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I watched 40 seasons of Survivor in 40 days

Hey all, I'm back after a little break. For context, here are my old posts 1-20 21-30
For the official tally I started watching Season 33 on November 2nd, went back to Season 1 on the 3rd and finished all 40 on December 11th which was exactly 40 days. It wasn't too much of a time crunch but I did have to make up for a few half days I took off to relax. A rough calculation of the time I watched Survivor for in 40 days is 434 hours.
My overall thoughts on the show are: The music and especially the music cues are incredible The weathering/look of the paint on the challenges is a great theme throughout the series My favorite players: Tyson, Christian Hubicki, Andrea Boehlke, David Wright, Jonathan Penner Best player in my mind: Tony Vlachos Favorite seasons: Cagayan, Heroes vs Villains, David vs Goliath, Millennials vs Genx Favorite pure gameplay moment: Sandra getting voted out with her own idol from Denise's one vote Favorite non-pure gameplay moment: Adam trying to get the fleur de lis out of the podium to use I already miss it and want to rewatch seasons, especially 33 because I started with that before I knew I was going to watch them all. Think about that, I wanted 40 seasons in 40 days and I still want more. After saying that, I hope it goes without saying that I love Survivor and I can’t wait until more seasons come out. I enjoyed rooting for players when I knew they won after knowing them from Winners at War but if the chance arose to go back in time and get myself to watch first 39 seasons before 40 I would in a heartbeat. I didn’t dislike the “dark ages” of Survivor as much as it seems others did but I will definitely say the best seasons of Survivor are around 33 where you can actually tell people are true fans of the show My favorite twist is when two tribes go to one tribal council and vote out one person I mention it below but I would easily say the phrase "I don't trust them as far as I can throw them" is the most used beyond any of Jeff's phrases I like idols over not having idols, I can understand the frustration of idolgedden as a player but I like watching it as a fan
As always, if you have any specific questions feel free to ask away!
And to wrap things up, here are my scattered thoughts on 31-40
31 It’s incredible that after 30 seasons in a row I can still get this hyped during a premiere Omg first mentioning of old school vs new school I’m getting so much life from this segment on Abi and her dramatic lifestyle around camp but then Terry hit the nail on the head when he narrated how terrible it was that her own alliance laughed at her when she could hear it, no one deserves that so I never thought I’d say it but I feel for Abi I still don’t like her but does have incredibly deep seeded issues though so I hope she works through that Vaner’s “You little bitch” to Abi short but sweet and hilarious I love them bringing second chances into the challenges as well Do you think it ever crossed Joe’s mind to not win every comp and put the world’s largest target on your back? I get it’s a big move to block that many votes but Kelley Wentworth and 2 others gloating about the idol play seems so dumb to me, you’re still on the bottom and gloating isn’t helping?? The buoys popping up during the immunity challenge felt like another game, beautifully done and great twist NOT THE FEET COMP BACK, I HATE IT HERE I am loving the covert missions they have to go through to get the immunity idols Well I guess the blessing from the monks during the reward didn’t do anything to help them win… All votes were nullified with two idols, wtf this is wild! And Jeremy with the clean save on himself! Kelley too but I mean she doesn’t win the season so… And then another tie, this is insane and then Keith goes home, right? Why didn’t Stephen want Keith to give up? Just because everyone else wanted Kimmi to go anyway so he was voluntarily going out on his own accord? Okay Jeff just walked through the voting but I followed in the moment but I didn’t catch that they wanted to get out Kimmi so Keith throwing himself under the bus was unnecessary I thought Stephen just didn’t want him to do it for some gameplay reason It’s such a simple challenge but I love the balls around the structure one hand behind your back challenge for the final immunity Not the number jury question, this needs to die
32 Interesting that they preface the season with the medical toughness because I know this is a huge med evac season I need the confessionals from the conceited beauty tribe to be reduced by at least 95% or I won’t make it through this season Welp, I have a new fear if I ever go on Survivor after watching Jennifer with this bug in her ear Doing all this for an immunity idol is mental, how do you find time for all this running around? I understand being sneaky for an idol but this is a marathon I love Tai and Caleb’s relationship Why do all the women I find undeniably beautiful go out early? Liz if you’re reading this please hit me up Civil Air Patrol Captain is my favorite job of Debbie’s, I just want to put that on record Omg Tai making all these friends on the island makes me happy And now he betrayed Scot, he can’t be trusted Joe’s just vibing through the season is a mood and I don’t know how I feel about it I need to know whose idea it was to trick them at the final three (I was typing “and kick them for me” then Jeff announced the jury twist and my mind is blown and I bow down to the Survivor production Honestly I don’t care for Michele much but fuck Neal to his core what a little bitch
33 I loved this cast. I’ll be honest though the Gen X tribe wasn’t as exciting as the Millennials in the first few episodes but mainly it was just in terms of entertainment across the tribe but once it got into merge they were all great Adam took shots like he did in 40 and they just happened to work out here but truly Survivor is the game of long shots so it works out eventually Jay’s a stone cold killer with the blindside, damn I don’t know who could exist on this planet and play Survivor with me that I would draw rocks for I can’t believe Ken didn’t bring David because of his determination to keep to his word Didn’t expect Adam to have a clean sweep
34 Not everyone coming after Tony to start the game! He really played this start wrong, damn “Varner now starting to panic, I ain’t panicking don’t say that, sure looks like it, don’t throw that shit on me I’m good” - A live look at how I would be in a challenge clapping back at Jeff I need Ciera to win a season so her huge ego right off the bat makes sense Interesting that they had such an early tribe swap, I mentioned it was super early and so far through 36 they’ve done the same swap at 2 boots It’s super dumb and dorky but I loved the Kass fake idol segment and maybe I’ll also like her more after the season Michaela is bringing the same energy from last season and I respect her for that I understand it’s because it’s a mom and a kid but the easy switch from eating the goat to the chicken is wild to me because it’s still a living animal either way but they don’t give a damn about the chickens Two tribes going to tribal to vote off one person? Did they throw every twist they’ve been sitting on into one season? “I love you, I don’t know why you’re mad at me?” Brad talking to Debbie in the middle of a challenge or a married couple at a party? Cochran showing up to Exile might be the biggest surprise I’ve experienced in the series yet lmao Oh nononono Varner even talks in his confessional about his premeditation on outing Zeke, I originally thought it was a heat of the moment thing Andrea saying Michaela will get over the family visit in a day, lol good luck Sarah has toe shoes and she wins, put it on the board folks “Whatever I do will decide the game” “I’m going to decide at tribal” I don’t know why this was so funny to me 8 people left going into the final two episodes? I am locked in for this OMG not Cirie trying to use Sarah’s steal a vote and it being nontransferable this is devastating My face when Cirie was idoled out :( An interesting way to frame the final tribal but I don’t think it’s quite necessary
35 Where do I send my resume to help create better themes than “heroes vs healers vs hustlers” I like the idea of first tribe to the table maze getting the first choice then down the line If Ben gets saved by this super idol I’ll freak I don’t like the idea of these advantages needing to be given to another tribe if your team doesn’t go to tribal Should I be taking a shot every time Jessica mentions she’s a virgin? Has having a huge ego ever worked out in the game? I know people know Joe has this idol but being this inflated about it is so pointless to me Every time Jeff says good night he sounds Australian, don’t @ me Probably unpopular opinion but I love this save a vote for later advantage The fact that this spaghetti plate wasn’t hidden after the first person to find it is insane, how is a little apron going to hide anything? Ah, the dumbest challenge I’ve ever seen. After almost 35 seasons and the challenges from season 1, that’s impressive. You guessed it, the loved ones visit challenge with the marbles. I know people don’t think Ben is a good player but the idol play on Lauren was great Okay so if I’m in Ben’s spot and it’s final 6 and there’s a reward challenge that not only gets rid of two people from the island for a night but lets me stay to look for the idol, I’m throwing 10000000% Now a third is leaving, Ben get that idol boy Should Ben have shown his idol at final 6? It blows them up a bit but does that matter because they all clearly want you out whenever possible and this way you can do another blindside. Chrissy is so smug I truly cannot stand her, Ryan and Devon are alright and I love Ben now Ben losing the final immunity challenge might be the most emotion I’ve experienced so far in this series
36 I don’t really like the idea that the advantages are on Ghost Island just ready for them, I’d way rather they have to find them Making them will the advantage, at least the first one, balances it out though but then if it’s putting my vote on the line for an advantage I don’t even get then I’d pass Also after watching this and 39 where they can lose their vote, I’d be counting every time and if there’s one less vote than the number on the tribe that GI returnee would be so easy to find out The “don’t play” fixes following the votes in this one so fair enough Oh wow they even included Tony’s mistake of going too hard too fast by casting Jacob I get that Stephanie is hopeful but saying you’re only 25 days from the million dollars is like saying I only have 17 more miles in a marathon I think the twist this season is just tell the backstory of whoever is going home that episode I just about screamed when they pulled out Ozzy’s fake stick idol Redemption Island 2.0 with Dom and Chris when?? I love the Dom and Wendell power couple, I truly cannot believe no one has blindsided them yet I’m liking this season but I’m not taking it serious because of all the advantages and even then the stockpile at the final 6 is insane I’ve seen this before but it still blows my mind that Laurel had to break the tie and also doesn’t even get to live in suspense that she didn’t win and did anyone hound her to find out who she voted for?
37 I am going to hate this season because I have to listen to 10 people talk about how great their lives are I would die for Christian and I’ve already cried 10 minutes into the season I have never needed a team to win a competition in my life than I need the Davids to win this first challenge I’m so ungodly happy right now and I want the unedited confessional from Christian talking about the slide puzzle I’m excited to watch Penner 2.0 throughout the season My favorite showmances are the self aware ones that still do it regardless and tank their game Do you think Jeff is just used to holding crotch idols or is he still grossed out every time he has to touch one? Listening to Christian’s confessionals will never not put a smile on my face, damn Elizabeth trying to tell Alec that him flipping on the Goliaths at the first tribal after the swap is a big power move is the most comical thing I’ve heard in a while Angelina trying to get Natalie’s jacket like she’s entitled to it is on par “Natalie going home was bitter sweet. Natalie was bitter and it was sweet for the tribe” omg One weird thing I’ve noticed is that the phrase “I can trust them as far as I can throw them” has been used in at least 25% of the seasons This first individual immunity challenge with the pendulum is wild. How did they come up with something like that? JK the showmance is turning on themselves so it could have ended much worse I screamed when the nullifier worked on Dan, big dick plays in the house Christian is too pure for this world, he gave everything for the individual immunity and he got it!! Also I want the uncut version of his dialogue during the 5 hour challenge too The idol by Christian to get out Gabby!!! Iconic Mike with the wine helping them find the clue, another icon lmao
38 Sometimes Jeff says some disrespectful things like needing the first thing he points out is that in 72 hours one person will be voted out already, like they don’t need to worry about that right now lmao Etsy shop owner is another one to add to the board for job titles, especially with Etsy specified How’s this dude going to brag about being form a small town then say his town has 3 stop lights?? Bro mine had one and we took it out because it was too much. How to know you’re not a “War Dog” by calling yourself “War Dog” and only ever referring to yourself as such in the third person If Wendy releases these chickens I’ll egg her house Woah is this the first use of a “blank minutes earlier” lower third and flashback? Okay now Wendy’s my least favorite player, I don’t know who I said that about last but you don’t mess with food in Survivor Two tribes going to one tribal is a 10/10 twist in my mind 1/2 immunity idol in Rick’s lower third is petty lmao I’m probably in the minority but I like the idea of advantages being sent from extinction It’s absolutely mental to me that we’re watching all this content and development and then some loser on extinction comes out of nowhere to win the game, what kind of play is that? A valiant effort from Chris and honestly I’d have trouble not voting for him compared to the other two but it still sucks that someone who’s played 13 days can win. But also Rick was voted out too so it’s a wash either way
39 It’s interesting that I have no memory of Janet starting fire without a flint but only a few have done it so it’s impressive now that I know the context Kellee talking about Dan 20 minutes in is so not a good sign, Survivor needed to do way better It might be because my brain is mush after 38 seasons in a row but this feels way different than when I first watched it, it means more than it did before and I’m watching so much more closely I might make some mistakes playing Survivor but I hope to never try to do something as dumb as take on Boston Rob in a fire making contest Impressive that Kellee guessed it could be a past player to come out and give advice Vince crying in front of Sandra and Rob would 10000% be me so I can relate Noura losing her Island of the Idol challenge, and the entire segment on her trying to get her tribe to pick her as a caller, only to be immediately shot down at the challenge is easily in my top 10 Survivor events I’m just putting this out there, if Survivor ever needs someone to shill sponsored content like a god I am available Yes it sucked that Jack made the dorag joke but I’m incredibly thankful that Jamal was there to talk through it with the camera because he does a great job at opening up people’s eyes The limit does not exist for the applications of a picture of Karishma saying “I’m wet” from this season Missy telling Elizabeth to play up the situation with Kellee for gameplay is so disgusting Did Lauren just say “I’m not comfortable with voting out Dan because he’s been touching people”? The astronomical insanity of Missy and Elizabeth saying Janet and Kellee used the accusations against Dan for the game when they were the ones doing it Okay this “you grabbed the note you instantly lose your vote” is so dumb lmao what Survivor player wouldn’t grab that note? Honestly this is my official endorsement for Jamal to be the HDiversity lead for CBS Karishma lying about where she was when she found the idol is another contender for top 10 moments but like in a sub category like most bizarre lies Karishma’s husband with the boldest choice of facial hair I’ve seen in 39 seasons, a goatee without the mustache, I didn’t even know you could do that
40 Tony had the first confessional, they told us from the very beginning! Nick saying the person who wins will be the person who uses the tokens most effectively, lol hopeful The first 10 minutes of conversation at camp being about everyone’s babies makes this feel like a high school reunion which I get that it basically is for them but it’s making me feel old Why does it feel like there are so many lawyers and/or people who went to law school on Survivor? Insert screen cap of Sandra holding the immunity idol and post it with the title “pictures that precede tragedy” It’s interesting to see all the things they’re doing to make you put trust in other people this season, pooling together fire tokens, two halves to the idols I’m not used to everyone running around and telling everyone who they’re talking about voting out. It’s snitch after snitch and I’m not a fan, let people go for moves They used a ladder in the third episode challenge, Tony should have asked production if he could bring it back to camp I’m sure I’m in the minority on this one but I enjoy the edge content, I came into this season wanting to see all the players in action and it allows us to do that Wendell and Michele dating and then being on the first tribe will always be hilarious Denise blindsiding Sandra with her singular vote and her own idol, that’s the greatest moment in the entire series for me Wendell getting cocky in challenges might never get old to me, I love watching him talk his way to failure It’s so disheartening to hear them talk so hopeful about the fire tokens and then production just fell flat with actual uses for them “Natalie, you’re the first winner to be sent to the edge” WELLLLLLL I mean, technically no I am loving the chaos going on around camp before Adam gets voted out, the idea that so many people that have won the game can’t decide on one thing is so humorous Adam trying to use the fleur de lis on the podium will always be my favorite Survivor moment The editing down the discussion at tribal to talk about big blind sides when it’s Sophie’s turn to get blindsided, chef’s kiss but also I’ll miss her :( It’s such a loss that the tokens only really make an impact on the edge, if they intend to keep them around they have to impact the actual game The disrespect when Amber talked about people not thinking she deserved to win All Stars then panning to Michele lmao I thought it was neat that I watched 40 seasons of Survivor in 40 days and Sarah ran 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days, I will never come close to that strength wtf I still love how it came down to Sarah vs Tony for the fire making challenge
submitted by chevlet to survivor [link] [comments]

