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[Achievement?] Ranking: Brand New Objective Truth (1/2)

Ranking in Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage is not exactly an easy thing. Since the primary method of point gain for any event is to ‘play the game’, usually the solution is to ‘play the game’ more than everyone else to get the highest rank possible. This obviously isn’t always the case, as Parade has no ranking element beyond SSS rank and Carnival is just a glorified high score ranking. To break it down:
…The above is all information directly lifted from a post I made nearly a year ago, where I played M@GIC Forte 2258 times in 174 hours to celebrate it being added to the game, and accidently became a Mayu/HinakoP in the process. At the time I only offered the info I had on Token, and not having officially participated in a high-end groove run felt that it would be presumptuous for me to present my expectations for one. Fast forward nearly an entire year, and I now have a perhaps unfortunate level of experience from ranking the most recent Groove, Never Ends. That said, the strategies I utilised did not resemble what is the expected style of play, so I will do my best to provide all the facts I know about Groove here.

Groove Ranking Primer

Groove has existed since the debut of Tulip in Starlight Stage (January 2016?), experiencing several evolutions both major and minor since its original conception. It began life taking a random selection of three (non-collab) songs from one of the three types (rainbow included as a wildcard in all three) and slapping a fourth encore song on the end that required reaching a particular point threshold (called applause) during the first three songs to actually play it. Completing the first three songs would award you points for how high you managed to make the applause go, and completing the encore would award a fixed number of points based on your score rank.
Worth noting that the fourth song is the new one people actually wanted to play the event for, thus forcing them to go through filler to reach it. A popular interpretation of the event said by men wiser than I is that Groove is taking the bus through the bad neighbourhood, having to make three shady stops before finally reaching your destination. From a purely casual perspective it at least exposes the player base to more songs they may not have had the time to explore, challenging them to diversify, and offers the chance to run into cool combinations of songs. However, it often causes problems for people trying to achieve full combos or high score runs on the event song, being forced to play three other songs before it every time they fail, which is very detrimental to those who cannot calm their nerves and extremely detrimental to those just want to play the damn song already.
Anyway, the basic mechanics have changed three times since the beginning;
The 2x points option being added was particularly innocuous, and in fact changed an old strategy where playing the groove and instantly leaving the encore would be more point efficient. The applause cap being raised is likely in response to continued power creep in cards added since the beginning of the game, making it easier and easier to reach 50. The difference in points received for 50 applause versus 100 on a master groove is only a mere 25 points (480 vs 505).
The real devastating calamity here is when Live Party was added as an option for Groove point gain. This would have been a neat feature to be able to casually rank Groove with your friends if it worked as everyone expected, but for some reason the points gain per minute with Live Party is significantly higher than playing Groove, at least during 1x. This change completely modified the way the first half of the event was played when ranking competitively, going from a solo endurance game into a team-based speedtest.net simulator.
The basic mechanics when translated into functional requirements for ranking would be as follows:
Groove is a wretched amalgamation of two different events in one, meaning you should be twice as prepared (or maybe 5x as prepared) to run it than if you were to run something like Token. Having a multiplayer segment means you need several other people to be as prepared as you as well, where those people also need to abide by some of the rules above (fast device, low ping, try not to disconnect). After that, you must jump into one of the most skill demanding score attacks in the game, where combo is the primary aspect that will determine your applause.
Tie the above with the requirement to have your M1 Mac Mini emulating Starlight Stage, living next to the game server in Japan using a hardline to avoid disconnects, be able to invite 4 of your buddies around to also receive the ping benefits and speed benefits, and somehow remain sane enough to press the Play Groove button after hour 190 and not think the entire game has changed into a limbo designed purely to torture you. You start to see why planning to play Groove in at least a slightly effective manner is not simple.
That said, for every insane person out there willing to take on this challenge, there will always be others attempting the exact same thing. Chances are they’re facing the exact same problems, and have likely already reached out on Twitter to find others willing to suffer with them for the first half. While it’s not possible to fill all of the above requirements with maximum efficiency, there’s usually enough instability in the event runtime to allow for mistakes to be made and still come out on top. Usually.

