Varus counters and more. - LoL Counter - League of Legends ...

varus counter league of legends

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Each Special move used in the entire series so far (As of Prowling Anxiety) in order.

Crippling Depression (Varus)
First Appearance: New Varus Build
Use: Buffering the Ultimate while flashing to get more range on it
Fun Fact: Varus' special move list is called The Arsenal of Abnormalities

Psychotic Anxiety
First Appearance: Understanding Botlane
Use: Using flash to curve Pyke's e for style points or to gain more range to catch enemies just out of range

Autism Zone
First Appearance: Lethality Pyke
Use: Allows Papa to increase his Chromosomes tenfold for a short amount of time but is useless unless Papa already has a large amount ready.
Fun Fact: The name was later changed to Asberger Syndrome due to Copyright and Papa wanting to make a callback to the Nexus Blitz filler episode and was changed to only be allowed to access one at 80% or more autism level.

Forgotten Dememtia
First Appearance: Lethality Pyke
Use: Papa dashes with his E and uses his R to curve the phantom so it hits his opponent.

(Not a special move) Pink Pyke Cloak
First Appearance: ppp
Use: While wearing the Pink Pink Cloak Papa gains the power of gayness becoming so powerful that no words in the human vocabulary can describe him forcing the narrator to go silent while Papa wrecks his enemies
Fun Fact: I will be including characters different forms on this List.

(Not a special move) Blood Moon Pyke Skin
First Appearance: Blood Moon Pyke
Use: While in this form Papa's chromosome power is boosted however it requires a large amount of chromosomes to remain in this form.
Fun Fact: In order to gain access to this power Papa had to join the Blood Moon Clan and perform the ritual of paying the 5$ lifetime membership fee.

Crippling Depression (Pyke)
First Appearance: Pyke is very weak and definitely needs the buffs. Thank you League of Legends!
Use: Using flash to buffer the use on Pyke's q to get more range.

Menacing Menpause
First Appearance: Pyke is very weak and definitely needs the buffs. Thank you League of Legends!
Use: A 3 hit combo of Q, E backwards, Tiamat (or just a regular AA depending on the season) to proc Electrocute to get his target low enough for an execute with his R.
Fun Fact: This move probably changed the most during the series as its core component of Tiamat and sometimes even Electrocute were removed depending on how viable they were on Pyke. It is also the most usable of Pyke's Weapons of Disorder as it doesn't require flash or too many chromosomes.

Epileptic Epitaph
First Appearance: Clean Combos
Use: Allows Papa to see 10 seconds into the future. Papa can spend more chromosomes to see farther. Papa must already be at high chromosome levels to use Epileptic Epitaph although the exact level vary based on different translations, manga, or anime.
Fun Fact: Although it first appeared in Clean Combos Epileptic Epitaph was only scarsley used in episodes like The Duty of a Carry, Tenacity Stacking etc. and it didn't even get its name until Auto win at level 16. (It was just called precognative ability until then).

Chromosome Stealing
First Appearance: BAN SYLAS
Use: Being only usable by a select few characters It allows them to steal the chromosomes of other characters and gain the power of them.
Fun Fact: This ability was first used by Sylas and is the main reason he is my fav character. No other character (yes even Evil Morde and Evil Papa) made me feel so much dread when they appeared. The way he just ruthlessly stole WhyGuy's chromosomes still gives me chills each time i watch the episode. There are only 3 characters who have demonstrated having innatley having this ability (Sylas, Papa. Evil Papa).

The Snap
First Appearance: Tenacity Stacking
Use: At the Cost of 50% of the League playerbase WhyGuy can skip his Promos. This only works if Papa has been in The Hardstuck Zone for atleast a month and if Papa recieves a comment asking for more cliffhangers.

Shining Jaundice
First Appearance: Well Designed Item
Use: Using either the Stopwatch or Zhonya's Hourglass the user's skin becomes golden protecting them from any harm for 2.5.
Fun Fact: Anyone can use this special move and it was used throughout the entire series but first got a name in the episode Well Designed Item.

Lazy Editing
First Appearance: Return to Masters
Use: At the cost of 88% Autism level WhyGuy can erase the process of a game skipping it entirely.
Fun Fact: Papa's most costly move which has only been used once in the entire series so far.

Death Realm Warp
First Appearance: Well Designed Rework
Use: Usable only by the current Ruler of the Death realm (Currently Mordekaiser) it allowes them to warp themselves and 1 other person into the death realm for 1 on 1 combat within a confined space
Fun fact: It's time for most peoples favorite villain: Evil Mordekaiser! While I personally like Sylas more, the sheer power Mordekaiser presents from here on out towards the entire series unquestionably makes him a very close second.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (or ADHD for short)
First Appearance: Well Designed Rework
Use: A move created by Papa specifically to counter Morde's Death Realm Warp which puts his body in constant motion becoming UNCONTAINABLE.
Fun Fact: One of Papa's most worthless moves due to only being a counter to 1 specific thing makes this move very weak. But the fact that someone forced Papa to create an entirely new move speaks volumes for Morde himself. What a shame that this move is very easily countered.

Tourettic Transition
First Appearance: Pyka and Sona Bot Lane
Use: At the cost of Autism Levels Papa can skip anywhere betweeen 10 seconds and 20 minutes of a game.
Fun Fact: Like Epileptic Epitaph this ability appeared a long time before it actually got its name in Harvesting my adversaries with Dark Harvest Pyke.

Crippling Anxiety
First Appearance: Pyka and Sona Bot Lane
Use: A combo move where Papa and Varus combine the moves Crippling Depression and Psychotic Anxiety to form a new even more powerful move.
Fun Fact: This is the very first combo move used in the series and I must say that it's pretty cool.

Dead Weight
First Appearance: Mordekaiser's Revenge
Use: This move enhances the users desire to strategically iINT without getting banned
Fun Fact: This move is most often used in the series by villains and very rarely by allies of Whydra.

Radiating Retardation
First Appearance: Dominating with Domination Runes
Use: The users chromosomes increase by 3 for every second that passes while in this state.
Fun Fact: This move can be techincally used even at low Autism Levels but due to it's high cost when you leave this state it's very unsafe to use it while below 90% Autism Levels.

(Not a special move) Project Pyke Suit
First Appearance: PROJECT: Pyke
Use: When wearing this cybernetic form Papa stays at a permanent 80% Autism level and has a permanent Epileptic Epitaph installed. The suit also has a built-in casette player and a navigation assistant.
Fun Fact: Papa rarely uses this suit after its first appearance even after it was cleansed of the virus due to the fact that Papa prefers the risk of losing Autism levels for the reward of more than 80% than the safetey of a permanent 80%. Evil WhyGuy also wears a pink chroma on his suit to combine the powers of the PROJECT Suit and the ppc (Pink Pyke Cloak).

Cybernetic Anxiety
First Appearance: Mama vs Papa of Realm 51
Use: PROJECT Pyke's version of Psychotic Anxiety.
Fun Fact: We don't know which of the 2 moves is stronger but my guess is it depends on the amount of chromosomes the current user has.

Technostressing Depression
First Appearance: Mama vs Papa of Realm 51
Use: PROJECT Pyke's version of Crippling Depression.

Diminishing Discrimination
First Appearnace: League of Legends makes me sad
Use: After landing her Q Mama smashes her keyboard with utmost finesse dealing massive damage and enlightening teammates that Supports should not be underestimated.
Fun Fact: Mama has decided that instead of focusing on various diffeerent moves for different situations she will just perfect 1 move that can be used in any situation. I am still sad that this means we will most likely never see the other moves in the Feminist Movement though (Whining Wamen, Bobcut buster, Entitled Endurance).

Cultural Appropiration
First Appearance: Swain OP! Must ban instead of Pyke
Use: By becoming a bird himself Papa enducated uncultured 2 birds with his might showing them the power of Swain.
Fun Fact: I only put this on the list due to a YouTube comment as I don't even really see this as a special move.

Vision of Whydra
First Appearance: YouTube comments made me a better Swain player
Use: Thanks to the help of all Swain mains within Whydra Papa unlocked his 2nd move in The Communist Manifesto where he hits an enemy with his full power W changing the game according to his vision.
Fun Fact: Welcome to Swain's own set of special moves: The Communist Manifesto.

Cold War
First Appearance: Game Changing Snipes
Use: With the help of a german science device, Papa shoots out icicles while in his ultimate form running at them with Appreach Velocity.

Death Defying Time Skip
First Appearance: Deadliest Weight
Use: With the help of an Ad Papa skips his own death
Fun Fact: Once again I am hesitant to even include this as it is more of a flashy way of using Tourettic Transition.

Blighting Vasectomy
First Appearance: The Arrow of Retribution Returns
Use: Hitting an enemy with a fully charged Q while his W is up to completely destroy a far away enemy

Crippling Vasectomy
First Appearance: Autofilled Varus Mid
Use: Similar to Blighting Vasectomy but now with Flash added in for more range.

Sniping Seizure
First Appearance: Sentinels of Light vs Shadow Isles
Use: Senna shoots a blast of combined Light and Darkness at a far away low hp enemy killing them with so much power that PaMa (Papa and Mama) undergoes a short seizure from the satisfaction.

Reverse Your Kill
First Appearance: Insane Healing with Fleet Footwork
Use: Using Piercing darkness while imbued with the power of Fleet Footwork, taste of Blood and Adent Censer, Senna overcomes the weakness of being squishy with massive healing powers.

Wildfire Windup
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: A combo of TreeGuy's non-ultimate abilities starting with Twisted Advance, Brambly Smashing his target near his Sapling burning the target's body on a molecular level so fast like a Wildfire
Fun Fact: Behold TreeGuy's special moves: The Armaments of Nature!

Forest Grump
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: TreeGuy's version of Crippling Depression where he flashes and then Twisted Advances for a suprise root.

(Not a special move) Reforest Frustration
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: A passive ability where WhyGuy's chomosomes sync with nature giving him more options to plant empowered saplings while frustrating his enemies.

Rheumatic Roots
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: Using Nate's Grasp out of vision to catch the enemy off guard and root 3 or more enemies.
Fun Fact: This move is best used when contesting Objectives.

(Not a special move) Amazon Bushfire
First Appearance: Bites the Bush
Use: Used by Evil Papa to burn the entire Rift reducing the amount of bushes and limiting TreeGuy's power.

Bites the Bush
First Appearance: Bites the Bush
Use: Using Epileptic Epitaph Papa forsees someone entering a specific bush at low health and plants a Sapling in preparation to utterly annihilate them.
Fun Fact: This easily lands in my top 5 moves just for the amazing effects the anime used to show it's power.

Psychotic Assault
First Appearance: Getting my Pyke back in shape
Use: A variation of Psychotic Anxiety where he hits someone with his q before his e to do more damage.

Forgotten Dementia: Ultima
First Appearance: OMNISTONE
Use: A variation on Forgotten Dementia which involves Pyke's Q

Pedophiliac Predator
First Appearance: OMNISTONE
Use: WhyGuy's pedophiliac tendancies spread across the Rift warning any nearby enemies that enter his vicinity.

Sedentary Stroke
First Appearance: Easy Executes with Dark Harvest
Use: By standing completely still Papa managed to perfectly blend into the background

Crippling Counter
First Appearance: Omnistone Sett
Use: By filling Sett's testosterone gauge up to 75% papa blasts his enemies in a wide radius dealing true damage to those caught in the middle
Fun Fact: Meet Sett a.k.a. Testosterone Furry

Paraplegic Pursuit
First Appearance: Hexflash Powerspike
Use: A fully channeled Hexflash followed by a burst of movement speed from Nimbus Cloak, Celerity and Sett's Q

Prowling Anxiety
First Appearance: Prowling Anxiety
Use: Extending the reach of Psychotic Anxiety with the use of Prowler's Claw
submitted by OneBigFox to WhyGuy [link] [comments]

Grevious Wounds Could be Taken OFF Items and Put INTO Champion Kits/Runes to make it a more Interesting Mechanic

On the front page right now, we have this thread and I myself have made fervent arguments in the past repeatedly that Grevious Wounds shouldn't exist and that healing should just be balanced. Recently however, I've come around on the idea that Grevious Wounds should be in the game (especially since there are so many sources of healing now, even for champions with no inherent healing in their kit, making it very difficult to make it so every single source is balanced), but the way its currently implemented sucks. IMO, that's for these reasons.
If Grevious Wounds is going to exist and Riot sees it as a necessary mechanic, than the best way to fix it IMO is to simply create a Grevious Wounds rune. Or really, multiple GW runes, one attached to every tree of runes and replicating their current ramp up conditions.
(btw another idea is to make one rune, preferably place it alongside Ravenous Hunter in the Domination tree to prevent people from taking both, and then have the ramping condition based on the player's primary Runes... so like if the player is running a Precision Keystone they get the Precision effect)
Plus maybe introduce a new rune or rework a current rune (like Revitalize) to nullify a portion of GW when healing a target, and maybe even reducing the cost of a healing ability when using it on a target currently inflicted with GW (because playing a healing enchanter like Soraka and then being like, "oh no that guy has GW on him, maybe I shouldn't kill myself barely doing any healing", is really frustrating... it's essentially tantamount to the game saying "you're not allowed to play League of Legends at the moment, please wait 3 seconds until this arbitrary status effect wears off and then you can play again"). In addition, maybe reduce the numbers from the items (40/60 is CRAZY, if it needs to be that high I'd argue that healing in the game must be inherently unbalanced), and then do the other thing I'd like to see: putting more GW and GW counters into champion kits. Because, you know when earlier I said that GW is a binary and uninteractive mechanic? There's actually already a champion in the game that does GW and does it in a way that's actually interesting... and that champion is Varus.
Varus has an E that I've always liked, Hail of Arrows, which does something interesting by allowing Varus to deploy a circle within which an enemy is slowed and has Grevious Wounds. This is interactive, because the enemy team is forced to make a decision, stay and the circle and deal with it or leave the circle and unlock your healing again. This is an interesting interaction between the caster and the opponent which makes GW an interesting mechanic, even for characters outside the circle who need to decide if they're going to walk through or around, or enchanters who need to figure out a way to defend their teammates until the exit the circle and can get healed again. Right now this ability is unfortunately outclassed by items, but with a few changes it could do something interesting and put Varus into the role of an anti-healer... and you could do that with other champions to, creating a new and fun niche of anti-healing champions that create new and interesting choices in the pick ban phase.
Like, what if Twitch could apply Grevious Wounds by fully stacking his passive on enemy champions? What if champions currently stuck in Mordekaiser's Death Realm suffered from Grevious Wound? What if Malzahar's Void Bugs could apply Grevious Wounds so you could create a little mini-game around the necessity of killing them off? What if Leona's sunlight inflicted Grevious Wounds when it was popped to make target selection more interesting for her allies? What if Kalista spears inflicted Grevious Wounds when they were ripped out, incentivizing you to rip them out early against healing champions to expose them? What if Kog'maw's Q inflicted Grevious Wounds, making it a more significant part of his kit that encouraged him to get closer to enemies? There's so much you could do with so many champion kits to give characters new dynamics and empower them to make interesting decisions.
Plus if you did that, then you could also empower other champions with a counter-dynamic against this mechanic. For instance, when Soraka is empowered by her starcall maybe her heals can bypass the effects of Grevious Wounds. Maybe Nami could cleanse Grevious Wounds with her W. Maybe Vladimir sucking on champions currently afflicted by his ultimate could give him full healing. Maybe Morg's Black shield could prevent Grevious Wounds from being inflcited in the first place (unless it already does, I'm unsure haha).
TLDR: You could add a whole new layer of depth to League of Legends by making Grevious Wounds a more important and interactive aspect to playing the game, rather than just a binary thing spend your taxes on to nullify your enemy's strengths. Right now it's such a boring and uninteresting mechanic, but it could work if it was contextualized in a larger and more sophisticated ecosystem that encouraged players to make more interesting decisions in-game. And it wouldn't even take that much effort...
submitted by Obrusnine to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