Welcome to South App #2: "Campus 5-0"

Welcome to South App #2:
Sunday, August 9th, 2020
“Hall check! Wake yo' dumb asses up.”
Winston wiped the grit out of his eyes and checked his phone. 6 AM. He sucked last night’s Cheeto dust off his fingers and ripped a violent fart, causing Tai to spring up from his bed.
“What was that?!” Tai piped up. “And...what’s that smell?”
“Armadillos,” said Winston, lighting a cig. “Liberal town stinks of ‘em.”
Somebody pounded the hell out of the door. “Winston! Tai! I said hall check!”
“Fuuuck,” Winston slurred, hopping off the top bunk. He smacked his head on the way down, landed on his ankle, and dropped his cigarette.
“And that would be the new R.A.,” Tai sighed, shuffling to his feet. “Voice sounds kinda familiar. Welp, our shenanigans were fun while they lasted.”
They emerged into the bright hallway in pajamas. And to their surprise, every student stood next to their door at attention. Some were swearing. Others were sweating. And strangely, there was no R.A. in sight.
“What the hell’s going on here?” Winston muttered.
“Dude, get to attention before he comes back!” hissed Connor: a lanky, nerdy guy with a bowl cut and glasses.
“Is this some kind of joke?” asked Tai. “Somebody must be playing a prank on us or-"
Suddenly clothes, shoes, snacks, beer bottles, and a sex doll flew out of the room at the end of the hall. “Jackpot!” bellowed a voice from inside. “That’s a fuckin’ minor-in-possession charge right there!”
Then, it occurred to Winston: that voice was familiar. Suddenly, his taser mark burned like Spidey Sense. Winston jogged between rows of trembling students, ignoring the suffering cries of “Don’t do it!” and “He’s bigger than you!” In the doorway, Winston saw him: Lionell the bus driver. He sat with his back turned in a swivel chair, browsing his hallmate’s laptop. He appeared to be making himself right at home, his combat boots crossed on top of the desk.
“Looks like the simps in this room are fond of big-titty goth bitches!” he yelled out, scrolling through the browser history of 4K porn.
Winston took a deep breath. “Hey, uh...Mister Lionell?”
Lionell swiveled around to face him. His eyebrows furrowed like two lightning bolts beneath his freshly-waxed head. “Ah, Winston Panty-Pissin’ Beavers. Care to tell me why the fuck you ain’t in formation?”
Winston would rather swallow his own vomit than his pride. “Uh, yes sir. First of all, I wanna apologize for the way I acted on the bus. I was a bonafide douchebag. But I also wanted to ask: can I please get my gun back? My dad gave it to me, and-”
Lionell shot to his feet. He marched over to Winston like a true Marine. Slowly, he reached into his BDU pocket and withdrew the Colt Single-Action Army, cradling it in his calloused hands like Oliver Twist asking for porridge.
“Is, uh…this whatchu want, Mister Beavers?” Lionell mocked in a high-pitched voice.
“Yeah, man!” Winston chuckled nervously. “I’d mighty appreciate it.”
“Go on then!” Lionell snapped. “Take it. But if you do, I’m gonna charge yo’ ass with discharging a firearm near a public highway, destruction of private property, and attempted hijacking of a motor vehicle! And Lionell’s my government name. It’s Deputy Hardy to you.”
Lionell snatched Winston’s hand and placed the gun inside it. The warm muzzle fit his hand perfectly - exactly why his dad had chosen it for him. And it pained Winston that much more to hand the Colt back to Lionell. Winston had reluctantly made up his mind.
“That’s what I fucking thought,” Lionell sneered. “You’re a pussy, and daddy would be ashamed." Lionell pocketed the gun and marched out of the room, down the hall of petrified students. “Ya know, I’d say daddy shoulda left yo’ ass on a tissue. Then again, why waste a perfectly good tissue, ya dig?”
Lionell reached Room 309 and stepped inside.
“We gotta do something about this son of a bitch,” whispered Tai, as a seething Winston came to attention next to his room.
“Dude, there’s not shit we can do except comply,” whispered Connor, shaking his head. “Most of us have shit in our room way worse than alcohol." Connor pressed his finger against his nostril and pretended to snort cocaine. “Look, the way I see it: we just gotta let the R.A. do his thing. Let’s face it: we’re Lionell’s bitch.”
Holy fucking shit!” Lionell cheered. “I gots me some goodies in this room.” He walked out with a bag of Winston’s hand-cut tobacco, a jar of moonshine, and a few boxes of .45 ammo. But Winston’s anger paled in comparison to the sheer horror on Tai’s face. Under Lionell’s arm was a binder with big, bold letters reading HAWT BOOK. Tai’s eyeballs nearly popped out of his skull.
“He book!” Tai whispered, gripping Winston’s shoulder.
“Sheesh, dude,” Winston said with a shrug. “Quit your bitchin’. He done took my Alabama moonshine. A few inbreds died making that batch.”
“Mine’s worse, roomie,” Tai’s voice cracked. “Much worse.”
Four floors up, Gigi opened her eyes to the sun in her face. She stared up at the ceiling, a visible heatwave cooking the room. One of these days, the paint would melt off the ceiling and coat her entire body while she slept.
Like Winston, Gigi was a member of the Top Bunk Club. And she too had rolled off the bunk and twisted her ankle more than once. On this day she sat up too quickly, feeling a rush of hard cider to the head. She felt herself tumbling down, down, down - landing squarely on the bean bag chair below.
The room spun above her head, her heart pounding in her throat. She slumped over, crawling across the soft, white shag carpet. Gripping the towel rack, she pulled her body up, bent over the sink, and threw up. She flopped onto the cold tile floor, smiling as the nausea left her body.
Somebody gently tapped on her door.
“Sarah?” Gigi called out, her voice hoarse and dry. “Um...can you grab me a Sprite?”
“Oooh, my-a Gigi!” called out an Asian lady. It was Kim Moon: Gigi’s mom. “How are you? Did you have much drink? I cannot wait hear everything!”
Gigi lay in a fetal position, covering her mouth. “M-mom?!”
“Yes, my-a Gigi!” replied Kim. “Please open door for hall check. I am your new R.A!”
Gigi projectile vomited on the shag rug.
Minutes later, Kim was on her knees scrubbing the rug while Gigi sat on the futon. Kim had raided Gigi’s cabinet for rubber gloves, bleach, and an old towel. She aggressively scrubbed the carpet until that one spot was much cleaner than the rest of it.
“Like I always tell-a you,” Kim said, looking up. “Cleanliness next to godliness." She smiled, displaying a row of pale yellow teeth. Her black, thinning hair draped down the back of her neck. She was even shorter than her daughter.
“Um...yep!” Gigi laughed nervously. She sipped a Sprite, pulling her knees to her chest. “So...what exactly is going on?”
“My-a Gigi,” Kim cooed, cradling her daughter’s face in her gloved hands. “My heart-a broke when you leave. I cry and cry, then I finally close up shop be with you!”
Back in suburban Atlanta, Kim ran a small farmer’s market out of a shed on her property. Gigi spent her adolescent and teenage years harvesting vegetables and selling them in exchange for a weekly allowance. Kim always swore that Gigi (or possibly her bratty little sister, Catherine) would someday inherit the house and family business.
“Why-a don’t we start our hall check? I bake-a cookies for all you ladies while we tell story of baby Gigi!”
Tai and Winston stood at attention, while Lionell paced the hallway with Tai’s HAWT BOOK in hand.
“I told y’all motherfuckers I done struck gold!” Lionell bellowed.
As Lionell approached, the students’ faces burned red. Lionell stopped in front of the room across the hall. “Now what’s...yo name?”
“C-C-Connor,” said the bowl-cut kid.
“Ah, mah’fuckin’ Connor! That right there’s a hwhite boy name." Lionell flipped through the binder. And while the other students stared in horror, Winston was the only one fighting to hold back a laugh.
“Ah, Connor in Room 308!” Lionell read from the binder. “Pros: tight ass; confirmed six-pack. Cons: probably not bi-curious; probably a top. Overall rating: 7/10.”
Winston exploded into laughter. “Damn, Connor, you’re tied with Fat Will!" William, the chunky neckbeard down the hall, gave a hesitant thumbs-up. In Tai’s binder, Will had also scored a 7/10 for having a size-13 shoe size and being a sloppy eater.
“I ain’t done yet, funny boy!” Lionell yelled in Winston’s face. “I done saved the best for last. The mah-fuckin’ creme-de-la-creme. Wiiinston Beavers!”
“Ha!” Winston interrupted, pointing at the 3/10 Leftward-Sloping-Penis-Rick down the hall. “That means you’re officially in last place, bitch!”
Earlier, Tai had been sweating bullets. But after having his deepest, darkest secrets broadcasted so theatrically, his expression was dull and lifeless.
Winston Beavers: my temporary college roommate,” Lionell read. “Cons: leaves his dirty boots on the carpet, doesn’t wash his sheets, doesn’t wash his scrotum, drinks milk from the carton, everything he touches turns into Cheeto dust, and the room smells like dead armadillos when he’s around.”
Winston stopped laughing.
Pros: good snacks,” Lionell sneered. “Final score: 0.5 out of 10.”
“This is horse shit!” Winston yelled, punching the wall. He stomped down the hall of cringing students. Tai trailed behind while the thunderous laughter of Deputy Hardy faded behind them.
“Wait, hold up!” Tai called out in the stairwell. “Just let me explain."
“Ain’t nothin’ to explain!” Winston shot back. “Apparently, I’m a temporary roommate. So I ain’t gonna show my armadillo ass around Firewater much longer.”
“Okay man, I admit it,” Tai said, throwing his hands up. “I’m not sorry for writing that, but I am sorry you had to hear it. Besides! It’s not like it’s something that can’t be fixed. I have a wide array of hygiene products that’ll help with at least a quarter of the things on that list!”
Winston scoffed like a wild hog. But his expression softened as he mulled it over. “You got any of that...sandalwood cologne?”
“Hell yes I do!” said Tai, perking up. “I’ve got creams, lotions, salves, colognes - you name it! Roomie, allow me to become your personal fabulous assistant! Why, I’ll have you looking spiffy for Miss Claire Dansby in no time.”
“Now you’re talking my language,” Winston said, shaking on it. “Deal.”
They entered the 700 Hall to the sound of giddy laughter. The ladies gathered around the petite Miss Kim, who sat in a stool in the middle of the hallway. Like Kindergarteners, they watched earnestly while the woman held a photo album.
“And dis one,” Kim squeaked, pointing at one of the photos, “is my-a Gigi during first birthday. She eat-a cake, and eat, and eat. She get very, very fat! And you no notice now, because she smaaall as Oompa Loompa now.”
The women howled with laughter while Gigi sat slumped against the wall, wishing she would melt into it.
“And how-a can we-a forget!” Kim gasped. “Dis one is my-a Gigi dressed-a like Neenja Turtle. She has-a Neenja Turtle jammies, Neenja Turtle bedsheets, and even-a Neenja Turtle potty!”
“Sorry Ma’am, we gotta go!” announced Winston, grabbing Gigi’s hand. “Sunday brunch is about to start.”
“Oh!” cried Kim. “Why, hello! Handsome gentlemen stay for my-a cookies?”
But the three freshmen were already out the door.
The Chubby Beaver Cafe rewarded Sunday brunch to hungover early birds on campus. A full spread of “Beaverific” entrees: bourbon maple chicken and waffles, crepes stuffed with fresh fruit puree, and virgin screwdrivers (i.e. BYOB). The main attraction: a giant hand-carved ice beaver statue.
But the distraught Winston, Gigi, and Tai were sickened by the thought of fine dining. Instead, they drowned their sorrow in a mile-high stack of bacon on a plate. While they silently munched on sadness and grease, Sarah swept by with a crepe and a screwdriver. She plopped down in the seat next to Winston.
“Helllo, lovelies!” she greeted. Unlike the other three pajama slobs, she wore a long, purple skirt and newly-braided dreadlocks. Sarah was rushing a week early, having spent the night stargazing with a co-ed hippie fraternity.
“What’s with the plate of animal carcasses, bro?” Sarah asked, sipping her drink. “Does a pig have to die for you to live?”
“Fuck it, I’m full,” growled Winston, pushing his plate across the table. Tai and Gigi turned away like dogs refusing to eat.
“Geez, who rained on your parade?” Sarah asked, cracking open a shot bottle of vodka and discretely pouring it into her orange juice.
Winston pointed at the entrance. “See for yourself.”
The freshmen watched a group of men and women stroll into the cafe, dressed in their Sunday-best attire of black tailored suits and dresses. And yet, in context, it seemed like they were marching to a funeral.
“Wait,” Sarah whispered. “That’s the-"
“Campus 5-0,” Winston finished. He stood on top of his chair. “Code red!”
Immediately, every student scrambled to hide their weed, mini liquor bottles, and pain pills. Several students pulled their hands out of their girlfriends’ panties. And the conversation shifted from scoring molly to scoring into the South App Honors Program.
