1 sacks to move up to 18th on the Eagles all-time sack list passing DT Jerome Brown
Food for Thought
The Torment of Prometheus
The culturally and historically vibrant cities of Philadelphia have more in common than first appearances might suggest. Yes, one has proud French roots, while the other is known as the “Birthplace of American Democracy” while sprouts of British colonialism can be seen in Greater Philadelphian towns like Lower Gwynedd, Narberth, and North Wales. The two cities have more in common than quintessential sandwiches, in the Po’ Boy and the Cheesesteak. Many might not realize it, but a famous Greek Myth links the two; that which represents the torment Eagles fans are now enduring.
For those unaware or needing a refresher of the myth, the Titan Prometheus stole and gifted fire to Humans, a symbol of intellectualism and civilization. As punishment, Zeus ordered him bound and sentenced him to an eternity of having his liver pecked by an eagle. Eventually, Zeus had Hercules kill the Eagle and free Prometheus so that he could aid Hercules in his quest to complete his own penance, the 12 Labors. There’s much more to it than that, but for our purposes that’s the extent to which we’ll be discussing the myth itself. Just know that a famous painting depicting this, Prometheus Bound, has been sitting in the Philadelphia Museum of Art since 1950.
Cut to: We Eagles fans are Prometheus, enduring relentless torment as some sort of divine penance. Could it be for our passion, our fire? Could it be to take our hubris, as it pertains to our stellar collective Football intelligence, down a peg? *Note from the author: you should periodically remind yourself that the 97.5 and 94.1 callers are NOT representative and are largely folks that cry themselves to sleep in the bathtub every gameweek, scraping for any and every ounce of hope and reason and in doing so only emphasize their trauma psychosis. Could we have collectively used up all our karma to get that SBLII title? We may never know. Here’s looking to Lurie, the man ultimately responsible for forcing us into this torment, to bring in some new blood to rescue us from this nightmare. Oh Lurie, god of thunder, end our misery and rescue us. Have we not been punished enough?
In 1814, the USS Prometheus was commissioned by the United States Navy, mostly serving to transport diplomats and survey land over its short lifespan. 4 years later, the ship was considered unseaworthy and got decommissioned, and made its funeral procession down to New Orleans. There, it was auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Here we are, the Saints doing us a courtesy in at least saving us the trip down I-59 to be sold for parts. Allez Saints!
Matchups to Watch
Jalen Hurts and the Eagles Passing Attack vs. Saints Pass Defense
Talk about being thrown into the fire. Jalen Hurts will make his first start Sunday after Pederson benched Wentz against one of the best defenses in the NFL. Per Football Outsiders, the Saints defense is second in the NFL by DVOA. They are an impressive, well-coached unit that is deep at all levels and multiple. This would be a difficult test for an average QB, let alone a rookie QB in their first start on a bad team. Wentz earned his benching weeks ago so this is a formality at this point. Regression doesn’t do enough to describe the utter collapse in this play this season. Hurts is a more athletic QB that is more capable of making plays with his legs that adds a dimension to this offense and they will need it. The Eagles still possess one of the worst receiving rooms in the NFL. The Saints have a deep defense. Janoris Jenkins has found new life in the NOLA and is playing at a high level. Marshon Lattimore is also another great corner. The Saints also have one of the best deep safeties in the NFL in Marcus Williams. Malcolm Jenkins (lol RIP) is a great compliment in their secondary as he is allowed to occupy the same role he had in Philly and is playing pretty well. At the trade deadline, the Saints acquired Kwon Alexander from the 49ers. Alexander has had issues staying healthy in the past but he is no longer expected to be an every down contributor – that’s how deep this Saints defense is. Last but not least, Demario Davis is a god. That’s all that needs to be said. Due to the talent at all 3 levels, the Eagles will need to be smart with their coaching and scheme to help a mediocre receiver room get open and make plays for Hurts. Hurts will do enough on his own to extend plays but they need to be able to hit passes through the air and get open quickly, especially first reads. Due to the nature of the Saints coverage scheme, there will be moments where Hurts can attack down the field. He’ll need to hit those opportunities when they present themselves with regularity.