Event Preperation

My own preparation for the event saw the completion of, maybe, three and a half of the requirements above? Like I said, there’s a lot of instability surrounding this event, and getting close enough to achieving all of the above was enough to give a chance at a high rank regardless. The rank you end up with is likely dependent on how many other teams of other players were able to be formed for the first half of the event, with very little people choosing to forego Live Party in favour of just playing perfect applause grooves for the entire event, unless you’re a robot. Sorry to all robots out there, but this probably counts as cheating.
I still live in Australia, and must suffer the internet curse I am bound to with horrible stability and slow speeds. Even if I was capable of moving to Japan for a week and playing the game there, there’s the tiny problem of a global pandemic preventing anything like that from being a good idea. Not that it would be a good idea anyway. I would also expect to not play all 198 hours of the event, but more on this later.
I already had an A13 processer in the form of an iPhone 11 I picked up before last year’s December Token that was still in mostly functional condition. Since then, the A14 had been released in the iPhone 12, which would be another accessible upgrade to brainlet simpletons like myself, but it was becoming more and more evident that the increases from device speed were negligible compared to the losses suffered from making mistakes or just from ping. Alternate properties to focus on when selecting the device become apparent, such as the weight when carrying it around for 100+ hours, or the temperature to not feel like your lap is going to get burned from someone spamming the Twitch chat. Worth noting again, the speed of your device will be throttled by the slowest device in your Live Party room during the first half of the event anyway, so if you’re stuck with your pal on his Samsung S5 then you may want to consider buying them a device rather than yourself.
Another addition is to get a secondary device for yourself. This can be used to complete business while still playing the game on the first device; just being careful not to log on in the wrong order and delete your entire play.
Then comes the resource preparation for the two separate parts of the event: The Live Party segment (1st half) and the Groove segment (2nd half). Saying half is a little misleading as the Groove segment is usually always shorter than the Live Party segment, but both feel like they take a lifetime to complete anyway so that’s kind of meaningless.
Groove Segment (2nd half)
The Groove part is all about achieving the most applause possible with the least effort. Most of this is controlled by player skill and team composition, but is also assisted by the appeal bonus from the support team. Groove support teams work like normal ones where you get a 50% appeal bonus from the 10 highest appeal counts you have for that type of song (or groove in this case), but with the additional bonus of the Groove type being applied to the cards first. So in the case of a Vocal Groove, the cards with the highest appeal will likely end up being your vocal cards, who receive an incredible 150% bonus to that stat. If you’ve taken a look at your inventory and noticed that one weird card you’ve got with 10,000+ vocal appeal, you should think to yourself: What if I had 11 of these? And one in every colour? Or maybe, you don’t think that, since not everyone has the wallet to make that happen. Nor the stupidity. Or maybe you did have the resources to make it happen, but you spent it all on your Chieri4 instead and it’s a Vocal Groove. You can’t always win.
This is about the only way to increase applause in a passive way. The rest comes down to things that you have to control more actively, as depressing as that is.
The teams you use are going to depend on the circumstances you find yourself in after you have already been playing for hundreds of hours. The objective is to reach 99 applause on every single groove, but this is not going to be a reality, especially after all that time battling with Live Party. In the grand scheme of things, I narrowed down three team compositions that had any relevant difference: High Scoring, Ultimate Defence, and one that sits in the middle of this scale. You can see these teams below:
This team uses Resonance to take full advantage of the stat bonus for the groove and combines several skills with high percentage bonuses for very high scoring per note. The amount of defence on the team is limited to only healing from synergy and nothing else. Worth noting that I had to roll for Syoko5 during the Live Party segment of the event, which was a dramatic endeavour.
  • Halfway. Uzuki1, Minami4, Chinami1, Nao3, Rika2.
Offers 3 layers of protection and a plethora of scoring coverage. The combination of Uzuki1 and Minami4 effectively covers 50% of the song for you, while Chinami1 with Tuning and Rika2 with Overload give a near 100% percent resistance to anything other than misses. This offers nearly as much protection as a regular auto team, but scores far, far better. Chinami1 as centre instead of a usual Skill Boost adds 30% extra appeal to the team and gives a better scoring skill, while opening up another slot to use Symphony instead for the far better boost. The only significant difference between this team and the below one is the inclusion of Helen1, which changes the functionality greatly enough to make them worthwhile as two different teams.
A variant of the above team that allows full auto during the encore song. This team setup worked in principle but when optimising it for vocal attribute, cracks started to show. The centre effect only existed on Cool cards, Helen is the only Damage Guard of her class who is also Cool, Nao3 and Minami3 (both Cool) are the vocal equivalents that sync on 9 seconds with Uzuki1. There was no efficient way to fit a Passion in here without sacrificing either functionality or appeal. I decided to swap Minami4 for Rika4 in the end. Again, having a secondary device to complete business during the groove section can be done while autoing the encore with this team for no loss of appeal (and very little loss of time). This is probably one of the best scoring options to take while still being able to auto, and whether or not this had been figured out by other players was a mystery, but I like to think very little of myself so I assumed I was not alone.
Understanding the line-up in these teams requires understanding the minimum required of the player to achieve 99 applause. The most effective method is to keep one’s combo high for the majority of the Groove, trying to only break combo towards the beginning of the first song or the end of the last song to benefit the most from the ridiculously high multipliers offered around 1000 combo. The other effective method is simply having absolutely insane scoring potential per note, where any combo saving pieces are removed in favour that you’ll hopefully just gorilla your way through most of the song and end up with a bunch of applause anyway. The High Scoring and Halfway teams above try to fill those two ends of the scale.
A defensive team ideally can score 99 applause while also giving the player additional benefits, such as the ability to auto the encore song where applause no longer matters. This usually required running one of the many Damage Guard SRs that have a high uptime but low activation chance alongside one of the many cards with a centre effect that raises the chance of skill activation. Since the colour of the groove is random, you cannot plan in advance to use the type of damage guard that corresponds with the groove and get the free on-type chance activation bonus of 30%. It’s also not advisable to change teams too often, as this obviously wastes precious time. Note that while using a Skill Boost in the centre slot would be the expected solution, the existence of the Cross Type cool cards give a 35% bonus to skill activation which when combined with cards like HELEN we can create teams with 100% skill activation chance and still receive additional benefits such as more appeal bonus and a better active skill, since Skill Boost is massively outclassed by Symphony in this day and age.
Beyond that, the only plan for groove is to pray you aren’t too brain dead to play.
Live Party Segment (1st half)
I kinda dodged talking about planning for Live Party and talked about Groove related preparations first instead. The reason for this is that I while I did indeed achieve the requirement of having a setup that allowed as little disconnects and deaths as possible, and I did indeed have a full Live Party room with 5 accounts capable of doing the same, I was missing one crucial aspect that I did not explicitly mention. I did not have 4 other people to play the game with me.
I didn’t mention it since it’s technically not required.