“Wait, that’s the bus driver, right?” Sarah asked, pointing out the freshly-waxed bald head in the crowd. “God, tell me he’s not your R.A!”
“He is, oh God he is!” Tai moaned dramatically. He grabbed a handful of bacon, stuffed it into his mouth, and crawled under the table.
Lionell reached into his pocket and made his hand into the shape of a gun. He aimed it at Winston, shut his left eye, and "fired." Winston didn’t so much as move a muscle while Lionell blew on his hand, placed the “gun” in his pocket, and got in line for waffles.
“Um...I’ve got it worse - tenfold!” Gigi laughed nervously. On cue, Momma Moon approached their table wearing a long, black dress.
“O-a, my-a Gigi and friends!” Kim greeted, folding her hands in front of her waist. “When you-a leave, I unlock your-a door and do all your laundry!”
“What?!” Gigi choked. “You have a key to my room?”
“My dear-a, I need keep an eye on you as your R.A! I not go anywhere! I need make sure you safe and clean. All your thong-a, and even your granny panty.”
With that, Gigi grabbed a handful of bacon, stuffed it into her mouth, and slipped under the table to join Tai.
And now only the two siblings remained. Kim reached over and stroked Winston’s beard. “It’s-a been long time since my-a Gigi have strong American friend take-a care of her. You make sure she-a be good girl while she get teeth degree.”
“Uh, sure thing ma’am,” Winston replied while Kim gave him a boop on the nose with her finger.
“You-a fluffy man. You look handsome if you no fat.”
Sarah burst into laughter, downing the rest of her screwdriver. But Kim picked up Sarah’s empty glass, traced the rim, and placed a finger in her mouth. “Oooh, naughty, naughty. I think you put alcohol in there-a. That means-a I impose 7 PM curfew for week.”
“What?!” screamed Sarah. “You bitch!”
“Oooh, careful,” Kim cooed, picking up a slice of bacon and pointing at Lionell across the room. “If you no comply, I tell big cop man that you minor in possession." She spun around and walked off, nibbling on the bacon like a chipmunk.
Sarah snapped the glass at the stem. “Let’s sabotage these fuckin’ R.A.'s!”
Winston narrowed his eyes, watching as Lionell poured a cup of runny batter into the waffle iron. He rotated the handle to start the timer, and his carb cake began to cook.
“Now’s our chance,” Winston said, springing up from his chair. “Follow me, sis.”
“What about them?” Sarah asked, pointing under the table.
Winston grabbed the plate of bacon and lifted the tablecloth. Tai and Gigi immediately snatched it up like cave trolls, feasting in their underground lair.
“All that pork and they’re skinny as rails,” Winston muttered to Sarah.
“Ah, I see Momma Moon hit a nerve with you,” Sarah teased, rubbing his belly. “Are you out to impress her now? Or is it her daughter you seek?”
Winston scoffed as he and Sarah weaved through tables of hungover students. “Nah, just Claire,” he replied.
“Ah, I knew it!” Sarah laughed. “Your southern damsel in distress. So, you wanna know a secret that only a woman would know?”
“Hit me.”
“It’s gonna take a lot more than good looks to score with a woman like her.”
“The that there is no solution. You have to be born into it. Sorry!”
At the waffle station, Lionell lifted the handle and grabbed his waffle, imprinted with the S.A.U. Beaver logo. And as he searched for the maple syrup, Winston dangled it in front of his face.
“Got a wager for ya, Deputy,” Winston proposed, dousing his waffle with syrup while Lionell furrowed his brow. “And the stakes are mighty high.”
“You got ten seconds,” Lionell snarled, “Before I stomp yo’ ass in front of your sister." Sarah took a sip of her fresh screwdriver, middle finger up.
“Whoa, easy tiger,” said Winston. He poured a scoop of batter into the waffle iron and slammed it shut. “I’ll put it like this: you look like you’ve eaten from a pig trough once or twice in your life.”
“You got some fuckin’ nerve.”
“Hey, I have too! Nothin’ to be ashamed of. Your colleague over there called me out on my weight too. You’re an American. I’m an American. So let’s do what we Americans do best: have a good old-fashioned eating contest.”
Lionell paused. He swiped a knob of butter with his knife and slathered his waffle. “Now what’s in it for me?”
“Simple. If you win, you get to give me a 7 PM curfew for a month." Sarah suddenly spat out her screwdriver, clutching Winston’s sleeve. “And if I win, you get the fuck out of my hall.”
A gleaming smile washed across Lionell’s face. Students began setting their phones down to eavesdrop. The waffle iron alarm went off. Lionell swiped the fluffy waffle and dropped it on a plate.
“Aight, Beavers. But I get to decide what we eatin’. Annnd march!”
Lionell snapped to attention, about-faced, and marched down the buffet line. Winston quickly slathered his waffle with syrup and butter, following behind. At the chicken station, Lionell grabbed the tongs and swiped a piece of growth-hormone fried chicken for both of them. Five slices of bacon to top it all off.
That’s it? Winston thought. This is just any given Tuesday for me.
But instead of heading back to a table, Lionell about-faced to the waffle station again. “I ain’t through with you by a damn sight,” Lionell warned. “I’m about to get diabetic on yo’ ass!”
Lionell and Winston cycled through the buffet line, layering the waffles, chicken, and bacon three more times. By now, Gigi and Tai had joined the crowd of gossiping students. When Sarah recapped the challenge, Gigi crossed her arms, containing a large belch in her throat.
“Wow, how can Winston eat all of that?” Gigi groaned. “Is he from this world?”
“You’d be surprised,” Sarah chuckled, shaking her head. “My brother is a bonafide carnivore. Hell, he used to have this YouTube channel. What was it...ah, Feng Shui of the Gut. He’d upload these crazy eating challenges once or twice a week. My parents couldn’t keep a full pantry. And let’s just say it got to the point where they made Winston buy his own toilet paper.
That mental image seared in Gigi’s mind as the two competitors sat down with their two-foot-tall stacks of grease. And since Winston’s gut would certainly be “feng shui’d” this afternoon, Tai thanked God that their dorm bathrooms were down the hall instead of in their room. All eyes were on them. Not to mention, several live video feeds. Winston and Lionell placed their paper napkins on their laps, gripping a knife and fork in their fists.
“One last finishing touch,” Lionell declared. “Waiter! Bring me some ranch.”
Magically, a student worker swept by with a ladle of ranch dressing. Lionell drowned their chicken and waffles with the stuff. The color drained from both Winston’s and Sarah’s face. Even she knew he was doomed.
When Winston was a wee lad in Trinity, he’d grown up pouring ranch dressing on his school pizza, corn nuggets, and hot dogs. But all of that had come to a halt in middle school. One day, he’d brought a cobb salad for lunch to impress the football cheerleaders. And after taking his first bite, he had pulled a long strand of gray hair out of his mouth. Courtesy of a lunch lady who had always refused to wear a hairnet. Needless to say, Winston had never touched ranch dressing ever since.
“Go, fat boy!” Lionell barked.
Winston shook the memory and dug in. He tried to saw the soggy waffle stack with a butter knife. Lionell simply grabbed a handful of food and stuffed it into his mouth. So Winston tossed his silverware aside and went to town. The syrup, ranch, butter, and chicken grease coagulated in his stomach. But he trucked through, sickened by the thought of a sunset curfew. And by now, there was a clear divide in the crowd: the faculty and staff backing Lionell and the students cheering for Winston.
“Gonna beat that bitch ass!” Lionell scoffed between bites.
Lionell was a food machine, shoveling down the first layer like he was born for it. Now Winston could eat his way out of trouble too. But the watered-down expired ranch stuck to the back of his throat. He switched his approach, fetching his napkin and wiping off each piece of bacon and chicken. He scarfed those down with ease. But the longer the waffles sat there, the more they puffed up in size as they soaked in the ranch.
“Fuck me,” Winston groaned, washing his food down with a glass of Mountain Dew. Meanwhile, Lionell looked like a mental patient, his cheeks and chin coated in grease and dressing. Winston looked down at the sweet, salty, gooey, gelatinous pile of batter. His stomach churned as he felt something rise from his stomach to his throat...
“Drink this, bro!” Sarah yelled, tilting Winston’s head back. She poured a steady stream of Pepto-Bismol into his mouth. And now, the flavor of stale bubblegum was added to the milky, tangy ranch. Time stood still. Winston suddenly imagined a tiny lunch lady sitting in that pink bottle. Holding a fishing pole. Casting a fishing line down Winston’s throat. A line made of her own hair.
Winston turned to his side and threw up on the floor.
It was over. Lionell stood to his feet, holding up a clean plate and dragging his tongue across it. Winston panted on hands and knees while Sarah and Tai lay hands on him. Gigi rushed back with a refill of Mountain Dew.
“On the bright side...I got the whole thing on video so we can still put it on your YouTube channel!” Gigi cheered.
“Wh-what? Who told you about that?” Winston looked up, feeling a second wave coming.
Before Gigi could answer, Kim came by with a mop and a bucket full of chemicals. “I clean, I clean! Remember, my daughter: cleanliness next to godliness!”
At 6:55 PM Sarah lay on her bunk reading an H.P. Lovecraft novel she borrowed from Evelyn. Gigi was organizing the massive pile of clean panties on the futon, courtesy of Kim. At the age of 18, she couldn’t bear the thought of her mom sorting through the different shapes, sizes, and colors. Once again, she wished lightning would just strike her dead where she stood…
Somebody knocked on the door.
“Oh, looks like curfew check,” Gigi said. “Good thing you’re already in the room!" Without looking up from the book, Sarah flipped her off. Gigi grabbed her comforter and draped it over Panty Mountain. But when she opened the door, it was Winston. He was holding a 6-foot metal pole.
“Howdy,” Winston said, slipping in and closing the door. “I heard you’re part of the Top Bunk Club, so I got ya a safety bar.”
“Oh, cool! That’s very thoughtful of you, Winston! I almost died this morning when I fell off.”
But Sarah saw right through his brother’s facade. “That’s obviously not why he’s not here,” she muttered, bookmarking her place and sitting up in bed. “He’s trying to avoid his curfew. Look, bro, can’t you just admit defeat every now and then? It sucks. But if I’m following the rules, then so can you.”
“Hey check this out, sis,” Winston proposed. He propped the safety bar against the wall and sat next to hidden Panty Mountain. “All I gots to do is hang out here for a little bit, and then we can all sneak out and go to trivia at that pizza joint downtown.”
Before they could consider it, there was a single, thunderous pound on the door. “Winston, I know yo’ ass is in there!” Lionell yelled.
“Shit,” Sarah hissed. “Quick, get in the closet!”
“Hey, I ain’t like my roommate, ya know." But Sarah grabbed Winston’s shoulders and shoved him in, closing the rasta sheet. Gigi took a breath and opened the door.
“Deputy!” Gigi greeted. “Quite the lovely post-curfew evening on campus. What say ye?”
But Lionell walked straight past her into the center of the room. He put his hands on his hips, admiring the clean and tidy living space. Sarah’s prog-rock band posters. Gigi’s bulletin board containing OCD-level to-do lists.
“Ya know, for such a cozy girls’ room,” Lionell pondered, “it sho’ smells like a boy came up in here and took a giant steamy shit.” He eyed the massive pile on the futon and grabbed a corner of the comforter. “There you are! So you think you can do whatever you want like you fucking own South App! Well, you’re fixin’ to have bruises on yo’ knees when I’m through with ya!”
Lionell flung away the comforter, revealing Gigi’s entire collection of panties. Her jaw hit the floor, and Sarah shot to her feet.
“Look, he’s not here!” Sarah asserted. “He’s back over at the cafe for wing night, stuffing his face as usual. Matter fact, he wants to meet ya there for a rematch, if you-”
But Lionell heard none of it. For the first time, the lines on his face softened, and his eyes nearly teared up at the beautiful sight. He picked up a pair of frilly, blue panties and held them in front of his face. Gigi stammered in absolute horror.
“G-get the fuck out of here, you f-fucking asshole!" Gigi spat.
Sarah lunged for the panties, but Lionell’s giant hand shoved her back onto the bed. He whipped out Winston’s revolver and pointed it square at Sarah’s forehead. “Now, now. This is between me and this little Asian piece of ass directly adjacent to me." Lionell casually gestured to Gigi with the gun before pointing it back to Sarah. “Now, Miss Gigi. Allow me to make a proposal.”
