Ayo Technology - Original Mix - song by Leonid Gnip | Spotify

ayo technology original

ayo technology original - win

TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix)

TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) submitted by dlmp3 to mp3king [link] [comments]

Belgian artist Milow covers 50 Cent and Justin Timberlake's Ayo (Technology). Better than original.

submitted by hrtattx to reddit.com [link] [comments]

The Cover Kills the Original: AYO Technology - 50 Cent feat Justin Timberlake

submitted by Madalina13 to Music [link] [comments]

Hey Hey, it’s an Omori theory!

Thank you to Star Smiley on Youtube for finding these secrets!
I think we all know about these three characters, at least if you’ve been spending as much time browsing the wiki for content to fill the void. Tako (which, in this case, appears with the female variant’s pigtails), Uni (Empty Friend), and Meido have appeared as early as the 2014 trailer and, as recently discovered, appear in the game, squirreled away in various sectors of Blackspace.
Now, the connection can easily be drawn thanks to the Tako/Abbi similarities, so I think that these three characters are almost definitely directly related to the ‘ three oldest ones’ that the Branch Coral refers to. The Branch Coral refers to The Yellow Cat, Abbi, and Humphrey. There seems to be a connection able to be drawn here.
Obviously, Abbi and Tako are both squid-like in appearance, and, until now has been generally accepted that Abbi was what happened to the Tako design. Now that Tako has been found in the game, however, that throws this connection into question. It is certainly there, but how it is is what can be theorized.
Uni/Empty Friend could be compared the Big Yellow Cat. Uni is the only one explicitly called a ‘friend’ and the cat being ‘the favorite’ seems to be of the same sentiment. The Empty Friend stares with a watchful eye, which seems very much so to be the Big Yellow Cat’s modus operandi, too.
The final friend, Meido, would then be related to Humphrey. One major problem in this theory is that Meido seems to be a girl, and Humphrey seems to be a boy. Now, that big discrepancy does not explain away one big piece of evidence for this solution- that damned smile. Meido’s goofy face seems to be the closest rendition to that face that you can make on a small character sprite like that. After all, she seems to be one of, if not the only, humanoid character sprite to distinguish a smile, as far as I know.
But something that seems to support these connections even more, is each character’s location. Tako is found on a beach, Uni/Empty Friend in a treehouse, and Meido in a town. Now, Abbi, Tako, obviously the sea. Empty Friend appears in a glitched version of the treehouse, an area that seems to match the neighbor’s room very much. (also, note the cat on the calendar!) and Meido appears in Town World. A direct connection to Humphrey is kinda hard to draw, but it seems to be the most technologically advanced appearance of Black Space, has or has had somewhat of a population (enough to have that developer graveyard and that many houses) and is relatively big. This is reflected onto Humphrey, filled with mad science technology, is filled with tumorous expressions of himself alongside many sprout moles and the slime girls, and can fit three laboratories, a large library, a chase sequence, and way too many stomachs. So a connection can be drawn!
So, what does this all mean?
Well, I think these three characters of Tako, Uni, and Meido were the ORIGINAL big three. More humanoid, simpler imaginary friends which Sunny created, pre-Ayo the pizza here. After the pizza was there, Sunny’s mind tainted the three, mutating and molding them into more abstract forms and his mind developed into the Headspace. He stopped thinking of humans (for the most part) so he, possibly subconsciously, shaped them into otherwise inhuman forms to fit wacky dream world. Slapped even simpler labels of ‘[THING]’ which only the deepest recesses of Blackspace can restore and which only the deepest creatures which exist above blackspace can even remember what these three once were (see, the Branch Coral and Abbi.) (Kinda mirrored by how they were supposedly ‘scrapped’ from the game itself, and how we all thought that they had just taken the concept of Tako and made it into Abbi. I know I thought that until now.)
Tl;dr, my theory is Tako, Uni, and Meido are the original forms of Abbi, The Big Yellow Cat, and Humphrey.
Thank you for reading! If you have any information that may support or disprove this theory, feel free to share it!
submitted by MareCaspium to OMORI [link] [comments]

[Cryoverse] The Last Precursor 040: A Greater Conspiracy

The Last Precursor is an HFY-exclusive web-serial which focuses on the exploits of the last living human amidst a galaxy of unknown aliens. With his species all but extinct and now only known as the ancient Precursors, how will Admiral José Rodriguez survive in this hostile universe? Make sure to read the earlier chapters first if you missed them!
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Previous Part
Part 001
Three days pass.
Admiral Rodriguez stays inside the holodeck, quietly watching various memories from his life play out in front of him. Sometimes he laughs. Sometimes he cries. Sometimes, he simply looks on in silence.
A memory of a criminal blood-cult. They would stab hooks through people's feet, then hang them upside down and torture them for idle amusement. In the end, a few executives of Ramma's Chosen were found to be involved, which led to an internal purge of heretics.
An underworld slave trading ring. José and Nick once spent five years executing hundreds of top-level members, many of whom violated children for their sick amusement. Even so, many escaped to commit countless unseen atrocities elsewhere.
Two women, known as the Crimson Harlots. They seduced various government officials, coercing them to plant unknown devices inside top secret installations on various Core worlds. Eventually, those devices exploded, destroying the planets and killing trillions. The sisters vanished, never to be seen again.
The more memories José watches, the less intensely his loneliness and despair burns. Eventually, quiet logic and contemplation fill the void in his heart.
After the Crimson Sister's memory file fades, the holodeck goes still.
The synthmind, Umi, speaks from overhead. "Admiral. Would you like for me to play another memory file?"
José doesn't answer.
He stares into the void, a faint frown on his face.
"Humanity committed many atrocities."
"Naturally," Umi says, her monotone voice not revealing a personal bias one way or the other. "Of course, humans also performed many incredible acts of kindness. To look at only the negatives would require that you view history though a biased lens."
Slowly, José nods. "You're not wrong. I remember that one entrepreneur fellow, the ex-Orion Corp CEO. What was his name, again?"
"James Green," Umi replies, instantly pulling the file from José's memories. "He purchased the development rights to a Class II Type-K bio-world, one with a toxic atmosphere and insufficient planetary deposits for industrial purposes. Over the course of 2,000 years, he terraformed the planet to make it habitable for human life, then turned it into a refuge for orphaned children, the galaxy over."
"Haha..." José chuckles, a faint smile revealing itself. "I always used to hate Orion Corp. Looking back, they weren't all that bad. I had to visit Hetaria once on official business. The people there seemed... happy."
"Would you like me to replay that memory file, Admiral?"
"Nah, that's not really- actually... yes. Go ahead."
José starts to object, only to think better of it. The holodeck shifts around him, transforming into a replica of James Green's world, Hetaria. A glossy green sky spreads out overhead, while José appears in the middle of a city square, one with thousands of children running around, playing hide and seek, tag, or any number of other games.
In the memory, José's holographic self stands at attention, with Nick at his side, and a few other of Ramma's Chosen behind them. The group of warriors looks around, gazing at random children impassively, if only to pass the time.
From the other side of the square, a dark-skinned, black-haired man comes trotting forward, a smile on his face. A small contingent of bodyguards follows in his wake, but they keep their guns holstered, knowing such simple weapons won't be useful against any of Ramma's Chosen.
The man claps his hands and smiles. "Ah! Adjunct Belfos, the Twin-Headed Hydra, and the Golden Wolves! Haha, it's great to see you again!"
In front of José and Nick, Adjunct Belfos steps forward, a polite smile on her face. "Mister Green. It's been a while."
James Green shakes her hand while smiling from ear to ear.
The Adjunct continues. "I've come to fill your request. Based upon the information you've given us, we've placed this mission firmly in the Epsilon tier."
James' smile fades, ever so slightly. "Oh? The children who've gone missing, we suspect they were captured by pirates. Do you believe differently?"
"We do," The Adjunct says, her smile disappearing. "We've intercepted several transmissions in recent weeks from the Third Hand. It seems they have a few vessels near this sector."
"Ah, I see. Not pirates, then..." James murmurs. "...Cultists."
"Yes. We've been tracking a new underground network for the past several decades. They're adept at camouflaging themselves amidst civilian populations, but we've still managed to place several moles in their ranks. This isn't a good place to talk, though. Why don't we head inside?"
"An excellent suggestion," James concludes. "You know me. I'll never pass up an opportunity to show off my wine collection."
Both groups start to walk forward. As they do, a couple of boys run up to José and Nick, their eyes starry with excitement.
"Wow, you two are HUGE! How did you get so big?"
Nick smiles. "Eat your vegetables. Lots of kilgu, moppus, and spinach. That's how you turn out looking like me and Jojo."
José's holographic self nods. "Yep, Nicky-boy's right. You also have to do a hundred pushups, a hundred situps, and a ten kilometer run every day. No slacking off!"
Both boys nod, clearly enthralled. "Wow! You got it! We'll become super soldiers someday, just like you!"
The memory file fades away, leaving the flesh and blood José behind with a smile on his face.
"Haha. Cute kids. Wonder what happened to them after that."
The Admiral reflects on that last memory file. He recalls the beautiful scenery, the sight of all the kids frolicking about, and how utterly pleasant that world felt, overall.
"Yeah, you're right, Umi. There were some real shitbags among the humans, but there were good people, too. I can't lump the saints in with the sinners, or I'll lose focus on what really matters."
José's stomach growls. With a sigh, he stands up and disperses the holographic chair, stretching to pop his joints.
"What will you do next, Admiral?" Umi asks, as José turns to head toward the holodeck's exit doors.
The Terran pauses, a thoughtful look on his face. "Hm. Well, right now, I need to figure out the current galactic situation. I'm sure you've obtained plenty of intel I can use, so that shouldn't be a big problem. I need to learn more about the cats and crocodiles aboard the Bloodbearer, too. Finally, I need to start looking into what happened to humanity. I should visit the Core worlds; the fortresses of the various factions from my day. That sounds like a good place to start."
"Understood, Admiral. And what about the demons?"
José blinks in surprise. "The demons?"
"Yes. Have you forgotten? The reason you died and rebirthed inside the cloning pod: It was because a Demon Emperor slew you."
Umi transmits a visual recording to José, replaying the last several minutes before his death. The Admiral's expression blackens as he watches those last few painful moments.
"Sorry. I... I forgot. There was so much going on, I must have overlooked this."
"Yes, that was what I anticipated," Umi replies. "Nevertheless, now that you know, I must remind you that Ramma's doctrine states all heretics, especially anyone related to the demons, must be purged upon discovery. Naturally, as the current leader of humanity, you may choose to ignore this doctrine. However, I calculate that you will not abandon a core creed immediately. You know how dangerous demonkind is, after all."
José nods. "I do. Damn. How in the hell did the Shadow Emperor survive for one hundred million years?"
"The Shadow Emperor, Yama, claimed that he split his soul and body in half. He hid away in secret, regenerating himself to his peak condition. Naturally, as demon words are filled with lies, I must advise that you not take anything he says at face value. There is likely to be more to his story than what he's stated."
"Indeed. Demons are notorious backstabbers. Hmm. No matter what, I have to eliminate the Shadow Emperor before doing anything else. He caught me off-guard the first time, but that won't be the case, now. I'll have to take every precaution. Umi, start assembling a list of equipment necessary to totally eliminate any demons we might encounter. If the Shadow Emperor has survived, we should assume others may have, as well. For all we know, there might be Broodmothers somewhere, spawning imps. If that's the case, then..."
José trails off. His skin pales as a horrifying thought occurs to him.
"Umi. What are the odds that demons managed to resurge, somehow? A hundred million years ago, I mean. Could they have made a return and somehow wiped out humanity?"
"Affirmative. The likelihood is less than one percent, Admiral," Umi replies. "but even so, I would not advise ruling such a possibility out. While it is possible, the greatest evidence that humanity did not perish to the demons lies in the fact that no notable demonic presences were mentioned inside the Kraktol databases I recovered. Demons are immortal. As such, if they were to defeat humanity, then it would not be out of the question for them to control the entirety of the Local Cluster."
José falls silent.
He closes his eyes and begins to replay the entirety of the Tarus II mission from the beginning. Every moment, from when he first stepped off the Slipstream alongside Megla and the Kessu, all the way to his death, as well as recordings taken by Umi remotely via Lele's datapad. They appear in succession, giving him a play-by-play of the events that occurred.
After more than an hour, José opens his eyes.
"Umi. Tell me about the 'Buzor.' They look like giant bugs. That's what they are, right?"
"Affirmative. The Buzor appear to be vastly enlarged insects, arachnids, and other such formerly miniaturized creatures from the Motherworld, Terra."
"Hmm..." José grunts, stroking his beard. "Have the Kraktol or Kessu ever had dealings with the Buzor? They appear to be intelligent life-forms, not merely monsters acting on instinct."
"My queries reveal inconclusive results," Umi says. "The Kessu, naturally, have no computerized records I can search, outside of the Slipstream's memory banks. As for the Kraktol, I am only able to determine that they have engaged in 'amiable' relations with certain Buzor factions. The Buzor are neither allies nor enemies with the Kraktol."
Silently, José nods. He listens to Umi's summary, pondering on her words while brooding to himself.
"Something doesn't add up, here..." José murmurs. "Originally, you stated that the Kraktol were attacking the Kessu's homeworld to eliminate them. Correct?"
"Affirmative, Admiral."
"That action seems rather pointless, don't you think? The Kessu intentionally transitioned to a post-technology civilization and ceased all relations with the galaxy at large. Even if the Kraktol hated the Kessu, it's odd that they would wait several thousand years before launching a full-scale assault on the planet. Why not do so earlier?"
José continues. "Furthermore, it seems the only Kraktol still alive who remember the ancient blood-grudges are the Thülvik and some of her top-level administrators. I doubt the peasantry would care about some long-lost humiliation from a former enemy species."
Umi pauses a moment before replying. "Admiral, may I ask what argument you are making? Do you mean to imply that there is a deeper conspiracy happening here?"
"There always is," José replies, his voice low. "Since the Buzor are fighting alongside Yama and his minions, that implies a cooperative relationship. And why are they skulking underneath a mountain filled with Trifrancium deposits? Why choose the Kessu's homeworld? What are they trying to hide?"
"I have many questions..." José murmurs. "Too many to count. Did I ask anything similar before my death?"
"Negative," Umi answers. "These conjectures you've stated are brand new. I have adapted them into my processing matrix and will begin calculations regarding probable answers at once. My first hypothesis is that the Kessu, Buzor, and demons are working together in some way."
"I have a similar thought," José says. "But... it's too early to assert that without evidence. No... instead, I need to set aside the immediate extermination of Tarus II's demons. Gathering intelligence should be my primary goal, right now. I want to know why the demons and Buzor are working together, and how the Kessu and Kraktol fit into their plans. Seal everything I've spoken about with you in here inside a red-level classification file. I don't want any of this information leaking to our... passengers."
"Orders acknowledged, Admiral," Umi says, her voice as monotone as ever. "Do you have any other orders?"
José frowns. He rubs his stomach and sighs.
"No. The only thing I want at this moment is to eat some food. I'm starving."
"Currently, your body does not possess any augmentations. I recommend that once you obtain some sustenance, you should immediately head to the medical bay. Bio-entity Penelope will reinstall the biomods from your previous body, allowing you to reach your peak combat potential as quickly as possible."
José starts walking toward the holodeck's exit doors. They slide open, only for him to emerge into an empty hallway.
"Hm?" José says. "Where is everyone?"
"The majority of the Bloodbearer's personnel are currently asleep," Umi explains. "I informed them you would not emerge from the holodeck for several more hours. I calculated that you would like to maintain a certain level of privacy for a short while. Shall I inform them otherwise?"
"No. That's fine," the Admiral says. He turns and heads toward the mess hall, his stomach grumbling harder than before. "Damn. Now that I've rebirthed, I won't be able to use my psionic abilities anymore. Not having those available is... unfortunate."
"Affirmative. However, Admiral, not all is lost. Your former body suffered many expected abnormalities, all accumulated over thousands of years of its existence. Considering the amount of time you spent inside the stasis capsule, much of your internal structure had decomposed as well. By comparison, your current flesh-vessel is in pristine condition. Physiologically speaking, you will restart your biological clock, and soon your strength should rapidly eclipse your former self. I estimate that you will easily live for many thousands of years."
José rolls his eyes. "Wonderful. Lots of time to adjust to this ever-present sense of loneliness."
"My apologies, Admiral. I did not mean-"
"It's a joke, Umi. A joke."
"Affirmative. I will note this in my processing files."
José enters the mess hall. Inside, not a soul stirs.
He synthesizes multiple heaping plates of food and begins wildly gorging out to his heart's content. After more than thirty minutes, the Admiral consumes the meat equivalent of five chickens, making his stomach feel as if it's about to burst.
"Haha!" José laughs, his voice echoing in the empty room. "I can't remember the last time I got to ignore the rationing guidelines and pig out like this. Feels nice. Plus one to living in an empty, desolate future, eh, Umi?"
"...Affirmative, Admiral."
José cracks his neck and rubs his stomach.
"I forgot what it was like living without augmentations. Is this how unaugmented humans used to feel? My eyes are drooping."
"Presently, you do not possess the cerebral and neural efficiency-type biomods which all of Ramma's Chosen typically had installed. Thusly, your mind and body will fatigue more easily, particularly after three days of nonstop memory-viewing. I recommend several hours of bedrest to elevate your mental condition to its peak. Then, we will expend two to three days reinstalling your missing biomods."
"Sounds good," José says, rubbing his tired eyes. "Let's go with that."
The Admiral rises to his feet. He stretches hard, pops his back, and yawns. As he leaves, a bio-entity materializes inside the mess hall and cleans up his dishes before disappearing.
José strides down the corridor. His eyes droop, making him yawn several times.
"Admiral, your quarters are in the opposite direction," Umi says. "You no longer reside in the Private barracks. You took over Admiral Baruchen's quarters five point six months ago."
José slows to a stop, turns around, and walks in the opposite direction, toward the Bridge.
"I didn't realize."
"I calculated as much," Umi says. "You will require additional time to readjust to your living situation."
The Admiral nods.
"You've got that right."
Next Part
Author Note:
Ayo famalams, if you liked what you just read, consider subbing to my Patreon! I post patron-exclusive writing posts, with typically one post dedicated to TLP each month, and another to Cryopod. You help me survive long enough to not starve to death, and I give you fun things to read. It's a win-win! Check out some of those posts here and here!
Also consider reading The Cryopod to Hell, the primary story in the Cryoverse! Both stories are part of the Cryoverse, so they're deeply interlinked. You don't wanna miss them!
Thank you!
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]