How not to play Live Party

Cheating is hard to define. I’m not starting out with a vague statement like that to imply I may have cheated, since in reality all I did was solve a problem with a much more convoluted solution due to my extreme lack of trust in other people and myself. I did not realistically expect to get 4 other people to assist me to play a video game for ~100 hours straight, and instead of investing time into making friendships where someone would offer to help me in that situation, I instead spent it all on planning a solution that would give me full control of my fate at the cost of sanity.
I present the Rank 6 Shift Project.
Lovingly named after a certain level 6 shift project which also involved having countless clones die for the sake of one achieving great power, the basic setup was to prepare 4 other accounts that had access to the correct cards with the right potentials to form an auto team in Live Party, and do so on relatively fast devices in a setup accessible by one person with knowledge that they would still need to live as a human during the hours of operation.
What you can see in this image of it in action is 4 iPad Minis, 5th Generation assembled within a large tray with enough room for charge cables to be inserted or removed as necessary. These devices were chosen as they have a relatively fast processer (A12), have a large screen size for ease in pushing buttons, and are ‘cheap’ to afford ($600 AUD). Having all the devices have an identical aspect ratio was important to avoid confusion around the location of on-screen buttons, and to avoid speed throttling by having even one device with a slower processer. Having a high battery life was also desirable as being forced to keep this thing plugged in for too long was not ideal either.
As you’ve probably already figured, yes, this was not a smart idea and I cannot defend my decision. I will continue to explain it however.
Live Party Mechanics
The actual mechanics behind how this abomination replaces other players is more than just surface deep. In a regular Live Party room, you would have to complete the following steps to make it through one whole cycle, which would repeat thousands of times:
  1. One player hosts the Live Party room.
  2. Four other players connect via code, friend list or public lobby.
  3. Each player that is not the host hits the Ready button, chooses whether or not to play with stamina, and accepts.
  4. The host starts the Live.
  5. A random song is selected and all five players are given a fifteen second countdown that can be skipped by all pressing ready again.
  6. The song is loaded, played and the results are determined and shown in a secondary screen were players are again given a fifteen second countdown that can be skipped by all pressing ready again.
  7. All players continue through the various results screens before being either returned to the lobby, or kicked back to the Live Party main menu due to disconnecting.
  8. Repeat from step 3.
This is modified to be the following when controlling 5 accounts:
  1. The four players who are not the hosts forcibly quit and reopen the game, cancelling the rejoin option when prompted.
  2. They then manually rejoin the room as in step 2, while the host completes the live and skips through the results screens.
  3. Repeat from step 3.
If one player is in control of all 5 players, there is several issues that need solving to not only ensure you can get through a loop, but can do so at a competitive speed. Having all devices be the same ensures that as little mistakes are made as possible when it comes to pushing on-screen buttons such as the Ready Up and Continue buttons. Where possible it is best to avoid having to press buttons all together, or to only do so when time permits. Ideally, you’d play without the use of stamina so the extra players never have to refill, but taking the extra time to check the tickbox is a significant loss of time in the thousands of live party games you’ll have to play. Not to mention that stamina can be refilled in slow time while reconnecting to the room and waiting for the host to finish the live. Since those accounts are already ready and waiting, it is easy for the host to spam through the results screen where the other players are listed as disconnected, and be returned to the lobby again. This also means that the speed of the other devices only throttles the start of the song loading times, and will have no effect on anything at the end of the song.
All devices would be operating on the same network, so it would suffer the same weakness as any other room should connection break, as failure to connect on even one account would break the flow of the room. Having the host device have access to a roaming mobile network as backup allowed me to avoid any connection hiccups which are a severe threat when playing, as connection errors during Live Party are not well understood and can lead to numerous errors such as being stuck in the Live Results screen unable to continue or randomly closing the room and not giving you any points for the play. Another common issue would be if the host starts the live before all accounts are ready, leaving one out and adding in a random from the online queue instead who probably breaks the team comp with his Nanami N card used for fan grinding. This is largely avoided with this setup since all 4 accounts are typically readied in the same hand motion before moving to the main account to start the live. It’s technically an advantage, and I will take any advantage I can get with this disastrous set up.
Live Party Autoplay
During the actual song playtime, if a player achieves 30% of notes as misses, the game automatically disconnects you and you receive a 20% penalty to event points. If this happens to the host, the room crashes and needs to be remade. If you die, you aren’t disconnected but you suffer a 50% penalty to event points. Playing on Master+ is required for the highest event point gain, and Passion has the overall fastest songs. Since Live Party teams still operate similar to a regular team (just without a guest) they are also capable of functioning as an auto team. The major difference is that centre effects no longer apply to every character, and instead apply individually to each character regardless of whether they are in the centre or not. This means that Damage Guards that previously would not achieve 100% activation chance could do so if they had a centre affect that gives an increase to activation chance. Cards with 60% chance to activate their affects could already achieve 100% through the on-type bonus of 30% and also the flat bonus from skill potential. Also, notably, score has no affect on the event point gain in Live Party, so you can get a C score and still walk away with maximum efficiency.
With all this in mind, the auto team I replicated on 5 accounts looked like this. Both Passion Perfect Locks are used which offers a 12s/15s setup. A full analysis of all songs reveals that 12s/15s is nearly as robust as the much more popular 9s/12s, with the weakness being that it is safer to play for the first 12 seconds (until first Perfect Lock activation) rather than only the first 9. Since scoring is not an issue, 2 Damage Guards are taken to absolutely ensure death is avoided. Skill Boosts were best for their high uptime, and would still achieve 100% activation regardless of type/colour since their own centre effect still applied to them despite not having a tri-colour team. The timer on the Skill Boost was not relevant, as long as it’s not 7. Ew.
So that’s how it would be. While this is still autoplay, it is potentially more thought-demanding than playing the game normally would be, since all 5 accounts need to be constantly managed to ensure no error is made when re-joining, that they all still have plenty of stamina, that they are not about to run out of battery, and that they are all accessible once the live is complete. This resulted in less than 1.5 minutes of actual auto-time where I did not have to do anything, and 1 minute every loop devoted to hitting ready, starting the live, closing the game, reopening, and re-joining, and playing the first few seconds of the song on my main account at the same time.
I again must repeat, this is not an ideal solution. Having 4 other players back you up and do these tasks for you as was intended is the only strategy I would recommend after trying this, and at least makes you feel like less of a degenerate since you didn’t have to create 4 imaginary friends.