Winston watched everything unfold from behind the rasta sheet. With the closet being a few long strides away, he had no opening for a surprise attack. Especially against a Marine. He watched Lionell bring the panties up to his face and inhale deeply.
“You see,” Lionell casually explained to a mortified Gigi, tears welling up in her eyes. “I must admit, you have some mighty fine taste, as evidenced by the smorgasbord in front of me. But all I smell is detergent. Now say you...wore one of these for a few days, and then gave it back to me? Matta fact, how would you like to have your first year of tuition and books paid for? Why I’ll even sweeten the pot!" Lionell tightened the grip on his gun to remind Sarah not to try anything. “I’ll disappear from Firewater, and your two retarded boy-toys will neva have to see mah ass again. Thass right. Gigi Moon, yo’ entire tuition, fees, football tickets - everything paid in full. And you won’t eva have to work a day in a greasy dish pit or stocking shelves at Walmart. All’s you have to do is live with me in my apartment...and be my little yellow-bone slut."
Lionell reached into his tight pants and began touching himself. Winston crouched down behind the curtain. Lionell gritted his teeth, pressing the gun more firmly against Sarah’s forehead. Suddenly, Winston pushed off on his heel, emerging from behind the rasta sheet. As Lionell gasped, Winston speared him in the gut, tackling him to the ground. The gun flew out of Lionell’s hand, sliding under the futon.
“Fuck you, cunt!” Winston yelled, straddling Lionell and throwing punches at the face. Lionell struggled to free his hand, which was still stuck in his tight pants. But he caught one of Winston’s punches and rolled with him on the ground. Now Winston had a 300-pound man on top of him. Lionell struck him repeatedly with a ham-bone fist. All the while, he struggled to free his other hand from his pants.
“I take krav maga, bitch!” Sarah yelled as Gigi and Sarah took turns kicking Lionell in the ribs from either side. But Lionell shook them off like fleas, convulsing with anger in a steroid rage.
“Gigi...the gun,” Winston muttered through bleeding lips. Lionell flung Sarah against the wall, apparently knocking her out. Gigi nodded, dashing toward the futon, while Lionell finally freed his hand from his pants.
“Open yo’ mouth, motherfucka,” Lionell roared. He gripped Winston’s throat with one hand while raising that other smelly, sweaty hand to Winston’s mouth. “You gonna learn today,” Lionell whispered, jamming his entire fist, finger-by-finger, into his mouth. “You gonna taste what it means to be conquered by a motherfuckin’ BBC, you filthy little - *OOOF*!”
Lionell froze, his eyes shooting wide open. And slowly, he leaned to the side, capsizing like a ship. He fell unconscious. Through blurry eyes, Winston saw Gigi gripping the safety bar like a katana.
“Um...turns out that was a pretty thoughtful gift!” Gigi cheered.
An hour later, half of Firewater Hall congregated in the main lobby. They gossipped among themselves while a cop car drove off with former Deputy Lionell Hardy. The four freshmen sat on a sofa in the corner, sipping Starbucks.
“Holy shit,” Tai reacted after the others recapped the fight. “That asshole must have been roided up to be able to take all you guys on!”
“Tell me about it,” Winston groaned, pressing his Frappuccino up to his swollen cheek. “I don’t know if I’d be here if Gigi hadn’t gone Mark McGuire on his ass.”
Gigi sipped her Frappuccino as she tried to figure out whether that was the name of a Renaissance painter or NASCAR driver.
“Well, I would’ve saved the day with my deadly roundhouse kicks,” Sarah declared proudly, standing to her feet. “If only Gigi would have distracted him like I asked.”
Gigi took her shoe off and threw it at her. The four freshmen laughed. And interrupting the playful banter was a middle-aged blonde lady with a short bob haircut. She stood on top of a chair and cleared her throat.
“Excuse me, I need everyone’s attention, please. I’m Karen, Director of the Resident Assistants Program here on campus.”
“She totes looks like a Karen,” a sorority girl whispered. Another smart-ass in the crowd made a police siren noise with his mouth.
“Why, yes,” Karen continued. “Sometimes known colloquially as the, um...Campus 5-0. Now then! I see we have had quite the eventful evening in Firewater. And that is why I want to address the status of our…unmonitored 300 Hall." Winston and Tai suddenly perked their ears up. “Effective immediately, the 300 Hall will no longer be under direct R.A. supervision.”
Winston’s and Tai’s jaws dropped to their floor as they exchanged goofy-ass smiles.
Karen held her hand in the air to stop the commotion. “Yes, yes. I do want to advise you. That doesn’t mean that there will be no law and order on the 300 Hall. Underage drinking and weed are serious offenses that could have you expelled and put away in prison for the rest of your life. I assure you that the other R.A.’s are liable at any time to monitor the 300 Hall at their own discretion. Have a good night, and be safe.”
Most students began filing back up to their rooms. But an all-too-familiar face pranced up to Gigi and crossed her arms in front of her slim waist.
“Oh! My-a poor Gigi!” Kim cooed, wrapping her arms around her daughter and kissing her forehead. “I wish I still be here protect you from bad man. But it look like mah service no longer needed anymore.”
Gigi tilted her head to the side, staring at Kim’s cheerful expression. Then Gigi slowly panned over to Sarah, whose face tensed up, trying to hold back a laugh.
“What’s...what’s going on?” Gigi asked them.
“It worked!” Sarah snickered. “Oh, my God, it fucking worked!" Winston and Tai stopped discussing hallway Slip-and-Slide plans to listen in.
“I’m so confused?” Gigi laughed nervously.
“Oh, are almost as naive as you are kind!” Sarah said condescendingly. “Why, Kim was never your R.A. in the first place. Alas, t’was all a masterful plan concocted by yours truly. And Kim played the part beautifully, I might add.”
Sarah gave Kim a golf clap while Kim crossed her legs and gave a polite curtsy.
“But Mom! If you’re not my R.A….then who is?”
“I am,” interrupted Evelyn, the front desk security. She set down her book and walked over to them. She was looking a little less emo than usual with her curly jet-black hair. Yet, she still found it in her heart to don ripped jeans and grey painted nails. “Now don’t you worry, kid,” Evelyn said, putting her arm around Gigi’s shoulder. “If you’re gonna smoke and drink, just keep it out of plain sight. If I see it, then you have to share it. Capiche?"
Gigi slowly nodded her head, her throbbing head trying to process it all. “Oh, and one more thing,” Evelyn added. “No threesomes in the bathroom, please. We don’t have HAZMAT suits, ya know. Just keep that shit in the room, and we’ll be good." Evelyn gave Sarah a side-eye. “Unless it’s a female threesome, of course.”
Back in the girls’ room, Gigi’s laundry was put away, Winston’s blood was cleaned up, and the safety bar was secured on the top bunk. At her desk, she typed away at her Honors Program admissions essay. Sarah and Evelyn lounged on the futon, swearing at each other over an intense Mario Kart race. And as Gigi tried to form a thesis on why dental hygienists were more important than brain surgeons, her phone buzzed. A text from Winston.
Hey, can you come down here and bring me my gun? My hands are tied right now. It’s under the futon, right?
Gigi walked over to the futon and got down on hands and knees, blocking the gamers’ view of the TV. Sarah scoffed while Gigi crawled under the futon and reached as far back as she could, feeling around for the gun.
“Damn it, Gigi - you messed up my blue shell!” Sarah complained, flinging her controller across the room.
“Aww, don’t fuss at her,” Evelyn teased, staring down at Gigi’s smooth, toned legs that stuck out from beneath the futon. “She’s so fun-sized!”
Gigi crawled out and shot to her feet with the revolver in hand. “Careful what you say, roomie,” she said. “You were knocked out, so you didn’t bear witness to my epic sword skills! I don’t think you wanna provoke a ninja with a gun!”
“You’re holding it upside down,” Sarah sighed.
Gigi stashed the revolver in her purse and headed down to the 300 Hall. She raised her hand to knock...then decided that, after today, the four of them were officially on a “no-knock” basis.
“Hi, boys!” Gigi cheered, opening the door. Winston sat in a chair in front of the mirror while Tai stood behind him, styling his hair to the side with pomade. Winston was dressed in a white collared shirt, a grey tie to match his dress pants, and snakeskin cowboy boots. “Wow, Winston,” Gigi mouthed in awe. “You, different! Is that sandalwood?”
“Yeeep,” Tai answered, pulling out a razor and trimming Winston’s beard. “Our man no longer smells like a gym locker room. And I’m sure she will appreciate that.”
“Oh...and who might that be?” Gigi asked suspiciously.
“Miss Claire Dansby,” Winston answered, lighting a cigarette while Tai worked behind him. “I reckon we’ll be running into her tonight.”
“Oh,! Is she going to be on our trivia team? I mean, after today I think the four of us make a pretty good team, but another brain couldn’t hurt!”
Tai and Winston averted their eyes. An awkward silence while the razor buzzed.
“Yeah, Gigi,” Winston trailed off, taking a drag. “There’s been a change in plans. Claire is actually hosting karaoke at a bar downtown. It’ll just be me and Tai tonight. We’ll have to take a rain check on trivia. Sorry ’bout that.”
“I’m his wingman for Claire!” Tai interjected, wiping Winston’s face with a hot towel.
Gigi just stood there as Tai worked his magic, transforming this good ole country boy into a future country star. And as the scent of sandalwood flooded her nostrils again, she knew she had to leave the room. Not because she hated it, but because she was afraid to admit that she loved it.
“Well, in that case,” Gigi began, placing her hand on the doorknob. “I hope you find immediate gratification in crafting twangy southern anthems for a bonafide like-minded Alabama ten! I do regret to inform you that the proper authorities have confiscated your metal-projecting apparatus!”
Blank stares from Winston and Tai.
“I mean...have fun with your woman! And it looks like the police took your gun as evidence.”
Before Winston could respond, Gigi was already in the stairwell, heading back up to her room. Sarah and Evelyn were on their feet with controllers in hand, screaming at Mortal Kombat.
“Get over here, you fucking asshole!” Sarah yelled, mashing buttons.
“I don’t think I shall!” Evelyn retorted in a British accent. “Looks like you’re…frozen in fear!”
Gigi silently walked past them. She sat down at her computer and typed the first thing that came to her mind: My name is Gigi Moon, and I should be in the Honors Program because I have no fucking social skills whatsoever. But tonight, I proved that I can make up for it with my epic ninja skills!
Only 4,963 words to go, she thought.
But very little writing was done that night while Sarah and Evelyn mashed buttons and took turns screaming “Fatality!” at the top of their lungs. Finally, Gigi put her headphones on. She pulled up YouTube and searched for Feng Shui of the Gut. A hundred videos of Winston’s old ridiculous eating challenges.
One of the most popular videos caught Gigi’s eye: I F@#KED UP! STRANDED ON THE TOILET. She clicked Play. Right away, there was a close-up of a younger and skinnier Winston, no older than 16. The camera was zoomed on his clean-shaven face. And yes, he was clearly sitting on the toilet.
Yee-haw, fellers!” greeted Young Winston, sweat dripping down his forehead. “Welcome back to Feng Shui of the Gut. Earlier today, I decided to scarf down a five-pound bag of Sugar-Free Haribo Gummy Bears! I’m sorry, did I say today?" Winston leaned forward until his face filled the entire frame. “I meant yesterday! I’ve been stuck on this (BLEEP)ing toilet for 24 (BLEEP)ing hours!
Maybe it was procrastination that kept Gigi glued to the screen. Maybe it was morbid curiosity. But while Sarah and Evelyn took turns ripping each others’ spines out and lighting each other on fire, Gigi binged through all 100 of Winston’s old videos. Most revealing were dozens of fast food reviews. In these videos, Winston would eat a burger in his truck while talking about politics, religion, and women. He even went on a 10-video spree chronicling his war against a yellow jacket colony at his mom’s place.
When Gigi’s head hit the pillow at 3 AM, she felt as if she knew Winston Arnold Beavers better than she knew herself. Most notably: chicken wings was his favorite food, curry would make him dig a hole if there wasn’t a toilet nearby, and he absolutely positively despised ranch dressing.
submitted by welcometosouthapp to welcometosouthapp [link] [comments]