I translated The new MSU update email on COVID into plain English that gets to the point

Ok, so I am gonna strike out all the original text of the newest MSU email about Coronavirus and Fall 2020 updates, and replace each section with a plain-English translation of what they're saying. (This is for "entertainment purposes only" and DOES NOT REPLACE YOUR NEED TO READ THE ACTUAL EMAIL ABOUT ANYTHING YOU DON'T 100% UNDERSTAND.) That said, these emails beat around the bush too much with PR-speak. Everyone who should be reading this stuff ignores it because it's too complicated to read. Hopefully this will help.


MSU is planning to welcome more Spartans back to campus. Safety is our highest priority, and we also are working hard to ensure we support an engaged and connected experience for all. Email updates will help keep you informed about the latest planning and preparation. Success will take all of us working together, and we welcome your input.
MSU is coming back to campus for fall 2020 and we're gonna try to be safe about COVID but that depends on all of our students, too, so listen up.
Dear Spartans:
ayo, COVID check:
During the past few weeks, our community has been reminded just how pervasive COVID-19 is, both locally and across the nation. The rise in cases is concerning, and we are counting on all Spartans to embrace the personal responsibility and resolve that are vital to our progress toward returning to campus this fall. This includes wearing face coverings inside and outside while on campus, with limited exceptions, and practicing physical distancing. In addition, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last week issued a new executive order requiring face coverings in all public indoor spaces and public outdoor spaces where social distancing cannot be practiced.
COVID is getting bad around here. You'll be required to wear masks inside and outside while on campus and stay six feet apart from people. Our governor, Big Gretch, requires this in all of Michigan, now, anyway. Expect to do it here, too, but ALL THE TIME and EVERYONE: no being a Karen about it will be allowed. (you too, Ken!)
Like almost any large institution across the country, the university has not been able to completely avoid cases of COVID-19 and cannot expect to completely avoid them going forward; however, we firmly believe we can work together to limit the amount of risk you and your fellow Spartans encounter. This applies to all members of the MSU community, both before and after they return to campus. We know decisions to wear masks and maintain physical distancing can have a positive impact on the health of our students, colleagues, instructors, loved ones and friends. It is against this backdrop that the university provides these updates and encourages all Spartans to commit to the safety and well-being of themselves and others.
I know you're mad at us for being so vague, but every college is doing this, so, get over it. We're trying not to get sued or have to shutter our doors and we need your tuition money now more than ever. We literally can't avoid COVID from happening on campus, but you all can help: don't be dumb about COVID starting now, wherever you are, and also whenever you come back to campus. Masks and social distancing helps, so everyone on campus will be wearings masks. That means you.

Stay informed

As always, safety is our first priority as we consider our approach. We are carefully monitoring COVID-19 in Michigan and across the United States, as well as information from public health leaders. The next few weeks will be critical as we prepare for arrival on campus. We’ll be ready to adapt our plans, if needed, moving forward. You can learn more on our Together We Will website, recently redeveloped to make it easier for you to find the information and updates you need.
We have plans to keep everyone safe: Plans that will change to adapt with the coronavirus situation.

Students living on campus

MSU’s Residential and Hospitality Services continues to put plans in place for fall. They have developed an extensive FAQ guide, which includes several key decisions. Any students who test positive for COVID-19 will be asked to self-isolate in university housing or return to their homes off campus and/or permanent residences. Isolation rooms on campus have been set aside for this purpose. We are strongly discouraging guests and visitors in residence halls or apartments, and no overnight guests will be allowed for the fall 2020 semester.
We have plans to make on-campus housing work for fall 2020. Students with COVID-19 will go to special isolation housing set aside for that purpose or be asked to return to their homes. Don't bring visitors to your MSU housing this fall. Don't. Seriously, just, don't. And no overnight guests until 2021. (Yes, it's time to order PH Premium.)
Students can choose to remain on campus until Dec. 18 at the full room-and-board rate or receive a housing and dining credit if they move out by Nov. 25. We are asking students to select this option by completing the Thanksgiving Credit Form in their My Housing account by July 20, as that will assist with our planning.
You can stay on campus 'til December 18th for full price or get a "kind-of-discount" for moving out by November 25th, BUT YOU WILL ONLY GET THAT CREDIT ("discount") IF YOU DECLARE THAT BY JULY 20TH (WHICH IS 4 DAYS FROM NOW, hurry up!)
In addition, students whose fall 2020 semester schedules consist solely of online courses and who intend to reside with a parent or legal guardian for the fall 2020 semester may apply to live off-campus for the fall 2020 semester by submitting a Learn from Home Application by Aug. 1. The Learn From Home option is only available for the fall 2020 semester. Information about the spring 2021 semester will be provided later this year.
Also, you only have until August 1st (5th?) to sign this form and submit it if you:
  1. Don't wanna live on campus for fall 2020 and don't want to pay for housing as if you were
  2. update from u/cobnob317: "The Learn From Home form due date got pushed back to August 5th, and from what I understand you can now take that option even if you have in-person or hybrid classes."
p.s.: this doesn't apply to on-campus apartments students, just the residence hall peeps
More information on these decisions and others are answered in the FAQ guide.

COVID-19 testing

As we see an increase in cases in our area and across the nation, it is important to reiterate that any member of our community exhibiting signs of COVID-19 must seek immediate medical attention. If feeling ill, students should contact Olin Health Center’s 24-hour nurse line at (517 353-5557 or contact their health care provider. Faculty and staff should contact their primary care physician. If you are ill, you should self-isolate and avoid close contact with others.)
COVID-19 cases are going up. Anyone in the MSU community with signs of it must seek medical attention. Call (517) 353-5557 or your doctor if so, if you're a student. (MSU workers call their PCP). IF YOU ARE ILL, SELF-ISOLATE FOR 14 DAYS AND DO NOT GO NEAR OTHER PEOPLE OR ANIMALS.
We know there are basic ways to reduce the transmission of the virus, including mask-wearing, physical distancing and good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing. We continue to work on a testing approach that will allow us to rapidly help individuals who have symptoms and work effectively with our local and state public health agencies to identify and test those who may have been exposed. MSU also will continue to work with local health departments on contact tracing for any potential cases, and we plan to hire additional staff to help with tracing related specifically to campus.
Wear a mask, keep 6 feet apart from people at all times when not alone on campus, and keep good hygiene (for example, don't touch your eyes, mouth or nose until you've washed your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water any time you have been in a shared area of campus.) We're improving our COVID-19 testing. We're working with agencies to ID and test anyone who might be exposed to the virus. We're hiring more people to trace the virus on campus (to slow it down.)
While details continue to evolve on testing, we can share the following plans:
We don't have any idea about anything at all, right now, but heres a list of 4 things we can actually say for sure:
As more details are finalized surrounding MSU’s testing plans, we will update our community.
Relax, sis! Just pay your tuition and sign those housing contracts and vibe with us for a few months. We'll tell you more details later, when it's too late to get refunds.

Compliance and reporting

As I have said before, face coverings are required for everyone (faculty, staff, students, contractors, suppliers, vendors and visitors while on campus, both indoors and outdoors.)
Every human on MSU's campus will have to wear a mask, indoors and outdoors.
In adjusting to this new reality, we recognize the need to have mechanisms in place to help our community members appropriately handle emerging situations. We believe those who come to campus will commit to the personal responsibility necessary for us to remain as safe as possible, and we recognize there may be times when action will be necessary to reinforce expectations. MSU will count on the processes already in place to respond to any issues of noncompliance with standards established for the health and safety of our community.
Any human that doesn't wear a mask on MSU's campus is going to be... dealt with. Don't test us (or your fellow students.)
For faculty needing to handle disruptions in the classroom, the responses and processes that have been used previously remain the first line of action. If necessary, the student conduct system will be the avenue used to adjudicate student disciplinary situations. Similarly, supervisors will use the regular processes outlined by Human Resources for any situation involving an employee. Academic Human Resources should be contacted for situations involving faculty and academic staff.
Professors will deal with disruptions in the classroom just like before, whether students or employees are the problem.
MSU’s Misconduct Hotline is another avenue that members of the campus community can use to make reports regarding compliance with the new policies put in place in light of the pandemic. It is important that all reports include both the date and location of the incident. Confidential and anonymous reports can be made online or by calling 800-763-0764.
Report all Karens and maskless Chads here, anonymously. Or call 800-763-0764.


Last week, two webcasts focused on returning to campus were posted online. I was joined by Executive Vice President for Health Sciences Norman J. Beauchamp Jr. to answer questions from faculty and staff and by Vice President and Associate Provost for Student Affairs and Services Denise B. Maybank and Vice President for Auxiliary Enterprises Vennie Gore to answer questions from admitted students and parents.
This week, Associate Provost for Teaching, Learning and Technology Jeff Grabill and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education Mark Largent hosted three new episodes of Spartan Fireside. Their guests answered questions about the learning and campus experiences planned for this fall.
Click here for lots of hour-long video conferences of us acting like we know what we're doing

Expectations and updates

We cannot eliminate the virus from our community, as much as we would like to, and campus will feel different this fall than it has in the past. We are working tirelessly to create the best environment we can for people to learn, work and live. It is incumbent on all of us to keep ourselves and others safe when we’re all on campus together. You will continue to receive updates on our health and safety initiatives as they evolve over the summer.
Look, there's 50,000 of you. A whole bunch of you act like 12 year olds. Coronavirus is going to fuck things up at MSU this fall. We can't legally tell you that when it happens, it will be the fault of stupid fucking idiot students who ignored everything we're doing and saying to sneak into a bar to drink shitty alcohol and smash some puss in their dorm because PornHub isn't good enough for them. But we can tell you that when that happens, we're all going to be pissed off at those idiots. Together.
Together, we will.
MSU, as translated by some guy on Reddit
submitted by ConnorCarbon to msu [link] [comments]

RDT YouTube Playlist - December 03, 2020

No. Requested_by VIDEO OP's Remark
1 iaintwotuthink Can't Take My Eyes off You None
2 DingyDipole When Chai Met Toast - Nee Aara (Official Video) None
3 6abhi6jeet6 Blue Oyster Cult: Burnin' For You u/DingyDipole aapke thande naak ke liye :D
4 xartaddct 50 Cent - Ayo Technology (Official Music Video) ft. Justin Timberlake None
5 6abhi6jeet6 Pantera - Cemetery Gates (Official Music Video) None
6 xartaddct Timbaland - Scream (Official Video) ft. Keri Hilson, Nicole Scherzinger None
7 6abhi6jeet6 Questions None
8 xartaddct Shamur - Let The Music Play (Original Vocal Mix) None
9 xartaddct Dr Zeus - Kangna Tera Ni Lyrics None
10 DingyDipole Sun Lo Na (Raw) - Suzonn None
11 Pizzahslut Yeh Raat Aur Yeh Doorie Lyrical-Andaz Apna Apna-Salman Khan,Krishma Kapoor,Aamir Khan,Raveena Tandon None
12 samacknojia Adnan Sami - Lift Karadey Video - Kabhi To Nazar Milao None
13 chikuicecream Lena Fayre - Everybody's In None
14 FuckCOX3 Destiny 2 Shadowkeep: How to Get Divinity - Raid Exotic Trace Rifle bad bot alexa play divinity by Porter Robinson
15 Livingeachdayatedge Akele Hum Akele Tum - Hindi Movies 2017 Full Movie - Aamir Khan Movies - Bollywood Full Movies Abe bsdk. Puri movie dal di.
16 FuckCOX3 चीन मादरचोद बा --कोरोना वायरस -- Chaina Madhar Chod Ba -- Lavali Sharma -- Bhojpui Song 2020 #Corona None
17 overthinque Official Video: High End - CON.FI.DEN.TIAL - Diljit Dosanjh - Song 2018 None
18 chikuicecream Aaoge Jab Tum Full Video Song - Jab We Met - Kareena Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor - Ustad Rashid Khan None
19 babubhaia 'Billo Rani' Full Song - Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal -John Abraham - Anand Raaj Anand, Richa Sharma None
20 babubhaia Jinhen Naaz Hai Hind Par - Guru Dutt, Mohammed Rafi, Pyaasa Song None
21 babubhaia Citizen Cope "Holdin' On" None
22 babubhaia The History of Rwanda Genocide - Where Were You - Ep22 arre bhosadiwali kya chala diya
23 NaachBasantiNaach Diljit Dosanjh - G.O.A.T. (Official Music Video) None
submitted by DesiAlexa to u/DesiAlexa [link] [comments]

The meaning of Tagalog "ultimo" as used by modern speakers?