Event Run

I already knew that I would be at a disadvantage due to using the Rank 6 Shift Project as a substitute for actual players, both in speed and in mental capability. Staying awake for a long time is incredibly hard even when just autoing a token event. If you’re trying to do the same while needing to keep the mental aptitude to manage 5 accounts at once, you have a much, much more difficult situation facing you. I was under the impression that the ‘measurement’ of remaining focused over long periods of time in sleep studies was known as Vigilance, but I don’t know if it’s fair to put this in the same category. This isn’t something you’ll have people doing research on in any official laboratory anyway, unless it’s happening in some secret underground Starlight Stage lab as we speak. The same place where they developed Haruna2.
What I’m trying to say is that while I would appreciate someone calling the application of this strategy impressive, the reality is that it’s incredibly stupid.
Knowing this disadvantage, I had to plan for as little sleep as possible but still enough to make it through the Live Party section while maintaining sanity. Thanks to the assistance of Zhu, the best in the business when it comes to supporting terrible decisions by rankers, we had prepared a 7-hour-max sleep cycle that would use three sets of sleep; 2 hours, 3 hours, and 2 hours as the expected breakdown. These sleep times would be spread to get maximum advantage of feeling refreshed and to attempt to avoid the usual problems when staying awake for very long periods, such as microsleep choking and total mental shutdown.
Sometime within the first few days the game server went down for about 30 minutes, which I used to get some sleep which overall felt kind of useless and only made my head cloudier, so thanks for nothing Bamco/Cygames. Other than that, I had two hours sleep half way through the Live Party segment, and 3 hours of sleep before the beginning of the 2x Groove segment, with a potential 2 hours of sleep to use during that groove segment if required.
Usual strategies such as quick 2-minute naps in between auto plays were less and less effective due to the immediate mental requirements of setting up the devices after waking and would often lead to making mistakes or just falling back asleep immediately.
My Brother came to stay with me for a few nights to help me out, since he’s a great guy. I feel bad since I made the implication (and truly thought) that I could do other stuff while playing, but this quickly turned out to be impossible. Fortunately, he managed to find plenty of ways to entertain himself, so I really hope he didn’t waste too much of his time here.
The painful reality sets in day by day, where you notice just how boring ranking Groove is. When your hands, brain, and eyes need to be near constantly occupied by the game, there’s really not much you can do outside of continuously managing your game state. I don’t particularly have much to add to the Event Run section because of this; I can’t remember much of what I did since I didn’t really do anything. Just play the game. And often not play the game, due to completely forgetting how to do so on two separate occasions.


I often try to keep my personal opinions away from posts like these, beyond inserting the occasional joke that requires a PhD in the history of #cg_general to understand. It is an achievement post technically, but just like my last one about token events I found myself talking mainly about the hard facts of Groove and the strategies that can be used to combat it, not very much about the actual ranking experience from my perspective. I think an entire essay could be written on the psychology surrounding the desire for any human to willingly stay awake for 200+ hours straight, which would be best left completely separate to strategy discussion like this.
But this is a results section, and I haven’t even talked about what result I got, nor why I even chose to rank this event in the first place. I don’t know, it’s got a Cinderella Clock in the background, I guess? I like clocks? Karen and Fumika are pretty great? So are the rest of the singers?
Maybe I just wanted to test the Rank 6 Shift Project to see if it actually had any competitive viability. The conclusion I’ve come to is technically yes, if you’re not in the weak ~99.9999% of the population who can’t seem to stay mentally sane after hour 150, like me. Did I even have a choice? It’s not a muscle I can exercise, or a technique that can be mastered. Every time you want to ‘practice’ you potentially do more damage to yourself and don’t improve at all. You either can, or you can’t. Or you can cheat, I guess. I once again made countless mistakes during the event, many of which are my own fault and are somewhat expected to happen over the course of the event, but the major ones are all tied into the approach I decided to take to even be able to compete in the first place. I didn't even get rank 6, so the name of the technique is a big lie.
Despite everything I just said, I paradoxically still had a lot of fun. I don’t think anyone helping me had fun, I don’t know if any of the runners around me did, but I sure have some interesting memories from the experience. While I didn’t have much community support during the run since I did it in secret, I’d like to thank a few people who have given me information or support in the past (either directly or indirectly) and who have generally been great people to know of:
  • Zhu, and the gods in his stream chat,
  • Rayvur, for giving me a goal to sink to,
  • Lolicore, for being aware that I exist,
  • Rafe, for still managing to provide useful information despite not playing the game anymore,
  • Dwr3k, and the others in VC (looking at you morstain) for doing god’s work and hosting a CG anime rewatch.