MW Holiday Sporetacular Sale! First 10 Orders Get a FREE Syringe AND This Weekend Only, FREE Priority Mail Upgrade! Pick 5 Syringes (12cc) for $30 from 30 Different Varieties! AA+, Golden Teacher, B+, F+, PESA, PESH, TPB Fresh in Stock! Cash App, Venmo, Apple/Google Pay, BTC, Amazon Cards accepted

Helloooo beautiful souls! I haven't made a post for a while so I could restock, perform quality checks and make sure I'm prepared before the onslaught of messages. Oh yeah, and because you guys cleaned me out on Black Friday! Just from that weekend, I made sooo many awesome connections with people getting started in the hobby and I absolutely LOVE IT!! I really do appreciate the support more than you could ever understand.
I'm beginning to get into the holiday spirit and of course, wanted to do SOMETHING to show my appreciation for all of you. I couldn't really decide between having some kind of weekend promo, or giving out a freebie for the first ten orders sooooo....I'm doing both!
1) FIRST 10 ORDERS AFTER THIS POST (I'll count you off and confirm as each order comes through) WILL GET A FREE SYRINGE OF THEIR CHOOSING! Pick 6 total cubensis varieties for only $30! Offer applies to 5/$30 dealio only, not single syringes.
2) THIS WEEKEND ONLY (all day Sat 12/14 and Sun 12/15), ALL orders will get FREE Priority Mail shipping (usually $5 extra). All of my Priority Mail shipments come with tracking soon after payment, and are shipped same day if confirmed by 3PM EST (weekdays), or next day if placed after 3PM. 90% of my shipments get to their destination in 2 days flat, so shipping on Monday and delivered on Wednesday!
Much of the satisfaction I get throughout my day comes from YOU GUYS (and gals), from the positive encouragement, connections made and regular pleasant conversation. Keep sharing the recent positivity in your life, the cat facts, and warmth that's spread through this community. Be persistent, never give up and never stop learning!! I LOVE YOU ALL DEARLY <3
Please check out the updated list of inventory below. I'll make a post when I am able to get my hands on some other requested varieties, and as always, I accept trades! Feel free to send me a message if you have a request for something I do not have in stock. My wish list is your wish list! I'm sure we band together and find it if we try.
Shipping in US only at the moment, not available to ID, GA, or CA (yes, really)
Spore syringes are for microscopy use only
Any reference to cultivation will exclude you from placing an order and we may never speak again. I want to talk to you. Don't do it!
There are no exceptions to these rules. You have been warned.
PAYMENT METHODS ACCEPTED: Cash App, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Bitcoin and Amazon gift cards
PayPal is NOT available to me at this time.
Also, I am the fee master! I get charged fees left and right that I don't pass on to you from shipping and third party payments. If you'd like to throw me a tip, however much it may be, I'd love you forever and it really does make a difference! These types of people have allowed me to share with some who are less fortunate. On the other hand, if times are tough for you right now, let's talk about it!
If you are a returning customer who has left a review, mention the secret password "BESTFRIENDSFORLIFE" for a discount!
Please add an additional $5 to any order if you prefer 2-day Tracked Priority Mail shipping.
1 syringe for $15
2 syringes for $20
5 syringes for $30
Golden Teacher (LIMITED TO 2 PER ORDER!)
A classic variety for any mycologist. Pretty standard, easy to work with and almost everyone starts here. Can't go wrong with GT! They go faaaasssst. Currently limited to 2 per order with mix-n-match due to extreme popularity.
I have very limited and unconfirmed info on the origin of this variety, but I'm proud to offer a different set of genetics for any collector. Enlighten me if you have any info!
A cross of Alabama and Mexican Cabenzi varieties. One of my first personal studies, and still one of my favorites.
From down under!
Ban Sa Phang Kha
An original Thai variety from Koh Samui, this is a popular choice similar to and found near Ban Hua Thanon.
Blue Meanie
This is the cubensis variety, not to be confused with Pan Cyan, the original Blue Meanie. One of my most popular varieties when it's in stock!
Costa Rican
Light in color, orgiginally found in Costa Rica :)
Average in size when found in the wild, a truly picture perfect specimen.
Dakak Beach
Coming from the beautiful Dakak Beach in Dapitan City, Phillipines, this variety is said to have smaller fruits, but make up for it in other ways. A Very unique and mysterious study for any mycologist.
Discovered 1000 meters high in the mountains of Ecuador, this is a picture perfect specimen
From the South Pacific islands of Fiji!
Great White Monster
Similar to albino A+, one of my favorites!
A substrain of Vietnam, much like Ban Hua Thanon
Originally from Arkansas, this variety behaves similar to the Texas variety
John Allen
Named after it's discoverer, John Allen, this variety was found in Ban Tailing Ngam, Koh Samui, Thailand and developed by Roadkill of shroomery. Love to have this one in my collection to share!
One of the most interesting varieties I've seen! When found in the wild, caps tend to stay straight out, rather than the typical mushroom shape. Even when fully mature, the veil tends to stay in tact. Really interesting study under the scope.
Originating from the Caribbean island of Martinique, back by popular request!
Orissa India
Brought to us by John Allen all the way from India, this has been known as one of the largest varieties in the wild. It is rumored to have had genetics passed on from it's natural environment that makes them overly resistant to trich and other contams under the scope.
PES Hawaiian
One of my top 3 varieties of all time, this one is quick and aggressive under the scope! LOOOVE IT!
PF Classic
The original Psilocybe Fanaticus Amazon variety, and often labeled as "Matias Romero" on some spore sites.
Red Boy
So appropriately named, this variety actually drops red spores! Super interesting study under the scope!
Rusty Whyte
Another leucistic variety, these always look super cool!
S. African Transkei
Possibly the only cubensis variety collected and shared from S Africa. Originally found in poo in the shade near the Indian Ocean. Also the birthplace of Nelson Mandella!
As the story goes, this variety was brought back into circulation from a 12 year old print with Terence McKenna's handwriting on it! Syzygy was the name of the McKenna's brother's shop in Hawaii.
From Tasmania...pretty neat.
Texas Yellow Cap
A yellow cap from Texas. Ok I don't have a ton of info...but nice to add to the collection!
Thai Lipa Tai
Another one from John Allen, found on the aisland of Koh Samui
Thai Pink Buffalo
Found in Thailand by John Allen in a field protected by the sacred pink buffalo. Sounds like he was having a good time ;)

THE FOLLOWING EXOTICS ARE NOT PART OF THE 5/$30 MIX-n-MATCH DEALIO, but can be added to any order for $10 as an add-on. These are NOT cubensis, and NOT recommended for beginners.
**** Penis Envy #6***\*
While this is not an exotic, I have this variety in limited supply, and due to it's popularity and rarity, I am adding to this list
****Psilocybe Allenii***\*
A bluing, wood-rotting species from the Pacific Coast named after the one who discovered them....the man, the myth, the legend....John Allen. Very proud to have this in my collection :)
****Psilocybe Azurescens***\*
Originally made popular by my favorite mycologist of all time, Paul Stamets, this is known to be the most potent of any mushroom species discovered to date. It's name comes from the bluish (Azure) tint active species get when bruised. This variety is also NOT for beginners, as it is a more difficult study and requires completely different conditions to observe on a slide.
****Psilocybe Galendoi ATL7***\*
So happy to have this sclerotia producing variety in stock after MANY requests!
****Psilocybe Hoogshagenii var. Convexa (Semperviva)***\*
****(WILD) Psilocybe Hoogshagenii var. Convexa (Semperviva)***\*
****Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata***\*
For anyone looking to expand their collection and add a wood lover to the mix, Ovoideocystidiata is a must! I've had a few requests for this species, and am finally able to share with this wonderful community of mycologists :) Ovoids grow wild mostly in the eastern part of the US, but also in the PNW. Message me for more info on these! This is NOT a cube, and NOT recommended for beginners.
****Paneaolus Cyanescens***\*
These tiny guys pack a big punch, mostly in tropical areas. Unlike the Blue Meanie cubensis variety causing much confusion, this is the actual species also known as Blue Meanie.
****Paneaolus Cyanescens BVI (British Virgin Islands)***\*
Pan Cyan from the beautiful British Virgin Islands.

I will update the available list daily as I get new varieties in stock or run out. This list is updated daily, but confirm your order with me before sending payment to be sure.
All syringes are 12cc/mL and come capped with a sterile tip cap, and also include an 18ga blunt tip needle and alcohol pads. Syringes are made in a lab grade environment and the utmost care and attention is the highest priority to be sure they are sterile. Anything exposed to an open air environment is subject to contamination, but I take every precaution possible to minimize this risk. I cannot "guarantee" they are 100% sterile, but I can guarantee that if you have an issue, I will make it right. I really do love to help, and if something happens, I'd like to know about it so I can fix the issue instead of you getting frustrated or giving up!
To ensure equal quantity of spores in each syringe, and for adequate suspension of the spores in the solution, I use a magnetic stir plate. Very often, this does such a good job of breaking up clumps of spores that it will appear to be sparse. THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE! There are still a TON of spores in each syringe, even if you can't see them individually (though most of my syringes appear to have a very good amount of visible spores...even with my horrible eyesight!). You can compare and contrast to see the blackish/purple tint to ensure every syringe is packed with spores. If a spore clump forms during transportation, simply give it a good flick with your finger and vigorously shake to break it up or free it from clinging to the wall of the syringe before examining.
Syringes ship in individual bags clearly labeled as to specific variety and born on date, bubble wrapped and shipped through USPS tracked shipping (discreet) within 24 hours of payment. I send tracking info soon after payment and give updates along the (super quick) way.
Please PM me with order details, including state shipping to, payment method, and the selected syringes for your order. Any messages referring to spores being used for anything other than microscopy use will be ignored. Don't do it.
THANK YOU ALL so much again for your continued support!! I appreciate it more than you know! MUSH LOVE
P.S. In no way am I trying to be an imposter. I AM NOT WILLY MYCO. I chose this u/ a while back as sort of a play on words and tribute to a legend most of us recognize, long before I became a spore vendor. I don't want anyone to think I am trying to pass off as him, though I do strive for his level of excellence and dedication to the craft! I appreciate all of the kind words, though, from people saying they learned from "my" videos. I wish I could pass on those notes to RR himself.
Cheers and MUSH LOVE!
submitted by millywyco to sporetraders [link] [comments]

MW Holiday Sporetacular Sale! First 10 Orders Get a FREE Syringe AND This Weekend Only, FREE Priority Mail Upgrade! Pick 5 Syringes (12cc) for $30 from 30 Different Varieties! AA+, Golden Teacher, B+, F+, PESA, PESH, TPB Fresh in Stock! Cash App, Venmo, Apple/Google Pay, BTC, Amazon Cards accepted

Helloooo beautiful souls! I haven't made a post for a while so I could restock, perform quality checks and make sure I'm prepared before the onslaught of messages. Oh yeah, and because you guys cleaned me out on Black Friday! Just from that weekend, I made sooo many awesome connections with people getting started in the hobby and I absolutely LOVE IT!! I really do appreciate the support more than you could ever understand.
I'm beginning to get into the holiday spirit and of course, wanted to do SOMETHING to show my appreciation for all of you. I couldn't really decide between having some kind of weekend promo, or giving out a freebie for the first ten orders sooooo....I'm doing both!
1) FIRST 10 ORDERS AFTER THIS POST (I'll count you off and confirm as each order comes through) WILL GET A FREE SYRINGE OF THEIR CHOOSING! Pick 6 total cubensis varieties for only $30! Offer applies to 5/$30 dealio only, not single syringes.
2) THIS WEEKEND ONLY (all day Sat 12/14 and Sun 12/15), ALL orders will get FREE Priority Mail shipping (usually $5 extra). All of my Priority Mail shipments come with tracking soon after payment, and are shipped same day if confirmed by 3PM EST (weekdays), or next day if placed after 3PM. 90% of my shipments get to their destination in 2 days flat, so shipping on Monday and delivered on Wednesday!
Much of the satisfaction I get throughout my day comes from YOU GUYS (and gals), from the positive encouragement, connections made and regular pleasant conversation. Keep sharing the recent positivity in your life, the cat facts, and warmth that's spread through this community. Be persistent, never give up and never stop learning!! I LOVE YOU ALL DEARLY <3
Please check out the updated list of inventory below. I'll make a post when I am able to get my hands on some other requested varieties, and as always, I accept trades! Feel free to send me a message if you have a request for something I do not have in stock. My wish list is your wish list! I'm sure we band together and find it if we try.
Shipping in US only at the moment, not available to ID, GA, or CA (yes, really)
Spore syringes are for microscopy use only
Any reference to cultivation will exclude you from placing an order and we may never speak again. I want to talk to you. Don't do it!
There are no exceptions to these rules. You have been warned.
PAYMENT METHODS ACCEPTED: Cash App, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Bitcoin and Amazon gift cards
PayPal is NOT available to me at this time.
Also, I am the fee master! I get charged fees left and right that I don't pass on to you from shipping and third party payments. If you'd like to throw me a tip, however much it may be, I'd love you forever and it really does make a difference! These types of people have allowed me to share with some who are less fortunate. On the other hand, if times are tough for you right now, let's talk about it!
If you are a returning customer who has left a review, mention the secret password "BESTFRIENDSFORLIFE" for a discount!
Please add an additional $5 to any order if you prefer 2-day Tracked Priority Mail shipping.
1 syringe for $15
2 syringes for $20
5 syringes for $30
Golden Teacher (LIMITED TO 2 PER ORDER!)
A classic variety for any mycologist. Pretty standard, easy to work with and almost everyone starts here. Can't go wrong with GT! They go faaaasssst. Currently limited to 2 per order with mix-n-match due to extreme popularity.
I have very limited and unconfirmed info on the origin of this variety, but I'm proud to offer a different set of genetics for any collector. Enlighten me if you have any info!
A cross of Alabama and Mexican Cabenzi varieties. One of my first personal studies, and still one of my favorites.
From down under!
Ban Sa Phang Kha
An original Thai variety from Koh Samui, this is a popular choice similar to and found near Ban Hua Thanon.
Blue Meanie
This is the cubensis variety, not to be confused with Pan Cyan, the original Blue Meanie. One of my most popular varieties when it's in stock!
Costa Rican
Light in color, orgiginally found in Costa Rica :)
Average in size when found in the wild, a truly picture perfect specimen.
Dakak Beach
Coming from the beautiful Dakak Beach in Dapitan City, Phillipines, this variety is said to have smaller fruits, but make up for it in other ways. A Very unique and mysterious study for any mycologist.
Discovered 1000 meters high in the mountains of Ecuador, this is a picture perfect specimen
From the South Pacific islands of Fiji!
Great White Monster
Similar to albino A+, one of my favorites!
A substrain of Vietnam, much like Ban Hua Thanon
Originally from Arkansas, this variety behaves similar to the Texas variety
John Allen
Named after it's discoverer, John Allen, this variety was found in Ban Tailing Ngam, Koh Samui, Thailand and developed by Roadkill of shroomery. Love to have this one in my collection to share!
One of the most interesting varieties I've seen! When found in the wild, caps tend to stay straight out, rather than the typical mushroom shape. Even when fully mature, the veil tends to stay in tact. Really interesting study under the scope.
Originating from the Caribbean island of Martinique, back by popular request!
Orissa India
Brought to us by John Allen all the way from India, this has been known as one of the largest varieties in the wild. It is rumored to have had genetics passed on from it's natural environment that makes them overly resistant to trich and other contams under the scope.
PES Hawaiian
One of my top 3 varieties of all time, this one is quick and aggressive under the scope! LOOOVE IT!
PF Classic
The original Psilocybe Fanaticus Amazon variety, and often labeled as "Matias Romero" on some spore sites.
Red Boy
So appropriately named, this variety actually drops red spores! Super interesting study under the scope!
Rusty Whyte
Another leucistic variety, these always look super cool!
S. African Transkei
Possibly the only cubensis variety collected and shared from S Africa. Originally found in poo in the shade near the Indian Ocean. Also the birthplace of Nelson Mandella!
As the story goes, this variety was brought back into circulation from a 12 year old print with Terence McKenna's handwriting on it! Syzygy was the name of the McKenna's brother's shop in Hawaii.
From Tasmania...pretty neat.
Texas Yellow Cap
A yellow cap from Texas. Ok I don't have a ton of info...but nice to add to the collection!
Thai Lipa Tai
Another one from John Allen, found on the aisland of Koh Samui
Thai Pink Buffalo
Found in Thailand by John Allen in a field protected by the sacred pink buffalo. Sounds like he was having a good time ;)