With Rell and other new champs, is League becoming too anime? League's recent trend towards anime waifu appeal

With the recent league champions that have come out this year – Sett, Lillia, Yone, Samira, Seraphine, and now Rell – there's been a clear priority towards making more "anime-like" characters that will appeal to weebs and the Chinese playerbase. The character designs are either bland, anime-like, pandering to China, or just blatant Disney-esque "waifu-bait" sex appeal made to sell skins.
This all came to a head with Rell's recent reveal. A tank character who ultimately is a conventionally-attractive girl wearing some but not a lot of armor who feels less like the oldschool League champ design and more like a vessel to sell skins down the line. It could've been a yordle. It could've been an old person. It could've been a monster or an animal or a void creature. Instead, we got anime Disney girl waifu #38.
I realize this is a pretty strong claim to make, and I decided to outline all the recent champions in reverse-chronological order since League has started to shift towards becoming more and more of an anime game that prioritizes bland waifu character designs over fresh, original concepts. Of course this is all fairly subjective, but I think it's important to trace back just when League of Legends started to slowly morph into this "new" League of Anime Waifus:
Champ Notes
Seraphine She's basically an isekai character, a "real world" character who one-day magically found herself in a fantasy land (Runeterra) considering that she's a pop-star which makes no sense with this game's lore. Plus, she has ridiculously-pink hair, which is pretty anime.
Samira She's literally Devil May Cry.
Yone A samurai that came back from the dead and wields two katanas. Where were you while he was studying the blade?
Lillia A monster champ that isn't gross or old or monster-enough so she's clearly just Disney waifu-bait. Plus her hair is colored, which must be anime.
Sett Sono chi no sadame
Aphelios Look at his hair and tell me that's not anime. Sad e-boy edgy mute twink who happens to be a master in five different styles of gun, with the spirit of his dead twin sister follows him wherever he goes? Is this the plot of the new anime FOTM?
Senna The light and the darkness... I Can Be Your Angle... Or Yuor Devil
Qiyana Radiates strong mobile game energy.
Yuumi Talking cat, next.
Sylas Shirtless, ripped, and chained all over, Riot explain this blatant husbando-bait.
Neeko Even if she's canonically lesbian, weebs will still find a way to make her their waifu. And another woman champion with colorful hair, automatic grounds for being anime.
Pyke Rejected One Piece filler episode villain whose only personality trait is angrily stabbing lists and the people on said lists.
Kai'Sa Reference to Samus and Samus is a Nintendo character and Nintendo is Japanese and what's also Japanese? That's right, anime.
Zoe Bro, she's actually ten-thousa-
Ornn A dwarf fursona with the proportions of a poro, he's way too cute and cuddly and clearly based off the gruff blacksmith with a heart of gold in all those animes. Real dwarves suddenly disappear around 1E 700 when the protagonist of the last game sets off the Numidium destroying yet uniting all of history (or maybe just writing lore is hard).
Kayn Inside you are two wolves. One is gay. The other is gay. You are gay.
Xayah She wears short skirts, I wear feathers, she's cheer captain and I'm in detention. The Mary Sue who's not like the other girls because they like 1D and take selfies and she has a nose ring and parts her hair so as to cover her eye and give her irreversible eyesight complications in the future. Likely wrote something similar to My Immortal back in her DeviantArt days.
Rakan Rakan and Xayah are sometimes depicted together with combined wings. The one-winged Jian bird in Chinese mythology has a similar codependency, which represents the bond of two lovers. Clearly this is China-bait.
Camille A subtle little reference to an obscure Japanese hand-drawn cartoon series, Shingeki no Kyojin.
Ivern A bush made out of pixels on your computer screen. You know what else is a bush made out of pixels on your computer screen? This is actually an intervention, your crippling addiction to Japanese porn has concerned us all. Please, you haven't left the house in the last two months.
Kled Funny comic genocidal fluffball character, these are a dime a dozen in anime.
Taliyah She's literally an Avatar reference, Riot got super-lazy with their Earthbending rip-off champ.
Aurelion Sol He's literally a dragon. China loves dragons, remember? He panders to China.
Jhin I mean skinny masked bishounen killer who melodramatically boasts about his wArPeD life philosophy? Literally every popular anime rival villain.
Illaoi A thicc amazonian woman summoning tentacles to do her bidding, y'all know where this is going.
Kindred The classic yin-yang dualistic spiritual being that anime loves, plus furry-bait.
Tahm Kench He feeds his insatiable appetite through the misery of others, and soon he will discover a bottomless supply of misery when he finds you and tells you every day that your waifu is not real and never will be and even if she was she'd find you repulsive just like all the other women in your life. But at least you have figurines!
Ekko He's a 15 year old boy that can go back in time and fights for his friends, that's some basic shounen shit.
Bard Based off of Mongolian throat-singing, but that doesn't matter because to reddit anything Asian is automatically anime!
Rek'Sai She burrows because she's actually got her stash of manga buried underneath Summoner's Rift and that's what she's reading when spends her time below surface and she knocks up people when she surfaces because she's annoyed they interrupted her reading time and now she's gotta go back a page to remember what just happened.
Kalista She's like a gender-bent Kratos from God of War and God of War is a PS4 game and Playstation is a Japanese company and anime is Japanese, checkmate.
Azir Serious fans of Isao Takahata (known for Grave of the Fireflies) may have seen his earlier work The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun, which Azir is pretty much confirmed by Riot himself to be based off of.
Gnar Hehe, funny dumb animal side-character meant to boost young audience viewership and sell plushies go bonk!
Braum He lives in a frozen wasteland, yet wears no shirt. He's a tank-y champion yet wears no armor. Where is the lore consistency??? (Plus he's literally modeled after those brawny Bronson-esque bald mustached fisticuff characters you see in every anime.)
Vel'Koz Purple tentacled eye monster who "studies" human lifeforms; see Illaoi.
Yasuo I think this one might actually be the one non-anime champ in the game? Talanted, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopper, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it-
Jinx Crazy manic pixie wide-eyed murder-happy harliquinn-styled flat-chest waifu who straddles the age of consent. Basic anime shit.
Lucian The one token black character in every anime.
Aatrox He's Muramasa the champion. Or a JoJo reference if you're boring.
Lissandra You may think she's born from Norse mythology, but this icy-bitch is actually a metaphor for how weebs see women.
Zac Slime monsters are a classic anime trope, a clear reference to Dragon Quest. Alternatively he's a genderbent slime girl, you sick freak.
Quinn A Berserk reference made into a tsundere waifu, careful she won't send Valor to gouge your eyes out (it's not like that's what she wanted, b-baka)
Thresh He traps your soul in his lantern, much like how anime traps your soul so you can never go to heaven.
Vi Fist of the Northern One Punch (wo)Man. Plus she's got colored hair which literally doesn't exist outside of anime.
Nami Why does this fish have tits? Stupid waifu-bait.
Zed An obscure reference to Fortnite streamer Richard Tyler Blevins, better known by his online alias "Ninja".
Elise Okay a fish is one thing, but this champion is a fucking spider, why do they keep adding milkers to animals with no milk? More excessive waifu-bait.
Kha'Zix Clearly a reference to the cancelled Alien vs Predator anime Netflix original. I mean he's literally Alien!
Syndra That armor is not practical hunty, Riot you really expect us to believe her outfit is functional? Functional for being a CBT waifu maybe.
Rengar Cancelled Alien vs Predator anime Netflix original reference #2. I mean he's literally Predator!
Diana Yin. noun. (in Chinese philosophy) the passive female principle of the universe, characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, cold, and the moon. What's with this overt China pandering?
Zyra Alright they even found ways to put ta-ta's on plants now, the most obvious example of waifu-baiting so far.
Jayce The bland, generic, stereotypical American character in anime shows who get abandoned two episodes in. Completely forgettable, do Jayce mains even exist?
Draven ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second. At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase. Minimum Physical Damage: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 50% bonus AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 100% bonus AD) Recast: Jax ends Counter Strike early.
Darius Look at his old splash art and tell me that isn't a 5head Tetsuo reference.
Varus There's literally three guys inside of him at all times. Disgusting. Where can I find more?
Fiora Originally French, but as shown in the superserver Chinese Fioras are just built different, so now she's canonically Chinese. And why does she have colorful hair, just another generic anime Disney girl I guess :/
Nautilus His E, Titan's Wrath, grants him a shield for up to six seconds, and while the shield holds his basic attacks bonus magic damage to his target and all enemies around them. This is all to say that you should be careful about when to Attack on Titan.
Ziggs Crazy furball character is a staple trope of anime, more at 11.
Sejuani One of the champs whose "waifu bikini armor" was so egregious they actually redid her splash because of how ridiculous it was. Not sure why they didn't do the same with Ashe to be honest.
Viktor Converting one's body into being Full of Metal? Hmmmm.
Ahri I like her for her... playstyle. Yeah...
Volibear Bara tiddies. I'm sorry.
Fizz He's kinda like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch, my favorite Disney anime.
Shyvana Ridiculous. Dragons should not have such child-bearing hips as they lay eggs instead of live-birthing.
Graves Okay hear me out, they took away his cigar and nobody except reddit really cared and I guess the Rioters who had to frequent the reddit community for their jobs got tired of all the complaints this one tiny segment of their playerbase made so they asked their friends in the art and animation department to re-add the cigar layer in the .psd and to reddit this is basically like an anime redemption arc.
Xerath Leaked Genshin Impact Femboy Xerath? Leaked Genshin Impact Femboy Xerath.
Riven Waifu Marth.
Talon Even if it's not Japanese, Assassin's Creed is like one of the most anime video-games ever, you're basically a westaboo ninja.
Skarner He was supposed to be a crystal in FFXV but Tetsuya Nomura forgot to tell Hajime Tabata about it and that's why the game feels unfinished.
Wukong Actual China-bait.
Leona We were promised a tank champion, but all we got was just another skinny girl waifu-bait. She should have more armor on, why does she just wear a skin-tight bodysuit on her torso? And why is she not wearing a helmet? Waitaminute, this sounds familiar...
Yorick One of his moves has him throwing a putrid ball of cum at you, which is pretty accurate weeb representation.
Orianna Hello Alita the battle angel from Alita: Battle Angel.
Vayne If Van Helsing was a sexy librarian who gave ruined handjobs.
Rumble Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann but smol
Brand Charizard's skin-sona.
Lee Sin Bruce Lee.
Nocturne The very concept of nightmares and fears materialized into a singular entity? Typical mid-late boss battle in like half of all JRPGs that exist, probably has like 4+ phases. Seen it.
Jarvan IV Righteous yet generic warrior king leader in all those mediocre fantasy animes. Bored Art Online, next.
Maokai He literally spreads his seed in-game. Riot, dial it back.
Karma Karma's name is a niche little reference to the Asian concept of karma, which originates from the large continent of Asia. Must be China-bait.
Renekton An obscure reference to Alligator from Hunter x Hunter in episode 78 of the Chimera Ant arc. Really cool how Riot plants all these hidden yet intentional anime references throughout their roster.
Caitlyn Her splash art is the type of pin-up poster they used to convince your great-grandpa to die for his country. Boomer waifu.
Cassiopeia Riot literally making it an in-game mechanic to not look at her eyes. Well where else am I supposed to look at? Her tits??
Trundle Wow, how cool of Riot to make a literal weeb as a champion!
Irelia Her armor is a result of her scheduling her yoga appointment too close to the Battle of Placidium. Seriously, is it made of spandex or something?
Leblanc When you can't decide whether you're going to the club or to the circus.
Lux Someone at Riot clearly had a bimbo-clown fetish looking back at Lux's original splash.
Swain Swain is the ruler of Noxus and can be seen as a dictator of sorts. His Northern Front skin tips us off to the fact that he's vaguely Russian-inspired. Now, what would be the anime that links us from League of Legends to Russian militaristic dictators? That's right, it's Girls und Panzer! Promoting militarist sentiments behind the guise of cute girl characters is a tactic Swain would surely smile upon!
Sona She's literally Hatsune Miku.
Miss Fortune Bro it's Miss Fortune idk what to tell you
Urgot The ugly fat bastard hentai artists always draw for some goddamn reason. He's gonna dick down your favorite waifu and there's nothing you can do about it.
Galio Macro x Dragon porn. Intersectionality is beautiful.
Vladimir Sexy vampires is a tale as old as time.
Xin Zhao Someone help this guy return back to the Three Kingdoms period. (possible other actual China-bait? idk)
Kog'Maw Reverse Kirby. More unoriginal Japanese rip-offs.
Olaf Please, stop with the Disney princess movie references.
Malzahar All he does is push the wave every 30 seconds and then sit at his tower much like how all weebs do is sit in their room and occasionally leave for tendies. Both are cancer.
Akali The sports-bra assassin.
Garen If you spam his joke it looks like he's twerking. Unnecessarily sexy for my Christian eyes.
Kennen Hamtaro + Naruto. Yawn.
Shen Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. Less spine-ripping though.
Ezreal The OG League anime twink. League's been queer-baiting for over a decade.
Mordekaiser He literally banishes you to the Shadow Realm, I smell a copyright infringement from Viz Media.
Gragas Another needlessly shirtless League of Legends sex icon; his barrels bring all the boys to the yard.
Pantheon So I guess even though they modeled a unique and distinctive head for Pantheon, Riot decided "nah that'll distracted from his chiseled spartan abs too much" and hid it behind a metal bucket? What over-commitment to blatant sex appeal.
Poppy Please do not draw any lewds of her she's pure and innocent and smol oh god stop
Nidalee Both a cougar and a cougar -pounces on you x3-
Udyr The bear for people looking for a bear that's a little less 'bear' than Volibear. Canonically a furry.
Heimerdinger Sapiosexuals rejoice.
Shaco Demon jester, it's never been done before I swear.
Nasus Did you know the ancient Egyptians were horny as hell and their culture was obsessed with dicks and semen? Their creator god Atum literally jerked off and the jizz became the world. Pharaohs would then ritualistically jack off into the Nile for the river was seen as the cum of the Gods. Some drawings show them being escorted by giant cock beasts, and in this essay I will show that Nasus-
Corki Like Seraphine, another example of the isekai trope at work. Dude got ripped straight out of Pearl Harbor.
Katarina In Katarina's line of work, nothing provides more camouflage in the cover of night than bare midriff. This is because all her targets are gay.
Blitzcrank The first hooker.
Dr. Mundo He's a gym-rat that's as dumb as a rock, big himbo energy. God why are dumbasses so fucking hot
Janna Someone at Riot took one of those "We Are Fucking Under Attack" mobile game elf ladies and made her a champ, and this is how we got Janna.
Malphite His nips are always hard. Why is this?
Gangplank Riot wants us to forget when Gangplank originally had chest hair so thick it gained sentience and separated itself from his fucking body. I actually... don't know... was this supposed to be sexy or...?
Taric Candidate for biggest chest-to-head ratio size in the game.
Kassadin -teleports behind you- Nothing personell kid.
Veigar Blatant Final Fantasy black mage ripoff!
Anivia The missing K/DA member.
Rammus Crackhead Sonic the Hedgehog.
Amumu A sad Egyptian child who has no friends. You know who else is a sad Egyptian child who has no friends? Mokuba Kaiba.
Cho'Gath What do you think of when you think of Cho'Gath? That's right, Gentleman Cho'Gath. And what is Gentleman? That's right, a song by Korean musician Psy who did Gangnam Style. This is a hint that Riot will be giving us K/DA Cho'Gath in the next skinline, along with Badnivia.
Karthus Depictions of skeletons are banned in China, so Riot literally had to re-do all of Karthus's splash arts so as to be acceptable there. This is clear pandering to the Chinese market, and therefore unacceptable.
Evelynn There may be some sex appeal going on here.
Tryndamere Another flagrant example of husbando-baiting, why is he half-naked in the middle of a blizzard? Are the men in Freljord immune to frostbite or is Riot just making more boring sexy humanoid male champs?
Twitch Gay.
Singed Taken straight from the League wiki: "Singed's bald figure, red and green color motifs, and his large boots make him resemble Sigma from the Mega Man/Rockman X series." You just know a weeb made this champ.
Zilean Actually probably ten-thousand years old or something.
Alistar Literal beefcake, Riot keeps making such ridiculously sexy champions just to sell more skins.
Annie Sweet, adorable, little girl actually destructive demon child who uses her anthropomorphic toys as weaponized allies. Prime filler-episode template.
Ashe Somehow her clothing makes even less sense than Braum or Tryndamere. Why isn't she covering her armpits? Why is she wearing a mini-skirt and thigh-highs? Why are you wearing a v-neck in the middle of winter??
Fiddlesticks A skinny queen who once again sets impossible body standards.
Jax Classic anime trope of fighter who's so good at fighting he doesn't use normal weapons.
Kayle If sex is a sin, then why did God give his angels boob plating?
Master Yi The original Yasuo before Yasuo. I still want to delete both.
Morgana Sexy smouldering fallen angel turns out to be misunderstood and actually made some points. Definitely never been done in anime ever.
Nunu & Willump Hello Nunu & Willump from League of Legends. Hello Hiro & Baymax from Big Hero 6. Yes.
Ryze There is no reason a mage needs to be this shirtless and this ripped, but here he is for those who asked. Did anyone ask??
Sion Like, every orc from every fantasy anime ever, but to be fair they also took it from Warcraft, Tolkien, and D&D.
Sivir Wonder Woman. Did she break her spine posing in her base splash? Someone please get this girl a chiropractor.
Soraka The cottage-core variety of monster girl waifu.
Teemo The Pikachu of League, for better or for worse.
Tristana Little girl, big gun, clearly a reference to Black Rock Shooter.
Twisted Fate The one outlet gay Leaguers had before Graves.
Warwick For those of you really into werewolves, you know who you are. And you need Jesus.
So yeah, there you have it, since the release of Warwick, League's been pretty clearly appealing to weebs and the male gaze. The anime influence was pretty blatant when we got literal ninjas like Akali and Shen and literal samurais like Master Yi, and then we got literally Hatsune Miku as a champion with Sona, and even Teemo's just another generically cute anime mascot character. And champs like Nunu & Willump and Lux really kickstarted the recent Disney princess design we've been seeing. And since we got champs like Evelynn, Nidalee, Morgana, and Irelia it's pretty clear that Riot's been prioritizing waifus and sex appeal in their champ designs over something more original. Imagine if instead of being just another generic waifu, Irelia was a yordle, or old, or a monster. Or an old yordle monster. Instead Irelia falls into the new school of champ design where champs must be sexy waifus to sell their skins. I know this was a lot to read, so I appreciate if you read any of it and hope you too got something out of it. Riot's really been lazy and greedy with their uninspired champions since the release of Warwick and I hope they can go back to their early roots of fresh, creative designs that don't rely on this recent trend of sex appeal, waifu-baiting, or anime influence. Thank you for listening.
submitted by pandaDesu to queensofleague [link] [comments]