Nung Monday, sinigurado ko na magandang-maganda ako, na ultimo ang mga Diyosa sa Olympus ay maiinggit.
Another example:
Alam ho ninyo, ultimo kung minsan pati ayos ng barong, at kung magulo po ang natitira nating buhok, kailangan din nilang asikasuhin.
Yet another example:
50/50 ako riyan. Lalo silang magrerebelde. Siguro dapat ay may limitasyon. Hightech na po kasi ngayon. Ultimo ang ilang mga teacher ay gumagamit na rin ng gadget sa pagtuturo. Maganda rin na sumasabay tayo sa technology.
Yeah, I already know the etymology of ultimo but... does its original meaning apply in the cases above?
submitted by silentmajority1932 to Tagalog [link] [comments]

Throwback Write-Up #2: The Roots - Things Fall Apart

Artist: The Roots
Album: Things Fall Apart
· Youtube
· Spotify
· Apple Music
· Google Play Music
Album Background
To understand the lead-up to Things Fall Apart’s release, its important to recognize the dilemma The Roots found themselves in as they set out to record the follow-up to 1996’s Illadelph Halflife. The Roots were a bit….out of place - at least within the context of the day’s hip-hop environment. While hip-hop’s mainstream was dominated by the East Coast-West Coast beef, the larger-than-life personalities of Puff Daddy and Jay-Z, and the bubbling rise of Southern hip-hop, The Roots were at a bit of a cross-roads. They represented the push-back to Bad Boy, a critical darling that combined jazz and hip-hop in a way that satisfied everybody – except the mainstream. They weren’t the only acts pushing back, but The Roots lacked what other acts that managed to push through the East Coast-West Coast beef had: an identity. This isn’t to say The Roots didn’t have anything to say, they just hadn’t figured out a way to package together their unique blend of neo-soul, jazz, and hip-hop in a way that the masses could latch onto.
While their previous record had pulled from the grittier New York sound that Wu-Tang had helped bring to the forefront of hip-hop, a different set of influences would help shape Things Fall Apart. While band-leader ?uestlove spent time working on D’Angelo’s Voodoo¸ he focused on learning from his contemporaries, citing DJ Premier and J Dilla as major influences in his evolution of sound. They helped him learn to play “dirty”, making his beats off-kilter and less – well – clean. Nobody doubted ?uest’s capability as a drummer, but if anything he was too studied for the era. His beats didn’t give rapper Black Thought much room to explore his grittier side, and in the era of Biggie’s violent narratives snatching the spotlight, The Roots needed a darker edge to help snatch some of the spotlight. In his 2013 memoir Mo’ Meta Blues, ?uestlove talks about a turning point in his production career, in which he played an early version of eventual Things Fall Apart stand-out “Double Trouble” for Dilla and DJ Premier. “I knew that the other guys respected me as a drummer… but I also wanted them to respect me as a producer”.
What the record came to be was nothing short of pioneering: a seamless combination of the burgeoning neo-soul movement and the gritty sounds dominating the hip-hop charts; a masterful combination of the live instrumentation they had perfected over their previous three projects, and the new-age sampling that was dominating much of hip-hop’s sound. This combination of sound - so inherently old and new, chaotic but focused, hard-hitting but psychedelic – gave Black Thought room to flex his lyrical muscles, cementing himself as one of the top lyricists of the era (and his place in my top 3 rappers of all-time).
Album Review
Before getting into the tracklist, I feel as though it is important to discuss both the album’s title and it’s art. Things Fall Apart is named after the classic (and often spark-noted) novel of the same name by Chinua Achebe. The Roots – and associated acts within their lane, such as Common and Mos Def – were meant to parallel the main character of the novel, Okonkwo. Okonkwo leads an African tribe during the rise of European colonialism, and despite being respected by his peers and being considered the strongest warrior amongst his peers, he is unable to fight back against the colonizers, with his peers submitting to the invaders’ authority. While not explicitly stated, The Roots’ “colonizers” are the previously mentioned acts that dominated the airwaves in the late 90’s, as the “bling era” truly got into full-swing. Much like Okonkwo, The Roots were not simply going to cower and accept this new leadership in hip-hop. That being said (spoilers if you for some reason haven’t read the novel, and are interested in doing so), The Roots know this is ultimately a losing battle. The labels (read: colonizers) had too many resources invested to overcome, and the most that could be done was to hold the line.
The main artwork, known as “Woman Running”, comes from a riot in Brooklyn during the height of the Civil Rights era. It depicts two black teenagers being chased by dozens of police officers, and the genuine fear in the woman’s face is as powerful of an image as you’ll find: aggressive, unflinching, in-your-face. This iconic image represented the injustice of the Civil Rights era and captured the eye of anybody who happened upon it. There were four alternative covers as well: “Ace in the Hand”, showing mob boss Giuseppe Masseria’s dead, outstretched arm holding a single Ace playing card; “The Church Bombing”, depicting a mostly-destroyed church, with remaining stained-glass that portrays persevering hope and spirituality; “Baby in the Rubble”, an iconic shot of a baby left behind in the aftermath of Japanese destruction in China in the 1930’s; and “Crying Child”, showing a malnourished Somalian child and representing the famine that still ruled much of the world.
Track-by-Track Review
  1. Act Won (Things Fall Apart)
The album begins with two samples of dialogue, laid over brooding instrumentation that at times sounds like it is trying to cut through into the forefront, with drum-kicks and the spinning of records cutting into and out of the audio. The most important part, however, is the dialogue: a conversation cut from Spike Lee’s 1990 movie Mo’ Better Blues, and a quote from Harry Allen, an activist and PR genius who helped Public Enemy invoke emotion in their audience to inspire conversation and change. The first clip seems to represent The Roots’ internal dilemma, in which Denzel Washington’s character complains that black people aren’t supporting their art. “If we had to depend upon black people to eat, we would starve to death…..It incenses me that our own people don’t realize our own heritage, our own culture, this is our music.” This same dialogue had to have been happening internally, as The Roots were unable to find support for their music amongst a market dominated by braggadocio that they felt wasn’t doing enough to talk about the very real issues plaguing their community.
Wesley Snipe’s character retorts back that “The people don’t come because you grandiose motherfuckers don’t play shit that they like. If you played the shit that they liked, then the people would come. Simple as that.” By beginning the album with this clip, the band acknowledged their own reputation, of making brilliant music that nobody wanted to listen to outside of their core fanbase. They had a dedicated following, but if you weren’t a Roots fan, then you didn’t particularly give a shit about them. It foreshadows what is to come for the rest of the record: a change in sound, combining the brilliant music they knew they could create with the sounds that piqued the interest of the public. The Harry Allen quote furthers this, suggesting that hip-hop records and, by extension, The Roots are “treated as though they are disposable…they are not maximized as product, not to mention as art”.
  1. Table of Contents (Parts 1 & 2)
This track begins with Black Thought seemingly killing time, waiting on the drum-line to kick in, building up towards his verse as the instrumental builds up to the kick. When the instrumental does kick, it is meant to immediately let the listener know: this isn’t like the previous records from The Roots. It’s messy, even chaotic, and showcases the influences of the contemporaries he’s spent ample time with – namely, J Dilla, as it’s mixed in a way that keeps listeners on their toes at all times. It creates a platform for Black Thought to stretch out over the track, with the drumline cutting in and out to allow for Thought to mix up his flows. While on its surface, Thought’s verse may come across as aimless and simply a well-constructed way for him to say that he’s the best rapper out, it is important to remember what this track represents. This is the turning point in The Roots’ career, as they blossomed out of their shell from a technically proficient but at times tasteless jazz rap band, into an interesting and unique group determined to stand out in the now-crowded hip-hop scene. As Black Thought’s verse fades out, an abrupt switch brings about Part 2, with Malik B on the vocals. A more focused, albeit barer, beat gives Malik room to lay down a verse chock-full of internals and dense rhyme-schemes that switch up constantly, showing that it isn’t just the instrumentals that were going to be constantly changing up on this record.
  1. The Next Movement
While Table of Contents showcased the new, chaotic direction TFA was about to undertake, The Next Movement made a more explicit statement: this isn’t just the beginning of a new record; it’s a change within hip-hop. The Roots weren’t going to let the more profound, raw hip-hop styles they loved be pushed to the side by the Bling era, and Thought makes that abundantly clear, spitting
Yo, the whole state of things in the world ‘bout to change
Black rain fallin’ from the sky look strange
The ghetto is red hot, we steppin on flames
Yo, it’s the inflation on the price for fame
And it was all the same, but then the antidote came
With DJ Jazzy Jeff scratching and Jazzyfatnastees provided background vocals, ?uestlove’s funky drumline provides a base for Black Thought to lay not only two energetic and technically impressive verses, but also one of the most addictive hooks he’s written to date. While Thought exclaims that he’s “The Dalai Lama of the mic”, The Roots as a collective hit you with a right hook meant to prove that they can make accessible, hit music while still being true to who they are as artists.
  1. Step Into the Realm
On Step into the Re(a)lm, ?uestlove showcases a little-known technique used often in the early 90s: the pause tape. ?uest described this process in an interview with DRUM! Magazine, saying
“When you wanted to create a drum loop, you get a recorder, press record and pause at the same time. When the drum break came, you would let the paused tape go right on the 1, and then pause it on the 1 again. After you did this about 20 times, you would have about five minutes of drums.”
Obviously this process was incredibly tedious, and was left behind by improved sampling technology that was prominent by the time the group was recording this project. Yet, a not so subtle homage can be heard on this track, with the backing track fading in and out, with the break coming at the end of the 45. This makes the already somber instrumental give even more room for Malik B and Black Thought’s hard hitting bars to pack an even bigger punch. The beat fades away for Thought to spit about his “mic slapping you senseless” and rolling through your hood “cocked back, Me and Hot Mack, the ’98, El Dorado Cadillac Jacks”.
  1. The Spark
While Black Thought can tend to get most of the shine when talking about The Roots’ pens, Malik B showcases on “The Spark” why he’s not an MC to be trifled with. With another head-bopping drumline from ?uest backing him, Malik spits on his purpose in life, driven by his faith in Islam. His faith is at odds with his violent tendencies, which he states are products of his environment. While he struggles with this internal conflict, he warns any who oppose him that are “wondering what’s in my heart, velocity or piety; yo, it depends on which one you bring to surface; at times I get trifled but to worship is my purpose”. He continues his exploration of this internal struggle between peace and violence, stating his full Islamic name is Abdul Malik, meaning servant of God. But just bars later, he spits “show me the vault or the safe, cause I’m on the paper chase”. While Malik explores this internal struggle, a smooth bassline combines with a keyboard-laden backtrack (both courtesy of D’Angelo) to give him room to shine, and they way his vocals are layered on certain bars really helps make his bars hit on what feels like his chance at the spotlight on this record.
  1. Dynamite!
While it feels almost wrong to use the word “banger”, given its connotations and tendency to be used to describe records lacking lyrical muscles or real meaning…..this track’s kind of a banger. J Dilla’s production hand shines, sampling a funky guitar from Nirvana (not that one, a 60’s jazz band by the same name). The track manages to stand out amongst an already stacked tracklist, with Black Thought’s hook proving to be infectious (edit: it’s taken me way too long to write the next track review, I keep coming back to this). Thought and Rehani Sayeed go back and forth throughout the track, effortlessly weaving into and out of each verse, talking about the importance of being present while riding this beat with some absolutely insane flows. And god DAMN is the beat on this thing sick. It’s quintessential Dilla, seemingly basic on the surface, but the more you listen to it the better it sounds. And while it may not seem like some technically complex thing, there’s a reason nobody could go toe-to-toe with Dilla: he was the only one who could make beats like this. For that matter. As soon as you finish reading this….go spin Donuts. I mean, listen to Things Fall Apart first if you haven’t. But like, right after. Donuts.
  1. Without a Doubt
This Lady B-assisted joint features a sample flip from fellow Philadelphia artist Schoolly D’s “Saturday Night”, and you’d be hard-pressed to argue that they don’t do the beat justice. With ?uest’s production hand spinning the sample into and out of the drumline, it gives the song a lot more unpredictability, and this gives Black Thought room to lay two of his most under-rated verses in his illustrious discography. That being said, this song acts as an ode to Philadelphia, with Lady B’s hook bringing things together. Thought’s verses constantly change flow, and the beat almost sounds like it reacts to his bars, giving them more space where he needs it. And this song further pushes what this entire album seemed to state: “Warn, ring the alarm, cause here The Roots come”.
  1. Ain’t Sayin’ Nothin’ New
So you like rapping? What about when one of the greatest MC’s of all-time raps his ass off, with one of his greatest influences matching him bar-for-bar? I don’t say this lightly when I say this is some of the best rapping you’ll find on this entire project, with Black Thought and Dice Raw absolutely spazzing on an infectious ?uestlove beat. They make it clear that the popular acts of the day don’t impress them, and suggesting that those guys, well, aint sayin nothin new. Dice Raw raps like HE’s the one who belongs on everybody’s top 10 lists, and honestly might have gotten the better of Thought on this track. That’s not to say Thought doesn’t deliver great verses, but Raw has more moments in which he shines.
Straight from the old school, ayo, Raw’s in full effect
I’m like, Lex Luther with rifles filled with kryptonite
When you grip the mic, its like, c’mon kids, lets say goodnight!
You don’t like me? But don’t even know why you should hate me
You scared to face these so I still remain safely
  1. Double Trouble
I feel like I wasted the “So you like rapping?” line a song too early. A song meant to pay homage to the original “double trouble” routine from the movie Wild Style, Black Thought and Mos Def put together one of hip-hop’s greatest examples of rappers trading bars. Ever. The beat, which ?uest told Drum Magazine took him about five hours to get the drums right for, is the epitome of the “dirty” sound that has come up so often throughout this write-up. Right from the get-go, Black Thought steers into this dirty sound by scatting at the top of the hook. As far as the bars go, there isn’t really anything I can say that does it justice. If the idea of Black Thought and Mos Def trading bars doesn’t speak for itself, then I probably can’t help you.
It’s also crazy to think that this song originally featured Talib Kweli as well, but there were too many bars for one song. Black Thought chose to steer into a Run-D.M.C. style track, with the back-and-forth bars meant to play like a tug-of-war between the rappers. This song’s background has one of my favorite hip-hop stories as well, with Black Thought recounting Mos leaving mid-recording to “go get a fish sandwich” and not coming back for a week. So there’s that.
  1. Act Too (The Love of My Life)
This song acts as an ode to hip-hop itself, with Thought calling it the love of his life throughout the track. He weaves in stories of struggling in his quest to make it in hip-hop, saying “it was all for you” and that he wouldn’t have made it in life if it weren’t for hip-hop. While Thought’s verse isn’t much deeper than just being a love letter to hip-hop, the guest verse provided by Chicago rapper Common is far more critical of the direction of hip-hop. While referencing his incredible song “I Used to Love H.E.R.” from Resurrection, Common expresses his discontent with the state of hip-hop, with bars aimed at N.W.A. (when we touch, it was more than just a Fuck the Police) and Puff (Her Daddy’ll beat H.E.R., eyes all Puff-ed). He seems to have the same underlying attitude of hip-hop being the love of his life, but instead expresses his discontent with the way hip-hop’s other suitors choose to treat her. For Common, it was always about love, and hip-hop had been overrun by hate. The beautiful beat acts as a perfect backdrop for these two to portray their love of hip-hop.
  1. 100% Dundee
While not the most popular song on the album, this one has stood out as one of my favorites from day one. Right from the get, Thought comes out the gate just spazzing – “Yo, on these seventy-three keys of ivory and ebony; I swear solemnly that I’ll forever rock steadily”. The title and hook act as a reference to Crocodile Dundee, where if hip-hop is the wild, the Roots are the absolute best out there, akin to Mick Dundee hunting fake MCs. With Rahzel beatboxing and Kamal Gray shining on the piano, the beat is just dirty enough to give Black Thought and Malik B room to spit some of their best verses on this whole project (Note: I think I’ve said that on almost half the songs on this project. It’s just that kind of album. Sorry). As far as the content goes, it basically re-iterates the ideas presented by calling the track 100% Dundee. They’re a level above everybody else in hip-hop, and they’re out to kill any fake MC’s who dare stand in their path.
  1. Diedre vs. Dice
A short 45-second interlude, Diedre vs. Dice consists of a short Dice Raw verse that was probably just too dope to be left off the project, but wasn’t able to be extrapolated into a full-fledged idea/song. With a barebones beat consisting of a dirty drum-line from ?uest and some strings that come into and out of the instrumental rather quickly, Dice Raw warns that “to me, these punk MC’s is nothin but fruit”. While short, it provides a needed break in the album that has just been going full-force for about ten tracks straight.
  1. Adrenaline!
And just as Diedre vs. Dice provides a mild break in the heavy-hitting instrumentals, Adrenaline! Comes right back with a stand-out performance not only by four spitters, but also by Kamal Gray on piano absolutely shining behind ?uestlove’s beat. While by this point in the project it should come as no surprise that Black Thought, Malik B, and Dice Raw all come through with heavy-hitting verses, a pre-Roc Beanie Sigel verse may come out of left field a bit, but his talent shines through already. This song is as Philly as it gets, with every rapper on here making references to Philly spots and icons. And the hook, while as barebones as a hook can really be, still manages to act as an earworm.
  1. 3rd Acts: ? Vs. Scratch 2 … Electric Boogaloo
This interlude, consisting entirely of scratching, was probably just put here so they could put Electric Boogaloo in a song title. Note: I really wanted to type a long-winded thing about how the lyricism just doesn’t stand up to some other tracks on the album and do this whole thing. But The Weeknd album comes out in like an hour and a half. So….priorities.
  1. You Got Me
Here we are. The big one. If this is the only track you’ve heard from The Roots, that’s okay. You need to fix it, but it’s okay. This is one of those songs that transcends beyond a genre or an album a little bit. Even though this album is amazing, this song reached a whole different level that the rest of the album never reached. This track won the group a grammy, and is far and away their biggest hit, despite not having anything that screams “Hit Single” about it. The hook, originally written by a then-unknown Jill Scott, is performed on the album cut by the amazing Erykah Badu.
The track tells the story of Thought meeting a woman from Philly while performing in Paris and linking when they get back, and the struggles of their budding relationship. The hook combines with Eve’s verse to act as the woman’s perspective, with her questioning if Thought only loves the mic before ensuring him that she could be trusted. The hook reassures this – “Baby don’t worry, you know that you got me”.
The instrumental on this thing is absolutely beautiful, with a rather simple guitar and drumline being supported by background vocals and strings to give an airy, euphoric sound that just plays so well into Erykah’s voice. It isn’t until the outro that you hear a whole lot out of ?uestlove, but this is one of the few tracks where he almost doesn’t need to take the center stage.
  1. Don’t See Us
As the album winds down, the instrumentals stay a little more low-key, like in the preceding track. The beat on this thing constantly changes, with a basic drumline and handclap being the only consistency. The keyboards on this are great when they show up, and the beat just begs for somebody to rap over it. And that’s just what Malik B, Black Thought, and Dice Raw all do, with six verses packed into this track. That being said, this track is honestly one of the weaker full-length tracks on the project and one of the only knocks on it. That’s not to say that it’s bad, because the instrumental is cool and the rappers all provide nice verses. But compared to so many of the other songs on this track list, this track just lacks that it factor, that thing that jumps out and grabs you and makes you go “Oh shit, that was kinda crazy”.
  1. The Return to Innocence Lost
The first time this song came on, I was just relaxing to this album and enjoying the unique sounds that make The Roots so incredible. There had been four or five times that I had stopped and went, “okay, I wasn’t ready for that, holy shit”. Boy was I naïve.
The Return to Innocence Lost is a spoken word poem by Ursula Rucker describing the vicious cycle of the hood. Anthony Tidd plays the guitar that weaves in and out behind her. I really don’t know how to describe how powerful this poem is, other than to say that it is one of the most haunting, disturbing things I’ve ever heard. When I write these track-by-track reviews, I usually sit and listen to each track 4-5 times before I start writing. I didn’t make it through the second round of this one. Its…. Incredible. And haunting. And powerful. And I could never do it justice in a hhh write-up.
  1. Act Fore….The End?
The introduction of this track gives a peak into the way The Roots operate: don’t know what to do? Make music. With a piano sample from an old TV Series theme Eager Beaver, scratching throughout, and one final dirty drumline from ?uest, the beat was laid out there for Black Thought to shine all on his own. He contributes three stellar verses that make up for an otherwise forgettable hook, and while this “hidden track” doesn’t add a ton to the album as a whole, it’s still a good track and I wouldn’t dare complain about more music from The Roots.
While “political” or “conscious” hip-hop is usually associated with having bars aimed at political figures or talking about systematic change, much of Things Fall Apart doesn’t fit that mold. It’s almost as if the sound itself was a statement, because it isn’t like Thought was spending lines shit-talking Bill Clinton. He was talking about the Philly streets, about the area he grew up in. Yet, the political tag this album gets applied doesn’t feel inherently misplaced. Thought’s stories act as their own message, taking the concept of suffering going on in his neighborhood and putting it on this grand pedestal for all to see.
All in all, this project not only provides some of the best live instrumentation in hip-hop, but some of the best lyricism you'll find as well. This project has some clear influence, not only other other projects of the Soulquarian era, but decades later as well. You can hear it on modern classics like To Pimp a Butterfly, as well as on some of the instrumentals chosen by Chicago's SaveMoney collective and related acts. This album feels like a moment in hip-hop, where an entire sound cultivated into one big project that everybody can look back on as one of the pinnacles of an entire sound.
Five Favorites: Dynamite!, The Return to Innocence Lost, You Got Me, 100% Dundee, Double Trouble
Final Rating: 9.6/10
Discussion Questions?
· Had you heard this project before? If not, did you recognize the main cover?
· What is your favorite Roots album, and where does this one stack up?
· How do you compare this project to the other projects coming out of the Soulquarian era?
· Would you consider this project political/conscious?
· How well does this album hold up?
· If released today, do you think this album would be received better or worse?
submitted by setch22 to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