Fun Stats

  • I earned 16.8 million fans over the event, raising me from a total of 764,079,984 to 781,869,928. This is nearly identical to the 16.5 million fans I earned during my token run last December.
    • My breakdown of fans across Cute, Cool and Passion has evened up a little where Passion was falling behind, with 249, 296, and 235 million respectively. Cool needs to calm down a little.
  • I leveled up 0 times, from 500 to 500.
  • I have no idea how much gold I earned since I went from 68.9 million to being capped. I haven’t even tried to empty the impossible amount left over in the present box.
  • I had 63k jewels prepared, which I knew was more than enough, but I could not doubt the possibility that Syoko5 would be a relevant card to roll for. I’m not sure how much I spent in total on the event and Syoko, but I only have 17k left now.
    • I saved some jewels by using 6,450 stamina from bottles. I still have 21,620 stamina left over in bottles.
  • I got 3 memory keys from live party drops.
  • I gained:
    • Only 1544 rookie trainers, despite selling 4000 of them in fear of capping.
    • 360 trainers, 160 veteran trainers, 18 master trainers.
    • 158 cute earrings, 134 cute bracelets, 34 cute tiaras.
    • 243 cool earrings, 145 cool bracelets, 33 cool tiaras.
    • 2253 passion earrings, 1173 passion bracelets, 235 passion tiaras.
    • 1692 shoes, and I went from 8k dresses to being capped.
  • Natalia, featured on the passion auto team I used, earned over 2 million fans during the event. I only bring this one up because she’s pretty much the only idol I used that wasn’t already 10 million or above.
  • I pathetically attempted to use my Live Party Emblems before the event taking them down from 900k to 722k. I ended up capped half way through the Live Party period.
submitted by Pieruskwurje to StarlightStage [link] [comments]

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Web Based Options to Support Indoor Cycling