THE FOLLOWING EXOTICS ARE NOT PART OF THE 5/$30 MIX-n-MATCH DEALIO, but can be added to any order for $10 as an add-on. These are NOT cubensis, and NOT recommended for beginners.
**** Penis Envy #6***\*
While this is not an exotic, I have this variety in limited supply, and due to it's popularity and rarity, I am adding to this list
****Psilocybe Allenii***\*
A bluing, wood-rotting species from the Pacific Coast named after the one who discovered them....the man, the myth, the legend....John Allen. Very proud to have this in my collection :)
****Psilocybe Azurescens***\*
Originally made popular by my favorite mycologist of all time, Paul Stamets, this is known to be the most potent of any mushroom species discovered to date. It's name comes from the bluish (Azure) tint active species get when bruised. This variety is also NOT for beginners, as it is a more difficult study and requires completely different conditions to observe on a slide.
****Psilocybe Galendoi ATL7***\*
So happy to have this sclerotia producing variety in stock after MANY requests!
****Psilocybe Hoogshagenii var. Convexa (Semperviva)***\*
****(WILD) Psilocybe Hoogshagenii var. Convexa (Semperviva)***\*
****Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata***\*
For anyone looking to expand their collection and add a wood lover to the mix, Ovoideocystidiata is a must! I've had a few requests for this species, and am finally able to share with this wonderful community of mycologists :) Ovoids grow wild mostly in the eastern part of the US, but also in the PNW. Message me for more info on these! This is NOT a cube, and NOT recommended for beginners.
****Paneaolus Cyanescens***\*
These tiny guys pack a big punch, mostly in tropical areas. Unlike the Blue Meanie cubensis variety causing much confusion, this is the actual species also known as Blue Meanie.
****Paneaolus Cyanescens BVI (British Virgin Islands)***\*
Pan Cyan from the beautiful British Virgin Islands.

I will update the available list daily as I get new varieties in stock or run out. This list is updated daily, but confirm your order with me before sending payment to be sure.
All syringes are 12cc/mL and come capped with a sterile tip cap, and also include an 18ga blunt tip needle and alcohol pads. Syringes are made in a lab grade environment and the utmost care and attention is the highest priority to be sure they are sterile. Anything exposed to an open air environment is subject to contamination, but I take every precaution possible to minimize this risk. I cannot "guarantee" they are 100% sterile, but I can guarantee that if you have an issue, I will make it right. I really do love to help, and if something happens, I'd like to know about it so I can fix the issue instead of you getting frustrated or giving up!
To ensure equal quantity of spores in each syringe, and for adequate suspension of the spores in the solution, I use a magnetic stir plate. Very often, this does such a good job of breaking up clumps of spores that it will appear to be sparse. THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE! There are still a TON of spores in each syringe, even if you can't see them individually (though most of my syringes appear to have a very good amount of visible spores...even with my horrible eyesight!). You can compare and contrast to see the blackish/purple tint to ensure every syringe is packed with spores. If a spore clump forms during transportation, simply give it a good flick with your finger and vigorously shake to break it up or free it from clinging to the wall of the syringe before examining.
Syringes ship in individual bags clearly labeled as to specific variety and born on date, bubble wrapped and shipped through USPS tracked shipping (discreet) within 24 hours of payment. I send tracking info soon after payment and give updates along the (super quick) way.
Please PM me with order details, including state shipping to, payment method, and the selected syringes for your order. Any messages referring to spores being used for anything other than microscopy use will be ignored. Don't do it.
THANK YOU ALL so much again for your continued support!! I appreciate it more than you know! MUSH LOVE
P.S. In no way am I trying to be an imposter. I AM NOT WILLY MYCO. I chose this u/ a while back as sort of a play on words and tribute to a legend most of us recognize, long before I became a spore vendor. I don't want anyone to think I am trying to pass off as him, though I do strive for his level of excellence and dedication to the craft! I appreciate all of the kind words, though, from people saying they learned from "my" videos. I wish I could pass on those notes to RR himself.
Cheers and MUSH LOVE!
submitted by millywyco to SporeSwap [link] [comments]

Need suggestions from monyet-monyet yang pandai "jalan-jalan cari makan". Tak kira halal ke atau tak halal. Tak kira di East Malaysia atau West Malaysia. Asalkan ia SEDAP.

Hey, monyet sekalian. I was thinking of going for a Malaysian food tour around Malaysia (maybe not going all the places at the same time but will visit all the places eventually) since I doesn't have much money for constant overseas vacation. Below is a list that I used to use as recommendations for foreign tourists. I have post in MalaysianFood but it seem to be dead. Hopefully such post doesn't violate this sub-reddit's rules.

So, I am thinking to ask monyet sekalian if my recommendations as below still valid or have they become "basi"/outdated place to eat? Appreciate if you guys could give suggestion for missing place to eat or missing food to eat in the list.

Dessert / Snack / Kuih (a bite size snack/dessert)

You could get this as listed below at roadside stall or at Pasar malam (Night Market) - List of Night Markets in KL/PJ (Not sure if it is up to date):
You should be able to find as below at Peranakan/Baba Nyonya restaurant/stall such as Nyonya Color (a franchise available in most shopping mall in KL), Limapulo: Baba Can Cook restaurant at KL, Precious Old China in Central Market which is near to Petaling Street
at quite a number of shops/stalls in Malacca such as Baba Charlie Nyonya Cake and Penang
you could also get some of the listed below sold by roadside stall
Below would be tricky as it is usually a state/area/region specialty:
I used to find this easily available by the roadside, at the "dry" area of Malaysia's wet market (not supermarket/hypermarket) or at night market, sold by elderly Chinese with Youtiao/You Char Kway/ Cakoi/Chinese oil stick but it getting rarer in Kuala Lumpur but still quite common in Penang and Ipoh, Perak (as far as I know). In KL, its easily available at a franchise named I Love Yoo! or at Yuen Ting restaurant at Sea Park, Petaling Jaya:
You could get this as listed below at hawker stall/centre or roadside stall or night market, usually sold by Chinese:
You could get this as listed below at hawker stall/centre or roadside stall:


Rice Dishes

Dishes (As in variety of food served with white rice. A typical Asian meal usually for dinner *May includes some exotic ingredients especially for Westerners)


submitted by MysteriousTrial to malaysia [link] [comments]

[Spoiler] All Lore for Solstice Armor Sets

Hi all! As detailed in my other post going over all of the new and changed items, every piece of rare or legendary Solstice armor has its own lore tab. Here's all of them, compiled:
Edit: All Done! Enjoy!
As stated in the OP, each of the pieces of Solstice Armor has its own Lore. They appear to give a few different perspectives on what happened after the Tower fell. Super interesting.
Here's the rundown:

Titan Rare Set

Solstice Helm (Rekindled) (Item)
Stare into the sun and get burned.
"Zavala, we did it! The shields are down!"
The Titan Vanguard looked to the sky. That Ghost was right: The topaz glow of the Cabal command ship's shields flickered and disintegrated. Zavala wasn't a man who smiled often, but there were a lot of firsts today.
"All friendlies, focus fire on that capital ship! The Tower does not fall today!" He launched himself from behind cover, weapon snapping to his shoulder, the not-smile still curling his lip. These Cabal were going to learn—
It was like lava on his chest. Shock, pain, anger, emptiness. The breath rushed from his lungs, and his weapon clattered to the ground. The sounds of war buzzed into quiet. But no matter—he'd been lower than this. And his fists of thunder were more dangerous than any rifle. He drew upon the Light, and... nothing.
His eyes widened. He froze for an instant... and a Cabal slug took him in the side.
The Light is gone, he thought. Over and over. The Light is gone. Then: You're their leader. They need you. Now more than ever. Get up. Get up!
He roared in defiance, lurching back to his feet. He would see them all safe. Even if it meant his life.
Solstice Gauntlets (Rekindled) (Item)
Sometimes the battle burns you up.
Amanda was quiet, but Zavala could still hear the anger before her voice came back over the comms. "Due respect, Commander, I ain't got time to come be your chauffeur. There are thousands of people like me stranded down there in the City."
"The City is lost." He hated saying it, but he knew it in his bones. "And we're all the same now, Holliday. The Light is gone. We have to regroup."
"You mean run." Even angrier now. It was infectious.
"I mean live to fight another day. We don't have the luxury of rescue flights anymore. The longer we stay here, the tighter the noose."
"Then go! What's stopping you? You know how to fly a ship."
"Not like you. You're the best pilot in the system, Amanda. And you're the only one who can keep our ships in the air once we're away from Earth."
"Dammit, sir, we can't just leave them here."
"I've already made my decision. If humanity is to survive..." He'd leave the betting to Cayde, but he knew the odds were slim. "This is the only choice we have."
Silence. For a few seconds this time. "All right." Her voice cracked. He understood.
Solstice Plate (Rekindled) (Item)
Memories of the City burn in your heart.
He made himself look at the numbers. Seventy-three ships lost in the exodus. Seventy-three ships full of people looking to him for guidance. Guardians and civilians alike. All Zavala could give them was a noble death.
Almost none of the vessels had been outfitted with weapons. Transports and supply skiffs, barely holding together outside Earth's atmosphere, trying to punch through a fortified Red Legion blockade. Like prey animals limping through a pack of lions. It was a massacre.
The only reason the fleet made it past the Moon was because the Red Legion focused so heavily on Earth. In that, they seemed like the Cabal Zavala knew. Single-minded. Incapable of thinking more than a few moves ahead. But he knew this Dominus Ghaul wouldn't give up that easily. So they kept moving.
But what next? Zavala had a plan, of course. He always had a plan, Titan Vanguard or no. But what he really needed was information. He needed—
"Deputy Commander Sloane, reporting for duty, sir."
Zavala closed his eyes. And for a brief moment, he relaxed.
Solstice Greaves (Rekindled) (Item)
Go swift as a steed newly awakened.
"Guardians: The City is lost. If there is any Light left in the system... we rally on Titan. Be brave."
Zavala released the record button and looked to the two of them again. Sloane's face revealed nothing, as usual. Amanda was faking an encouraging look. He sighed. "You don't like that one either."
Amanda looked at Sloane, then back to Zavala, clearly not sure what to say. It was Sloane who spoke. "Sir, you want your message to inspire this new resistance. The language you use is..." She was trapped between her usual loyalty and her usual bluntness.
"You make it sound like we've already lost." Amanda said, her hand hovering over the delete button. Zavala raised an eyebrow. She wasn't trapped by anything.
"Holliday's right, Commander. We're not burning the bulk of our fuel supply to get to Saturn and turtle up. You said it: We're going there to rally. People need something to rally to."
He looked down at the recorder for a long moment. When he spoke, his eyes were still downcast. "They need to know the truth. I owe them that. Activate the beacon."
Solstice Mark (Rekindled) (Item)
Battle scars may burn and leave a mark.
"Confirmed, sir. Nearly one hundred percent of the Arcology is infested. And... we lost both teams."
Zavala didn't turn to face Sloane. He just stared at the rise and fall of the methane oceans.
"But we know our enemy now, Commander. We may not have our Light, but we have the advantage. Give the order, and we'll storm the place. Burn it all down if we have to. The Hive deserve nothing less."
"I was a fool to come here. In the shadow of our worst enemy." He looked up to the hole in Saturn's rings, his back still to her. "I thought the strength of our resolve and the treasures of the Golden Age were more powerful than whatever fuels those... demons."
Sloane hated hearing him talk like this, but it was the only way he seemed to talk these days. "You weren't wrong, sir. It may be the only place in the system the Cabal won't go. A perfect launching pad for us to strike back. We'll suppress the Hive, and—"
"Pull them out. All of them. Get them back to safety, and post guards on our side of the bridge."