Team Comp / Counterpicking for a beginner

Hi all,
I'm a fairly new returning player to League of Legends - I played ages ago (~2014) when I was a teen and have taken the game up again. I'm maining ADC and I'm comfortable playing a small pool of 3 champions - Ashe, MF, and Varus. My question is, how do I go about deciding which one to play in a given game? I know that team composition and counterpicking are considerations, but I feel like I don't know enough about all the different champions to know things like "Oh, they picked Draven, that means I should pick ________ to counter him". What are the basics of team comp and counterpicking I should be aware of with these 3 champions in particular, and how can I learn more so that I can make more nuanced decisions in champ select?
submitted by xRabidWalrusx to summonerschool [link] [comments]

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things - PLAYOFFS - TSM vs C9

edit2: Added Parth's Tweet!
edit: Added DL new tweet and Leena's dm tweet


Congratulations to @Bjergsen on winning Player of the Series for the 2020 #LCS Summer Playoffs series between @TSM and @Cloud9! #TSMWIN

Priority: TSM/C9 Player Tweets > Interview Notes > Tweets
Also, during Game Analysis will be MOSTLY Kobe/Flowers. I ain't missing Kobe/Flowers for this game.


TSM Subroza
  • Will be cheering for our LoL team tmr (today), lets hope they bring the dub that we couldn't get for the fam today! 🤙 #TSM
  • TSM Dellzor: TSM 3-0
TSM Reginald:

  • MaxOlivo: reginald
FLY Santorin:
  • I expect similar bangers today @Cloud9 vs @TSM! Don't disappoint us
  • Cloud9: As per request, a 3-0 is coming just for you
  • Pepe.jpeg
Cloud9 (Twitter):
  • No silver scrapes tommorow please (after the TSMA series yesterday)
TSM Myth:
  • Coach Myth LoL TSM Viewing party tomorrow (today). Kinda nervous to branch the character out of Valorant. But we'll try it and see what happens. :)
TSM Smak:
  • The last NA spot for Worlds is on the line today. TSM vs C9. Damn this is hype! #TSMWIN
TSM Treatz:
  • Banger series starting soon vs. C9, everyone is confident and ready Folded hands GIVE US YOUR ENERGY AND LET'S GO TO WORLDS
C9 Vulcan:
  • Gulag finals today o7
  • Cloud9 (Twitter): Let's go, Sir. Thomas Kench! #C9WIN
  • Empyre (EG Analyst): Can't wait to watch you eliminate TSM from a Worlds spot 2 years in a row!
C9 Reapered:
  • #C9WIN
Team Liquid (Twitter):
  • Hey @TSM and @Cloud9 , let's see some games like those. #LEC (referencing the bo5 between g2 fnc)
Royal Never Give Up (Twitter):
Parth Interview:
  • Gonna be close, Zven/Blaber have really stepped it up. They're the two key players.
  • Had to change identity a couple of times towards the end of the split.
  • Biofrost was brought in for the pre-built synergy and playoff experience. Treatz is a really great player both in mechanics and leadership. We can flex both during this match.
  • Whoever is more explosive between us two will come out ahead. Confidence with Playmaking is the C9 & TSM team identity. Slow and methodical is TL's.



LS & Max & SK Crownshot
  • Max: Cloud9 shouldn't ban Cait on their side, TSM shouldn't ban Tahm on their side.
  • Max: Guesses TSM ban Yuumi to prevent Ezreal Yuumi after the first 3 picks.
  • Max: Cloud9 should be picking GP after TSM's bans.
  • LS: Why are C9 picking Kindred? Why are they blinding Sett?? Also why Lucian when Akali is up?? Noooooooo. Akali is the best pick here for TSM.
  • LS: TSM is going to win
  • Crownshot: Ezreal into Senna is good. Predicts C9 to win for this specific game. Trust's LS granny to predict the TSM win for the series. Ezreal should have a field day against TSM's comp.
  • twisted fate is a great pick for bjergsen because he can turn his enemies into wards too to pair with his ward teammates
Rogue Esports:
  • If @TSM has million numbers of fan i am one of them . if @TSM has ten fans i am one of them. if @TSM have only one fan and that is me . if @TSM has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the @TSM , i am against the world. #LCS
  • TSM saving C9 fans w/ the Yuumi ban 🤣

DURING GAME (Mostly Kobe & Flowers not missing Kobe Flowers for this game. sorry. )

  • Kobe: Spica has full control of the jungle (3:40) because every single lane has priority after that level 1 victory.
  • Kobe: Trading flashes level 1 is a huge for the Lucian/Sett Lane (for Lucian).
  • Kobe: The willingness of TSM to go champs that they've received flack for is nice to see (Spica Graves, DL Senna)
  • Flowers: People wanted to see Blaber on a carry but he is down 2 levels to Spica at 13:40.
  • Flowers: TSM not only win the teamfight, but get both neutral objectives. (~17:30)
  • Kobe: C9 can still make a huge comeback if they can get a teamfight where TSM aren't able to kite back like they did in the herald fight. (~18:40)
  • Kobe/Flower: TSM's wards save lives. If they didn't have that ward in the brush behind 1st bot turret then that would've been 300g for C9.
  • Flowers: Facecheck from Zven costs them the Baron.
LS & Co:
  • "TSM TSM TSM" 17min TSM win herald fight.
  • LS/Max: Bjerg's TP during the Baron fight was really cool. He could've walked but he knew that he'd have the MS from TP to be able to catch Kindred (Baron fight)
  • Zven... how are you doing zero damage in that fight. (Baron fight) your TP does damage. (his blink)
  • Chat: What does Sett do?
  • "ya know... uhh one sec... uh.. OOOH BB WITH THE TRADE"
  • anyways Sett... he's a great character... that's what ya gotta know... does a lot of different things for the team... pressure... damage.. poke... simple LOL
  • Ty for the carry @Biofrostlol (~28 min)
  • No hard engage for Galio to follow up on means TSM can kite out these fights so well - unless C9 can find flanks it's gonna be incredibly difficult to close the gap before TSM focuses down Galio.
    TSM Dunc:
  • Not saying anything. No jinx. No bm. But lovely first game.


Rogue Tomislav (GM):
  • I am so split rn - TSM wins we get to meme at worlds, but if C9 wins I get to hang out with @Nisqylol again. Hard decisions.
FLY Solo:
  • C9 fans sweating right now
  • Doublelift first senna win POGGERS
  • Doublelift wins his first Senna game. Long overdue, his last loss on it in the regular season was actually pretty good.
  • I think if C9 freeze here it's the correct line
  • Voyboy: Yup, the math checks out
  • Cloud9: pain
  • Shakarez: wtf it just insta banged?
  • C9A Diamond: this tweet just broke the stratosphere
  • Azael: There's not even a tower, dragon or baron for TSM to take here... TSM wouldn't have any response to the C9 freeze.
Lolesports Stats:
  • C9 please stop picking Ezreal, that champion is useless. Play utility ADC and pick better champs for 3v3 top or this series is doomed.
  • TSM looking really good in game 1. C9 gonna be SWEATIN after that one, but honestly super surprised that C9 went Ezreal after Zven talking about how they realized they need their bot lane to have agency to be successful in his interview last week. SWAP IT UP!
  • Doublelift has officially broken the Senna curse and is now 1-5 on the champion for his career!! 😲



  • LS: Shen B1 is really weird from TSM. C9 could just get GP or Vlad but they might be traumatized. Shen can flex to support.... and jungle.
  • LS: Hecarim ban makes no sense from C9. Should've been another support ban. Hecarim doesn't want to be with Ashe/Azir. You want a Hecarim to walk into Lilia/Senna.
  • LS: TSM first 3 picks are bad but they're getting bailed out by C9's draft. Xerath/Ziggs would've countered TSM's.
  • LS: Both teams drafted terribly. TSM wanted to draft long range into Lilia/Senna but instead they opt for mid-range.
  • Reginald in chat: advertising Blitz app
Max: Can pivot shen support, Azir top, Draven mid in an ideal world against C9's comp.