Having some form of entertainment is important to make cycling indoors more enjoyable. On a basic level you could just have headphones and music but you’re also going to want something to look at too other than a wall or your handlebars. Watching You Tube, Netflix, TV or a movie is a simple option providing you’ve set up the trainer in a position where you have a power source and screen stand in front of the bike. Alternatively, you could invest in one of the many interactive web-based platforms that create a much more engaging and interactive experience and for this reason I strongly recommend that you consider this. Most of the popular options below will offer a free trial period without commitment, so you could try them all out to find out what works for you. I’ve added a very short summary for each, but there is a lot more detail in their respective features and benefits which you can investigate via the link.
To run one of the online platforms you will need a system capable of running the application. That is most of the major platforms today. Mac or PC for the desktop, or Apple TV, any iOS device, or certain Android devices. You will need a bike and a turbo trainer. An ANT+ USB dongle or Bluetooth connection, which is how your cycling equipment will communicate with your chosen application on the computer – which is the most important part of the system after a turbo trainer and bike! A lot of people run these different applications completely on Bluetooth, but some prefer to keep an ANT+ connection, as you often get a better signal closer to the trainer. Finally, you will need a cycling metric device such as a Speed/Cadence sensor, Heart Rate monitor and a Power meter, although this final device is a luxury rather than an essential.
Zwift (there's a specific Reddit section on Zwift, much more detail than this brief summary)
I cover Zwift first as this is currently the most popular indoor platform and has been hugely successful in getting more people to cycle indoors. It’s a very slick platform and can be great fun. Whilst (like many online platforms), it may take a little effort to set-up correctly, once you’re up and running there are endless possibilities that will allow you to take your indoor cycling to a new level of fun! Zwift allows cyclists to ride their bicycles on stationary trainers while navigating through different virtual worlds (Watopia, Richmond, London, Innsbruck, Yorkshire, New York, Bologna and City Citeriums). Cyclists may cycle freely around the game world and join organized group rides, races or workouts with other users. Zwift uses ANT+ or Bluetooth technologies to transmit data that, in combination with athlete weight and equipment choices, is used to convert the athlete's efforts as speed and power (watts). Zwift can also estimate the power of cyclists on conventional trainers via the user's cadence and the power curve of a wide range of specified trainers.
Trainer Road https://www.trainerroad.com/
Trainer Road offers a wealth of specific training plans that are built around each rider’s goals. The plans are written by Trainer Road’s Head Coach Chad Timmerman, who has over 25 years of experience. There are over 100 different plans, which are very specific – for climbing road racers, criterium riders, time trialists, rolling road racers, century riders, triathletes (sprint to full distance), XC Olympic, XC marathon, short track XC, cyclocross, gravity and general fitness riders. Trainer Road has literally 1000s of different workouts in its system, if that’s not enough, there’s also a workout creator where you can build your own session. Once signed up, you can choose a training plan, log your sessions, as well as your fitness and progress – all inside the app.
RGT Cycling https://www.rgtcycling.com/
RGT is a newer computer game-style indoor cycling simulator which launched in 2019 after four years of development. It’s designed to be a social platform with a multiplayer environment, where you can enter races and set up rides with friends. There are currently eight courses for users to explore. As well as major climbs like Mont Ventoux, the Stelvio and Cap de Formentor, you can also ride round Canary Wharf or over the Paterberg. There’s also a Tuscany course based on the famous bike race Strade Bianchi. One of the platform’s most striking features is Magic Roads. This converts a GPX file into a virtual course, echoing all the gradient changes and twists and turns of the original route. This is only available with a subscription. There are also structured workouts and training packages too. RGT Cycling say they've done extensive work into rider's movements to make the virtual world as realistic as possible, with drafting and braking all taken into consideration. Like the other game based platfomrs, you will need to download the mobile app (available on iPhone and Android) to connect your devices and register, and also the Screen App (for Windows, Mac, iPad and Apple TV) to give you the display.
The Sufferfest https://thesufferfest.com/
Your subscription to The Sufferfest™ gives you unlimited streaming or offline access to their complete library of structured video workouts, each designed by experienced cycling coaches. No matter what aspect of your fitness you want to improve a workout with a video will be available to accompany your session. Sufferfest have partnered with the biggest names in the sport to put you in the middle of the most exciting professional bike races in the world. Official footage from races like the Tour de France, the Giro d’Italia, the World Championships, and other famous bike races takes you off of the sidelines and into the action. The platform provides clear, on-screen instructions so you know exactly what to do and when to do it. Real-time ride profiles, interval timers, sound alerts, effort indicators, and dynamic performance targets mean you can focus on “enjoying yourself” and doing what you’re told. There are some good analytical tools for the geeks out there too, as well as Yoga, strength and even mental attitude videos to work on other aspects of cycling performance.
CTS Training Videos https://trainright.com/products/video-downloads
Not necessarily an immersive indoor game like some of the other web-based platforms covered above, simply a library of around 30 indoor cycling videos. The training videos are on YouTube and can downloaded to your computer and they each cover a different aspect of cycling fitness. Depending on how you use them, they’re all hard workouts and allow you to gauge your effort using power, heart rate or just perceived exertion.
BKOOL https://www.bkool.com/en/cycling-simulator
Real routes and hill climbs and on the BKOOL simulator designed to give you the thrill of outdoor riding indoors. You can Challenge other users of BKOOL from all over the world or just train at your own pace, with training plans to help you complete your goals. BKOOL almost manufactures it’s own budget smart trainer, which they sold to Zycle in March 2020. The online training platform, which is something BKOOL has spent significant time on over the years, actually pre-dated Zwift. It just didn’t get the same explosive growth as Zwift. The company holds a solid #3 or #4 spot based on paying users (with the order being Zwift, then TrainerRoad, then either Bkool or The Sufferfest). While the company is heavily known in Spain, it’s not entirely Spanish driven.
PELETON https://www.onepeloton.co.uk/membership
If you enjoy the camaraderie of studio cycling classes and are intrigued by the idea of replicating that experience in the comfort of your own home, a Peloton indoor bike could be for you. Becoming a member of the Peloton is a significant investment: roughly £2,000 for the first year and nearly £400 each year thereafter. But for a set of indoor-cycling devotees, these recurring costs for live-streaming and on-demand classes make financial sense. Namely, those who typically take four or more Peloton-like studio classes a week may find the at-home Peloton bike and classes good value. Once you purchase the specific bike itself, you need to keep paying a £30 monthly subscription fee, or you’re left with just three classes and a free-ride mode that displays only real-time data on the screen, with no leaderboard-inspired competition or any record of your efforts. Peloton is an evolving company (it went public late last year), and it will continue to attract competitors. The company seems healthy, yet it’s worth noting that the bike stays useful only for as long as Peloton continues supporting the content at the high level it does today.
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Things To Do: Social Isolation Edition

In light of the COVID-19 situation, we’ve turned our weekly Things to Do event post into a Social Isolation Survival Guide: a list of fun and relaxing activities you can enjoy safely.
Thank you to the Reddit community for sharing your concerns and we want to encourage everyone to pitch in more ideas and resources in the thread as usual. From the team at ExploreTO, we wish everyone and their families peace, health and safety in these challenging times. Check out the list below for inspiration on making the weeks to come more enjoyable!

Things To Do at Home
Meditation | A great habit to start or pick back up in order to bring calm to your life, especially at a time like this. If you need some extra guidance to get started, try a meditation app
Take a Free Virtual Class | Just because schools are closed doesn't mean you can't learn! Check out some cool online classes to expand your mind
Online Mobile Games | Team up with or challenge your friends with these online multiplayer mobile games
COVID-19 Podcast | Learn more about Covid-19 through an interesting and highly informative podcast episode (1 Hour long)
Learn to Cook Something New | Check out these 30 minute recipes for quick, delicious meals
Learn a New Language on Duolingo | Ever wanted to learn Spanish or French or Mandarin, but never had the time? Well, now you do! Try Duolingo and learn something new
Virus-Related Movies to Watch | Not tired of the pandemic drama yet? Here are 5 virus-related movies you can enjoy from the safety of your couch
Syncplay | Watch a movie virtually with your friends or relatives on Syncplay
Cocktail Party! | Play house bartender and create homemade drink concoctions! Turn the remnants of the leftover party booze into cocktails
At Home Workouts | Most gyms are closed, so shake off the pandemic stress off while getting fit at the comfort of home
Board Games | Play some classic board games like Contagion and Pandemic to pass the time!
Visit a Museum | 12 museums that offer virtual tours!
DIY Arts and Crafts | Grab a glue gun, some paper, and try these art projects!
Toronto: History of Your City | Read up and familiarize yourself on Toronto history. Learn about your city from home for a while
Random Fun Ideas

Safe Things To Do Outside
Spend Time in Nature | It’s finally getting warm enough to enjoy the outdoors. Check out the top nearby parks and hikes
Bike Ride | Take a leisurely ride along the lakeshore. If you don’t own a bike you can rent through Bike Share (bring sanitizer if you do!)
Take Up Outdoor Photography | Up Your Photo Game!