Titan Legendary Set

Solstice Helm (Resplendent) (Item)
Sometimes you have to become the weapon.
"Bah." The Red Legion invader said something in its unknowable language. It gestured with its right hand toward a Guardian who lay still, groaning and trying to get up. Even from his perch on the balcony above, Theus-7 knew mockery when he saw it.
Below him, chaos. Crowds cowered in the archways of collapsing buildings. Cabal rampaged around the open courtyard, shooting and throwing and overturning. Nothing, no one in their way was untouched. The Cabal closest to Theus drew his sidearm, aiming at the still-sputtering Guardian beside him.
Theus drew his hand cannon and got the shot off before it could, then got a clean shot on another Cabal terrorizing a group of children. It wasn't long before the Red Legion focused fire on the balcony—he was a Sentinel, though, and he knew what to do.
He leapt down, drawing on the power of the Light to form his shie—
But the Light's gone out.
The air left his body. The ugly face of the Red Legion got closer. Nothing left to do.
He shouted at the crowd to run as he primed a grenade.
Solstice Gauntlets (Resplendent)
If you can't have a blast, make one.
Beneath a dead tree, Esta Tel scanned the bridge above her as she hurried to fasten the wires at the end of the cable to her detonator. Looked good. Bare road on one end of the bridge, buildings in the way on the other, but everything looked clear from down in the ravine.
The Cabal would be making a run in exactly three minutes. Time to go.
She watched the buildings up above, listening. Heard engine sounds.
When she saw a vehicle come into view, she clicked the detonator. Ten seconds.
But it wasn't Cabal. It was a medical vehicle. Moving fast onto the bridge.
Five seconds. All the blood drained from her face. She decided before she knew what she was doing.
Shouldered her sniper rifle. Aimed for the junction of her wire and the explosives under the bridge. Shot it out. The wire fell as the medical vehicle crossed.
In the distance, she heard the Cabal coming. Finally.
Shoot the explosives.
Click. No more rounds. No time to think.
Solstice Plate (Resplendent)
Finish what you begin, at your own pace, with a focus unmatched.
Lyria Graemer shoved herself further into the nook underneath a cable support and looked down, waiting for Mattox-9 to make his way up. As he climbed using the fasteners she'd driven into the wall of the Tower, he met her eyes and gave a thumbs-up.
Eight more stories and they'd be right below the Speaker and the Cabal brutes who held him. Just a little further.
Graemer heard distant popping and saw puffs of smoke from below. Looking down, she saw Red Legion troops on the ground, firing up at them.
She looked to Mattox. He nodded.
"Climb!" she said, drawing her rifle. He reached her ready to crack a joke—she knew that face—but the clang of metal on metal interrupted him. Mattox's head shot forward, and as it snapped back up, the red light of his eyes flickered to black. Graemer's rifle fell from her hands as she hauled his body up—they could still finish this together.
Shots all around her. She snarled as one caught her in the side. The Cabal weren't letting up.
Graemer activated her grenades and loaded them into Mattox's rocket launcher. Then, clutching the body of her oldest friend, she dove down.
As they reached the enemy, the world exploded to black.
Solstice Greaves (Resplendent)
Stand your ground until you're the last one standing.
Daimos-22 whipped his free arm as he called to the crowds of Humans, pleading with them to hurry. The compound must have been their home for years—that was his guess based on the armfuls of possessions passing him. But it was flooding now. Sinking.
The tunnel—the only one that hadn't flooded, made of cracked, rotten wood and brittle metal—was barely big enough to stand in, but it would get them to the surface. "Come on!" the Titan called as they streamed past him.
Children and old folks crying. "I know," he said, straining not to shout. "But we have to move."
A woman dropped her enormous suitcase, and he kicked it aside. She looked back at the bag, and then she was gone in the crowd.
The whole structure groaned. Daimos looked up, scanning up and down the tunnel. It didn't sound right at all.
The section of roof above him split open, and the whole tunnel buckled. He could hear the tension grinding in his arms as he pressed on the roof. Hold.
He kept calling out, and they kept running past.
He held and held. And when he let go, he knew he was the last one left.
Solstice Mark (Resplendent)
Birds fly in formation so they do not lose their way.
"Anokai Tai, checking in."
The Titan listened for a response as he throttled the Wayfarer Z over the rubble of a collapsed building and onto what had once been a busy road. He watched for activity. Nothing yet.
"Tai, we see you," the voice on the radio came back. "About twelve klicks to the rendezvous point."
The Titan accelerated, staying low. He was picking up a pair of Guardians—two more just like him who had been passing information to an offworld ship when their vehicle was destroyed. Just a few weeks ago, he would have scoffed at putting three people on a Sparrow. Now pickups like this were almost normal.
A large Legion ship—he didn't know what kind—lay strewn across his path. He pulled back on the stick to rise over the wreck, but something within the Sparrow sputtered.
A second later, that something caught fire.
No no—
The Sparrow slammed down onto the cratered road. Plasma bolts flew past Tai. Ambush.
Tai leapt off the Wayfarer Z and ducked behind it, firing as a platoon of Red Legion emerged from the wreck. He managed to get two before the Sparrow exploded.

Hunter Rare Set

Solstice Mask (Rekindled)
Hide your true face from the sun, lest you get burned.
"Now is not the time, Cayde." Sword strike. Forty-one Cabal down.
"On the contrary, my horned friend." Throwing knife. Thirty-six. "These red lesions are burning down our house. The stakes have never been higher!" Hand cannon. Thirty-seven. "Let's say… two thousand Glimmer a head."
"Ikora said 'Red Legion,' you fool. And no." Sword strike. Forty-two and forty-three.
"Five thousand."
"I will not wager against you when our home—"
"Wh— What is this? Cayde, what have you done to me? Another trick to win a bet we haven't made?"
"No, you big ox! I can't… ugh. Can't you see that it got me too? Look out!" Sidearm. Thirty-eight.
"The Light is beyond my reach. My Ghost is empty." Sword strike. Forty-four. "This means…"
"They need us. We should split up." Throwing knife. Thirty-nine. "I'll sweep the streets, you take the—"
"Ten thousand." Sword strike. Forty-five. "THESE are the highest stakes." Sword strike. Forty-six. "You want a bet, Hunter? Let's bet. The only prize is our lives. For all time.”
Hand cannon. Firefly! Forty, forty-one, forty-two. "You're on."
Solstice Grasps (Rekindled)
Hold too tight and it could all slip away.
"How many was that? I sorta stopped counting a while ago."
Cayde's whisper is loud enough to be heard by any Red Legion nearby, but he'd solved that problem with three flashes of his knife in the last two minutes. His Ghost doesn't respond.
"Never mind, never mind. You know, this would go a lot faster if I could draw 'em out somehow. Use something for bait. Something small."
His Ghost still doesn't respond.
"Not like you. Something without a big glowy eye. Wait, shh-shh-shh…"
He ducks into the shadows. Two Legionaries flanking a Goliath tank waddle past his hiding spot. No need to be a hero, he thinks. At least, not a dead one. Not yet.
"Three more blocks and we're in business. You sure you can still access the terminals?"
No response.
"You're right, I shouldn't doubt you. Just because we haven't touched the Light in nine hours doesn't mean that you can't still, you know, do your thing with the beam. But you're my last hope, little buddy. Zavala's gonna take years to build up his big space fleet. Ikora's gonna sit and stare at a Traveler-shaped hole in the ground for just as long. It's up to us now. You with me?"
A loud whisper: "Always."
Solstice Vest (Rekindled)
Memories of lost loves burn in your heart.
"Vanguard emergency override, auth chartreuse seven seven dash six."
[Good morning, Hunter Vanguard. Automated voice help system engaged. How can I help you today?]
"I need to take down a giant space rhino before he sees me."
[I assume you're referring to a Cabal enemy. Can you provide me with any more information?]
"He looks like a fifteen-foot-tall spiky cloud with wings and a cape."
[That doesn't align with reference images I have on file. Is he wearing some kind of special armor?]
"Either that or he's got a real weird body. We're talking weirder than usual."
[How can I help you today?]
"Sorry. Sorry. So we need to kill this Ghaul guy. I need ideas. How did that one fireteam take down Crota again?"
[They infiltrated the Ascendant Realm and confronted him at his Oversoul throne.]
"OK, that's probably not gonna work here. What about Skolas?"
[Please specify: when he met his execution in the Prison of Elders—]
[—or when he brought his House of Wolves across time through Vex time gates—]
"Now we're talking! Vex stuff. Teleporting. How do I do that?"
Solstice Strides (Rekindled)
Jump not from the pan into the flames.
"So your name is 'Failsafe'?"
"Yes! And your name is the Cayde unit!" ("You're an Exo. Human brain in a robot body. Weird mouth lights.")
"Wait, who was that?"
"Who was who? I am me!"
"It doesn't matter. You don't know what'll happen if I do this. You're an AI, just like one back home that told me about this place."
"That is incorrect!" ("I'm about a thousand times smarter.")
"If you're so smart, how come you crashed your big ship into a horse moon?"
"That is very rude!"
"Look, we don't have a lot of time. I'm just gonna wire up this Vex teleporter to my triple jump circuits. What's the worst that could happen?"
"Based on my cycles analyzing Vex portal technology, one of the many alarming yet likely outcomes is that your body and consciousness are separated into two distinct antimatter dimensions!"
"Ah, you're making that up. Here goes."
"Please wait a moment, Cayde unit! I have not encountered anyone else on 7066 Nessus since the crash of the Exodus Black." ("I'm not good at being lonely.") "If you are absorbed into a quasi-space pseudorealm—"
"Sorry, Failsafe, gotta be brave here."
Solstice Cloak (Rekindled)
Mistakes can burn, even in the dead of night.
"So that's it for now, Ace. I don't think I'm gonna get out of this one. Not the most heroic way to go out for your ol' dad, I'll admit, but… hurk! Ah, shoot. Gotta start over. How long was that one, Failsafe?"
"Two hundred thirty-six seconds since the last teleportation! You never told me that Ace was your son! How wonderful!"("And super sad.")
"That's the theory. Saw the name in a journal in my pocket when my Ghost first rezzed me. Seemed as likely as anything else."
"So you don't know if your son truly exists?" ("That's super-duper sad.")
"Nope. But you don't know what happened to your crew. Does it change how you feel about 'em?"
"Not at all!" ("But they're still dead.")
"There you go. Now do me a favor and start the recording again, will ya? Not sure h—"
"Cayde unit, I have great news! A ship similar to yours has entered the gravitational radius of this planetoid!"
"What?! All right! Uh-oh. Listen, the next teleport's about to happen. Don't tell them that I got in over my head, OK? Tell them it was some kind of Vex trap or something. Got it? Failsafe?"

Hunter Legendary Set

Solstice Mask (Resplendent)
Knowledge is power. Seize it all.
Dax Etono moved through the darkness of the Red Legion storehouse as quietly as he could until he reached the control panels at the far end. He looked around, hoping the towers of equipment and storage containers would keep him hidden.
Lit the panel up.
This panel would generally be used by its owners just for inventory on this one unit. After the Cabal had seized the buildings here, however, the Guardians realized the Legion had unlocked the network to such a degree that if you could access any panel, you could get in almost anywhere in their systems. Dax pulled the buckle from his belt—a mag-hack. He let it click against the panel, and it started to copy over information. Tons of it.
The lights came on. Dax cursed, turning around. Footsteps echoed from both entrances. No enemies were visible yet. He drew his weapon and retrieved the mag-hack. Flicked a switch on its smooth metal side. At least he'd get the Vanguard some of the data.
Three Cabal rounded the corner, firing. Dax took aim to defend himself as information began blazing across the galaxy.
Solstice Grasps (Resplendent)
Do more than survive. Change your reality.
"You can make anything sound like no big deal if you say it the right way."
Gemma Nixx knew that from very early on, and yet it still never ceased to bother her. You could say, "The Red Legion is wiping out innocent people all around the City," all matter-of-fact. But now, as she led maimed and hollow-eyed stragglers through ridges of junk and cratered earth, those words swelled and distorted until they were her entire reality.
You could say, "You've lost your regenerative ability, but you're still able to fight." But saying it didn't get her new feelings across. The pressure of the rebar she grabbed to steady herself was not pain; yet, like every sensation now, it stung in her brain.
"This way!" Gemma located a hatch and held it open, watching as the survivors filed in.
Then she slammed it shut, and a few seconds later, the hidden transport the people had crawled into revved its engine and burst from a pile of debris. Gemma watched them go.
She waved and saw a puff of smoke in a burnt-out building a quarter mile away. Then she saw a hole in her hand. And then nothing.
Solstice Vest (Resplendent)
Adrift in a blazing sea, heroes become memories.
He was floating just about one meter off a comms satellite. I know, 'cause I was talking to him. Not in person—I was manning about 30 weather drones, so I had this array of camera views and readouts. I see him drifting there, drill in hand, by an open panel.
This was a Guardian, with a capital G. I mean, it makes me laugh now. I was thinking, I've seen that guy win ten in a row in the Crucible. Why is he fixing a satellite?
He told me, all casual, that the comms had been acting up, and he was saving the regular maintenance crew a trip into orbit in the middle of a storm. I even asked myself at the time, wow, do Guardians do that?
Anyway, I came to find out, the second the sensors beyond the Wall started going dark, he'd suspected sabotage. Came straight to investigate. He didn't want to freak me out.
He was one of the first that we lost during the invasion. The screen just filled with orange and white. Gone.
Solstice Strides (Resplendent)
Flames lick at your heels but you are too fast.
Do you know what it takes to keep moving when you're so afraid—SO afraid?
In the EDZ, we were starting to mount an organized defense. It was still Cabal territory. She and I drew the short straw to hit a rolling transport: a fat Cabal train on wheels coming out of a munitions depot and heading for the Farm.
So we're waiting behind a ridge and the carrier approaches. She blasts it with her Grenade Launcher. The shell slams into a tread on the carrier and it just… sticks. Doesn't blow up. I look at her. She's gritting her teeth.
While I'm still in shock, she leaps to her feet, hops on a Sparrow, and zips about a mile down the road. I watch through the binocs. She pulls out a sidearm and aims from behind a bunch of steel girders. Shoots at the shell in the transport tread. Takes another shot. Three. Five. It's unlike her to miss.
Then I see why: her whole body is shaking with fear.
Finally she detonates the shell. And I mean, I have never seen a blast like this. An orange dome that reaches almost all the way back to me. It melts the rubber on my goggles.
It was the right move. You don't come back from that, though.
Solstice Cloak (Resplendent)
Let the fear in your bones drive you to resist.
Before they took the Traveler away, we thought we were tough. All of us. But man, without the Ghosts, we became real vulnerable for a while. At least I did. Ghaul absolutely had us pegged.
A bunch of Fallen were trying to establish a base of operations near the old Nessus crash site after the boss left. When Trake and I arrived on Nessus to help organize resistance against the Red Legion, we engaged the Fallen—we couldn't let them build up their forces.
So the ground trembles when one of the Fallen transports blows up, and I lose my grip on my rifle—it slips right down the ridge we're taking cover behind. I've never felt so stupid, and I… I couldn't move.
Trake shakes me out of my stupor, and we scramble over the ridge to get my rifle. I slide down and grab it while he covers me. It feels like the world is frozen in place. I can still picture him shooting round after round as we head back to safety.
He's right on my heels, but… I'm sorry. No, he, uh, he was hit in the neck and, uh, that was it.
The fear—I can't describe it at all. But I remember it in my bones.