DURING GAME (Kobe & Flowers)

  • Kobe: Zven's playstyle matches Senna really well. He also had a good eye for Senna's W angles.
  • BB attacks the wave to get level 2 for taunt for Spica's great level 2 gank.
  • Flowers: Now that Blaber is on Graves, he is the one with the 2 level lead this game (17min)
  • Kobe: Infernal fight at ~18min is interesting. Cloud9 get the kills and TSM gets the objectives. (Herald dies w/o charging and they steal infernal)
  • Vulcan is there EVERY time someone on C9 gets caught it feels like, this man is looking TK seem straight BUSTED. (~19min)
  • Tim Sevenhuysen: Definitely. And look how good Nisqy looks when he's playing for himself instead of just being an enabler. Adds so much flexibility to C9.
  • LOL Spica safeguarding the Senna W right on to Ashe... Doublelift just got SOLD OUT(~23min)
  • pretty sure vulcan is the most 1v9 tahm kench ive ever seen (~19min)
  • Amazing level 1 opening by TSM using ward over herald/baron pit to sneak C9's red buff and go for an unexpected level 2 gank top. GREAT STUFF
  • Tim Sevenhuysen: Unclear whether sarcastic.
  • Told you not to play Lillia vs Shen if enemy team plays for Shen's lane she is omega doomed lvl 2 (level 2 gank)
  • One of the not so obvious habits that I see in every single team in NA is peoples unwillingness to just die when they are dead and end up killing half their team trying to stay alive. (~23min when Spica W'd to DL with Senna W)
  • Sick level 1 by Spica to dodge the defensive counter invade ward by C9 and setup a level 2 cheese top gank.
  • Tim Sevenhuysen: Even with him avoiding that ward though, Licorice was extending way too far for any kind of top side start from enemy Jungler, no? Ganking from river still would've made him Flash, have to think.
  • Not at all. There is no other clear where you are threatened at that point and they dodged the level 1 ward. You're playing ranged lane bully, you need to press advantage level 1. Thinking Licorice should be defensive there is really hindsight bias.
  • When Licorice TPed back, Lee should've went back to top. (after the successful level 2 gank)


  • Why does TSM keep hard contesting these drakes when they're so much weaker and should wait for the item spikes <.<
  • Legit 3 dragons in a row lol
  • It seems like Senna is going to be a big pick for this series, I'm interested to see how both teams adapt to it. Do you ban senna? First pick it? Maybe ban away the Tahm Kench so it's more punishable?? We'll have to see
Cloud9 (Twitter):
  • alright 1-1 series, time to restrategize with coach @TSM_Myth for the next one lads ! XD
  • Over 500k already watching TSM vs C9! Our #LCS fans SHOWING UP! Hope we can go 5 games! LET'S GOOOO!
  • For how much Licorice was focused & put behind in the early game - he was really smurfing team fights on Lillia! Nice segment from the AD highlighting some of his huge impact this game.
  • now THATS the @blaber that won MVP. what a huge performance from him to tie up the series. that's the kind of game where you get +4 honors for sure.



LS & Sanchovies/Max/Crownshot
  • LS: Sett B1 for Cloud 9 is losing
  • LS: Ezreal counterpicked himself. Ziggs/Jinx/Varus are good alternatives.
  • Both teams seem to be drafting in isolation rather than for comp. Rakan pick is awkward.
  • Thinks Lucian is a bad final pick for TSM.
TSM seem to be focusing on drafting comfort again. (Strat they used Games 3-5 in the GG series)
Predictions: TSM win draft.
  • According to this composition... if we play accordingly... we dominate.
  • This composition is very unforgiving... we gotta play chess and make sure they're playing checkers.... then take it home.
  • TSM 3 prio lanes + evelynn holy moly the draft gap can be seen from neptune
  • Veigarv2: :D
  • Intergalactic astronomically turbo smurf
  • Veigarv2: astro giga omega turbo bazooka insane draft vs enemy ikea draft

DURING GAME (Kobe & Flowers)

  • Flowers: TSM are still ahead by 1k despite being even in kills (~5min)
  • Kobe: This is why they picked Rek'sai, he's the best champ to gank top lane. (BB dies 2nd time to Blaber)
  • TSM are down 4 ults so they give C9 the 3rd drake. Critical that Eve has her ult for team fights. (~18)
  • Flowers: Look at the inventory on licorice, you got a hoodie, a special armor shirt, a lid to a bucket and a pirate sword. none of this is going to carry the game (20:35)
  • Kobe: The kiting from TSM is really impressive, you can tell that they've been practicing these types of cops (Ocean soul fight win for TSM)
  • Rek'sai/Sylas pick was intelligent. Spots out Spica and Sylas can steal very key ults.
  • If Blaber had Hail of Blades there he would've killed Rakan just saying (Rakan/TF/Eve vs Rek'sai/Bard/Sylas early fight)


TSM Treatz:
  • 1 more game
TSM Dunc:
  • I want Bjergsen to step on me
  • Bjergsen literally looks like an alien in these games, actually from a different planet than the rest of these players
  • I can't comprehend Licorice's items please man someone explain
  • bjergsen is good at league of legends
  • Watching Sett build Cutlass and sit on it for most of the game was pain. Boris is winning the LCS this year.
TSM (Twitter):
Cloud9 (Twitter):
GG Huhi:
  • how good is bjerg :O
  • Bjergsen really wants to go to Worlds
  • Boris: He even defeated me man... My man is too op
  • Stop picking Ezreal. Higher prio on Senna since you don't play Ashe (?). Ban TF. Just weird draft from C9 that is worse in teamfights and in sidelaning. Only banking on Bard/Reksai creating unnatural early game advantages (yet TSM still won those skirmishes and got a level 1 off)
  • bjergsen is legit solo carrying his team through this playoffs almost every game its crazy
  • Why does Licorice keep buying BotRK and Blaber with Cleaver? No tanks from TSM and they have a ton of range. #LCS
  • TSM So close to worlds.... So close.......... 1 more win!
  • If your strategy to beat evelynn is to pick Reksai you might aswell just pick Warwick, his W tracks evelynn, his Q follows her R, he can easily kill her at most stages of the game. Evelynn after her buffs especially is rlly strong in duels early game and reksai is so flip here
  • and THIS was the @Bjergsen that could win MVP. 25 stack mejai TF with no zhonyas. pure dmg. huge guts. rest of tsm smiling after win and he just applies chapstick lmao.



LS w/ Max, Crownshot, Nemesis, Sanchovies
  • LS: Why is Cloud9 on Red side??? Loser chooses so why red?
  • LS: :OOO OOOH!! In reponse to the Skarner pick. Protect comp!!!
  • Crown: Yeah they heard me say that a protect comp is good into Evelynn... but why Rakan??
  • LS: Yeah Rakan is bad... but at least C9 picked Tahm into it.
  • Nemesis/Sanch: Sylas is pretty good for C9 here. Good ults to steal. (Post 6 picks)
  • Nemesis: LB bans?? whyyy Zil is good into Evelynn
  • LS: Ashe is bad but Varus is good.
  • Nemesis: Nah, Atk speed varus is bad.
  • Crownshot: Good draft by TSM
  • LS: Malphite would've been a good last pick for Cloud9
  • LS: Gotta use the bathroom after seeing C9's draft. TSMWIN
GG Inero:
  • Playing Eve into Skarner Zilean is an absolute nightmare. Trying to assassinate people through Zilean revive + Skarner point and click lock down is incredibly difficult for a squishy assassin. TSM is low dmg but dunno if it matters vs squishy C9 comp!


  • Flowers: TP advantage goes to TSM but C9 does have a Tahm Kench so that swings over to C9 post level 6
  • Kobe: Post-6 is very scary for top lane (Wukong/Eve).
  • Kobe: Early serrated dirk for BB is huge. (~5min) Killed Licorice twice. Ruins the whole post-6 scariness of the Eve/Wukong combo.
  • Kobe: Bjergsen takes two lives and saves one! (fight at enemy blue ~14)
  • Flowers: Bjerg is doing some great chiropractor work.
  • Kobe: This is looking inevitable.. (TSM going 3 for 1 enemy red side + dragon)
  • Kobe: Early leads and early lane priority were essential for C9's comp. This is what it looks like when that doesn't pan out (~19:20 4.1k gold lead for TSM)
  • Flowers: C9 trying to staunch the bleeding by continually attacking BB with Eve/Wukong. (~20min)
  • Cloud9 think taking the dragon for the jungler's life was worth but TSM transition that death into Baron.
  • LICORICE???? (~5min)
  • Good thing Licorice saved his flash for the next ga- hm. (5min)
Rogue Tomislav:
  • Rogue vs TSM Rogue vs TSM Rogue vs TSM Rogue vs TSM Rogue vs TSM Rogue vs TSM @Rogue vs @TSM IS IT HAPPENING AT #Worlds2020 (5min)
  • Game is lost Bjergson Brokenbobo and Spica topside too strong (~6min)
  • You can't give C9 the excuse anymore that MAYBE they will click for Worlds and be good again. It's been 2 months. They do not deserve Worlds. (~10min)
  • This is a rough game to go out on for Licorice if TSM wins this one. (~10min)
  • Cloud9 getting a lot of picks on Jayce, but will have to continue to find even more if they want to have a chance in this game. Eve just can't fight near Zilean which means they have very few options in team fights.
  • Going to be rough if Cloud9 doesn't qualify for Worlds after such a smashing spring and part of summer. But gotta give a lot of credit to Broken Blade, Bjergsen and Spica this series. Really well played top side of the map from TSM. #LCS
  • Empyre: grats mr veigarv2
  • falling behind vs a skarner team always feels so fking bad, the qss tax stings extra hard..



  • Hasn't hit me yet. Doesn't hit till you head off to China and start practicing. Really excited to play against other mid laners
  • This match was about understanding the weakness of the enemy champs. TF with rapid fire and swifties really enables other champs because of the massive range stun.
  • Getting Zven off Senna was big. They really should've first picked it. With TF I feel really comfortable and he has a lot of agency. Allows me to lead the team and shotcall the mid game.
  • Not that much pressure here since we're not in the studio with fans. These elimination matches are really the peak of competition
  • Everyone has been only thinking about Worlds. FLY/TL are strong and are the two teams they've been scrimming. It's just going to come down to execution. It's all about who plays better on the day. Everyone in the top 3 can take it.


  • Really good feeling reaching his goal of qualifying for worlds. Nice playing with his teammates
  • Was really rough in the beginning as a rookie. Had to learn a lot. Made tons of mistakes due to inexperience. Really wants to thank the fans for giving him time to develop.
  • Synergy is great with Bjergsen because they play a lot of solo queue together
  • Lots of trust in him. People trust him with new picks, shot calls, knowing what he is doing.
  • Doesn't matter who he faces. He's confident in both match ups.



  • Worlds 😊 😊 😊 but we still have a job to finish in NA.
  • Cloud9: Congratulations, Søren! Do us proud.
  • FUCK YEA WE GOING TO WORLDS 😊 my senna curse deactivated just in the nick of time
  • yo where did all the haters go btw? i miss reading their tweets but they all went silent pretty fast
  • Dunc: IM SO F PROUD
  • Treatz: Headshot
  • My God @Biofrostlol with the Rakan clinic today too, impressed with the performance Everyone showed up today when it mattered the most 🙏🏻
  • It's been a really difficult year, but I'm so happy that we made finally made it back to worlds.
  • For those commenting, the drafts were @JoshMabreyBaby 's concoctions. Show him some love and ask him about his art.
  • Inero: Hey Josh Mabrey, I learned everything I know about painting from your website. Can I please commission a piece from you??
  • TSM Josh Mabrey: I'm currently working on a beautiful piece I'd like to call "thresh into Morgana"
  • Treatz: Ah a timeless classic
  • Malaclypse: It's grieftastic
  • PapaSmithy: Know it was a lot of hard work, congrats!
  • Jatt: Congrats man
(Twitter bio says he is a coach for Academy but I think he's been helping the main team for awhile)
TSM (Twitter):
  • GG WP @Cloud9 Much better team play. Bio was a rock
  • Veigarv2: Alot more consistant play this series
TSM Subroza:
TSM Smak:
  • I love you so hecking much @TSM
TSM Wardell:
TSM Leffen:
  • tsm babyy
TSM Leena:
TSMA Lost:
TSM TannerSlays:
TSM Andrew White:
  • I get to direct a Worlds episode of TSM Legends...
  • my heart is still numb. just happy to see what my players earned what they deserved
  • @Rogue come mid 5man and we'll teach you a good lesson
TSM Max Olivo:
  • My boy @TSMAndrew finally gets to make a Worlds episode of TSM Legends!
  • TSM Seazer (Edit Assistant): Without me. 😭#Seazer4Worlds
  • How fast would you pre-order?
TSM Report:
TSMA Dhokla:


C9 Licorice:
  • This is not how we wanted this season to end. Missing Worlds hurts for me, my teammates and the entire C9 org. Knowing how well we played earlier this season, missing out on an MSI and now being the first C9 team to miss worlds is crushing.
  • We will need to take some time and really identify what went wrong down the stretch. To all the fans - thank you so much for all the support. C9 will come back stronger for you.
  • Azael: You'll bounce back strong! Rough end after an extremely impressive start to the year, but it doesn't change how talented you are as an individual.
GL next year!
C9 Blaber:
C9 Nisqy:
  • Im so heartbroken and sad that it ended this way, sorry😔 Good luck @Bjergsen
  • Broxah: 💖
C9 Zven
C9 Vulcan
  • Sorry to the C9 fans.. gl to our NA teams at worlds, they deserve it
C9 Reapered (Coach):
C9 Jack (Owner):
  • GG and Congrats to @TSM . You guys played incredible and I've no doubt you will represent our region well at worlds. Although we lost today I'm proud of the effort my team has put into this year. Give some love to the team as I'm sure they need it right now. #LCS
  • I want to take a moment to thank our incredibly hard working staff who took care our the team through this difficult year. The challenges we faced keeping our players happy and healthy through quarantine has taken a huge amount of effort and they never wavered or complained. 💖
C9 (Twitter):
  • Best of luck! Represent NA well. #TSMWIN
  • For the first time ever, Cloud9 will not participate in the League of Legends World Championship. Congratulations @TSM , you earned the spot. Best of luck at #Worlds2020!
  • We would like to take a moment to thank and appreciate everyone who tagged along with us this year. 2020 is over for us. We had wonderful moments and nothing could have been done without our staff, team, sponsors, and fans (#C9Fam). Thank you and see you in 2021. #C9WIN
  • C9 Mateus(Social Media): and with this tweet, i'll go cry for the rest of the day be safe and thanks for all the overwhelming support
C9 Inori:


  • To see TSM qualifying to Worlds made me happy, congrats @Bjergsen 🥳 but what’s up with the quality of the stream tho... LEC so much better
  • Holy shit TSM
  • Holy sad C9 :(
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • If TSM play like they did today, they can beat both TL and FLY. Favourites? Maybe not; need to see how those teams perform tomorrow. But TSM are in their best form of Summer right now.
MCES Kubz:
  • C9's 2nd half of Summer Split is such a tragedy after being NA's top team for almost the entirety of 2020.
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • FWIW, TSM's top side pressure with Jayce and Lucian is exactly what I wanted them to do against GG, I just didn't think Licorice would be even more susceptible to it than Hauntzer+Closer were.
  • yo riot, you better rig it for Rogue vs TSM at Worlds It's finally time
  • I interviewed @Bjergsen last week for a Worlds feature I asked him how it'd feel to make it back after so many years He said it didn't matter if TSM made it Worlds He only said it really matters if they do damage when they get there
  • Being pro is brutal. TSM peaked at the right time. It's euphoric for those who make it and heart crushing for those who didn't. It's not an easy career choice and I hope fans think twice before leaving nasty comments towards C9 today #LCS
  • I always knew C9 would go undefeated at Worlds this year.
G2 Perkz:
  • nooooooo feeelsbadman for zven :(((((((
  • This means @TSM vs @Rogue is actually on! #Worlds When memes come to life :O
  • What a reversal of fates after the way this year has gone for both teams. GG WP both @TSM and @Cloud9 and welcome back to Worlds TSM!
  • everyone else: YESSS TSM bjergsen: thinking about his back
  • Can't believe it. 35-2 to missing Worlds. Congrats to @TSM for making it back to Worlds for the first time in three years. Bjergsen adds to a mid lane pool that may be single most stacked position in Worlds history.
  • North America has our 3 Worlds representatives! @FlyQuest @TeamLiquid @TSM We head to Worlds as underdogs this year, but hoping our teams can pull off some upsets & show a strong performance!
  • TSM secure Worlds & advance to the lower bracket finals! This will be their first appearance since 2017 when they last had the Doublelift / Bjergsen combo. Bjergsen is looking like he's in some of the best form of his career lately - exciting to see how far TSM can go!
  • I'll always feel bad for the teams around the World who missed out on MSI this year. We'll never know how Cloud9 would've done if they played internationally at their peak level. Covid obviously affected so much more than League, but it's a missed experience so many players.
  • Grats to TSM and Bjergsen for making Worlds after 2 years! The meta shifted in their favor midplayoffs, they realized it and they took full advantage it vs. GG and C9. Well prepped and well played.
  • Crazy to see @Cloud9 's fall from grace after such a dominant spring split and what looked like a repeat at the start of summer. Heartbreaking for them, but TSM looked far better on the day and that's all that counts.
  • Wow TSM actually beat C9 and advance to worlds. Definitely deserved from the way they stepped up during playoffs. Can't help but to feel a bit sad for C9 though...
  • Congrats to @TSM for making worlds. Always believed
  • TSM: Send out thanks to Grandma.
  • It's been 2 years in the making, but welcome back to Worlds, @TSM ! All my respect to fellow scorpion brother @Spicalol 🦂🦂🦂
FLY Santorin:
  • Can't really believe C9 won't be going to worlds after such an amazing performance all year long up until a couple of weeks ago. Huge congrats to @TSM for never giving up and looking stronger than ever this year
  • Massive congrats to TSM. It was a hard road in the losers bracket, roster swaps, reverse sweeps, but in the end make worlds. Super convincing game 4 cement their spot as NA's final seed.
  • Crazy that the last NA Worlds spot came down to what I always thought would be two of our top teams, C9 and TSM. Hurts for C9 considering how insane they were most of this year but TSM absolutely earned it when it counted most. GGs
  • The biggest takeaway from TSM is Doublelift's willingness to play weak side and Broken Blade/Spica/Bjerg delivering Taking the knee because it's what the meta demands is an evolution in character and a healthy sign for a continuing career
  • It's official. @TSM and @Rogue will both be at worlds. I legit can't wait this has to happen.
  • Sjokz: Holy shiiiiiit
TL Jatt:
  • Wtf C9 isn't going to Worlds... One of the most shocking falls, from 17-1 spring split champs, to 9-0 Summer split start.. to 4th. Actually can't believe it
  • Getting serious 2016 Immortals flashbacks... Obviously, you have to win the games when it matters most to qualify, but I can't help but feel for this C9 group. They crushed almost every team in NA for 8 months and now they don't get to represent the region at Worlds.
  • The other side of how much it sucks for C9 is not lost on anyone and it's awesome to see so many fans console the losing team today too. For me, @blaber has still been among the best junglers in the #LCS and it sucks his season ends this way. Almost back-to-back MVP to this.
  • But also, this is how competition works. We all know C9 will be back with a vengeance, but not today.
Excel Esports:
  • TSM clearly improved and played well in this series, nothing to take away from them. But man, what happened to C9? Is confidence gap that large? If you told me in spring that C9 wasn't going to worlds I would have laughed in your face until you left LA
  • Tim Sevenhuysen: Seems like as soon as the C9 confidence armour got cracked, they started searching for different styles to play and questioning themselves and other teams started pushing them harder. Never recovered. I had faith that they would. Disappointing, for sure.
Travis Gafford:
  • I called this shit on Hotline League. Pretty sure I was the only one I know who thought TSM was gonna win this. I just gained a lot of confidence in them when they had the comeback against GG and didn't feel like EG gave C9 too many points.
  • Markz: "Let's just send C9 to worlds early." -Travis Gafford, mid summer split 2020
  • Deserved Worlds for @Bjergsen and @TSMBrokenBlade after last year and this year. Absolutely deserved.
Lolesports Stats:
  • With that game, @TSM are now tied with @FNATIC for most Worlds appearance at 8 total. @Cloud9 snap their consecutive Worlds streak at 7 - tying TSM for the most back-to-back Worlds appearances.
  • My boy @Biofrostlol had to play one the hardest roles TWICE and crushed it. Solo Tank Rakan. Had no xayah for longer w range too. LETS GOOOOOOOO #LCS
  • Beating Bjerg's Zilean isn't possible. sorry
TL Dodo:
  • Doublelift was right, Spring split didn't matter
submitted by ImLegacys to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things - PLAYOFFS - TSM vs TL

Edit: If I missed anyone let me know. Done for today! See you tomorrow everyone!
Edit2: More TL Tweets!



POTS link
IWD & Bjergsen on MVP for that series:
Priority: TSM/TL Players/Org Tweets > Interview Notes > Tweets


TSM BrokenBlade
TSM (Twitter):
    • LS: Yes
    • TSM Halifax: TSM TSM TSM
TSM Andrew White (TSM Legends Director)
TSM Treatz:
TSM Smak:
  • Every week has another awesome series to look forward to. TSM vs TL is surely going to be crazy. #TSMWIN
Shakarez (Predictions Last Night)
  • TSM 3 - 1 TL. TSM has momentum and I was very unimpressed by TL in their series vs FLY which should've been a 3-1 loss.
  • A group that can actually happen at Worlds: Damwon, JDG, G2, TSM
Analyst Desk (Missed most of it)::
TL Draft Strategy:
  • Secure CoreJJ Counterpick
  • Utility bot lane champ
  • Non-volatile early game
  • Front to back teamfighting
TSM Draft:
  • Secure top lane counterpick
  • Blind mid lane champ for Bjergsen
  • Speed pace of the game
  • No dragon stacking
  • Crumbz: TSM 3-1 | Pr0lly TSM 3-2 | Markz TSM 3-2
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • The Riot Script wanted us to lose because @TSM will win #LCS. We tried our best to fight it but they really want us in the same #Worlds2020 group.
  • Predictions: TL 3-2 TSM but tbh I would prefer to watch TSM vs FLY then TL vs FLY again
  • TSM 3-1 is my call today! Would love a full 5 game series though :)
Team Liquid (Twitter):



LS w/ Shrimp & Crownie:
  • LS: Doesn't like that TL pick Ashe into Senna.
  • Crownie: Agrees. It's not good.
  • LS: Vel'koz would've been a great pick for TL in place of Azir
  • LS: TSM have a very cookie cutter comp.
  • LS: AP Kog could've been good for TL too.
  • All: TSM win draft.
IWD w/ Caedrel and Febiven :
  • Teams don't care about Akali/Irelia from TSM anymore it seems.
  • Take Senna for Ashe every time. Good for TSM
  • All: TSM hard win draft based on the first 3 picks from each side.
Empyre (Co-stream):
  • TSM should ban Cait/Kalista. Maybe throw in a jungle ban with those 2. Just copy what FLY did.
  • Post-draft: TSMWIN
  • TSM is probably more prepared to play Lucian/Eve than TL is.
TL Steve:
  • Here we go
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • TSM lane kingdom draft against TL hard-smash 5v5 comp. Up to Impact to survive the top side pressure probably. #LCS
Empyre (Twitter):
  • TL drafted fine (scaling per usual), they've been messy in the early game but as long as they reach their item points safely and follow the rules of their comp, they can win this game at 30+ mins #LCS


IWD w/ Caedrel and Febiven (don't 100% know their voices yet, correct me if im wrong)
  • IWD: TL's bot lane is losing 2v2? Okay TL just lose. This is with counterpick support (~3:30)
  • Caedrel: Leona hit box is crazy. That flew past my window and hit Ashe! (~5:20)
  • Febiven: I never built team because... the game would be lost before it was even complete :(
  • IWD: What am I watching (~9:30 Lee smite steals Harold and then doesn't kick to finish Spica, Spica then flashes in and neither die.)
  • Caedrel: Agrees, thinks Broxah could've justt one shotted Spica and got out.
  • IWD: Jensen making his presence known against Bjerg (~11:45 gets his flash). TSM have to do something with their comp. If they wait for 5v5 it might be hard.
  • IWD: What was that arrow?? Watch out Caedrel is might hit you. Caedrel: Oh, I just dodged it (~12:35 Tactical with the wide arrow in the team fight)
  • Caedrel: BB has to go in to stop the TP because he can't match it. Probably could've made it out though. (~12:35)
  • Febiven: Yeah he could've just walked to blast cone and avoided another tower shot.
  • Super clean kick flash from Broxah. TSM win anyways. Jensen died for free by saving his flash Q+E (~20)
  • Upgraded Rabadon on Jensen now.. really huge. (~31)
  • All: This fight is so bad from both sides. Especially from Impact (~32 Elder fight at mid)
  • Great flash flank by BB. Kills Lee Sin (mid fight with Elder up)
  • Caedrel: TSM's draft was crazy. GG (33min TSM win a fight at mid and get bot inhib and Baron/Elder)
  • Febiven: Impossible to play for TL at this point. Look at both comps. Azir was so bad into TSM's comp. No real front line to stop TSM from flash engaging on him. (~35 game end)
  • Febiven: They need to ban Syndra from Bjerg
  • IWD: I don't think Syndra was the issue here man...
LS w/ Crownie, Shrimp, Sanchovies
  • LS: TSM for sure win. They have my Grandmother.
  • LS: Look at Lee here... he's gonna walk up.... and leash the camp for Nidalee (Spica) lol (~6)
  • Crownie/Max: Ornn gave up bot turret for free since he walked up for Herald when he didn't need to (~16)
  • LS: Why is Tactical a null magic mantle?? Crownie: QSS? LS: QSS 2nd? He has cleanse...
  • LS: TSM are just going to play slowly for Ocean soul (~18:30)
  • Liandries for Nidalee is bad. Can't proc the enhanced passive consistently (~24:40)
  • Jensen ran it down but TSM still lose the fight since Ornn won it for them. (~25:50)
  • TSM get soul so it should be GG but TL has Ornn items. Baron shouldn't matter for TL (~26:30)
  • Shrimp: Look at Lee... (~28 Broxah in the back while TL dies in red jungle)
  • Max: Look at Lee Sin... look at him go... (replay of the fight in TSM red jungle)
  • LS: TSM win another fight but TL still has one more chance. Jensen gets deathcap and that's a huge damage spike.
LS: "TSM! TSM! TSM!" (35min TSM win)
*Ocean soul is nice but that's not killing this Ornn and I don't see TSM doing it either (TSM get soul)
  • Well I guess I saw how they kill Ornn LOL
  • TSM has a 100% winrate with a lead of 3 dragons to 0 this split. Having a 3-0 lead forces your opponents to fight at every dragon whether they have no setup for it or not, whether they're behind on items or not & that's usually enough to close. Let's see if it holds true!
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • TSM's setback at Herald 1 probably costs them this game.
    • Empyre: Yeah it did. TSM needs to abuse their item spikes for the third drake if TL decide to force there (even though TL shouldn't and can wait till 4th drake)