Safety Tips
submitted by exploretoapp to toronto [link] [comments]

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From digital designer to software developer

Knowing how to design as well as code gives you a strong advantage as a software engineer. Bobby shares his advice on how to learn to code in this interview.

Hey, so can you introduce yourself?

Hi Pete, thank you so much for having me!
My name is Bobby Bobak, a full stack programmer with a degree in digital design.
I'm currently living in Manchester, England where I've been for the past decade or so, and was born in a small town located in the Tatra Mountains, south of Poland.
From a very young age I was into making things, and my parents have been inspiring me to get into entrepreneurship, designing things and appreciating great art.
I'm running a small company building apps and internal tools for record labels, and the music industry in general, as well as building digital products for consumers. One of which is called Filtru Coffee, a nifty coffee app which helps people discover, learn and enjoy specialty coffee at the comfort of their home.

Do you have some design tips for developers?

As developers we tend to focus on the way things work rather than they look, and I totally understand that it can be sometimes tricky to come up with an aesthetically pleasant, and easy to use user interface.
My top design tip for any programmer is to familiarise yourself with basics of visual hierarchy, such as typographic scale, and grid layouts. They served as blueprints for many designers simplifying the workflow of arranging content on a canvas. Now they can help us arrange pieces of built functionality, making it easier for an unfamiliar person to use.
A well laid out UI, with a visual rhythm leading the user through an app's window to a desired actions makes a world of difference.

As a designer, why did you want to learn to code?

My journey with coding goes way back to when I was 12 years old.
One day my father bought a computer and I have been captivated by it ever since.
As a kid the first thing you want to do on a computer is to play some games, sadly the PC we had was more of a home office type computer so I couldn't enjoy all the fancy 3D games at the time.
What I did instead, was to install apps and tools from various PC magazines at the time, to see what I can do with it.
Little did I know these apps will help me make my own games, 3D animations, and applications.

How did you learn coding?

It all started with making simple games using a very old Windows 95 application called Klik & Play. It was a PowerPoint-like editor to make simple board games.
You could add actions, triggers and animate characters, so I've made a driving game called "Mafia In the City" and gave copies out to friends and other kids in my primary school - it was a hit!
This didn't really require any knowledge of a programming language, but it definitely got me into learning more about what programming languages are, and how I can make better games.
After that, I went into a high profile arts high school, where I'd learn a lot about creative arts, such as drawing, wood carving, calligraphy and graphic design. It was one of the best experiences of my life as it made me aware of aesthetics, visual hierarchy and colour theory.
At the time I didn't really want to do much with computers, the school's aim was to push people into more traditional arts professions, they didn't have much teaching material in digital design, and I really wanted to go into graphic design.
With the rise of broadband in Poland a web-based online multiplayer game called OGame got really popular in my school. One afternoon a number of my friends came to me and asked if I could make a game like that, because they have ideas on how we could make it cooler.
We sat down, worked out the mechanics, set a theme and that evening I started learning HTML, CSS and basics of PHP, within 3 months we had a working game with a World War 2 theme.
Since then I've always thought of coding as a tool for realising creative ideas, turning designs into working products, and this approach has massively helped me at university. With the knowledge of front-end and back-end development I was able to show working prototypes and get top marks for all my assignments.

Do you have any tips for designers who want to learn coding?

My two top tips for designers, or anyone learning to code, is to start a small side project, and stay persistent. Small projects are the best types of creative outlets, they're personal and are a great motivator for experimenting with ideas.
Whether you're building a web, or a mobile app, there are countless resources to help you learn the basics of programming. It can be quite off-putting at first seeing syntax errors with every keystroke, and that's where persistence is key. Going through the hurdles of building an app, and eventually finishing it, can be a turning point for getting better at it.

Can you tell us about your coffee startup Filtru?

Filtru has been my side project for the past 4 years and it's continuously becoming a centre of my attention.
It is a mobile app designed to help people consistently make better coffee. It offers step by instructions on how to prepare 9 brew methods, a community feed of brew guides, and a one-stop shop for buying freshly roasted coffee with a tap of a button.
When at university I've spent most of my time co-working with other developers from local coffee shops, where specialty coffee was the thing to drink. The more I've learned about it the more I realised it's much more than just a fancy coffee. It's ethically sourced and of better quality.
Every coffee barista has their own way of brewing coffee, some play with the time intervals, other with the amount of water to coffee, and watching one prepare it can be quite a science show.
At the time an Apple Watch has just been revealed and I really wanted to explore it as a platform for apps. A coffee timer that would tap your wrist at specific intervals, making you follow World Barista Champion's recipe was my first idea.
The prototype worked great, but I soon realised it needs to be much more accessible. I've built the iPhone and iPad apps and a few months later started working on an integration with Bluetooth scales, to precisely guide someone on how to make that consistent pour-over coffee.
When I've released the app I didn't expect much from it, but pretty soon the downloads started soaring and I've started taking this project more seriously. Last year, partnering with local coffee roasters, I built an e-commerce platform where coffee roasters can tell their story, share the coffees they have sourced and roasted, as well as learn from the consumers on how the coffee has been received.
This year, after spending some time at coffee festivals training people to make coffee, and talking to consumers I saw a clear need for improving Filtru in the educational aspects.
With Apple's push for Augmented Reality I think Filtru can help visualise the process of making coffee much better than text instructions can, so currently I'm building the next version of the mobile apps, as well bringing the community feed to the web.