Warlock Rare Set

Solstice Hood (Rekindled)
Beloved cities burn in your mind's eye.
She hadn't touched the ground since she leapt from the rubble of Tower North.
As the ship spiraled toward the flames below, Ikora Rey Blinked from its wing to the back of an Interceptor and shoved three Vortex Grenades into its propulsion emitters. Blink.
To the nose of a Harvester. Four shotgun blasts to its antigravity cores. Blink.
Atop another Thresher. She glanced over her shoulder at the Traveler and bared her teeth at the perversion attached to its surface. Her Nova Bomb disintegrated the front half of the ship, and she leapt away. She would destroy them all for what they'd done to the City, to the Tower, to the Speaker. She would—
Everything went dark. Her fingers went numb. She tried to Blink to the Thresher as her sight returned, but there was nothing. The Light...was gone?
She plummeted toward the ground, her mind racing. No grenades. Think. No Nova Bomb. Think. She emptied a clip into a billboard below her, and it collapsed into a heap on a rooftop. She tried to tuck into a roll, but her body still slammed into the tangle of metal.
Ikora struggled to move. Her shoulder was probably separated. Her powers were gone. But she'd be damned if this was the end. She pushed herself to her feet, eyes ablaze, and charged her next target.
Solstice Gloves (Rekindled)
Heat can burn as much as it warms.
/hidden anticipher accepted/ /missive from first follows/ /180 seconds to erasure/
my hidden. we knew this was one of our futures.
my seat of power is gone. guardians, scattered like embers and stomped out as easily. this red legion are just cabal, yes, but with enough complacency, even the most thuggish of our enemies can destroy our world.
end your operations. make for your safehouses. do not attempt clandestine strikes against our occupiers. lives are a currency we cannot afford to spend. wait for our conquerors to show the same complacency that led to our defeat. we will outlast them. we will make them pay.
chalco, if you still draw breath, know that you were right. we lost sight of what was out of our sight. it will be the last time we make that mistake.
eris, if your quest has not claimed your last life, know that we have not given up on you. when we rise again, there will be a home for you once more.
the rest of you: hide. watch. wait for word from me. and if that word never comes, you all know what to do.
/missive from first ends/
Solstice Robes (Rekindled)
Even the warmest light can sometimes burn you up.
She didn't need her Light to kill a Marauder with a single palm strike to the skull.
Ikora let its body drop to the forest floor and watched its Ether drain into the dirt. It was like the days after her Ghost first revived her—when she would disappear into the wilderness and dare the unseen to challenge her.
This was the eleventh Fallen she'd taken down since she'd been within sight of the Shard, and the last one standing between her and recovering her power.
She turned to the Shard and took a step toward it. Another step, past two Dregs she'd taken from above an hour earlier. Another step, over a Wretch that had caught her off-guard right after. One more step as she stretched out her palm to touch the surface of the Shard, closed her eyes, and waited.
And waited.
Her eyes shot open, and she stared at the cast-off piece of the Traveler. Silent. Disbelieving. Furious. Pleading. Then... serene.
She stood for another minute, staring, then performed a few calculations in her head. She looked to an empty spot in the sky.
Solstice Boots (Rekindled)
Courage sometimes requires standing still.
The Red Legion ship curled in for a landing above Echo Mesa, and its engines went dark. The canopy retracted, and its pilot climbed out.
Ikora's feet touched the surface of Io for the first time as a Guardian without Light. It felt wrong. But not as wrong as—
The ground shook as three Red Legion Harvesters flew overhead. Not as wrong as them.
This place, this holy place, this place more sacred to Guardians than any other in the system... now a thoroughfare for Cabal to tread upon without reverence. To tunnel through without regard. To befoul without a thought. Ikora's anger had bubbled to the surface often since this war had begun, but seeing the Red Legion here had her as persistently furious as any time she could remember.
She checked her provisions and ammunition. The Vex were here as well, but she knew that as long as she stayed away from the machines, they would present no threat. She would deal with them later. For now, she set out for the Red Legion base she had flown past on her initial descent.
It might cost her everything, but she would make them pay.
Solstice Bond (Rekindled)
The brightest lights sometimes burn out fastest.
Ikora bit down on the empty rocket casing she'd hollowed out, her grunt of pain muffled enough that she didn't bother seeing if anyone heard. The shrapnel was out of her shoulder, finally. It fell from her fingers to the rocks below.
She didn't know how long she'd been here on Io. One more thing that had drifted away in her new life without Light. She didn't know how many Red Legion she'd killed, but she knew how close she'd come to dying herself. She had the scars to remember.
Her shotgun was lost, lying broken outside the guard tower of a Red Legion base a few klicks east. She'd emptied it into an Incendior and then used it to bludgeon a Psion into the ground. But the ships didn't stop flying overhead. The patrols didn't become any less frequent. Nothing had changed.
Nothing—except for her. Injured, exhausted, powerless. With nothing to show for her—what, heroism? No. She could admit that now. She closed her eyes. Just for a minute.
When she awoke, she was looking at it: the last place the Traveler touched. She slowly got to her feet and walked to the cliff's edge.
And waited.

Warlock Legendary Set

Solstice Hood (Resplendent)
In the blink of an eye, life can turn from sweet to bitter.
From the cockpit of her jumpship, Kanmu mouthed words in almost perfect sync with the voices behind her. She'd spent most of this assignment ferrying Cryptarchs from planet to planet, and these scholars always had the same conversations over and over again.
She pantomimed a deep belly laugh right on cue.
Something was wrong this time, though. That laugh didn't sound right. Looking behind her, she realized one of the Cryptarchs was choking—probably on one of those hard candies they always seemed to have. She freed herself from the cockpit and hurried back to them, finding the afflicted scholar doubled over and gasping.
She positioned herself behind him, and time slowed. As her arms wrapped around the form in front of her, she made a fist with one hand and grasped it with the other, trying to pull up into the abdomen.
Don't break the ribs. Hands up higher. Pull up faster. More force. Not that much force! Don't break the ribs! Don't—
And then it was out. A hard candy. Of course. Kanmu laughed, relief coming over her.
Putting a reassuring hand on the recovering Cryptarch's back, she turned back to the front of the ship just in time to see an orange ball of energy soar into view from beyond the horizon. It was headed straight for them.
A sharp inhale as she rushed to the cockpit. They had to leave. There was still tim—
But there wasn't.
Solstice Gloves (Resplendent)
Shoulder the weight of time and keep going.
Pain. Just… just pain. The word banged around his skull, crept down his body, echoed through his bones. There'd been a time before the pain, but Kalumet Ziv couldn't remember it now. He leaned harder into Aiza-3, who nearly buckled at the unexpected weight shift. She steadied herself quickly, and they carried on.
"Do you need help up there?" From behind them, Ivola's footfalls were uneven, owing to the hole in his right thigh. Ziv wasn't sure he could help if he wanted to. Aiza must have felt the same way.
"No, just had to readjust." They continued in exhausted silence toward the extraction point, staying among the rubble as far from the road as they dared get. They'd traveled this way for hours—the only survivors of a Cabal ambush—and had covered almost no ground.
Far in the distance, a familiar sound—vehicles. Several of them. A Cabal convoy appeared over a far-off ridge, and the last granules of hope Ziv had been hoarding away left him. They had no chance like this.
Not if he stayed with them.
He let go of Aiza and slid to the ground. The Exo reached down and grabbed his arm. "You have to try, Ziv. We can't stop here. Not now."
He twisted out of her grasp. "YOU can't." Understanding, Ivola shook his head. Looked about to speak. Ziv interrupted. "I can buy you time."
Aiza and Ivola looked at each other. Back at the convoy. They knew he was right.
A brief goodbye, an embrace, and they were gone, ducking behind debris and rubble at already twice the speed.
Crawling closer to the road, pain screaming through each movement, he waited for the others to be far enough that he could draw the Cabal past them.
From there in the dirt, he shouldered his rifle and started shooting.
Solstice Robes (Resplendent)
The right perspective can give you the perfect advantage.
Nethe Pav breathed, tried to find time within time. She was cut off from her exit, the path in front of her blocked by rubble from her own blast. She had taken out three Cabal—they'd fired on her nonstop for what felt like hours but was surely minutes—and now there was one left, wounded, still behind her. She figured she could just leave it.
She was wrong. From behind her came sounds of the lumbering beast. Turning, she fired.
Nothing. Her weapon was dead or jammed or—it didn't matter. She threw it down and crouched behind a pillar with her blade as the Cabal fired. Once. Twice. Click.
The clatter of its rifle hitting the ground. Nethe peered around the pillar in time to see it advancing with its own blade drawn.
Leaping from cover, she went for the neck. So did he.
They both connected.
Solstice Boots (Resplendent)
Time flies with the speed of birds on their way out of winter.
Serrano laughed as he walked, listening to Cayde-6 on his headset. The Exo was bragging about a distraction he'd used on a Cabal that involved—did he hear that right? A chicken? And more than once? Seemed the Red Legion had weaknesses, and some of them were odd.
The story took his mind off his aching legs. His ship had blown up miles outside the City, but he finally saw the Tower coming into view. He was deep into a daydream about napping when he heard a crash up ahead.
Serrano picked up speed as he approached a curve in the road, and when he rounded it, he saw the dust cloud first. As it cleared, he saw the overturned Sparrow and, worse, the Guardian underneath it. His heart sank as he ran toward them, but as he got closer, he could tell it was too late. He touched the Guardian's shoulders, bowing his head for a moment.
His gaze turned to the Sparrow. A guilty pang made him hesitate, but this Guardian didn't need it anymore. He righted it and climbed on.
Flying fast around a curve, Serrano spotted a troop of Cabal firing and closing in on an encampment. The cowering civilians managed to get a couple good shots against the invaders as he watched, but they wouldn't get enough before the Cabal surrounded them.
Then he saw the Incendior among the beasts. That was the answer.
Serrano turned the Sparrow, aiming straight for the flamethrower in the Cabal's oversized hands and cranking the thrust.
He had just enough time to appreciate the surprised Incendior's face.
Solstice Bond (Resplendent)
Clarity of purpose is a moment that comes but once.
It wasn't fair.
Marlenx-3 hated to think in those terms, but that was the truth. She was deep in the Inverted Spire looking for Cabal security, and there was only one reason. Some Guardian—who had allegedly gotten their Light back—was trying to make it through this place to find whatever it housed. She was just here to help clear it out, along with several other Guardians who weren't so blessed.
If she bought it now, there was no coming back.
She ducked into a stairwell and whipped around. Nothing. "Got an empty stairwell here," she said into her headset.
Marlenx ran up the steps and pushed through the next door. Swept left, then right. A corridor stretched in both directions.
Footsteps down below. She shut the door behind her and went down the left hallway, toward the closest door. As her hand touched the doorknob, she heard a sound behind her.
Gun at the ready, she spun around. A door had opened down the hall, and another Guardian was staggering through. No weapon. Wounded.
In that moment, everything became clear. This was why she was here. She held up her hand. Stay there.
She hurried back into the stairwell and shot off the handle, then turned to face the coming sound.
Fair had nothing to do with it.

Various Cosmetics

Editing these in per request
Estival Excursion
Returning home is never as fast as you want it to be.
The silence from the radio was deafening. Uncomfortable, Ghost outlined a figure-eight in the air.
"Why don't we… do an after-action report? The radios will come back on. I'm sure of it." Ghost cleared his throat.
"Report ALPHA SIX FOUR BLUE PHI. Visual inspection and scans at Mount Esja confirmed the debris came from the Reef." He paused.
"We attempted communication with Awoken allies. Signals to the Queen's Wrath, the Trials beacon, and even intel source GREENRAVEN went unanswered."
He sighed. "That likely attracted the enemy attention that followed. For the record, I'll take the blame—trying to call Petra was my idea."
"The site was under observation by remnants of the House of Winter. Unlike many of the Fallen we've seen lately, they bore the crests and colors from one of the original Eliksni factions. They were starving and desperate. But none of them tried to flee."
Ghost let the words hang in the air for a moment. "Returning to the Tower for a debrief."
They flew in silence for a long moment before Ghost activated the comms again—and despite the static, spoke into the void. "Tower Approach, this is City Hawk 7-2-3, please respond."
continued in a comment below as I'm at the character limit...
submitted by Eander to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

tai pan plates video

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