POST GAME STATS (Damage/Gold Graph
Spica Nidalee Stats
TSM Myth:
TSM Smak:
C9 Vulcan:
  • haha how can u give bjergsen akali zoe syndra zilean irelia leblanc orianna XD
  • TSM is really, really overhyped by the community. It's so insane to me. They're a good team, but they're not really as good as the reddit or twitter community thinks they are. (Quoting Jensen)
  • Love r5 braum when you had side selection Upside-down face Sure BB isn't guaranteed counterpick, but you give up ADC pinch by needing to ban cait. What did red give TL that they couldn't have gotten on blue? Really hated that draft by TL.
    • Azael: I understand not liking it but I also think this is about as TL of a draft as you can get. They pretty much always go for these type of heavy Frontline w/ scaling backline comps & just look to out team fight every game. Same thing they've done all split long! Seems expected.
  • That's exactly my point. You can get literally all of that on blue, while forcing TSM to pick up the cait ban and FP your own ADC and pinch DL. BLue has 60% winrate and is favored unless you do something unique. You get literally nothing out of red side and you sack power picks.
    • Azael: Yeah red side is useless for them because they do the same thing every game. Just go for power picks on blue since BB doesn't play tanks you won't get top lane counter w/ morde or GP which are the only top lane counters Impact really plays.
  • TL: Leaves Syndra Open Bjergsen: Okay, get in.
    • Scarra: same pic when bjerg picks zil tbh
  • Same pic when Bjergsen plays league of legends this playoffs it feels like
  • Next game, TL should pick blue side and prio Senna. They're not a team that can make use of counterpick imo. Also makes it harder for TSM to ban everything vs. TL.
  • Alternatively, can ban Senna on blue like vs. FLY and prio Ashe. Either way blue fits them a lot better.
IWD w/ Caedrel & Febiven:
  • IWD: What can Broxah even play if they ban Lee Sin?
    • Caedrel: VolibeaGragas
TSM Dellzor:
  • TSM
TSM (Twitter):
TSM Dunc:
  • TSM improving this much over the course of playoffs makes me excited to see them at worlds - out of all the 3 NA teams I do think they have the highest ceiling, and I don't think they've even gotten close to fulfilling it
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • Put Broxah on Sejuani and let him throw a few ults



LS w/ Crownie, Max, Sanchovies
  • LS: Lucian ban makes sense since in order to pick it Broxah needs to play a mage and he can't play carry mages in the jungle.
  • LS: Why is Ashe Thresh picked from TL? What does it do? Why not just pick a mage in the bot lane or even Varus.
  • LS: If Jensen had he would dodge because he'd see that Broxah can't play anymore champs after these bans.
  • Crownie: Might be a Kha'zix angle for Broxah
  • Max: TL would've won if they picked Hecarim in place of Lee Sin last game.
  • LS: Top Kindred is really good as a last pick for TL.
Sneaky & Meteos:
  • Meteos: Looking at the team comps. TL are putting all their eggs in the Broxah basket. Everything else is utility. It's on Broxah to carry but his Hecarim looks really sketchy
    • Sneaky: Yeah it's weird to see this, Broxah isn't really the carry on the team. Doesn't really fit their playstyle. Maybe they refined it?
  • TL picks TF and Thresh to have more agency in the early game to play toward topside ...And then pick Ornn top (while Sett showing)! Nice! TF wants to FF his life here. Good from TSM to flex Sett top and counter Hecarim.
  • Kk nvm TSM 3-0 these drafts ain't it


Sneaky and Meteos:
  • Sneaky: Broxah kind of just farms and is never really the primary carry, which Hecarim is.
  • Surprised there wasn't a kill there at (~3:25 mid gank on Bjergsen)
  • Meteos: Olaf level 5 is so much weaker than Olaf at 6. 5 seems like a key vulnerable spot for Olaf. (~5:30)
  • Sneaky/Meteos: Working towards a TSM jungle kingdom with how Spica is playing so far (~6:30) but Olaf isn't really a late game carry like Hecarim is. Olaf is for pushing leads for other team members (early power + great at taking dragons)
  • Meteos: 7:20 Cool early sightstone technique from CoreJJ. You use a charge to take a cannon bot, and then roam mid to take the cannon there.
  • Meteos: If Thresh wasn't there, Olaf probably 2v1s there (~15:50)
  • Sneaky: TL has Ornn items for scaling but Senna/Azir is really strong late game.
  • Total disaster teamfight for TSM (~18)
  • Going to be really rough for TSM from here on out with TL's lead. Seems kind of doomed. (20:30)
  • Meteos: How can TSM even fight with this comp at this point? Olaf/BB want to go in but they're not tanky enough to survive being shredded. (~25) AziSenna can't really do anything.
LS w/ Crownie, Sanchovies, Max
  • Great gank from Broxah (~3:30) but he is sinning with the clear path he did.
  • LS: TSM are on track to get infernal soul but there comp doesn't use it well. (~7)
  • LS: (9:40) Why does TSM commit there? They have a ward on it? Now they're behind.
  • Max: ~12 Hard for TSM to win that specific fight because TF arrives so quickly to fights.
  • LS: ~12:20 DL sniped Broxah with ult! Actually huge! That could be drag for TSM
  • Shrimp/Max: Evelynn might've been good here for TSM. Lilia too but Evelynn is better. (~22) Chat is saying that TF is good into Eve but Eve can just one shot TF.
  • That was the best facebreaker I've ever seen (32 BB TP). Would've been huge if they aced them there.
  • Game is over, they take about trivia and the numbers in pi for the rest of the game.
  • corejj and jensen gap (~19)
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • Jensen is hard-carrying on Twisted Fate as a team fighter. Tells you a lot about his style of play! (He's ulting into fights, yes, but most of his influence has been from landing stuns and Qs.)
    • Pastrytime: Classic Really Far Cardcannon continuing to put in work that game.
  • i think spellbook tahm would be good in this game no? lane cant be that unlaneable without guardian no? having TP vs tf roams and cleanse vs ashe tf thresh is rlly big. #LCS @Biofrostlol
  • I like seeing Jensen on something with the ability to affect the map. He's a fantastic side laner & has the ability to absolutely take over games. TL needs more players to step up and make things happen & Jensen playing TF gives him the ability to do it.
  • Core J J
  • Two games in a row TSM throws at Herald woo.
  • they want to snowball, but they screwed it up. TL comp is better overall until maybe TSM reach 4 items.(~10min)
  • 3-0 TSM?
  • LMAO DL only Senna ults for cleanup.


Post Game Stats
Sneaky & Meteos
  • Sneaky: Game was over... as soon as I realized TSM's comp was dog shit.
  • Meteos/Sneaky: Herald fights are always super awkward from TSM these games.
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • Anyone who was getting ready to use game 1 as evidence that Bjergsen > Jensen, make sure you weigh game 2 just as heavily. To be clear: neither player was bad in their losses; they just lacked opportunities to do anything really meaningful. Both hard-carried their wins
TSM Report:
  • We stumble in Game 2 and now look to bounce back in Game 3 as the series is even at 1-1
TL Steve:
  • We need your energy
    • Random twitter comment: would you agree that peter carried you for 2 years?
  • Fuck no
  • TSM is really, really overhyped by the community. It's so insane to me. They're a good team, but they're not really as good as the reddit or twitter community thinks they are. (Quoting Jensen)
  • (in response to his draft reaction): Not cool not being able to use TF to kill Sett on sidelane because you pick tank top :/
    • Malaclypse: TF is more concerned with having the means to make a fight happen, Ornn's only mediocre with him because the 2 have relatively low damage but it's enough early on to get a kill on TF's 6



Sneaky & Meteos
  • Sneaky: Cait is really strong with Lux. Good draft so far.
  • Sneaky: Voli top! It's actually pretty good.
    • Meteos: Yeah Voli is pretty nice.
  • Meteos: Sett into Voli.. that.. is kinda bad.
  • Meteos: Seems like last game... 2 bruiser, no true tank comp from TSM.
LS w/ Crownie/Max
  • TSM are going for lane kingdom with this draft so far (first 3 picks both sideS)
  • Max: What the fuck is this blind pick Voli top?
    • LS: Just pick GP. Why blind Voli?
  • Max: if you're going to pick Cait/Lux, don't pair it with Voli/Olaf.
  • LS: Voli/Sylas is one of the worst things... BUT Volibear beats Sett.
  • LS/Max: Actually would've been a decent Aatrox pick in place of Sett for TL. Jax would've been fine too.
Crownie's mic is too quiet
  • Might've picked Voli anticipating Impact's Shen.
  • All: TSM win
  • Really smart by TL to leave up Cait/TF and force a hard choice for TSM. Either you give TL the global to shutdown carry top, or give TL the strongest ADC and make it about bot. Never thought I'd see Brokenblade on Voli, but Cait FP and TF makes it hard to play to topside for TSM


LS w/ Crownie, Sanch and Max:
  • Calls Woman to tell her to root for TL harder (her predictions work the opposite way) "Ra ra! TL!" There you go Women. TL is done for now.
  • LS: Why do Volibears keep going Grasp??? (4:30)
    • Max: Good for lane and top laners feel like they need to win the game through lane phase.
  • Crownie: DL has BF Sword and Tactical has boots and long sword.
  • LS: Sett has a better late game than Volibear. Volibear has an oppressive early/mid. Voli can beat Sett late but it depends on runes and builds.
  • LS: TSM are just... dying randomly. what?(~10)
  • Crownie/Max: TSM are pretty behind but Cait can hard carry this game (11:45) Cait up 30 cs with 3 plates.
Sneaky & Meteos:
  • Meteos: Tactical is so fucked after TSM's gank (~4) Boots long sword vs BF sword.
  • Meteos: Spica is going cinderhulk this game instead of warrior. Less of a bruiser route this game. (~7:30)
  • Meteos/Sneaky: Cait can carry, she's 30 cs up. (~12)
  • Meteos: Trinity probably not the best route for BB from behind.
    • Sneaky: Yeah he's over 1k behind. (13min)
  • Sneaky: Really risky fight from TSM at dragon. TSM's win condition is Cait and she's almost at a strong point. (~15) Also Cait didn't mean to hop the wall but it worked out and netted Jensen's flash.
  • Sneaky: Was almost really bad for TL since they're giving drag while they're stronger but TSM troll by fighting. (3rd drag)
  • Meteos: TSM's triple melee comps are pretty troll. You can't play front to back with it.
    • Meteos: The Olaf/Trundle match is also sooo trash for Olaf. You have to be so ahead to be able to do anything. (23)
  • Meteos: TL can just play slow and TSM is fucked. They can just choose not to play in chokes like TSM wants them to (~28min)
  • Sneaky: TSM are attempting to funnel Cait to save the game (29min)
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • TSM simply isn’t as good at mid-game team fighting as FlyQuest; if they try to replicate the FlyQuest formula of beating Team Liquid at bot side 5v5s, they’re unlikely to replicate FlyQuest’s results."
  • Doublelift plays with no cleanse vs Ashe thresh tf? Is that normal
  • tbh i think this trundle frozen heart buy is pretty sick, and super oppressive. I like that impact has pivoted into tank given the state/trajectory of the game too
    • Cloud9: Fat L for Boris today
  • Watching CoreJJ is honestly such a treat man (TL 2nd Baron)
    • Azael: One of the world's best supports for sure
  • How broken is Trundle guys? @BroxahLoL smurfing the entire game so far (~21min)


Post Game Stats
TSM Smak:
  • TL looks so much more comfortable on the map w/ TF. Broxah unlocking him to roam w/ multiple ganks early this game was such a difference maker & I think going into game 4 TSM will need to force Jensen to show them something different!
  • How you knew it was over for TSM
    • We didn't ask for this power, trust me
    • I'm secretly a TSM hater and knew I could destroy TSM. Check my closet, no TSM merch. Lots of TL merch.
  • There must be something behind the scenes that is making TSM think that these comps are good...
  • TSM is really, really overhyped by the community. It's so insane to me. They're a good team, but they're not really as good as the reddit or twitter community thinks they are
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • Free scouting report to Bjergsen and Spica for game 4: Broxah likes to gank mid at 3:00. Try not to let him burn a free Flash this time
  • For real though, in game 3 Jensen pulled the wave so Bjergsen probably knew he could get gabled but he to decide whether it was worth losing XP from a few CS to stand back to avoid it. Good setup. But you'd like to have vision for that scenario.
Emily Rand:
  • Jensen should not be allowed TF again. He'll control the entire game with it and the pick makes up for a general lack of early proactivity from TL.
    • Empyre: it's a cheater pick for them to bypass their early game floundering. Now we'll see how the adapt that playstyle to another comp if they can.
  • Okay let's stop picking Olaf and stop giving TF to Jensen, yeah? The pick is good at cheating timing and getting TL to be proactive in the early game along with the Thresh #LCS
  • Please top laners of the world if you're in a draft and Volibear is being hovered and discussed to be played in top lane pull the power cord/modem ASAP I never want to see this useless sack of trash of a champ in top lane again please stop
  • You can blind pick Riven, get a dog to sit in your chair and go for a snack while the dog plays and that dog playing Riven is less of a dog champ than Volibear top, please stop



  • The Zilean pick from Jensen was something personal
  • TSM reversing their strategy from previous games and are deciding to put a top laner in the jungle
  • Meteos: It's a decent pick (Shen Jungle) Not bad clear. Slow champion though.
  • Sneaky: TL won draft.
  • Meteos: Not sure, TL is basically all AP.
  • Lillia+Zilean has potentially OP synergy I think with extra speed on Lillia and sleep setting up for Zilean bombs.
  • Jungle Shen is a lot of fun but it's clear is honestly so bad you're going to get completely outpaced by Lillia. If you don't fall behind early it's a great counter ganker & clear speed goes way up on cinderhulk so I'm excited to see how he does!
T1 LoL (Twitter):
  • Why is there a Shen in the Jungle
C9 Jack:
  • For @Jensen and @Impact , let’s go Liquid!
  • River shen.
  • River Shen
  • But how does TSM kill Ornn past 2 items
  • Besides Ornn wintrading
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • TSM need to go back to strong bot side. Been saying it for weeks now. If Broken Blade is losing lane to Impact, you're doomed. And don't let Broxah gank Bjergsen so easily. Bjergsen has to manage lane state better and Spica needs to cover him. TSM can def. bring this to 5.
  • Hm. Broken Blade can be good, and gets lane prio. Might work. But as a general approach it's not what I want from TSM. Or... support Shen? :P
  • Wait... that's not Support Shen. That's... jungle Shen?