Eagles Offensive Line vs Saints Pass Rush
The Eagles Offensive Line is bad and the Saints Pass Rush is not. Evergreen statement: the Saints pass rush is deep. This is a team that brings pressure in all kinds of ways but is also able to be disruptive with 4 pass rushers. The Eagles offensive line hasn’t been the hot trash that it likely should be given all of the injuries, but it is still really bad. The biggest problem area has been the guards, especially RG, which makes sense without Brandon Brooks and Isaac Seumalo’s injury earlier this season. Cameron Jordan is still an elite EDGE Rusher, Marcus Davenport is now a very good EDGE3, and Trey Hendrickson has developed into a great EDGE2. Sheldon Rankins, Malcom Brown, and David Onyemata make up a formidable Interior Defensive Front. I would expect this defensive front to bring all kinds of pain on Sunday against the run and really make Hurts run for his life through the air. The Eagles pass protection has to find a way to slow this pass rush down through a lot of disguised plays, play action, and moving the pocket for Hurts to be able to get passes off. Hurts can throw a pretty deep pass but he doesn’t have a live arm, which could make him susceptible to INTs. Confusing him in coverage with disguising rushers in the middle of the defense can also lead to picks as he often just doesn’t see the underneath pass defenders. But when they do rush the passer, the Eagles offensive line has to be able to execute more than they have the last two weeks. Lastly, and this is a point that isn’t talked about enough this season, the RBs need to be passable in pass protection. Notice how I said passable; I say that because they’ve been straight trash in that area this year.
Eagles Defensive Back 7 vs Saints Weapons
The most important indicator of success for the Eagles defense each Sunday is the effectiveness of their defensive line as it is the only unit on the defense capable of consistently making stops. I won’t discuss that here, even though that is still true. Sean Payton has long been one of the best Head Coaches and offensive minds in the league since being hired in New Orleans. They are 10-2 without Drew Brees and Michael Thomas for most of the season. The biggest reason for that? Sean Payton. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have great talent to work with, but he excels at maximizing his players' skill sets. Thomas has returned from injury his place among the elite at the WR position. The Saints signed Emmanuel Sanders in the offseason and unsurprisingly it has worked. Alvin Kamara is still a God. Jared Cook is pretty good. And Taysom Hill looks good in shorts. Sean Payton puts his players in positions to win and they use their talents to make opposing offenses pay. The Eagles defense is good on paper boasting a league-average DVOA but that is misleading given the numerous flaws discussed here ad infinitum. The linebackers are bad and can’t cover. McLeod is decent, but no one else can play in the run or pass game. Darius Slay had been good until the last two weeks (less bad against GB) but is the only capable guy that can cover in the CB room anyway. The backend of this defense is largely slow and can’t cover. They are made to get bent by the Saints offense. Furthermore, they traditionally struggle with mobile QBs. Taysom Hill says hi! For the Eagles to have a chance, the defense needs to play at a level it can’t and the coaching staff needs to play to the limited strengths of its players – which It also struggles to do.
Special thanks to abenyishay and MikeTysonChicken for their help in creating this Game Preview.
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super bowl betting games at home video

Super Bowl Party Games. Okay, maybe just watching the commercials isn't enough...even though it’s my favorite sport of the day. However, I know not all of you are like me, the Party Girl, so here are some other Super Bowl party games and activities you can try: The Football Pool. This is standard. We’ve included our favorites games below to make sure your home or company party is a hit for all of the adults present, even if they aren’t normally interested in football. A touch of Vegas always adds a little spice to an event. 10×10 100 Super Bowl Betting Squares Grid Board for Home or Office Parties. Without a doubt, the most popular For serious Super Bowl betting, the “Under” can be a sure-fire winner at nearly 1-to-1 payoff odds when 2 defenses are found to be better than advertised. Super Bowl 54’s Over/Under line has seen the most movement of any main betting market on February 2 nd ’s big game. The rules for Super Bowl squares games remain essentially the same regardless. You and your friends may be avid Monday Night Football fans and can have a pool every week using the same grid over and over, simply changing the names of the teams on the axis or creating a new grid and placing the names in different squares for each game. Throw the ultimate grown up or kids Super Bowl party this year with the help of a few fun games. They'll get your guests pumped up for the big game, tuned into the action, and having a blast during halftime and the commercials.The great thing about Super Bowl party games is that even if you have guests who aren't really into the football match, they can still have a great time at your party. I’ve been playing Super Bowl party betting games for years, and I’d like to share some of my favorites. Before we get to the list, remember: Communication is key. Make sure to inform your guests in advance about what betting games you will offer (and the stakes) at your party, so that they will arrive prepared. Keep your Super Bowl party guests entertained by playing two or more of these Super Bowl party games that are perfect for fans of all ages and the people who really are just coming for the food.. One way or another, these Super Bowl party games will make your party one they’ll remember even if they couldn’t tell you who won the actual game. Super Bowl Sunday is arguably the best betting holiday of the year. And after talking about the side, over/under and the never-ending props for two weeks, the action hardly stops once you finalize your wagers — especially if you watch the game at a party or with a few friends. Sure, you're there to watch the football game, but that doesn't mean you can't create a few games of your own. These super bowl party games and activities are great for kids and adults alike. This Super Bowl prop game of strategy is one you want to do with a group of seasoned sports bettors. You can even do this one with just you and one other person if you prefer to watch the game in a less distracted environment. The rules are simple: Participants pick any 10 props they like from a specific sportsbook.

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