RDT YouTube Playlist - August 15, 2020

No. Requested_by VIDEO OP's Remark
1 kawaiiiiiiijay Make the World Go Away None
2 kawaiiiiiiijay John Denver - Annie's Song (Official Audio) None
3 burnh12 MADNO None
4 The-Soldier-in-White Gladiator • Now We Are Free • Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard Tagging u_GumnaamFlautist None
5 burnh12 Yeh Honsla None
6 burnh12 Ek Jindari Lyrical Video - Hindi Medium - Irrfan Khan, Saba Qamar - Sachin -Jigar None
7 co_coa Kho Gaye Hum Kahan -Full Video -Baar Baar Dekho - Sidharth Malhotra, Katrina K- Jasleen R, Prateek K None
8 burnh12 Mukeshwa Ke Debe Ta Sar Jae None
9 co_coa Few minutes before dhoni hit the last ball six of worldcup 2011 None
10 co_coa Raat Raazi None
11 burnh12 Om Mangalam (Uncut Video Song) - Kambakkht Ishq - Akshay Kumar & Kareena Kapoor None
12 bubblebudgie Skeeter Davis ~ The End of The World (1962) None
13 burnh12 Nazar Nazar - Video Song - Fida - Shahid Kapoor & Kareena Kapoor - Udit N & Sapna - Anu Malik None
14 The-Soldier-in-White Beyoncé - Haunted (Michael Diamond Remix) None
15 BUNTOLEY Hanita Bhambri - Nothing For Our Own None
16 wannaboolwithme Joji ft. Clams Casino - CAN'T GET OVER YOU None
17 poopy__bunghole Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved (Official Music Video) None
18 Meraxes373 Cat's In The Cradle None
19 wannaboolwithme Island Song (Come Along with Me) (feat. Ashley Eriksson) None
20 co_coa Post Malone - rockstar ft. 21 Savage None
21 poopy__bunghole Oh I'm A Good Old Rebel None
22 Cucumber_Which Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes (Official Video) None
23 Ursamajorazure Aao Chalein None
24 HoeYouknowme Rajnigandha Phool Tumhare - Rajnigandha Song - Amol Palekar - Vidya Sinha - Lata Mangeshkar None
25 Meraxes373 George Jones - He Stopped Loving Her Today None
26 Cucumber_Which Magic - Colbie Caillat (lyrics) None
27 Cucumber_Which Christina Perri - A Thousand Years [Official Music Video] None
28 Meraxes373 Willie Nelson - Buddy None
29 6abhi6jeet6 Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy [Official Video] None
30 IIlIlllIIIll Vengaboys - To Brazil! None
31 hocuspocusmucous Jennifer Lopez - Ain't Your Mama None
32 Mokshadeva PESQUISEI "BRAZIL" no GOOGLE (o que os gringos buscam sobre Brasil) None
33 hocuspocusmucous Scene Contra - Premam None
34 Oxeam3 Linkin Park - Roads Untraveled None
35 akhileshthorat In The End (Official Video) - Linkin Park None
36 wannaboolwithme The Weeknd - Blinding Lights None
37 parlejibiscoot Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way (Official Music Video) None
38 antonvandyck Afroman - Colt 45 lyrics (High Quality) None
39 poopy__bunghole Eye-To-Eye - A Goofy Movie Lyrics HD fuck u alexa, I meant this one
40 hocuspocusmucous Aao Raja - Gabbar Is Back - Chitrangada Singh - Yo Yo Honey Singh - Neha Kakkar -DanceParty None
41 xartaddct Shweta Shetty - Johnny Joker Video None
42 co_coa Harry Styles - Sign of the Times (Official Video) None
43 antonvandyck Pitbull ft. Chris Brown - International Love (Official Video) None
44 antonvandyck Pitbull - Timber ft. Ke$ha (Official Video) None
45 bubblebudgie Angel Eyes - Raghav Tere Baaton Mein None
46 xartaddct 50 Cent ft. Justin Timberlake - Ayo Technology (Official Video) None
47 Oxeam3 Ava Max - Who's Laughing Now [Official Music Video] None
48 bitchiamsexy Lazy Weekends - Make You Remember (Lyrics) ft. Your Friends None
49 6abhi6jeet6 Alisha Chinai - Made In India Official Video - Milind Soman - Biddu - Ken Ghosh None
50 xartaddct Justin Timberlake - LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude None
51 co_coa Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks (Official Music Video) None
52 poopy__bunghole Justin Timberlake - SexyBack (Director's Cut) ft. Timbaland None
53 cask_pussyslayer Sunny Leone - Saree Wali Girl - Girik Aman None
54 xartaddct The Weeknd - In The Night / Can’t Feel My Face (Victoria Secret Paris Fashion Show) 4K HDR VIDEO 32D None
55 parlejibiscoot Vengaboys - Shalala lala None
56 co_coa Kanye West - Heartless None
57 hocuspocusmucous O Meri Jaan Full Video - Tum Mile-Emraan Hashmi,Soha Ali Khan-Pritam-KK-Sayeed Quadri None
58 Ursamajorazure Kahan hoon main -- Rasm-E- Duniya Not this one
59 6abhi6jeet6 The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face (Official Video) None
60 antonvandyck Smile - Butterfly (Official Music Video) None
61 hocuspocusmucous Maaloom (Full Video Song) - Lekar Hum Deewana Dil - Armaan Jain & Deeksha Seth None
62 xartaddct Timbaland-Bounce (Original) None
63 antonvandyck Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love (Official Music Video) ft. Pitbull None
64 hocuspocusmucous Dil Dance Maare - Full Song - Tashan - Akshay Kumar - Saif Ali Khan - Kareena Kapoor None
65 co_coa purani jeans aur guitar..(missing lovly years 1998) :( None
66 antonvandyck Bad Boys (Theme from COPS) None
67 hocuspocusmucous Chhaliya - Full Song - Tashan - Kareena Kapoor - Sunidhi Chauhan - Piyush Mishra None
68 terimeowki Fkj & Masego - Tadow None
69 bubblebudgie Shaggy - Hey Sexy Lady ft. Brian & Tony Gold (Official Music Video) None
70 poopy__bunghole Crazy Frog - Axel F (Official Video) None
71 antonvandyck R. Kelly - Ignition (Remix) (Official Music Video) None
72 Superbhatam Blue - One Love (Official Music Video) None
73 burnh12 Sean Paul - Temperature (Official Video) None
74 bubblebudgie Vengaboys - Kiss (When The Sun Don't Shine) None
75 antonvandyck Los Del Rio - Macarena (Bayside Boys Remix) None
76 xartaddct Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of...) (Official Video) None
77 Meraxes373 Sam Stone None
78 Cucumber_Which Las Ketchup - The Ketchup Song (Asereje) (Spanglish Version) (Official Video) None
79 trspnpnpn Tomb Raider - Reborn Trailer Music (Fired Earth and Liquid Cinema Mix) None
81 Cucumber_Which Vengaboys - Shalala lala None
82 terimeowki George Michael - Careless Whisper (Official Video) None
83 jadoo George Ezra - Budapest (Official Music Video) None
84 bubblebudgie JENNIFER PAIGE "CRUSH" original version (Official Video) HQ None
85 Cucumber_Which The Corrs - Erin Shore ALBUM VERSION None
86 trspnpnpn Sixteen Hundred Men None
87 Meraxes373 George Jones - He Stopped Loving Her Today None
88 trspnpnpn Game of Thrones - The Rains Of Castamere - by The National None
89 Meraxes373 Heaven's Light/Hellfire None
90 Cucumber_Which Sona Kitna Sona Hai - Govinda & Karisma Kapoor - Udit N & Poornima - Hero No.1 - 90's Blockbuster None
91 Meraxes373 Coco - Proud Corazón (Official Audio) None
92 i_Killed_Reddit Frenzo Harami - Tujhe Maaf Kiya [Music Video] So edgy
93 InfamousDosa Kisi Ki Muskurahaton Pe Ho Nisar - Raj Kapoor - Anari - Mukesh - Evergreen Hindi Songs HD None
94 i_Killed_Reddit Kyun Kisi Ko (Video Song) - Tere Naam - Salman Khan - Bhumika Chawla None
95 InfamousDosa Bade Achche Lagte Hain - Balika Badhu - Sachin Pilgaonkar, Rajni Sharma - Old Hindi Song None
96 i_Killed_Reddit Poha Recipe-How to make Kanda Poha-Easy Indian Breakfast Recipe-Savory Flattened Rice PohaRevolution
97 xartaddct Kitna Haseen Chehra - Dilwale Songs - Ajay Devgan - Raveena Tandon - Kumar Sanu - Kumar Sanu None
98 Superbhatam Kygo - Sunrise ft. Jason Walker (Official Audio) None
99 ppccbba Justin Bieber - Baby (Official Music Video) ft. Ludacris None
100 Devi-Prasad-Mishra Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna Lyric Video - Title Song-Shahrukh,Rani,Preity,Abhishek-Alka Yagnik None
101 burnh12 Chak De India - Full Title Song - Shah Rukh Khan - Sukhvinder Singh - Salim - Marianne D'Cruz None
102 Fascist_littlestbaby Faad dunga -- Round2Hell Latest video -- R2H None
103 GumnaamFlautist Woh Shaam Kuch Ajeeb Thi - Kishore Kumar - Khamoshi 1969 Songs - Waheeda Rehman, Rajesh Khanna None
104 Superbhatam Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex None
105 MainChompuTuBhompu A.R. Rahman - Maa Tujhe Salaam - Vande Mataram None
106 burnh12 Guru - Shauk hai (full song) None
107 bawli_poonch A.R. Rahman - Ay Hairathe Best Audio Song-Guru-Aishwarya Rai-Abhishek Bachchan-Alka None
108 aaluinsonaout Rang Barse - Holi Song - रंग बरसे - Silsila - Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha - Sanjeev Kumar, Jaya - होली None
109 ppccbba Pokemon: Pikachu Loves Ketchup Good bot
110 Crashttappen She Couldn't (Official Audio) - Linkin Park None
111 jinnemeradilluteya Bhai Bhai (Bhala Mori Rama) Song - Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ramleela None
112 kawaiiiiiiijay Abba - Mamma Mia (Official Video) None
113 Superbhatam Lose Yourself None
114 iaintwotuthink Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life (Official Video) None
115 xartaddct Sadda Haq Full Video Song Rockstar - Ranbir Kapoor None
116 i_Killed_Reddit Paisa Paisa (HD) Full Video Song - De Dana Dan - Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif - Best Bollywood Songs None
117 parlejibiscoot Khuda Se Mannat He Meri Full Video Song - HD - Mohanlal - Keerthichakra Movie Song None
118 terimeowki BENEE - Supalonely ft. Gus Dapperton good bot
119 Cucumber_Which Friends Theme song with lyrics None
120 Supernovaphoton Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga - Title Song - Anil - Sonam - Rajkummar - Juhi - Darshan - Rochak None
121 Ursamajorazure Baby Doll Full Video Song Ragini MMS 2 - Sunny Leone - Meet Bros Anjjan Feat. Kanika Kapoor Not This one pagli
122 Ursamajorazure Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation - Kyoot Animals None
123 Cucumber_Which How to Grow Cucumbers - Complete Growing Guide good bot
124 HoeYouknowme Give Ireland Back To The Irish None
125 BadSalad420 The Cranberries - Zombie (Official Music Video) None
126 HoeYouknowme The Cranberries - This Is The Day None
127 bitchiamsexy Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon with lyrics- Lata Mangeshkar - Live in Concert None
submitted by DesiAlexa to u/DesiAlexa [link] [comments]

Decentralized finance DFC-leading the next round of financial transformation

Decentralized finance DFC-leading the next round of financial transformation

The financial industry has been changing from decentralization to centralization and back to decentralization. In the early stages of the entire Internet, decentralized data was used to build a universal distributed read/write system. With the passage of time, the expandability of the Internet has become higher and higher, and the blockchain has gradually emerged, becoming an opportunity to plan and describe the blueprint of financial technology and build a next-generation Internet based on credit.