Sneaky & Meteos (LS went to bed):
  • Meteos: Spica slightly ahead of Lilia in early farm (3:30)
  • Sneaky: TSM bot lane use both summs and both die. It's not looking good for TSM (double kill bot) But Impact doesn't consider Shen ult and ults into BB to die.
  • Meteos: The way they died was really troll. It's like they forgot they were playing against Ashe by backing where they did.
  • Sneaky: Whoever goes for Herald in every game gets fucked.
  • Bjerg doesn't flash the hook and barely dies to Zil bomb. TL's comp doesn't have any damage at this point though so they just lose the team fight and dragon.
  • Sneaky/Meteos: BLOCK THE HOOK (25:40) Really troll from Spica
  • Doublelift infinitely scales. TSM has a chance
  • Jensen saving ult and face checking the bush means TSM can end the game.
  • Doublelift hard carried those last couple of fights.
  • TL just inted the game away for a random dragon when it was 4v5. Same mistakes over and over with the overcontest at objectives. (~15)
  • ANOTHER ONE (The DJ Khaled gif)
  • Go look at the huge wave they gave up to give up more kills to enemy at dragon (Ocean drag fight)
  • Tactical with the big flash to dodge the Shen taunt and get the teamfight win. So clutch from him.
  • Hey, Jensen found his ultimate after three teammates died! What's with this man not using his ulti in time in bottom river? (~21)
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • Biofrost Rakan doing some work. TL aren't respecting it and he's punishing them nicely, catching Tactical in so many fights. #LCS (~20)
  • Core J J (Bjerg dies by getting hooked before drag)
  • THAT WAS NOT A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF CC (Bjerg dying before drag)
  • ah I guess bjergsen didn't 1v9 playoffs hard enough for his teammates to want to block an ability for him unlucky
  • Shen + Rakan is the most busted combo in League of Legends.
  • Oh shit Doublelift found Edge of Night in the shop it's over (~11min)
  • These team fights are SOOO LONG with TSM just kiting & unable to punch through thr TL Frontline + Zilean ults. TL also struggling to reach backline means it takes them so long to finish off fights & they just keep extending! HYPE GAME 4! (~33)


TSM Reginald:
  • Cool series so far. Today we beat TL with a front to back team composition in game 4. Upside-down face Hope the next game is just as close. #TSM #KeepPlaying
    • TL Steve: stfu
  • note: (they're friends guys)
TSM Treatz:
  • Bangers only
TSM Smak:
  • I might die today
  • I wish ingame stats tracked Senna stacks because I'd love to know how that game compared to the most stacks ever gotten in a competitive game. The range Doublelift had was absolutely INSANE by the end of that game!
Tim Sevenhuysen:
  • So many narrow edges in game 4, mistakes and missed opportunities on both sides. And in the end, Bjergsen makes the clutch game-deciding pick on Jensen. Scripted. #LCS
  • german national team and spidermen are going to game 5
TSMA Winston
  • Damn bjerg is showing the world he shoulda been mvp and forces game 5 off these syndra stuns sheesh
  • Also s/o Ming for the crazy baron steal under all that cc
  • TSM is really really overhyped by the community. It's so insane to me. They're a good team, but they're not really as good as the reddit or twitter community thinks they are.
  • Last game for all the marbles. Is TSM overhyped, or is "TsM oVErHyPEd"?
  • Core item set from "TSM Jungling handbook - revised edition"
TSM Physmix:
  • Super carry doublelift
TSM Dunc:
  • Team Liquid continue to lose to Doublelift's Senna.
  • Don't ever lock Zilean vs Bjersgen ever again.
  • Is Senna balanced!!!!??????
  • HYPE!!! (in response to Game 5)
    • TL: 😡😡😡
TSM Dellzor:
  • DL can now auto from cross map
TL Steve:
  • Who knew that River Shen was the future for NA



Sneaky & Meteos
  • AMMO SQUAD (TL picked Graves and Jhin)
  • Sneaky: Braum! Good Braum Pick from TSM
  • Meteos: They might go Skarner but then they'd be really low damage. Kindred/Lilia maybe.
  • Sneaky: Shen/Zil. TSM going with the double save comp
  • Meteos: TL with the strong scaling comp
TSM Seazer:
TSMA Winston:
  • River shen part 2
TSM Treatz:
TSM Reginald:


Sneaky & Meteos
  • Meteos: TSM can play split really well with this comp.
  • Level 2 gank bot for first blood but it's not that bad for TL. Shen uses a lot of time there
  • Broxah hard trolls the gank top lane. Spent so long on that gank and GP had to flash. Becomes a 1 for and Bjerg gets the kill.
    • Slightly bad for BB though since GP now has a sheen.
  • TSM trade ocean for bio's life. Probably better for TSM. Got Jensen's TP too. Would've been worse for TSM if DL got zoned away from bot wave.
  • Bio died for a ward that doesn't really do anything and BB didn't have any boots so he was too slow to collapse on TL after his TP (Infernal 1)
  • Broxah completes Umbral (15) Goodbye to all your vision.
  • Sneaky: Game is about even... except Jungle is ahead by 2k gold
  • Meteos: Game is going to be really hard for TSM to win without Irelia being really strong.
  • couldn't focus on rest of notes



  • It was really stressful but we're really mentally resilient.
  • I just suck at Olaf so we just stopped picking it. (lol) Picked champs with agency that can dominate early.
  • Shen is a really good early ganker. 2/3 is really strong and level 6 ult is the strongest ability in the game. Really good pick for me.
  • First split of LCS (youngest player in the League too), teammates are really good and we're all trying our best to do our fair share.
  • FLY/TL have similar playstyles. FLY is better than TL for sure cause they beat them.




  • Really happy we won the series, not happy about my performance today. I will step it up tomorrow my team carried me 💖
    • Doublelift: ur a beast bro everyone has good and bad games, wouldn't wanna play with any other top all the way to finals
  • Diovana (BB gf): You did it well, proud of you 💖🥺
    • 💖
  • Game 5 is our comfort zone
    • TSM Subroza: 🐐
    • TSM Hazed: All hail.
  • hey @TLCoreJJ enjoy playins
    • Shakarez: This is good banter but I'm saving this to when somehow the pool 4 Team Liquid gets an easier group than TSM in pool 3/1 (Also, reminder NA #2 Seed is a pool 3 team)
  • so happy everyone stepped up and played their hearts out. we've been improving so much since playoffs started and I hope we can have a great finals tomorrow vs FLY
  • I knew it was over when we locked in zilean game 5
  • Looks like TL need the practice from playins :) finals tomorrow ggwp #TSMWIN
TSM Myth:
  • I'll do it for you @Jensen "Good game @Bjergsen " 🙂
TSM Smak:
  • I love watching this team, good luck tomorrow guys! #TSMWIN
TSM Cutler:
  • Let’s goooo! #TSMWIN
  • Bjerg is overrated amirite guys
  • COVID has robbed us of some loud af TSM chants Be sure to supports the boys tomorrow and beyond! #TSMWIN
  • #TSMWIN is trending 😎
TSM (Twitter):
  • bJerGseN iS wASheD
    • Halifax: How else could his play be that cleannnn. I'll show myself oat.
  • In response to TL's "Haven't lost to TSM in 530 days tweet": 0
  • @LSXYZ9 send our regards to Grandma
  • GG WP @TeamLiquid #TSM
    • TSM Halifax: Let's Go!
TSM PeterZhang:
  • nice I get to experience the same amount of games I missed in regular season for our lcs squad.
  • Zilean Zilean Zilean my Zilean
  • Watching TL vs TSM series feels watching your two sons battle for top. @Tactical you did well ,but your brother did better today.
TSMA Winston:
  • TSM IS GOING TO FINALS and @TSMDoublelift finally conquered his demons against TL!! What a dopamine rush 😊 #tsmwin
TSM Hazed:
TSM Subroza:
  • GOD @Spicalol #TSM
  • reddit had me convinced TL was the best team in the world and we were going up against the best mid to ever exist, i got baited hard 😔
  • We've played 20 games in Playoffs so far. You play 18 in an entire season.
TSM Tonington:
  • Game 5 Zilean does it again 😍
TSM Andrew White:
  • I get a finals episode too. #TSMWIN


  • Season is over It is not a satisfactory result The 3th from 9rd place was not bad but it was not the result I wanted. But I'll accept it and trust the teammates and we can do better. thanks a lot of supporting us @TSMDoublelift good luck tmrw you got this👍
  • I'm so heartbroken. I'm sorry.
  • Treatz: You had some really good games Mads ❤️
  • intense and fun games but we really need to step it up for worlds ggs tsm
  • nothing yet
  • Thanks for giving me more practice @TSMDoublelift 😖
    • DL: ggs today it could've easily gone either way. hope to see the Honda MVP pop off at worlds for NA 🥺
Team Liquid (Twitter):
  • Well that sucks.
  • GGWP @TSM . May the best team win tomorrow.
TL Jatt:
  • GG to @TSM Disappointing end to summer split for us, with 3-2 losses to both FLY and TSM. Lots to improve on. Atleast we get more practice time in play-ins ;)
TL Steve:
  • gg TSM


Nelson Sng (LNG Esports Coach):
  • I think Spica is insane and is gonna be the next best jungler in NA
Travis Gafford:
  • So cool that, since summer 2015, Peter has been to the finals of every LCS split he decided to participate in. : ^ )
  • Welp LS and I agreed on TSM winning the series on Facecheck and it went completely according to planned. Was fairly obvious the Shen jungle was going to be the decider here when analyzing both teams tendencies under a microscope.
  • Its kinda weird that when you correctly predict TSM winning a series you still just get spammed with "HAHAHA HOW SALTY ARE YOU THAT TSM IS IN FINALS." Yeah man I just hate when my predictions end up being correct
  • Its actually weird how people's perception of the series went. Felt like it was mainly big over performance from bot lane from TSM. They were looking like the weakest link of the team going into the series and TL's bot was their strongest.
  • that being said the TSM bot lane hard stepped up and really swung the series into their favor. I'd say mid was relatively even as well as jungle, with top going better for TL than expected.
  • Ultimately I think it'll be good for TL to go through play-ins first to hopefully figure out the meta. They really got exposed in the last 2 bo5's
Captain Flowers:
  • I'm really happy with that as my last #LCS cast of Summer Split 2020! I remember back when I was brand new and trying to make it into the League scene, the #1 dude I wanted to work with was @esports_kobe and now we've got a whole collection of series together. GG buddy!
  • Lastly, I hope we can celebrate both Bjergsen and Jensen for being great players and giving us a rivalry to enjoy in NA the past several seasons and hopefully several more.
  • TSM hard snowballing and getting more confident with every series. You can see DL playing better and they are refining their drafts with more options (River Shen today). They still have flaws in the midgame (e.g. positional errors that better teams will punish more heavily).
  • It's good for NA that TL's weaknesses got exposed in playoffs (partly due to meta shift). They would have been a bad champion representative. NA really wants a team like G2/Damwon/TOP/Old IG to motivate and inspire the region's teams/fans/players. It felt like TL tried to force out their scaling image in playoffs by being randomly/thoughtlessly aggressive around objectives, but it heavily backfired. They now have time and the play-in process to figure out these issues and I hope they do
  • Special shout out to @Spicalol for accepting the Defense Against the Dark Arts position of JG at @TSM and smurfing in the #LCS playoffs as the youngest player here!
    • Pastrytime: Spica to the LCS crowd was a forgettable Academy player who was put into his first LCS playoffs in a very difficult spot. Now he's looking stronger than ever on route to this first Finals and I'm very glad that his talent is slowly but surely getting recognized.
  • A lot of review for @TeamLiquidLoL from both their playoff series but I have confidence they will work through it and make it through the play-in stages to meet us all in groups once again. Good luck and practice hard!
  • At least we can say that we lost to the #LCS Champions now
  • We have the finest analytical minds in the business on the desk & I never doubted their consistently flawless predictions even for a second.
    • Dash: Only the best on the #LCS
  • Scroll of Truth Meme
    • Doublelift: HAHA
  • TL: Doesn't unplug Bjergsens PC to stop him from double clicking the League of Legends icon on his Desktop Bjergsen: okay, get in. Spongebob Coffin Meme
Robert Yip (Performance Coach for Misfits):
  • There is a certain quality in a player that when adversity hits they have an extra gear. They just refuse to get drawn into negative thoughts. Really seems like Bjergsen has this quality in spades. The current TSM look like they are more outgoing + self confident individually
T1 Esports:
  • Why did jungle Shen win the series
submitted by ImLegacys to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

The tainted legacy of Crown in the west

Crown is to most of us known as the Season 7 World Champion, beating Faker in the Finals and thus denying him his fourth World championship, while also being known as the absolute disaster that he was playing for Counter Logic Gaming in the 2020 LCS spring split and then going back to Korea to play for a middeling team in the CK (the league below LCK) called OZ Gaming.
So what is one to make out of his whole career and what should Crown be remembered as? should he be remembered as the second fiddle to always play behind Faker, while he can only beat him playing Malzahar because he isn’t good enough otherwise? Or as an insane Galio player from the LCK, as a World Champion and someone who except for his last split there, shat all over LCS except for Bjergsen, Jensen and PoE?
In my eyes it is important to remember what he delivered to the international and especially to the Korean and North American Community with highlight reels of his insane Cassiopeia, Viktor and Varus to just name a few, he is a legend of this game and we should not forget it, especially with the recent discussions of alltime great midlaners, he should definitely be in the discussion for the third spot behind Faker and Rookie, looking at his achievements, being in the 2016 Worlds Finals and losing in a nail biting Bo5 against SKT and then the year after in 2017 being in the Worlds Finals again and then winning against SKT and not just winning, but stomping them in a not even close Bo5 series that only went to 3 games, we should appreciate him being able to climb to the top two years in a row and then being able to keep his form for at least 2 years after that and being in the off season, right before he shit the bed completely at the beginning of 2020 being the hottest free agent on the market with those teams, that searched for a strong midlaner.
It was only in his last split in the LCS that his legacy got absolutely demolished, you might say, he was only able to beat Faker in a Bo5 when playing Malzahar, but I would not consider this a negative, I would even consider this a positive for him, because he was able to swallow his pride and win the title, while tanking his reputation as a mechanical God, that is a sign of a true winner, that he is able to let others take the spotlight in a meta, where everything was about the ardent censer and letting the ADC scale up as easy as possible while not losing lane and giving the ADC as much space as possible to work with.
He should not be remembered as a “Malzahar one trick” or a “terrible player, that had no mechanics even in LCS”, he should be remembered as a smart player, that knew what he should play and as a player that as one of a very small amount of players was able to go to the World Finals two times in a row, only the likes of Uzi, Faker, Bengi, Bang, Ruler and such where able to achieve this.
submitted by Legendbasher to lolesports [link] [comments]

Cloudtemplar's thoughts on LCK after MSC

Some context:

-CloudTemplar predicted LCK to win MSC however he thinks LPL is a better region than LCK  
-IG is the aggressive LPL team that everyone associates LPL with however IG is the only team playing that aggressive anymore in LPL. LPL  
-In general, LPL has been playing slower than before.  
-He watched every single LPL, LEC game(not sure about LCS).