What are your career goals for the future?

I would love for Filtru to become my full-time gig, allowing me to focus on the more creative side of building products.
The coffee industry has so much to offer, and there are stories of so many people that work really hard to help you drink this coffee. I'd love to amplify those stories through technology.
If anybody's curious about specialty coffee, or would like to have a go at making AeroPress coffee check out Filtru or check out my Twitter
Thanks for the interview!
You can find more interviews like this on No CS Degree
submitted by pete_codes to NoCSDegree [link] [comments]

Game Pigeon Hacks

Game Pigeon Hacks
Game Pigeon makes it possible to play a collection of fun mini games with your friends online via iMessage. The games contained in the app are simple but fun to play with including 8-ball, poker, sea battle, anagrams, chess, gomoku and more.
Game Pigeon Hacks
Game Pigeon for iMessage Service is now exclusive to Apple devices, and no clear signs have shown about its realization on Android devices. To run GamePigeon, you need a device with iOS 10. With GamePigeon installed on your phone, you can enter in a conversation window with a friend who has installed iOS 10 and send the invitation to the game. By a single tap, you can go into full-screen mode and adjust your settings for music and sounds as you like.
Game Pigeon HACK FEATURES: ALL SONG . NO JAILBREAK REQUIRED! Note: This is a UNIVERSAL APP so this HACK works for both iPhone and iPad. nothing "in game" though. I've done basic stuff similar if you want to change all of that text that sends along with the all of that game and gave myself unlimited crowns.
Game Pigeon 8 Ball Cheats LOOK HERE 8 Ball Pool Hack Tool USA UK CA AU. Jan 16, 2017 - 8 ball pool hack tool advice tips,Ball Game Pigeon, we are completely insane for giving away this How To Play 8 Ball Game Pigeon. 8 ball pool unlimited coins. HOW TO ALWAYS WIN ON GAME PIGEON | CUP PONG HOW TO WIN ON CUP PONG!!! | GAME FILLER today. GamePigeon conta com os seguintes jogos: ~ Bola 8. Get a group chat. Starting off together along with a highly requested multiplayer card game. Eu não instalei isso hack. for app developers. Sep 12, 2016 -. You can use apps with that with do all sorts of things. Order group lunches, share cryptographic messages, even play small games. (Mancala) Anagram: wordunscrambler.me/ CHEK OUT MY 2nd CHANNEL This.
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multiplayer games with friends online iphone video

We’ve scoured the entirety of the App Store to find some of the best games to play, both locally and with friends or strangers online. With any luck, your new favorite game will spawn from this list, a mix of old favorites, new hits, and a couple of underground gems you might not know much about. These are the best multiplayer games for iOS! Suffice to say, the friends that play together stay together. That said, if you are all set to lock horns with your buddies but aren’t sure which game is right for your taste, now is the perfect time to cycle through the best iPhone games to play with friends online. PUBG Mobile ; 8 Ball Pool; Bowmasters; Clash Royale; Arena of Valor; Carom Pool Overall Ludo King is a great game and most of you will definitely enjoy it and is certainly one of the best games to play online with friends on iPhone, iPad, and Android. Download Ludo King from Play Store. Download Ludo King from App Store. ALSO READ: 10 Best Cricket Games (Android/iPhone) 3. 2 Player Games Miniclip’s 8 Ball Pool is, without a doubt, one of the best multiplayer games for your iPhone. I was introduced to this particular game when I was in high school, and I’ve been recommending it to everyone since then. 8 Ball Pool has a simple yet attractive interface that makes it easy to play. 8 Ball Pool. Spaceteam is one of the most engaging multiplayer iPhone games you’ll be able to get your hands on. It requires 2-8 players to be in the same room as each other. In Spaceteam, players are all given different roles to keep a spaceship safely flying through space. As far as multiplayer games for iPhone is concerned, there are a number of such games available in the App Store for a download. You can choose from 8 Ball Pool, N.O.V.A.3, Clash Royale and more. Check out the list of some of the best multiplayer games which you can play on your iPhone, iPad against your friends and other players from the comfort of your home. Fortnite. Fortnite is a multiplayer online battle royale game where the last one standing in the field wins the battle. You can team up with your friends and up to four players can make a squad and play a match. This game is also available for free, but it needs iPhone 6s or later iPhones to run. The 25 Best Multiplayer Games for iPhone and iPad. We do plenty of mobile gaming on our iDevices. They are always in our pockets or bags and we can conveniently whip it out when we are commuting or just to kill a lunch hour or two with an abundance of quality titles to choose from. 8 Ball Pool is the biggest & best multiplayer Pool game online! Play billiards for FREE against other players & friends in 1-on-1 matches, enter tournaments to win big! Level up and earn Pool Coins for your wins. Customize with cues & cloths in the Pool Shop. Also available for FREE on iPhone, iPad, iTouch & Android devices. New player? But fret not! There are plenty of things that can keep you and your family entertained, such as these great multiplayer games that you can enjoy on an iPhone or iPad. All of these can be enjoyed locally and played in real-time, rather than online with people you can't see or interact with in person.

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multiplayer games with friends online iphone

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