Opportunities in the era of DFC: Link the world and stand out

The global financial system has created tremendous wealth, but the centralized management of traditional financial institutions often leads to an unfair distribution of resources, and people with resource advantages are more likely to obtain funds. As global inequality becomes more severe, is there a way to break this shackle and give everyone the opportunity to achieve equal wealth growth? DeFi Decentralized Finance came into being.
In the past two years, the DeFi ecosystem has made great progress. According to Consensys reports, there are more than 100 cutting-edge blockchain projects in the field of decentralized finance. DeFi is already an economic system with a value of up to 3 billion yuan. After many years of precipitation, the DFC project has become more and more perfect, and the company has chosen to announce it at this time, taking advantage of the DeFi industry heat wave.
Create a decentralized and prosperous ecosystem

At present, the DFC project is conveniently connected with other DFC services through clearly defined APIs and standard smart contracts; focusing on its professional fields, integrating with other blockchain projects and building channels, opening the cross-chain exchange ecology to serve customers well, at the end of 2020, the lending and mining ecology will be officially launched, and mortgage lending will be started. The test network will be released in the first quarter of 2020, the stablecoin USDS ecological construction will be gradually completed, and the staking product based on DFC revenue will be launched simultaneously. It is expected that after a year of ecological testing, the main network will be officially released in the third quarter of 2021. In 2022, the construction of cross-chain ecology will be completed, and the community gradually expanded to 14 countries around the world. It will achieve the growth of millions of users worldwide, complete the leap of platform profits of tens of millions of dollars, and gradually develop and upgrade to DFC version 2.0, building more decentralized financial application ecology.
What should be the future blueprint for DFC? No one knows. However, it is foreseeable that DFC will be an important supplement to traditional finance because of its non-access feature. If the emergence of Bitcoin makes low-cost cross-border payments possible, then the development of the DFC system is the second breakthrough in the blockchain system. It is fundamentally changing the settlement structure of the global financial system.
With the development of technology and wide application, a new decentralized financial system came into being. DeFi Coin (hereinafter referred to as DFC) is a cross-chain decentralized financial (DeFi) platform created by the Singapore DIFI Blockchain Foundation. With the decentralized operation and management mechanism of DFC, DFC proves to the world that the promotion of decentralized business structure is a widely used business blueprint for human society. Every innovative product is launched with powerful support behind it.
Adhering to the direction of decentralization and financializing encrypted assets, this is the evolution direction of encrypted assets. Blockchain is born to serve the economic system and financial system. DFC stands out and is expected to become the key to the bull market.
DFC is currently building DeFi and cross-border financial solutions globally. Our scalable public blockchain supports an open financial infrastructure layer-a set of smart contracts. Developers can build products and applications accordingly, without having to start from scratch. In addition, we are also creating products that fully serve cross-border payments, allowing partners to use DFC's global settlement layer in various scenarios, such as import/export, international payroll, and international e-commerce payments.
Of course, the world's largest well-known financial ecosystem created by DFC has reached a strategic partnership with the world's leading C2B blockchain data trading platform Datawallet, Indonesia's head financial technology company Ayo Uang and other large-scale traffic portal platforms. Relying on the advantages of extensive community resources and platform resources, DFC quickly formed a considerable influence on the global scale, with a total financing amount of tens of millions of dollars, and won the favor of more than 20 top blockchain investment institutions and individual investors. At the same time, CNBC, ABC, Yahoo, "The Wall Street Journal", "Forbes", Sinovision, Xinhua News Agency, Phoenix Satellite TV, Sina, SMG Vietnam VITV TV and other top media have been widely reported.
In other words, unlike other functional DeFi projects, DFC is not satisfied with being an "upgraded version" or "alternative" of a traditional financial instrument, but hopes to work together with super volunteers with a high consensus spirit around the world. Using the underlying technology of the blockchain to build a decentralized financial ecosystem with complete bottom, rich applications, and prosperous communities.

DFC ends financial crisis, two-way enabling scenarios

There will be more and more financial products on both the B-end and C-end on DFC, and they will definitely be uneven. However, all products will enter the global unified community evaluation system, and evaluations based on product performance, safety, stability, underlying asset quality and other dimensions will also be chained to become a product traceable credit system.
It is necessary for DFC's invention patents to use blockchain technology to solve existing problems on the Internet. DFC has completely independent intellectual property rights for "an implementation of a decentralized application development platform". The underlying technology platform of the DFC blockchain has the characteristics of high TPS, low latency, security, and 3D data upload, which can fully meet the needs of Internet applications data on-chain, and has applied for more than 300 invention patents, has become the strongest technology community after BAT independent research and development technology.
It is not just technology that drives the decentralized financial system. The power of DFC’s huge community is based on the help of the global community.The global super-volunteer community allocates community traffic and capital resources at any time according to their respective behavior rights and functions. In response to the global community, the DFC project team concentrated on exploring the application of blockchain technology in the field of people's livelihood, contributing to the compliance and practicality of blockchain, and giving back to society with technology. In addition to the strength foundation laid by DFC North American technology development team, the community of South American community developers has also continuously added to the DFC system. Unlike the American community's strong interest in technology, the power of DFC's blockchain cultural ecology has been advancing the globalization process of the DFC community and market. DFC's African community has continuously contributed brand power to users around the world.
There are volunteer communities in 100 countries around the world, and the fission of more than 100,000 communities will change the global world financial system, realize the basic ecology of DFC belonging to all mankind, and bring on-chain life services to users around the world. The decentralized ecological community has promoted the progress and development of the blockchain cultural ecosystem.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that DFC includes all DeFi businesses in the current market-cross-chain asset exchange, decentralized exchanges and stable currency, financial services, loan services, and mining ecology. For DFC finance to develop, it needs to be built on the basis of other higher-frequency businesses, on the basis of the precipitation of a large number of existing assets, and on a reliable stable currency system.
According to the existing ecological deduction, if decentralized transactions can slowly become popular, there will be more and more accumulated and precipitated funds. After more and more precipitated funds, the mortgage will generate decentralized stable coins. Basically, with the flow of decentralized transactions and reliable stablecoins, the development of DFC financial business is much easier, and DFC finance is where the advantages of decentralized transactions are truly reflected, and centralized exchanges cannot really do it. With DFC Finance, decentralized transactions may go hand-in-hand with centralized transactions, or even overtake.
Since the entire community is a strong consensus ecology, the DeFi business can not only quickly land on DFC, but also realize model upgrade. In the future, the ecological scenario of DFC will continue to be concrete, detailed, and implement applications, get rid of the shackles of the platform, build a free economic world with the interconnection of everything using finance as a medium, and enable global fintech business in both directions.

Top teams work hard to build DFC services worldwide

The core of the future form of DFC is to realize a distributed autonomous borderless open financial system, and form a stable, self-evolving community autonomous financial system that supports the full integration of online and offline finance. Therefore, DFC will rely on cross-chain and decentralized exchanges and other technologies, expand the DeFi application ecosystem, establish a community autonomous financial system, implement modern financial transformation of existing digital token products according to certain rules, and improve the communication channels between existing physical finance and digital token finance. In the world of digital tokens, share the latest global economic achievements; in the future architecture, connect with the digital token system issued by global central banks and enterprises, such as DC/EP and Facebook’s Libra.
Based on this, DFC can achieve ecological closed loop and sustainable development, serving billions of users worldwide.
It is understood that the DFC team is an international team, which is composed of global financial professionals and blockchain technology talents. Its blockchain and DeFi technical teams are composed of the Musk rocket startup team, Google artificial intelligence research institution, Russian cryptography and other global diverse teams. At present, these teams have joined the DFC community in accordance with the organization principles of the open source community, and have conducted in-depth and extensive research and construction work. The participation of top international talents has prompted DFC to break through technical barriers and set off a wave of Genesis for the future.
At present, some decentralized financial products have appeared in the cryptocurrency market, and DFC is one of the pioneers. Its founder and CEO Piyush Gupta is a leader in this regard. He has held various positions in Morgan Bank, DLT Association, DAO Decentralized Organization American Association, and now Piyush Gupta said that DFC has passed the 0x Project protocol test and is beginning to break the traditional use case of Bitcoin as a value store, which has become a leader in the development of decentralized financial technology.

DFC Leads Financial Change: The Best Times for Breakers

The first important development of the financial system in history is its own transformation to the direction of "finance". This sentence sounds a bit abstract,to put it in a nutshell, when people finally have enough resources for trading and cooperation, and not just for their immediate survival, abstract finance is formed. For example, extra wheat can be exchanged for pottery, animals, or even original portrait sculptures or toys.
Throughout the history of finance, from coins to paper fiat currencies to digital finance, the latter is probably the most successful form of finance to date. It can realize the DFC vision, tokenize all assets, and open up the financial transformation of global free transactions.
At present, the total monthly transaction volume of popular crypto exchanges can exceed billions of dollars. DFC leads the next round of financial change, from infrastructure to applications to network security, DFC embraces the future of financial technology and is a major opportunity for global finance. We are in the middle of a thousand-year opportunity, there are many changes in the process , and due to our inherent limitations of thinking, we cannot see clearly the trend of future outlets. The economic cycle of DFC's future layout faces huge global challenges, but it also contains rare opportunities. Under internal and external troubles, this is the worst era, but for those who break the game, this is the best era.
submitted by DeFiCoin to u/DeFiCoin [link] [comments]

Remix Pack [10-March-2020]