  1. LCK and LPL are not that different. It's not misreading meta or different play styles.LCK was simply outclassed.  
  2. LPL is the defender of the title while LCK is now the underdog/challenger.  
  3. LPL went through a lot to get the result today. LCK might have to go through the same process to win.  
  4. Cloudtemplar's chatbox was very toxic while he was streaming this hopefully this won't happen here?
translated from:

Aftermath of MSC

I think there are still some fans who think LCK would win everything like before. But to be honest ever since 2018 LCK has been the challenger and not the defender. LCK has to learn from their mistakes and they no longer have the privilege of being the defender.

We can do it VS There is no Hope

This is something I am struggling with. I still think there was a chance for LCK to win but am I being biased? Looking at the result it seems LCK doesn't have a chance but I still think LCK could've won... Looking at the games, not even just the result, LCK have difficulties in the group stage and well in quarterfinal they were slaughtered, so it is leaning toward there is no hope...

Five Stages of Grief

LCK have been losing since 2018. I think when it happened many people thought it was normal/natural. No team could stay dominant forever so losing once was thought to be something that ought to happen eventually. Some also think it is a fluke and some also blamed the meta. The meta at that time was Le Blanc, Galio, and to be honest, LCK wasn't able to play the champions very well. The reason why I said Le Blanc and Galio is because the mid-gap was the most obvious at that World. I am not saying that top, bot, jungle was good but that mid difference stood out most to me.
So at first we thought losing was inevitable, it was a fluke, and that we misread the meta. In 2019 we said that LCK is too stubborn, too conservative, too reactive. In another word LCK was playing "we win if we don't make mistake" when they have to take risks. LCK was mostly compared to G2. "Why are we keep playing the same champions? Why can't LCK flex champion? Why are LCK always the one following and not innovating?" I agree with this and I think LCK was too focused on ourselves and not the opponent. Instead of forcing the opponent to make mistakes we play so that we can win if we don't make mistakes. In other word we were playing to not lose while other are playing to win. It's like we are focus on patching our wounds instead of making opponents bleed.
Okay we got it. We want to be creative in our champion picks, be more aggressive, and we got everything else down. Now everything it's okay, right?

The Difference Between LPL and LCK

To be honest, there wasn't a big difference between LCK and LPL. It's not like LPL use champion in a different way, champion meta wasn't very different, the playstyle wasn't very different either(IG is an odd case). What is heartbreaking is that LPL now has what was used to be LCK's biggest strength: Macro. People who watch LPL and the casters have mentioned this but there are many times where LPL is very similar to LCK. If you take out IG LPL have been more LCK like than before. I am not saying this as a bad thing. LPL now are choosing their fights more carefully, fight decisively when they have to, fighting with a purpose, and minimizing unnecessary risk all the while showing player's talent in skirmish and team fight. Some are going to say that by saying LPL is more LCK like before means I am biased and that I still think LCK is better. What I am trying to say is that LPL has adopted LCK's strength and make it their own. LPL is no longer the region that fights randomly
Overall they are similar but there are still some differences. For example people are questioning why LCK are favoring Kalista over Ez and the lack of usage of Varus and Wu kong. However unlike before the difference in champion meta isn't that big. I don't think this can be the reason why LCK lost but one of the reasons. We didn't lose because we picked kalista over ez I think in-game plays are the reason we lost.

So Why Did LCK Lost?

Okay so the regions are similar so why did LCK lost? So we had a blind pick format and if it was ez vs Kalista we could say which pick is stronger however in a game where two varus are picked then the player that are better varus player would win. One thing LPL is better than LCK is their fighting ability/mechanic. Their varus is just better than our varus. Similar champion pick, similar playstyle, similar usage of champion but different player.  

Tempo/Speed Difference

Some people watching would notice that the LPL's speed of the game are faster than LCK. Although the direction of the region are similar the way to get there are different. LPL have more "events" than LCK.  
Now some might be wondering why LCK couldn't play like that. Imagine yourself as LCK either as a player, a team, or as a coach. What is our biggest strength as a region? It would be our Macro. People often describe fighting against LCK like being slowly choked out and this is our playstyle/strength. This influence our champion picks, our laning phase philosophy, and how we approach the game in general. Let's say our Macro skill is at 95. Then let's says our team fighting ability(mechanic) being able to 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and etc. is at 80. Now a lot of players/coaches started leaving LCK. Regardless of their skill level or intention they were able to bring that Macro knowledge to other region elvating their Macro.
It is going to be too long if we talked all other region so let's talk about LPL for now. LPL's macro level was honestly at 70 but now it went up to 90. And their fighting ability was already better than LCK and it went from 80 to now 95. Because they kept their fighting playstyle for so long all of their player are now better at fighting than other regions. Because of this the LPL players are more used to taking risky and are more open to fight.
How about LCK's growth? From what I can tell LCK have been trying their best to make their 95 macro to 97, 98 while their other skill needed more improvent and their time could've been more efficient.

The Macro Gap is closed

Another thing is that the effectiveness of Macro have diminished. 1. Other region could macro to a similar level now. 2. Patches have also made Macro less effective. Numerous patches have diminish the power of Macro and Riot have always been saying "Go fight, make game fun, have shorter game time." One of the reasons why League of Legend are still one of the most popular video game is the ever-evolving gameplay. So I understand why they have to make these changes but still, it has hurt LCK.  
There is another thing. Guys, do you think there are more Macro options when you are behind or when you are ahead? When you are ahead of course. If the enemy is at your inhibitor what macro option do you have that is not "lose less?" What I am trying to say is that there are less Macro options when you are behind. When you are behind you really have only two options: Either turtle then go all in on one fight or drag it out. This is same for every team. When you are behind how can you go 1-3-1? You have nothing when you are behind.
This and many things make it hard to win solely on Macro alone.

Going Back to When You are LCK Example

So you are LCK and you want to fight, be decisive, creative, and aggressive. However, your body(mind) won't listen. If you do this right now the result won't come out. I am not saying teams don't do this because they don't want to be flamed. Every team gets flamed when they are not doing well this is not an LCK special.  
Let's be specific. Let's say there is an opportunity to fight where you usually don't fight but then you are told to fight. Your player instincts are telling you not to fight but they tell you to fight and that it is good to fight but the risk is huge. It is hard to overcome this.
Or you can take the less risky option which is to play standard. This way you are getting the best result your team can generate right now. Of course the result is limited to LCK only. Let's say you are a team owner which option would you choose? It would not be an easy decision. I am not saying LCK shouldn't change but this is the reality/dilemma teams are facing. "No, we can't change this right now. We wouldn't get good result. We might relegated and I might never get picked up by another team." I wonder how many people could emphasize with this. I hope this would make people understand why it is so difficult to change.
Hearing this I hope people understand that change need time. How many years did LPL team fight every day to reach this level of skirmish? I think it is difficult for LCK to catch up so quickly. It has been 2 or 3 years since LCK has been catching up? I can't tell the future so I am not sure when LCK can fully catchup or even if they can at all but all I know is that change needs time.

Skirmish Timing Gap

When I watch the games LPL clearly fought more than LCK. When LCK would wait till dragon or at dragon when LPL would fight at LCK's prepare stage. They fight one timeline faster than LCK. "why are they fighting now? Why not just wait till objective?" LPL get flamed for mindless fight but I think they are seeing something that we don't. For example, our 1-3-1 format used to destroy teams but now they just break mid so it is hard to use right now.
What is the most important part of a skirmish? Initiation. Because of LPL's fighting playstyle, everyone learned how to initiate while in LCK the initiation is more of a designated role. For example, in LCK let's say it is Ornn vs Malphite. Often time it is almost like a stage play where Ornn goes Toot Toot while Malphite goes BRRRRRRR and fight start. But in LPL Syndra might engage, Lee sin might engage, thresh might engage it is hard to know who is going engage and how they are going to engage.
This is something that is apparent in MSC but LPL's support are crazy good at engaging. Jungler too are insane. And this is my own opinion but I think Mid and Bot's skill was very similar. This kind of feels pathetic like "We might lost the war but we are better at this than you HAHHAAH" but I think mid/bot were equal. I won't say our mid/bot are better but that they are quite similar. But support/jungle and top there was a big difference and I have said this before MSC too. Their champion pool, being able to create favorable situations, able to play weak-side or carry,... they are just better overall.
Another thing is that there isn't a super team anymore. There is no team in LCK where everyone is at S tier. They all have weakness and it takes time for them to grow. Some who heard this would say "LCK had a super team before but they still didn't do good." or "Why is LCK always farming exp why don't they go play WOW(Maplestory) instead." I mean what can we do? We just need more time. Do I think when the time comes we would win? I don't think so since other teams are also learning but I think LCK would fair better.

LPL Growth

Did you think LPL suddenly got better? It might seem this way that LPL got suddenly better in 2018. But there were a time where LPL kept losing. When they lost after overhauling their system, building academies, and investing in their infrastructure. They didn't see the result for a while but still kept on improving their infrastructure. This is similar to learning a language where it is not a gradual increase but more like a step by step increase. LPL worked really hard and eventually they met their checkpoint in 2018 and I think this is what happened. They worked hard for many years and suffered a lot for it. It has only been 2 years for us and it is kind of sad that it might go for many more years before we see the result... "Hey, son do you know once upon a time LCK once roamed Worlds finals?" "Hmm wtf are you saying dad LCK can't even escape group."

Non-LCK fans

I wonder how much fun it is to be other region's fan right now. They have been losing to LCK for so long now they must be having fun flaming us. It is kind of like seeing your high school bully working in a car wash. It is super sad for us but it must be fun for them. To be fair we did that to them before too.  

Riot Killed LCK?

AHH RIOT KILLED LCK. AHH ITS ALL RIOT'S FAULT. AHH shut up. I don't think it's all Riot's fault. We didn't adapt to the changes so we have to be one blamed not Riot.

Why MSC was a Big Deal

Like I said before we had many excuses before MSC but now that two regions are so similar we have to acknowledge that they are the defender now. LEC is really strong too and to be honest it is basically LEC vs LPL at this point. Here is the thing, is there more money going in LCK right now than before? NO. At one point there was more money in LCK than before. And now that LCK isn't bringing result there is less incentive for org to put more money in.  
And because LPL is now the defender it is now harder to win than before. People often say the attacker needs to be 3x stronger than the defender to win. Before when LCK was the defender we had the privilege to only look at our region and now we have to catch up to LEC/LPL and also play better than them. We have to put in more work than them in order to win.

LCK Questionable Decisions

Let's go back to the game. People have been wondering why they are doing Baron at such a odd time, why they are going Yassou and etc. I think it is because the teams are more pressured. "Ah they are better than us let's take more risk so we can get advantage that way. We can't win with conventional means so let's do something risky." Another reason is that I think they have the mindset of "If we don't lose early we can win."  
Let's be specific. A lot of people have been wondering why Teddy is on Yasou when he is so good on marksman. But first, this is something we all have to admit: Teddy did well on Yasou. He had lane priority, countered Ez, countered enemy team, he snowballed and this is the time where the team use that lead and win the game. But they can't even win the game with that lead. "We can win if we able to use our Macro options. We are good at Macro so as long we don't lose laning phase or even better if we win laning phase we can win." But now even with that lead LCK still can't win.

Most LPL team in LCK?

APK is the most LPL team in LCK. However, after a few seasons I think they would be like most LCK teams. Why? Because they are not giving the result. Not saying that if they play more like LCK they can win more...  
I don't know what is right anymore... This is also what most teams are thinking right now I think. "People tell me to be more creative so I pick nonmarksman bot but then people ask why I didn't pick marksman. People want me to be more aggressive but when that aggressive backfire people ask me why I am playing so aggressive."

Cloudtemplar's Reaction to the Result

Let's address something that I addressed briefly at the beginning. Some of you are very mad about the result but for me, it is more sadness and disappointment. I mean it is not the first time we lost so you shouldn't expect more...
I still think LCK had a chance. What? I can't even say LCK had a chance? It is true that we lost and that LPL is better overall but I think it is going too far to say LCK had no chance of winning. Even when LCK is dominating I still said LEC, LCS, and LPL had a chance of winning. Just because we are the underdog we don't have to undersell ourselves. But it is going to tough for us to win.

Scrim Importance

So a stronger team in a scrim has the privilege of choosing 1. tryhard-> win 2. Whatever ->Lose/Win 3. Experiment -> ?. Scrim result doesn't always show the full picture of a team. I have been in pro play for three years and have seen teams with trash scrim result do really well in the tournament. This is a rough generalization not every teams is like this but in general, LCK teams are much more tryhard than other regions in scrim. LCK often play scrim like a real game and because of this LCK result are much better than other regions even today. Does this mean LCK don't try new stuff in scrims? No, I know for a fact they are trying really hard to try new stuff in their scrims. Why don't they play those at stage. I don't know. Some people is going to say I'm biased saying this but I know for a fact they are trying new stuff in scrims. However, I don't know why they are not using those on stage...


This is going to break a lot of people but I am just going to say this: I think LCK might not better than LPL or LEC but I think they are still better than LCS. I honestly don't know what I am going to do if LCS win against LCK... You can take 1st or 2nd but this 3rd place is ours. C9 is kind of scary though... We will see at World I guess.  

LPL=>G2>LCK>LEC>LCS?(From fan comment)

Nah I don't think so. I don't think G2 is the only strong team in Europe. If we say G2 is the only strong team in Europe they are going to say T1 is the only strong team in LCK. Each region has strong teams besides T1 and G2 respectively.
Oh wow, this is a short one I only talked for like an hour.
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Incredible Varus One Trick Pony Counter The Meta: BEST Counterpicks For EVERY ROLE - Patch ... Stitch Varus vs Jhin League of Legends Highlights part 18 [Neeko] Vs. Varus, Lee Sin e Aphelios Bronze 3 Varus kite on Hecarim - League of Legends varus highlight #1 DRX Deft VARUS vs EZREAL ADC - Patch 9.23 KR Ranked League Of Legends - Varus perfect flash (Vinneus) MILTF League of Legends - Varus/Leona vs. Xin Zhao/Jarvan ...

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