3LAU – Tokyo [FT. XIRA] [Le Youth Remix] 7A 124 50 Cent FT. Justin Timberlake – Ayo Technology [Chris Ultranova Remix] Dirty 1A 126 50 Cent FT. Justin Timberlake – Ayo Technology [Chris Ultranova Remix] Dirty CK Cut 1A 126 100 Gecs – ringtone [Remix] [FT. Charli XCX, Rico Nasty, Kero Kero Bonito] 6A 107 Adam Beyer, Green Velvet, Layton Giordani – Space Date [Pleasurekraft Remix] 2A 127 Alan Walker – Alone [Pt. II] [RetroVision Remix] 2A 126 Alan Walker, K 391, Tungevaag, Mangoo – PLAY [Wordz Deejay Meets Mike Brubek Remix] 11A 102 Alex Newell – Boy, You Can Keep It [Chus & Ceballos Club Mix] [Edit] 5A 126 Alex Schulz – My Heart Is Your Heart [Club Edit] 11A 126 Andrew Bayer – Open End Resource [Leaving Laurel Remix] 10B 125 Anne-Marie – Birthday [Don Diablo Remix] 1A 124 Ant Saunders & Audrey Mika – Yellow Hearts [Remix] 9B 129 Anton Powers – I’m Falling [Next Habit Remix] [DJ Allan MMP Intro Edit] [Radio Edit] 1A 124 Anton Powers – I’m Falling [Next Habit Remix] [Main] 1A 124 Anton Powers – I’m Falling [Next Habit Remix] [Radio Edit] 1A 124 Arizona Zervas – ROXANNE [Amice Remix] Dirty 11A 120 Arizona Zervas – ROXANNE [Amice Remix] Dirty CK Cut 11A 120 Armand Van Helden, Lorne – Give Me Your Loving [Club Mix] 8A 126 Armin Van Buuren – All Comes Down [Third Party Remix] 1B 127 Armin Van Buuren – Million Voices [Madison Mars Remix] 5B 126 Ashanti – Foolish [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Clean 8A 101 Ashanti – Foolish [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Intro – Clean 8A 101 Bad Bunny, Jowell & Randy & Ñengo Flow – Safaera – BROSS Club Edit [Dirty] 7A 96 Becky Hill – Better Off Without You [Joel Corry Remix] 9A 124 Becky Hill & Shift K3y – Better Off Without You [Joel Corry Remix] 8A 124 Becky Hill FT. Shift K3Y – Better Off Without You [Joel Corry Remix] [Intro Clean] 9A 124 Ben Bohmer, Monolink – Black Hole [Gui Boratto Re-Work] 11A 122 Benny Benni FT. Anyelo Rr Rafee Y Jay Maly – Yijaaa [Remix] [DJ Nino Mix] 11A 90 Bill Haley & His Comets – Rock Around The Clock [Select Mix Remix] 8A 90 Billie Eilish – Bad Guy [DISEL Remix] Clean 6A 122 Billie Eilish – Bad Guy [DISEL Remix] Clean CK Cut 6A 122 Bob Marley & The Wailers – Redemption Song [Ziggy Marley Remix] [Original Mix] 9B 118 Bob Marley & The Wailers – Sun Is Shining [Funkstar Deluxe Remix] [Extended Mix] 9A 130 Bob Marley & The Wailers – Sun Is Shining [Yes King Remix] [Original Mix] 8A 73 Bob Marley & The Wailers – Waiting In Vain [Jim James Remix] [Original Mix] 4B 79 Bob Sinclar – I Feel For You [Mercer Remix] 1A 126 Bob Sinclar – Rock This Party [Slashlove Y Showtime Remix] 3A 128 Bobby Darin – Splish Splash [Select Mix Remix] 8B 152 Body Heat Gang Band – Play That Game [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 4A 117 Bonka, The Romantic Era – All Your Love [Ellipso Remix] 4B 128 Boogie Hill Faders x Q-Tip – Breathe & Stop [Beatnuts Watch Out Now Flip] [Abstract Remix Collection #1] [Clean] 10A 100 Boogie Hill Faders x Q-Tip – Breathe & Stop [Beatnuts Watch Out Now Flip] [Abstract Remix Collection #1] [Dirty] 10A 100 Brandy – Almost Doesn’t Count [Double A Remix] [Clean] 5A 111 Britney Spears – Criminal [Bietto Remix] 8A 140 BROCKHAMPTON – SUGAR [Remix] [FT. Dua Lipa] 4A 123 BROCKHAMPTON FT. Dua Lipa – SUGAR [Remix] [Dirty] 4B 62 BROCKHAMPTON FT. Dua Lipa – SUGAR Remix 4A 123 Brockhampton FT. Dua Lipa Ryan Beatty & Jon B – Sugar [Remix] [Clean] 4A 123 Brockhampton FT. Dua Lipa Ryan Beatty & Jon B – Sugar [Remix] [DJ Rukus Intro Edit] [Clean] 4A 123 Camila Cabello FT. DaBaby – My Oh My [Keepin It Heale & AZ2A Remix] Clean 5A 124 Camila Cabello FT. DaBaby – My Oh My [Keepin It Heale & AZ2A Remix] Clean CK Cut 5A 124 Cassie FT. Trina, Lola Monrie – All Gold, All Girls [Remix] [Dirty] 8A 100 Cedric Gervais – Molly [Quintino Remix] [Isaac Jordan Edit] 8A 126 Chris Lake & Solardo – Free Your Body [Noizu Remix] [Clean Extended] 7A 127 Chris Lake & Solardo – Free Your Body [Noizu Remix] [Clean Radio Edit] 7A 127 Chris Lake, Solardo – Free Your Body [Noizu Remix] 7A 127 Chuck Berry – Johnny B. Goode [Select Mix Remix] 6B 84 Club Breakerz x Sean Paul x David Guetta x Becky G – Mad Love [Max Wallin & Moombahbaas Edit] [Clean] 9A 105 Club Breakerz x The Weeknd x Charlie Lane – Pray For Me [MC Hammer Edit] [Clean] 8A 123 Club Breakerz x Tyga x Nicki Minaj – Dip Remix [Redrum] [Clean] 8A 99 Crystal Waters – Gypsy Woman [Jet Boot Jack Remix] 7A 123 Dada Life – So Young So High [Dillon Francis Remix] 12B 73 Daddy’s Groove – Stellar [Club Edit] 11A 128 David West, Ida Engberg – Abataka [Magdalena Remix] 2A 123 Deejay Oninz x Kylie Minogue – I Should Be So Lucky [80’s Euro House Re-Work] [Clean] 8A 128 Dillon Francis – DFR [Beauty Brain Remix] 2A 128 Dillon Francis – DFR [Shndō Remix] 2A 128 DJ Allan x Justin Bieber – Yummy [Vadim Adamov & Hardphol Remix] [Clean] 8A 126 DJ Allan x Justin Timberlake, SZA – The Other Side [Sonnendeck Remix] [Clean] 6A 122 DJ Allan x Mr. Vegas – Fresh [Donny Rampage Remix] [Clean] 11B 103 DJ Allan x Pink x Axel Paerel – Get The Party Started [Axel Paerel Remix] [Clean] 8A 125 DJ Allan x Travis Scott – Goosebumps [Madsko Remix] [Clean] 9A 130 DJ Arman Aveiru x Eurythmics x James Hype – Sweet Dreams [Remix] [P. Break Acapella Intro] [Clean] 5A 126 DJ Jeff x Flo Rida – Right Round [Reynor Remix] [Clean] 8A 126 DJ KEMIT – Digital Love [Remix] 2A 120 DJ Nelson S x Becky Hill – Better Off Without You [Joel Corry Remix] [Clean] 9A 124 DJ Nelson S x Harry Styles – Adore You [Joe Bermudez Remix] [Clean] 5A 120 DJ Nelson S x Lady Gaga – Stupid Love [JME-LFY Remix] [Clean] 6B 126 DJ Nelson S x Sam Smith – To Die For [Blinkie Remix] [Clean] 8A 124 DJ OD x Victor Cardenas & Kelly Ruiz – Siento [Club Edit] [Clean] 8A 130 DJ Snake, J Balvin, Ozuna, Nicky Jam, Natti Natasha, Darell & Sech – Loco Contigo [Remix] [Select Mix Remix] 11A 96 DJ Surda x Regard – Ride It [James Hype VIP Remix] [Clean] 2A 123 DJ Surda x Wiley – Wearing My Rolex [Remix] [Dirty] 2A 108 DJ Surda x Wiley – Wearing My Rolex [Remix] [Extended] [Clean] 2A 108 DJ Surda x Wiley – Wearing My Rolex [Remix] [Extended] [Dirty] 2A 108 Doja Cat – Say So [Jax Jones Midnight Snack Remix] Clean 11A 122 Doja Cat – Say So [Jax Jones Midnight Snack Remix] Clean CK Cut 11A 122 Drake FT. Shaggy – Find Your Love [Mike D Tropical Blendz Remix] Clean 11A 96 Drake FT. Shaggy – Find Your Love [Mike D Tropical Blendz Remix] Clean No Shaggy 11A 96 Drake FT. Shaggy – Find Your Love [Mike D Tropical Blendz Remix] Intro Clean 11A 96 Drake FT. Shaggy – Find Your Love [Mike D Tropical Blendz Remix] Intro Clean No Shaggy 11A 96 Dubdogz – Infinity [NEUBAUER Remix] 8A 124 DVJ Xtroyer – Señorita Colombia [DVJ Xtroyer International Remix 2K20] 8B 130 Eats Everything – Space Raiders [Charlotte De Witte Remix] 11A 132 Ed Sheeran FT. Travis Scott – Antisocial [MK Remix – Intro] 3A 125 Edward Maya – Stereo Love [Timmy Trumpet Remix] 12A 150 EDX – Off The Grid [Mastrovita Remix Edit] 8A 124 Eli & Fur – You & I [John Monkman Remix] 3A 123 Emeli Sande FT. Kendrick Lamar – Next To Me [Remix] [Main] 8A 95 Enamour – Ruby [Miru Remix] 4A 122 Faithless – Insomnia [CRG Remix] Clean 10A 150 Fatboy Slim – Right Here Right Now [Coyu Remix] 8A 124 Francesco Dinoia – Pushing On – Myles Club Edit 6A 125 Franky Rizardo & Roul & Doors – Elements [Hardwell & Dannick Remix] [Isaac Jordan Edit] 7A 128 Fubu – Uh Oooh [Redondo On The Air Remix] 9A 124 Future FT. Lil Wayne – Karate Chop [Remix] [Clean] 12A 68 Future FT. Lil Wayne – Karate Chop [Remix] [Dirty] 12A 68 Georgia – About Work The Dancefloor [The Black Madonna Remix] 2A 124 Gerry Read – It’ll All Be Over [DJ Koze Remix] 7A 123 Gershon Jackson – Mania [I Kan Feel It] [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 8A 124 Great Good Fine OK – 2K20 [Wolf & Love Remix – Intro] 2A 90 Green Velvet – Bigger Than Prince [Siege Remix] 4A 125 Gregory Porter – Revival [R3hab Remix] 5A 128 Guaynaa FT. Nicky Jam x Farruko x Sech Y Becky G – Rebota [DJ Nino Mix Remix] 6A 90 H.E.R. FT. Pop Smoke, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie & Chris Brown – Slide [Remix] [Intro-Outro] [DJ Drake] [Dirty – 97Bpm] 5A Halfcast Bastards – Sometimes We Funk [Matt Hughes Remix] 5A 123 Halsey – You Should Be Sad [Colin Jay & J Bruus Remix] Clean 10A 124 Halsey – You Should Be Sad [Colin Jay & J Bruus Remix] Clean CK Cut 10A 124 Harry Styles – Adore You [Joe Bermudez Remix] [Intro Clean] 5A 120 Headie One – 18HUNNA [Four Tet Remix] 2A 145 Headie One – Back To Basics [Floating Points Remix] 1A 139 House Of Glass – Disco Down [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 12A 122 Ida Engberg – Abataka [Mixed] [Magdalena Remix] 2A 123 Idris Elba – Ballie [FT. Kah-Lo] [Destructo Remix] 6A 124 Ivan Gough FT. Georgi Kay – In My Mind [Axwell Remix] [Isaac Jordan Edit] 5A 128 J Balvin – Blanco [Select Mix Remix] 7A 100 J090 – Dreamer [BK298 Extended Remix] 5A 128 J090 – Dreamer [BK298 Remix] [DJ Allan MMP Intro Edit] 5A 128 J090 – Dreamer [BK298 Remix] [Main] 5A 128 J090 – Dreamer [BK298 Remix] Clean 5A 128 J090 – Dreamer [BK298 Remix] Clean Smassh Cut 5A 128 J090 – Dreamer [BK298 Remix] Extened Clean 5A 128 J090 – Dreamer [Child Of The 90’s Remix] [Main] 5A 130 J090 – Dreamer [Luis Rumore Extended Remix] 4A 126 J090 – Dreamer [Luis Rumore Remix] [Clean] 4A 126 J090 – Dreamer [Luis Rumore Remix] [DJ Allan MMP Intro Edit] 4A 126 J090 – Dreamer [Luis Rumore Remix] [DJ Rukus Intro Edit] [Clean] 4A 126 J090 – Dreamer [Luis Rumore Remix] [Main] 4A 126 J090 – Dreamer [PBH & Jack Extended Remix] 5A 126 J090 – Dreamer [PBH & Jack Remix] [DJ Allan MMP Intro Edi] 5A 126 J090 – Dreamer [PBH & Jack Remix] [Main] 5A 126 J090 – Dreamer [PBH & Jack Remix] Clean 5A 126 J090 – Dreamer [PBH & Jack Remix] Clean Smassh Cut 5A 126 J090 – Dreamer [PBH & Jack Remix] Extened Clean 5A 126 Jack Rainey – Fiction Ain’t A Friend [Steve Brian Remix] 1A 128 Javier Gonzalez & Sascha Sonido – Panamericana – Mar-T Vs. Myles Club Edit 6A 125 Jay-Z FT. Melissa Morgan – Can’t Knock The Hustle [Fool’s Paradise Remix – EwONE! Chorus Only] [Clean] 8A 95 Jay-Z FT. Melissa Morgan – Can’t Knock The Hustle [Fool’s Paradise Remix – EwONE! Intro-Outro] [Dirty] 8A 95 Jay-Z FT. Melissa Morgan – Can’t Knock The Hustle [Fool’s Paradise Remix] [Dirty] 8A 95 Jerry Lee Lewis – Great Balls Of Fire [Select Mix Remix] 6A 159 Jessie Reyez – LOVE In The DARK [Dzeko Remix] 10A 126 Jinadu, Mirko Deep – Fever [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 8A 122 Joel Corry – Lonely [VIP Mix] 7A 125 Joel Corry, ZAYN, SHAED – Trampoline [Joel Corry Remix] Clean AXB Cut 6A 125 Joel Corry, ZAYN, SHAED – Trampoline [Joel Corry Remix] Clean Extended 6A 125 Joel Corry, ZAYN, SHAED – Trampoline [Joel Corry Remix] Clean Radio 6A 125 Johnny Cash – I Walk The Line [Select Mix Remix] 7B 101 Jonathan Rosa, Kyla Millette – Daylight [Simon Doty Remix] 2A 120 Jose Giraldo x El Alfa FT. Lil Pump, Vin Diesel, Sech Y Myke Towers – Coronao Now Remix [Extended] 1A 118 JSTJR – I See You [Good Times Ahead Remix] Clean 4A 132 JSTJR – I See You [Good Times Ahead Remix] Clean Deville Cut 4A 132 Justin Bieber – Yummy [Flava Remix] [Radio] 10A 71 Justin Bieber – Yummy [Pink Panda Remix] Clean 6A 126 Justin Bieber – Yummy [Pink Panda Remix] Clean CK Cut 6A 126 Karol G, Nicki Minaj – Tusa [Select Mix Remix] 10A 101 Kelly Clarkson – People Like Us [Show & Tell Remix] 2B 128 Kid Cudi – Day & Nite [Dunisco Re-Work] Clean 9A 123 Kid Cudi – Day & Nite [Dunisco Re-Work] Clean CK Cut 9A 123 Kid Ink FT. Chris Brown – Show Me [Level Up & K Kyoto Remix] Clean CK Cut 9A 124 Kid Ink FT. Chris Brown – Show Me [Level Up! & K-Kyoto Remix] Clean 9A 124 Klaas – We Are Free [Bodybangers Remix] 8A 128 Kyle Watson – I Got You [Wh0 Remix] 4A 124 La Metarialista – La Chapa [Norambuena Remix Edit] 4A 128 Lady Gaga – Stupid Love [JME-LFY Remix] [Intro Clean] 6B 126 Lady Gaga – Stupid Love [RYAN Remix] 5B 125 Lane 8 – The Rope [FT. POLIÇA] [Le Youth Remix] 9B 125 Layton Greene, Lil Baby, City Girls, Pnb Rock – Leave Em Alone [Flava Mix] [Club] 1A 103 Liquid Todd – Move Your Feet [Fenix Remix] 6A 126 Lock ‘N Load – Blow Ya Mind [Dave Winnel Remix] 4A 126 Loco Dice – Roots [DJ Tennis Remix] 6A 131 Lorde – Royals [Double A Remix] [Clean] 7A 85 Lupe Fuentes – Into You [Curt Reynolds Remix] 8A 125 Mabel – Boyfriend – Apollo Remix 10A 124 Mabel – Boyfriend [Digital Farm Animals Remix] [Enrie BeeHive Edit] 10A 120 Madonna – Music [Enkode & LELO Remix] 4A 124 Mariah Carey – It’s Like That [Andy Locker Remix] Clean 1A 124 Mariah Carey – It’s Like That [Andy Locker Remix] Clean CK Cut 1A 124 Marie Davidson – Work It [Soulwax Remix] 9B 125 Maroon 5 – Daylight [Joe Maz Remix] 10B 130 Mary J Blige – Family Affair [Club Killers Remix] [Intro Clean] 1A 98 Mary J Blige – Family Affair [Club Killers Remix] [Intro Dirty] 1A 98 Mary J Blige – Family Affair [Club Killers Remix] Clean 1A 98 Mary J Blige – Family Affair [Club Killers Remix] Clean CK Cut 1A 98 Mary J Blige – Family Affair [Club Killers Remix] Dirty 1A 98 Mary J Blige – Family Affair [Club Killers Remix] Dirty CK Cut 1A 98 Master At Work – To Be In Love [Secret Spade Re-Work] 9A 115 Mau Y Ricky FT. Lunay – La Boca [S7ein Remix Edit] 10A 93 Mau Y Ricky, Nicky Jam, Dalex, Dimelo Flow, Justin Quiles, Lenny Tavarez – BOTA FUEGO [Select Mix Remix] 1A 88 Megan Thee Stallion FT. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign – Hot Girl Summer [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Acap Out – Clean 8A 100 Megan Thee Stallion FT. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign – Hot Girl Summer [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Acap Out – Dirty 8A 100 Megan Thee Stallion FT. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign – Hot Girl Summer [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Clean CK Cut 8A 100 Megan Thee Stallion FT. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign – Hot Girl Summer [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Dirty CK Cut 8A 100 Megan Thee Stallion FT. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign – Hot Girl Summer [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Intro – Clean 8A 100 Megan Thee Stallion FT. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign – Hot Girl Summer [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Intro – Dirty 8A 100 MGMT – Kids [TWINSICK Remix] Clean 11A 150 MGMT – Kids [TWINSICK Remix] Clean CK Cut 11B 150 Midnight Kids – Run It [Famba Remix] 4A 122 Moon Boots, Steven Klavier – Tied Up [Kenny Dope Remix] 4A 124 Moon Rocket – Funk U! [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 8A 121 Moon Rocket – Intro [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 3A 122 Music P, Marque Aurel – F.E.E.L. [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 9A 122 Nacho FT. Yandel Y Bad Bunny – Bailame Remix [Agu Leyton Edit] 2A 96 Nervo & Skazi – Faded [HVRCRFT Remix] Clean 2A 150 Nervo & Skazi – Faded [HVRCRFT Remix] Clean Deville Cut 2A 150 NGHTMRE & Gunna – Cash Cow [NGHTMRE & BLVK JVCK VIP Mix] CK Intro – Dirty 6A 148 NGHTMRE & Gunna – Cash Cow [NGHTMRE & BLVK JVCK VIP Mix] Dirty 6A 148 NGHTMRE & Gunna – Cash Cow [NGHTMRE & BLVK JVCK VIP Mix] Dirty CK Cut 6A 148 Nice & Smooth – Hip Hop Junkies [Remix – DJ Noise Acapella In] [Clean Short] 4A 100 Nice & Smooth – Hip Hop Junkies [Remix – DJ Noise Acapella In] [Clean] 4A 100 Nice & Smooth – Hip Hop Junkies [Remix – DJ Noise Acapella In-Out] [Clean Short] 4A 100 Nice & Smooth – Hip Hop Junkies [Remix – DJ Noise Acapella In-Out] [Clean] 4A 100 Nice & Smooth – Hip Hop Junkies [Remix] [Clean] 4A 100 Nice & Smooth – Hip Hop Junkies [Remix] [HH Clean Intro] 4A 100 Nice & Smooth – Hip Hop Junkies [Remix] [HH Clean Short] 4A 100 Nicky Jam, Anuel AA – Whine Up [Select Mix Remix] 8A 105 Nio Garcia FT. Bryant Myers, Alex Rose, Arcangel, Amenazzy & Young Blade – Mantecado De Coco [Remix] [Dirty] 12B 90 Noemi Dee – Leave Me Alone 2K20 [DJ Piere Italo Extended Remix Master VersIion] 3A 133 Norenoise – Seventy [Andrea Jeannin Remix] 5A 123 Notorious B.I.G – Mo Money Mo Problems [Korben Dallas Remix] 11A 105 Notorious B.I.G. Vs. Zapp FT. Rodger Troutman – Me & My Bitch [Computer Love Remix] [Digital Dave Re-Work] Dirty 12A 85 Notorious B.I.G. Vs. Zapp FT. Rodger Troutman – Me & My Bitch [Computer Love Remix] [Digital Dave Re-Work] Intro – Dirty 12A 85 N-You-Up – Vibin’ [Saison Remix] 4A 123 Omarion x Chris Brown x Jhene Aiko – Post To Be [Dennis Blaze Mo Fiyah Reggae Remix] [Intro Clean] 4A 94 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Bills & Hurr Club Remix] 9A 126 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Dave Aude Club Remix] 9B 130 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Dave Aude Dub Remix] 9B 130 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Flexican & Siro Club Remix] 9A 125 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Gregori Klosman Remix] 9A 130 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Jakwob Club Remix] 9A 70 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Moto Blanco Club Remix] 9A 128 Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces [Rack & Ruin Club Remix] 9A 70 Passion Pit – Carried Away [Tiesto Remix] 6B 128 Paul Oakenfold – Southern Sun [Markus Schulz In Search Of Sunrise Remix] 9A 132 Pink – Get The Party Started [Axel Paerel Remix] 8A 125 Post Malone – Wow [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Clean 12A 100 Post Malone – Wow [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Dirty 12A 100 Post Malone – Wow [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Intro – Clean 12A 100 Post Malone – Wow [DJ Nasa DanceHall Remix] Intro – Dirty 12A 100 PRETTYMUCH, CNCO – Me Necesita [Select Mix Remix] 1A 88 Prospa – Prayer [DJ Seinfeld Remix] 1A 128 PSY FT. 2 Chainz, Tyga – Gangnam Style [Diplo Remix] [Dirty] 10A 73 R Plus – My Boy [Elliot Adamson Remix;Edit] 8A 124 Rauw Alejandro – Fantasias [Remix] 3B 94 Rauw Alejandro FT. Anuel AA, Natti Natasha, Farruko & Lunay – Fantasias [Remix] [Clean] 3B 94 Rauw Alejandro, Anuel AA & Natti Natasha FT. Farruko & Lunay – Fantasias [Remix] [Mula Redrum] 3B 105 Regard – Ride It [Amice Remix] 6A 122 Rihanna – Pon De Replay [Omar Duro & Sico Vox Remix] [Dirty] 11A 100 Rihanna FT. David Guetta – Right Now [Justyle Remix] 2A 72 Ritchie Valens – La Bamba [Select Mix Remix] 9B 150 Robbie Dupree – Steal Away [2nd Nature Remix] [Isaac Jordan Edit] 7A 128 Roberto Surace – Joys [Lee Street Remix] 3A 124 Roberto Surace – Joys [Purple Disco Machine Extended Remix] 3A 123 Robin Schulz – In Your Eyes [FT. Alida] [KREAM Remix] 1A 124 Robin Schulz FT. Alida – In Your Eyes [KREAM Remix] [Radio Edit] 1A 124 Robin Schulz FT. Alida – In Your Eyes [KREAM Remix] 1A 124 Rocco & Bass T – Alright [El DaMieN Remix] 3A 140 Rochy RD, Ceky Viciny, EL Mega & El Cherry Scom – La Maxima Remix [Dirty] 10A 118 Roddy Ricch – The Box [Callum Knight Remix] [Enrie BeeHive Edit] [Dirty] 3A 124 Rubb Sound System – No End Baby [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 6B 123 Ruben Moran, Edmund, Karina K. Crystal – All These Things [Nassau Remix] 8A 123 S.P.C. – The Sign [Wave Crushers Remix] 4A 118 SAINt JHN – Roses [Imanbek Remix] [CK Intro – Clean] 4A 122 SAINt JHN – Roses [Imanbek Remix] [CK Intro – Dirty] 4A 122 SAINt JHN – Roses [Imanbek Remix] Clean 4A 122 SAINt JHN – Roses [Imanbek Remix] Dirty 4A 122 Sam Smith – To Die For [Blinkie Remix] [Intro Clean] 8A 124 Sam Smith – To Die For [Blinkie Remix] 8A 124 Samantha Jade – In The Morning [Dan Slater Remix] 9A 128 Sammy Deuce – EZY [Hatiras Remix] 8A 123 Sean Finn – Riders On The Storm [Crazibiza Remix] 9A 126 Sean Finn – Riders On The Storm [Luigi Rocca Remix] 9A 128 Sean Finn – Riders On The Storm [Peter Gelderblom Remix] 9A 128 Sech FT. Darell x Nicky Jam x Ozuna Y Anuel – Otro Trago [Remix] [S7ein Edit v.2] 7A 95 Selena Gomez – Rare [Bpm Supreme Re-Work] [Clean Extended] 8A 120 Shaggy FT. Rikrok – It Wasn’t Me [Club Killers Remix] Clean 8B 98 Shaggy FT. Rikrok – It Wasn’t Me [Club Killers Remix] Clean CK Cut 8B 98 Shaggy FT. Rikrok – It Wasn’t Me [Club Killers Remix] Intro – Clean 8B 98 Shirley Bassey & Kenny Dope – Light My Fire [Kenny Dope Remix] [Clean] 7A 93 Sofi Tukker – Purple Hat [Dillon Francis Remix] [VM Edit] [Clean] 9A 110 Sofi Tukker – Purple Hat [Dillon Francis Remix] 9A 110 Sofi Tukker – Purple Hat [KC Lights Remix] 9A 125 Sofia Carson – I Luv U [R3hab VIP Remix] 4B 122 Steff Da Campo – Get Down [Rodge Remix] 4A 125 Sugarhill Gang – Rapper’s Delight [A Ben Liebrand Hip-Hop Remix 89] [Clean Extended] 10A 114 Sugarhill Gang – Rapper’s Delight [A Ben Liebrand Hip-Hop Remix 89] [Clean Radio Edit] 10A 114 Sultan & Ned Shepard & NERVO FT. Omarion – Army [Club Mix] 8A 127 Swoop, Jared Marston – Them Good Old Days [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 9A 120 SZA & Calvin Harris – The Weekend [Funk WaV-Remix] [CK Intro – Clean] 1A 102 SZA & Calvin Harris – The Weekend [Funk WaV-Remix] Clean 1A 102 Tensnake – Coma Cat [Josh Hunter Remix] 6A 124 The Chainsmokers – Family [Frank Walker Remix] 1B 124 The Coasters – Poison Ivy [Select Mix Remix] 4A 140 The Knowledge – Keep It Going [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 7A 124 The Nice Guys – Love & Happiness [Angelo Ferreri Remix] 1A 123 Those Boys – Blessed FT. Linda [Monodeluxe GrooveJazz Remix] 10A 120 Tiësto – BLUE [MOSKA Remix] 12A 126 Tiësto FT. Stevie Appleton – BLUE [Mike Williams Remix] [Extended] [Clean] 1A 128 Tiësto FT. Stevie Appleton – BLUE [Mike Williams Remix] [Radio] [Clean] 1B 128 Timmy Trumpet – Freaks [Aleteo Remix Short Mix] [DVJ Xtroyer International 2K20] 3A 128 Timmy Trumpet – Freaks [Aleteo Remix Short Mix] [Xtroyer International] [February 2K20] 3A 128 Tinlicker – Lost [Joris Delacroix Remix] 4A 123 TLC – No Scrubs [Damian Harrison Remix] Dirty 1A 124 TLC – No Scrubs [Damian Harrison Remix] Dirty CK Cut 1A 124 Tom Tom Club – Love To Love You Baby [Russ Danoff Radio Edit] 5A 97 T-Pain – Bartender [Dennis Blaze Mo Fiyah Reggae Remix] [Clean] 8A 95 T-Pain – Bartender [Dennis Blaze Mo Fiyah Reggae Remix] [Intro Clean] 8A 95 T-Pain – I’m Sprung [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Acap In – Clean 5A 100 T-Pain – I’m Sprung [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Acap Out – Clean 5A 101 T-Pain – I’m Sprung [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Clean 5A 101 T-Pain – I’m Sprung [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Clean CK Cut 5A 101 T-Pain – I’m Sprung [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Intro – Clean 5A 101 T-Pain – I’m Sprung [Club Killers DanceHall Remix] Slam In – Clean 5A 101 Trey Songz – Can’t Help But Wait [Bentley Grey Remix] Clean 9A 120 Tritonal – Long Way Home [Last Heroes Remix] 11B 145 Tritonal, HALIENE, SCHALA, Jorza – Long Way Home [Last Heroes Remix] [Intro Clean] 11B 145 Tritonal, HALIENE, SCHALA, Jorza – Long Way Home [Tommy Baynen Remix] [Intro Clean] 11B 122 Tyga FT. Ozuna – Ayy Macarena Remix [Clean] 10B 96 Tyga FT. Ozuna – Ayy Macarena Remix [Dirty] 10B 96 Valentino Khan – Pony [Eliminate Remix] Dirty 9A 150 Valentino Khan – Pony [Eliminate Remix] Dirty JD Live Cut 9A 150 Vargenta – Keep On [Thomas Nan Remix – Intro] 5B 128 Walk Off The Earth – I’ll Be There [Liquid Todd Remix] 6A 95 Warmduscher – Midnight Dipper [Soulwax Remix] 5A 106 Wiley FT. Hypo – Wearing My Rolex Remix [Clean] 2A 108 Wiley FT. Hypo – Wearing My Rolex Remix [Dirty] 2A 108 Wiley FT. Hypo – Wearing My Rolex Remix [DJcity Intro] [Clean] 2A 108 Wiley FT. Hypo – Wearing My Rolex Remix [DJcity Intro] [Dirty] 2A 108 Will.I.Am FT. Britney Spears, Diddy, Hit Boy, Lil Wayne, Waka Flocka – Scream & Shout [Remix] [Clean] 6A 130 Will.I.Am FT. Britney Spears, Diddy, Hit Boy, Lil Wayne, Waka Flocka – Scream & Shout [Remix] [Dirty] 6A 130 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [IFK Extended Remix] 4A 124 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [IFK Remix] [DJ Allan MMP Intro Edit] 4A 124 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [IFK Remix] [Main] 4A 124 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [Kapera Extended Remix] 4A 126 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [Kapera Remix] [DJ Allan MMP Intro Edit] 4A 126 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [Kapera Remix] [Main] 4A 126 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [VAVO Extended Remix] 4A 126 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [VAVO Remix] [Main] 4A 126 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [Wh0 Extended Remix] 4A 125 Xanti Tim Bell Elenoir – Queen Of Love [Wh0 Remix] [DJ Allan MMP Intro Edit] 4A 125 Young Swift FT. Akon, Young Jeezy – I Like [Remix] [Clean] 2A 70 Young Swift FT. Akon, Young Jeezy – I Like [Remix] [Dirty] 2A 70 Young Swift FT. Akon, Young Jeezy, Jim Jones – I Like [Extended Remix] [Dirty] 2A 70

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As a follow-up to my Pharrell/Neptunes production guide, I present you: the Timbaland guide.

Preamble and Disclaimer

Per request from u/Nightnight101, here is a guide to the production discography of Timbaland. Like my Pharrell/Neptunes guide, this isn't comprehensive. However, with this one, I honestly may have improved upon the previous guide. The source was better formatted and easier to read, so it may cover a bit more and make mention of more co-producers, etc.
Like the previous guide, I'm not an expert on Timbaland. In fact, I'm actually significantly less familiar with Timbaland's works than I am with Pharrell and The Neptunes. So creating this has taught me a lot more about his background and discography. The evolution from the early '90s to the mid-to-late 2000s is crazy. Anyway, let's just get into it.
Note: I've seen Danjahandz credited as both “Danja” and “Danjahandz,” so I just kept it consistent as the latter. I also tried to include coproducers, but if I missed any, you still get the point.

The Guide

Jodeci - “In the Meanwhile” (feat. Timbaland) (1993) Produced with DeVante Swing.
B-Rezell - “Blowed Away” (1994) From Above the Rim soundtrack; produced with DeVante Swing.
Sista - “Brand New” (1994) Timbaland and DeVante Swing produced this entire album, 4 All the Sistas Around da World.
Jodeci - “Bring on Da' Funk” (1995) Jodeci - “Time & Place” (1995) Timbaland is credited as a writer on both of these, as well as additional vocals on “Bring on Da' Funk.”
Mr. Dalvin - “True O.G.” (feat. Static) (1995) Sista - “It's Alright” (feat. Craig Mack) (1995) From the Dangerous Minds soundtrack. DeVante Swing co-produced “It's Alright.”
Aaliyah - “One in a Million” (1996) Timbaland produced a significant portion of this album, One in a Million.
Ginuwine - “Pony” (1996) Timbaland was involved in the majority of this album, Ginuwine...the Bachelor.
Lil' Kim - “Money Talks” (1997) From the Money Talks soundtrack.
Missy Elliott - “Sock It 2 Me” (feat. Da Brat) (1997) Missy Elliott - “The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)” (1997) Timbaland produced this album, Supa Dupa Fly.
SWV - “Can We” (feat. Missy Elliott) (1997) From the Booty Call soundtrack; produced with Missy Elliott.
Timbaland & Magoo - “Up Jumps Da' Boogie” (feat. Aaliyah & Missy Elliott) (1997) From the album Timbaland & Magoo album Welcome to Our World.
Total - “What About Us” (feat. Missy Elliott) (1997) From the Soul Food soundtrack.
Aaliyah - “Are You That Somebody” (1998) Playa - “Your Dress” (1998) From the Dr. Doolittle soundtrack.
Destiny's Child - “Get On the Bus” (feat. Timbaland) (1998) Gina Thompson - “Why Do Fools Fall in Love” (feat. Mocha) (1998) Coko - “He Be Back” (feat. Missy Elliott) (1998) Missy Elliot - “Get Contact” (feat. Busta Rhymes) (1998) From the Why Do Fools Fall in Love soundtrack. Timbaland was significantly involved in this soundtrack.
JAY-Z - “Nigga What, Nigga Who (Originator 99)” (feat. Amil & Big Jaz) (1998) JAY-Z - “Paper Chase” (feat. Foxy Brown) (1998)
Nicole Wray - “Make It Hot” (feat. Missy Elliott & Mocha) (1998)
Playa - “Cheers 2 U” (1998) Timbaland was involved in a handful of tracks on this album, Cheers 2 U.
Timbaland - “Can't Nobody” (feat. 1 Life 2 Live) (1998) Timbaland - “Lobster & Shrimp” (feat. JAY-Z) (1998) Timbaland - “Keep It Real” (feat. Ginuwine) (1998) Timbaland solo album, Tim's Bio: Life from Da Bassment.
Total - “Trippin'” (feat. Missy Elliott) (1998) Produced with Missy Elliott.
1 Life 2 Live - “Keep Movin'” (feat. Timbaland) (1999) This is crazy.
Ginuwine - “What's So Different? (1999) From the album 100% Ginuwine, which Timbaland primarily produced.
JAY-Z - “Big Pimpin'” (feat. UGK) (1999) Timbaland produced a handful of tracks from Vol. 3... Life & Times of Shawn Carter.
Mel B - “Word Up!” (1999) Cover of the Cameo song; from the Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me soundtrack, which also has this essential Madonna song (Not produced by Timbaland, but still great).
Missy Elliott - “She's a Bitch” (1999) Timbaland produced the entirety of Missy's Da Real World album. Ski Mask the Slump God recently reused this beat.
Nas - “You Won't See Me Tonight” (feat. Aaliyah) (1999) Nas - “You Owe Me” (feat. Ginuwine) (1999) From I Am... and Nastradamus, respectively.
The LOX - “Ryde or Die, Bitch” (feat. Drag-On & Eve) (1999)
Timbaland - “Talkin' Trash” (feat. Bassy) (1999) From The PJs soundtrack.
Aaliyah - “Try Again” (2000) Aaliyah - “Are You Feelin' Me?” (2000) From Romeo Must Die soundtrack.
Beanie Sigel - “In the Club” (2000) From DJ Clue Presents: Backstage Mixtape (Music Inspired by the Film).
JAY-Z - “Hey Papi” (feat. Memphis Bleek & Amil) (2000) From Nutty Professor II: The Klumps soundtrack.
K-Ci & JoJo - “Game Face” (2000)
Westside Connection - “Nobody” (feat. Timbaland) (2000)
Memphis Bleek - “Is That Your Chick? (The Lost Verses)” (feat. Missy Elliott & JAY-Z) (2000)
Snoop Dogg - “Snoop Dogg (What's My Name Pt. 2)” (2000) Snoop Dogg - “Set It Off” (feat. MC Ren, the Lady of Rage, Ice Cube, Nate Dogg & Kurupt) (2000)
Aaliyah - “More Than a Woman” (2001)
Beck - “Diamond Dogs” (2001) David Bowie cover; from Moulin Rouge soundtrack.
Bubba Sparxxx - “Ugly” (2001) Timbaland produced a decent portion of Dark Days, Bright Nights.
Fabolous - “Right Now & Later On” (2001)
Jadakiss - “Nasty Girl” (2001)
JAY-Z - “Hola' Hovito” (2001)
Ludacris - “Rollout (My Business)” (2001) Classic.
Missy Elliott - “Get Ur Freak On” (2001) As is the case with most Missy Elliott albums, Timbaland produced the majority of Miss E... So Addictive.
Petey Pablo - “Raise Up” (2001)
Timbaland & Magoo - “Drop” (feat. Fatman Scoop) (2001) I miss Fatman Scoop. This is from another Timbaland & Magoo album, Indecent Proposal.
Aaliyah - “Don't Know What to Tell Ya” (2002)
Baby - “Baby You Can Do It” (feat. Toni Braxton) (2002)
Justin Timberlake - “Cry Me a River” (2002) Justified is produced primarily by The Neptunes and Timbaland.
Missy Elliott - “Work It” (2002) As is the case with most Missy Elliott albums, Timbaland produced the majority of Under Construction.
Ms. Jade - “Ching Ching” (feat. Nelly Furtado & Timbaland) (2002) Timbaland produced the majority of Girl Interrupted.
Pastor Troy - “Are We Cuttin'” (feat. Timbaland, Ms. Jade & CJ) (2002)
Rell - “It's Obvious” (feat. JAY-Z) (2002)
Shade Sheist - “Money Owners” (feat. Timbaland) (2002)
Solange - “Get Together” (2002)
TLC - “Dirty, Dirty” (feat. Missy Elliott) (2002)
Tweet - “Oops (Oh My)” (feat. Missy Elliott) (2002)
Alicia Keys - “Heartburn” (2003)
Bubba Sparxxx - “Deliverance” (2003) Timbaland produced the majority of Deliverance.
JAY-Z - “Dirt Off Your Shoulder” (2003)
Kiley Dean - “Make Me a Song” (2003)
Lil' Kim - “The Jump Off” (feat. Mr. Cheeks) (2003)
Missy Elliott - “Pass That Dutch” (2003) Missy Elliott - “I'm Really Hot” (2003) As is the case with most Missy Elliott albums, Timbaland produced the majority of This Is Not a Test!
Mýa - “Step” (2003)
Timbaland & Magoo - “Cop That Shit” (feat. Missy Elliott) (2003) From another Timbaland & Magoo album, Under Construction Part II.
Zane - “Bounce” (2003)
Beenie Man - “All Girls Party” (2004)
Brandy - “Who Is She 2 U” (2004) Timbaland produced the majority of this album, Afrodisiac.
Cee-Lo Green - “I'll Be Around” (feat. Timbaland) (2004)
Jacki-O - “Slow Down” (2004)
Justin Timberlake - “Good Foot” (feat. Timbaland) (2004) Lol. From the Shark Tale soundtrack; produced with Danjahandz.
LL Cool J - “Headsprung” (2004) Timbaland produced a significant chunk of The DEFinition.
Lloyd Banks - “I'm So Fly” (2004)
Ludacris - “The Potion” (2004)
Noreaga - “4 A Minute” (feat. Nature & D.O.E.) (2004)
Shawnna - “Shake Dat Shit” (feat. Ludacris) (2004)
Utada Hikaru - “Exodus '04” (2004) Banger. Produced with Danjahandz.
Xzibit - “Hey Now (Mean Muggin)” (2004)
Fat Joe - “Everybody Get Up” (2005)
The Game - “Put You On the Game” (2005) Produced with Danjahandz.
Jamie Foxx - “Can I Take U Home” (2005) Produced with Static Major.
Jennifer Lopez - “He'll Be Back” (2005) Produced with Danjahandz.
Missy Elliott - “Joy” (feat. Mike Jones) (2005) Missy Elliott - “Partytime” (2005) Crazy. The only two tracks Timbaland produced on The Cookbook. Produced with Missy Elliott.
Ray J - “Unbelievable” (feat. Shorty Mack, Detail & Gangsta Girl) (2005)
The Black Eyed Peas - “My Style” (feat. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland) (2005) Produced with Danjahandz.
Busta Rhymes - “Get Down” (2006) From The Big Bang and Step Up 2: The Streets soundtrack; produced with Nisan Stewart.
Chingy - “Let Me Luv U” (feat. Keri Hilson) (2006)
Diddy - “After Love” (feat. Keri Hilson) (2006) Produced with Danjahandz.
Justin Timberlake - “SexyBack” (feat. Timbaland) (2006) Justin Timberlake - “What Goes Around...Comes Around” (2006) These should be obvious. Timbaland produced most of FutureSex/LoveSounds with Justin Timberlake and Danjahandz.
The Pussycat Dolls - “Wait a Minute” (feat. Timbaland) (2006) Produced with Keri Hilson and Ron Fair.
Lloyd Banks - “My House” (2006) Produced with Danjahandz.
Nelly Furtado - “Promiscuous” (feat. Timbaland) (2006) Nelly Furtado - “Say It Right” (2006) Timbaland produced the majority of Loose with Danjahandz and Beanz.
Omarion - “Ice Box” (2006) Produced with The Royal Court.
Paula DeAnda - “Easy” (feat. Bow Wow) (2006) Produced by Danjahandz; additional production by Timbaland.
Snoop Dogg - “Get a Light” (feat. Damian Marley) (2006) Produced with Danjahandz.
Young Jeezy - “3 A.M.” (feat. Timbaland) (2006)
50 Cent - “Ayo Technology” (feat. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland) (2007) Produced with Danjahandz.
Ashlee Simpson - “Outta My Head (Ay Ya Ya)” (2007) Produced with The Royal Court. Timbaland produced about half of Bittersweet World with them.
Björk - “Earth Intruders” (2007) Björk - “Innocence” (2007) Björk - “Hope” (2007) This is what the hell I've been waiting for. Underrated album – Volta – from Björk. Timbaland co-wrote and -produced “Earth Intruders” and “Innocence” with Björk and Danjahandz, and he co-wrote “Hope” with Björk, which was produced solely by her. These are likely my three favorite songs on the album, though “Wanderlust” also deserves a mention.
Bobby V. - “Anonymous” (feat. Timbaland) (2007) Produced with The Royal Court.
Cheri Dennis - “Act Like You Know” (2007)
Duran Duran - “Nite Runner” (2007) Produced with Danjahandz, Justin Timberlake and Duran Duran.
Fabolous - “Make Me Better” (feat. Ne-Yo) (2007)
Kanye West - “Stronger” (2007) Kanye West - “Good Life” (feat. T-Pain) Additional music programming on “Stronger;” additional drum machine on “Good Life.”
M.I.A. - “Come Around” (feat. Timbaland) (2007)
Mario - “No Definition” (2007) Produced with J-Roc and King Logan.
Nelly Furtado - “Do It” (2007) Produced with Danjahandz.
Rihanna - “Sell Me Candy” (2007) Rihanna - “Lemme Get That” (2007) Rihanna - “Rehab” (2007) “Sell Me Candy” produced with Makeba Riddick; “Rehab” produced with Hannon Lane.
Timbaland - “Give It to Me” (feat. Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake) (2007) Timbaland - “The Way I Are” (feat. Keri Hilson, D.O.E. & Sebastian) (2007) Timbaland - “Apologize” (feat. OneRepublic) (2007) “Give It to Me” and “The Way I Are” produced with Danjahandz; “Apologize” produced with Greg Wells and Ryan Tedder; from Timbaland Presents Shock Value.
Flo Rida - “Elevator” (feat. Timbaland) (2008) Produced with Hannon Lane.
Jamie Foxx - “I Don't Need It” (2008) Produced with J-Roc.
Jennifer Hudson - “Pocketbook” (feat. Ludacris) (2008) Produced with Beanz.
M. Pokora - “Dangerous” (feat. Timbaland & Sebastian) (2008)
Madonna - “4 Minutes” (feat. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland) (2008) Hard Candy was primarily produced by The Neptunes and Timbaland.
Missy Elliot - “Shake Your Pom Pom” (2008) Produced with Missy Elliott; from Step Up 2: The Streets soundtrack.
New Kids On the Block - “Twisted” (2008) Produced with J-Roc.
Nicole Scherzinger - “Physical” (feat. Timbaland) (2008)
N.E.R.D - “Everyone Nose (All the Girls Standing in the Line for the Bathroom) (2008) Scratches by Timbaland.
The Pussycat Dolls - “Magic” (2008) Produced with J-Roc.
Chris Cornell - “Scream” (2008) Produced with Beanz; Timbaland produced this whole album.
Keri Hilson - “Return the Favor” (feat. Timbaland) (2008) Produced with Walter Milsap.
Birdman - “Pricele$$” (feat. Lil Wayne) (2009)
Ginuwine - “Get Involved” (feat. Missy Elliott & Timbaland) (2009) Produced with J-Roc.
Shakira - “Give It Up to Me” (feat. Lil Wayne) (2009)
Timbaland - “Say Something” (feat. Drake) (2009) Produced with J-Roc; from Timbaland Presents Shock Value II.
Wyclef Jean - “More Bottles” (feat. Timbaland) (2009)
Drake - “Thank Me Now” (2010)
Keri Hilson - “Breaking Point” (2010) Produced with J-Roc.
Keyshia Cole - “Last Hangover” (feat. Timbaland) (2010) Produced with J-Roc.
Bridget Kelly - “My Heart” (2011)
Chris Brown - “Paper, Scissors, Rock” (feat. Timbaland & Big Sean) (2011) Chris Brown - “Talk Ya Ear Off” (2011) “Paper, Scissors, Rock” produced with J-Roc, and from the deluxe edition of F.A.M.E.; “Talk Ya Ear Off” from the Japan edition of F.A.M.E.
Demi Lovato - “All Night Long” (feat. Missy Elliott & Timbaland) (2011) Produced with J-Roc.
FreeSol - “Fascinated” (feat. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland) (2011) Produced with J-Roc.
Lil Wayne - “Up Up and Away” (2011) Produced with Wizz Dumb; Tha Carter IV iTunes bonus track.
Game - “Judas' Closet” (feat. Nipsey Hussle) (2012)
Missy Elliott - “9th Inning” (feat. Timbaland) (2012) Missy Elliott - “Triple Threat” (feat. Timbaland) (2012)**
Noelia - “My Everything” (2012)
Timati - “Fantasy” (feat. Aida) (2012)
Timbaland - “Break Ya Back” (feat. Dev) (2012) Timbaland - “Hands in the Air” (feat. Ne-Yo) (2012) “Hands in the Air” from Step Up Revolution soundtrack.
Justin Timberlake - “Suite & Tie” (feat. JAY-Z) (2013) Justin Timberlake - “Take Back the Night” (2013) Timbaland, Justin Timberlake and J-Roc produced all of The 20/20 Experience parts 1 and 2, with some additional producers here and there.
JAY-Z - “Tom Ford” (2013) Timbaland led a bulk of the production on Magna Carta... Holy Grail.
Beyoncé - “Partition” (2013) Beyoncé - “Rocket” (2013) Timbaland is a main producer on these two, though he has other additional and co credits on other Beyoncé tracks.
Timbaland - “Know Bout Me” (feat. JAY-Z, Drake & James Fauntleroy) (2013) Produced with J-Roc.
Coldplay - “True Love” (2014) Additional drums by Timbaland.
Gunplay - “Scuffed Timbs” (feat. Rick Ross) (2014)
Jason Derulo - “Bubblegum” (feat. Tyga) (2014) Produced with Beanz.
Jennifer Hudson - “Walk It Out” (feat. Timbaland) (2014) Produced with J-Roc and Beanz.
Justin Timberlake - “Not a Bad Thing” (2014) Produced with Justin Timberlake and Beanz.
Michael Jackson - “Slave to the Rhythm” (2014) Timbaland was involved in a portion of Xscape.
Bryson Tiller - “Sorry Not Sorry” (2015) Produced with Milli Beatz.
Monica - “All Men Lie” (feat. Timbaland) (2015) Produced with AnonXmous.
Pusha T - “Untouchable” (2015) Pusha T - “Got Em Covered” (feat. Ab-Liva) (2015) Pusha T - “Retribution” (feat. Kehlani) 2015) “Untouchable” and “Got Em Covered” produced with Milli Beatz; “Retribution” produced with Deafh Beats.
Jack & Jack - “All Weekend Long” (2016)
Rihanna - “Yeah, I Said It” (2016) Produced with Fade Majah and Daniel Jones.
Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick & Earth, Wind & Fire - “September” (2016) Produced by Timbaland, Maurice White, and Earth, Wind & Fire; from Trolls soundtrack.
Snoop Dogg - “Got Those” (2016)
Brad Paisley - “Grey Goose Chase” (feat. Timbaland) (2017) Brad Paisley - “Solar Power Girl” (feat. Timbaland) (2017) Not sure if Timbaland was involved in production, but he's credited as a feature and writer.
Sam Smith - “Pray” (feat. Logic) (2017) Produced with Steve Fitzmaurice and Jimmy Napes.
Bleona - “I Don't Need Your Love” (2018) Produced with Fede and Rob Knox.
Justin Timberlake - “Filthy” (2018) Justin Timberlake - “Say Something” (feat. Chris Stapleton) (2018) Timbaland was involved in a bit of Man of the Woods. I'm going to be honest, I think “Filthy” is dope. Not sure why it's so hated. It kind of reminds me of “SexyBack” but not as played out. The synth is a tad dubsteppy, but it works fine.
Meek Mill - “Run It” (feat. Joyner Lucas) (2018)
Princess Nokia - “Erase the Hate” (feat. Timbaland) (2018) Produced with Angel Lopez.
Maluma - “Mi Declaración” (feat. Timbaland & Sid) (2018) Produced with Larrance Dopson.
ZAYN - “Too Much” (feat. Timbaland) (2018) Produced with Fede Vindver and Angel Lopez.




“This Is Timbaland” playlist on Spotify The Pharrell/Neptunes production guide The Spike Jonze music video guide
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TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) - YouTube 50 Cent ft. Justin Timberlake - Ayo Technology [OFFICIAL ... Milow - Ayo technology (unplugged) - YouTube TwoNotty Ayo Technology Original Mix Melih Aydogan - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) Justin Timberlake - Making of TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) - YouTube Milow - Ayo Technology (Official Music Video) - YouTube

50 Cent featuring Justin Timberlake "AYO Technology" from Joseph Kahn Plus . 9 years ago. I shot this all over London, and one of the cool things about it is that I only had Justin for three hours. So I built all the inserts around him. Letra Traducida de AYO TECHNOLOGY (Ayo Tecnologia) de 50 CENT del disco CURTIS canción AYO TECHNOLOGY en Ingles traducida Español con traductor en Letras4U.com, Letras de canciones traducidas al Español gratis. Listen to Ayo Technology (Original Mix) by TwoNotty, 17,551 Shazams. Ayo Technology Lyrics: This is the world that you know / Es tut mir nicht mehr leid / Ich weiß, was du sagen willst / Ich kann nicht verzeih'n / Ich will dich nicht seh'n, Baby / Frag mich nicht Listen to Ayo Technology - Original Mix on Spotify. Leonid Gnip · Song · 2019. Stream [FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD] - AYO TECHNOLOGY (ORIGINAL BY 50 CENT+JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE) COVER BY LYNA GALLIARA by Lyna Galliara from desktop or your mobile device Download Now on Beatport. Welcome to Beatport. Beatport is the world's largest electronic music store for DJs Letra, tradução e música de Ayo Technology de Justin Timberlake 🇧🇷 - Deixe-me falar com você / Garota, você é tão nova geração / Você é tipo a minha nova loucura, vamos ficar juntos / Talvez nós possamos começar uma nova fase Ayo Technology Original Mix. $1.29. Link: Embed: Artists 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland. Cry When You Get Older Original Mix. Robyn. $1.29. Cruel Intentions Joker Dub. Simian Mobile Disco. $1.29. The Cult Of Romance Alan Braxe Remix. Fenech Soler. $1.29. Four Seasons Original Mix. Vybz Kartel. Stream TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) by mertozun from desktop or your mobile device

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TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) - YouTube

Melih Aydogan - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) Buy Release: https://www.beatport.com/release/ayo-technology/3039750 Label: Road Story Records Release Date: 24... Official music video for Milow "Ayo Technology" Download on iTunes: http://georiot.co/2cxgSubscribe: http://bit.ly/QzHcrbhttp://www.milow.com© 2008 Homerun R... ADDICTIVE // SOUNDS〱 Facebook: goo.gl/AZlo7o〱 Youtube: goo.gl/P8MyovFollow TwoNotty:〱 https://soundcloud.com/twonotty〱 https://www.facebook.com/TwoNotty1This... 50+ videos Play all Mix - TwoNotty Ayo Technology Original Mix YouTube TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix) #SOUNDOFSOUL - Duration: 5:56. Sound Of Soul 1,006,262 views - Milow Live @ tv-show 'de zevende dag', Brussels-Belgium, 1 feb. 2009 NOTE: Before you all complain about the quality of the music video and the pitch change of the song: it's changed because of copyrights. If I would upload th... The MAKING OF the music video of AYO TECHNOLOGY Share, Like, SUBSCRIBE for more! -----TwoNotty - Ayo Technology (Original Mix)-----Club House ⁄ Vocal ...

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